Magnus' University for the Unusually Gifted ("MUUG") (LadyAwesome & jruss020)


Active Member


Name: Aiden Flint
Age: 18
Powers: Firebending (Like in Avatar: The last Airbender) and flight
Appearance: here
Personality: A kind but nervous soul, Aiden prefers to keep people at a distance for fear of his powers harming them, though he longs for companionship. He's very loyal and understanding to his friends, but ruthless to his enemies. It takes a lot to make him angry but when you do, he'll make you pay.

Name: Thalia Hunt
Age: 17
Powers: (I'd say no more than two is good?) Elemental Control and Healing
Appearance: here
Personality: Fun and adventurous. She is naturally curious and probably asks questions she shouldn’t. At first impression, she is outgoing, but on the inside she is screaming with insecurities. She tries her very best to be friendly and kind to those she meets. She doesn’t have any friends, but she would do absolutely anything to make them happy, even if it means crossing oceans to do so.


Welcome to Martha Magnus' University for the Unusually Gifted - MUUG for short: a special school for those select few with special abilities. The school is open to creatures of all kinds, and all races, with all abilities. Here, you will learn to shape and control your powers as well as the extent you can use them and the laws that bind them. It is, in a sense, a high school for after you have learned the human requirements, as you will spend 4 years here to better hone your abilities. Nevertheless, you are all adults and will be required to act as such; as a result, the campus, classes, and activities are mimicked after that of a mortal college. Enjoy your stay here at MUUG, and remember: Life is magical.
Another year at MUUG. Aiden thought to himself as he traversed the halls on his way to class. He'd always found the anagram humorous in a self deprecating way since it felt like he was being mugged since the day he got to this school. Whether it be jocks pushing him around for being a "wimp" or teachers criticizing him for being to "soft" he couldn't help but feel alone in this large school.

If there was a bright side to any of this, it was that he was learning to control his powers. That was always his biggest problem, his powers would fly out of control when his emotions got too intense and he'd unintentionally burn his friends. But after years of worrying that he'd keep hurting his friends, he couldn't bring himself to be more social even after getting his powers under control. He just hopes that the new freshman class this year doesn't have the same experience he had.
Thalia stood outside the gates of MUUG, her heart jumping anxiously. She had always been told and taught to hide what made her so special. Her mother, even with such a kind soul, had always warned her to be weary when revealing her powers to anyone because there was no telling how a mortal would react. That's what got her father into trouble: he trusted a mortal other than her mother and wound up dead. But here, Thalia knew she could start over. Nobody knew her backstory, her history, her past. Nobody knew her or her powers, and everybody was just like her - special. She could finally be herself here, without ridicule or hatred, just acceptance. And that's all she wanted was a bit of acceptance.

She secured her backpack and threw her duffel bag around her neck before taking a deep breath. This is it, she thought, You've made it. You're finally here. She smiled excitedly to herself and walked through the gates. Her eyes took in her surroundings with amazement: the school was huge, and looked as if it went on forever. There were students scattered all around the front courtyard, showing off their different abilities. Thalia's eyes twinkled, and without knowing, she started to hover slightly off the ground from excitement. She walked backwards, watching a guy shapeshift into all his friends, who would bust out in laughter each time, and accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh my!" she turned quickly, loosing her footing and falling to the ground. The guy she had bumped into was tallish, with light reddish-tented hair and kind eyes. Thalia blushed, cursing herself for her clumsiness, "I'm so so so sorry!"
In his hurry to get to class on time Aiden had accidentally bumped into someone he didn't recognize. Probably a new freshman. He thought. She had darkish blue hair and red cheeks, though Aiden guessed that was because she was blushing so furiously. "No, no. That was all me, I should've been looking where I was going. Here" He held out his hand to help her off the ground.
Thalia smiled sweetly and took the man's hand, her cheeks only slightly less red. "No, really, I shouldn't have been walking backwards," he helped her up, his hand still in hers. She looked into his eyes: they were so sad, but so very kind. She could tell this guy had a good soul. "I'm just so..." she bit her bottom lip in thought, trying to find the right word, "amazed with all this. I've never been around so many people who are as-" she faltered, her smile shaking, "special as I am."
Realizing he was still holding the girls hand, he blushed and quickly pulled it away and ran it through his red hair "It can be a be a bit overwhelming at first, but most people get used to it once classes start. Speaking of which I need to be getting to mine soon, sorry for running into you, and welcome to MUGG." His nervousness showed during that last sentence as he awkwardly bid farewell to the girl with a wave and proceeded to class. Way to make a first impression Aiden. He criticized himself for his lack of tact. She could have been an amazing friend and you just left her alone, get yourself together man! He made note to apologize to her around lunch, and proceeded to his class.
"Thanks, I hope I'll see you around!" Thalia shouted after him, as he scurried away. Too bad, she thought, I would have liked a guide to show me where I'm going. Sh watched after him for a minute before turning her attention back on the school. She walked through the doors nervously, the hallway huge and filled with students. "Woah..." she whispered under her breath in amazement. She made her way through the crowd of people until she found her first period class: Elements and You. She could control all the elements - okay, well not yet maybe, but soon - and this class would help her gain better understanding and control over her powers. She walked inside and took a seat at the front of the class, eager to learn.

