New User Knock knock, I'm new!


New Member
Haven't set my avatar yet because I'm working from my phone, but how's everyone? Me, not so well at the moment (will be better by morning) but generally things are going sort of well.

I should elaborate about myself. I'm a joker, a pessimist, a friendly dude, and a quiet one. I'm no socialite, though if someone approaches me to talk, I'll happily spam pics to keep the conversation going and to see what kind of reactions I get. I'm also a bit of a troll, though I'd never troll an entire site or thread. Usually just individuals and usually if they leave an opening I feel comfortable exploiting. Honestly, it's usually here that I'll mention that if anyone needs or wants to know something more, they can ask away. Nobody ever asks, though, so no open questions tonight.
Hey, welcome to the Storyteller's Circle, homie!
Yeah, I guess I share some similarities with you deep down.

Hope you enjoy your stay here,
Oh, and you should check this out if you're in for fantasy and nation-building stuffs: Resistance Against the Cake Crusade.

It's a roleplaying group which focus on some fantasy and nation-building elements. To some extend, world-building too, since we're rectonning and rebooting our lore. Would you like to build a world and make history with us?

Our group puts an emphasis on Fantasy elements. Right now we're focusing on Medieval Fantasy and Napoleonic Fantasy. But more fancy ones such as Urban Fantasy and Science Fantasy (ah, yes, did that get you excited???) will come later,

You can join and hop into the fun as soon as your account is approved by the staff! How? Simply post some random but meaningful stuffs at the community forums. When you're ready, you'll get a trophy telling you your account got approved.

Here you can roleplay as individual characters and even entire nations as well as whole armies. Sounds great, right?

But it's not only about cakes and pies. It's being both serious and wacky at the same time. Quoting my friend here:

"Welcome newcomers! What be this place? This place is where you can release all your not-mundane and special ideas. RACC is the place for all kinds of Roleplays, mostly dealing with Fantasy and faction-building. here you can roleplay as individual characters as well as entire nations, all at the same time.

Any of you are welcome as long you don't break our rules. Come, let's talk, let's eat, let's drink, let's be friends, let us make war against each other, let's kill one another, let's kiss one another. Whatever you think you can come up with, come and join the Resistance Against the Cake Crusade. This is no more just about cakes, desserts, foods and heck. It's about everything you think is crazy, ridiculous, at the same time serious and wacky.
—— @Edge45, the First Piemaster and First Spokesperson of RACC (He's spreading his propaganda)
Hey, welcome to the Storyteller's Circle, homie!
Yeah, I guess I share some similarities with you deep down.

Hope you enjoy your stay here,
Oh, and you should check this out if you're in for fantasy and nation-building stuffs: Resistance Against the Cake Crusade.

It's a roleplaying group which focus on some fantasy and nation-building elements. To some extend, world-building too, since we're rectonning and rebooting our lore. Would you like to build a world and make history with us?

Our group puts an emphasis on Fantasy elements. Right now we're focusing on Medieval Fantasy and Napoleonic Fantasy. But more fancy ones such as Urban Fantasy and Science Fantasy (ah, yes, did that get you excited???) will come later,

You can join and hop into the fun as soon as your account is approved by the staff! How? Simply post some random but meaningful stuffs at the community forums. When you're ready, you'll get a trophy telling you your account got approved.

Here you can roleplay as individual characters and even entire nations as well as whole armies. Sounds great, right?

But it's not only about cakes and pies. It's being both serious and wacky at the same time. Quoting my friend here:
I'm good at worldbuilding. I'll check it out in the morning.
I tend towards alice of life/competition stuff. Stuff that's not really large-scale.
What sorts of things do you mean by competition? Like direct competition as you would have in a board game, race-to-completion where there's cooperation and betrayal involved, or more achievement based competition where it's not about defeating others as much as just doing really well yourself?

For Slice of Life you should have lots of options here, but do you have a preferred setting like modern day, sci-fi, or medieval high fantasy?
What sorts of things do you mean by competition? Like direct competition as you would have in a board game, race-to-completion where there's cooperation and betrayal involved, or more achievement based competition where it's not about defeating others as much as just doing really well yourself?

For Slice of Life you should have lots of options here, but do you have a preferred setting like modern day, sci-fi, or medieval high fantasy?
I lean towards modern-day or slightly futuristic. Honestly can't stand medieval settings.