"Good morning new pupils!" the teacher at the front of the room was standing behind a podium. He was dressed very dapper in a pair of straight legged jeans, a long sleeve button up shirt with a vest and tie. "I am your instructor, Thomas Gullington, and welcome to Elements and You. In this class, you will learn to better hone your elemental abilities and bend them to your will." He continued to go over the semester syllabus and released the class early.

Thalia continued on through the rest of her morning in amazement until the lunch bell rang at noon. She was on her way to the cafeteria when, once again, she got distracted by a girl doing a dance performance with herself in multiples, and crashed into a boy, almost hitting the ground.
As he fell to the floor, Aiden couldn't believe his luck. That's the second time today that he had bumped into someone. Though when he looked up, he was surprised to find that it was the exact same girl he ran into this morning. Sort of convenient since he was actually looking for her.

He scrambled to get up and once again held out his hand for her. "Sorry, that was 100% my fault. We seem to have a habit of bumping into each other,"
Her cheeks flushed pink for the second time that day as she took the boy's hand and stood up, "Well we really should stop running into each other like this," a small smirk played on her lips, "But it's totally okay. I have serious lack of focus going on here today." She picked up her backpack that had fallen to the floor the same time she had, "I was just on my way to search for the cafeteria." She bit her bottom lip shyly, "Would you maybe like to show me where it is? I've been lost all day..."
He ran his hand through his red hair for the second time that day, it was his nervous tick of sorts. "S-sure, just follow me. My name is Aiden by the way." He started to lead down towards the cafeteria when he suddenly stopped and turned toward her "Oh, and sorry about leaving you hanging this morning. That was kinda jerkish of me." For some reason he found it easy to make eye contact with her, there was something about her vibrant curiosity and enthusiasm the interested him.
"Aiden." She smiled sweetly, "That name suits you. I'm Thalia." She couldn't take her eyes off of his - she found them so mesmerizing. He seemed so nervous, and kept running his hand through his hair. She wasn't sure why he was so nervous, but she found it sort of endearing and cute. "And don't worry about it. I thought nothing of it. Actually, I was kind of hoping to run into you again--" she blushed faintly, "I mean, not literally like we did, but I'm new here. This is my first year, and I have no idea what to do or where to go, and you were the first person I talked to."
Aiden blushed a bit at the hoping to run into you again line. The fact that someone in this school was actually excited to see him was a very foreign concept to him. The fact that the girl in question happened to be so cute didn't help with his nervousness either. "Oh, so you want a guide to help you get around the school? Sure I'd be happy to help, um that is if you want my help."

His mouth was running on autopilot, normally he's too nervous to agree to this kind of thing, but for some reason, he was drawn to Thalia, it was the first time he'd ever offered anything like this before, and hopefully that meant he was making progress.
Thalia let out a sigh of relief, "Good. Because I've been so lost all day." She chided herself in her head, "I said that already...Sorry, I get kind of nervous talking to cute guys--" Her eyes went wide, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, "I-I mean, I, err, Why did I say that out loud?" She bit her lip and looked away, "I-I'm hungry, are we almost to the cafeteria?" She asked, trying to change the subject.
Aiden's mind almost blanked for a moment.... Did she actually just call me cute? No, there's no way that would ever happen, you must've misheard her. Blocking that thought from his mind he responded "Yeah actually, its the next left down this hall."

He opened the door for her and inside the room was a vast hall, there were tables on the ceiling for students who could fly, tables made of reinforced steel for those students with more destructive powers, tables upside down on the ceiling for the bat shifters and students who could stick up there, all powers were accounted for at MUGG. "They have diet plans based on power sets so take a look at the menu, see which one fits you and the head up to the line. I'll save you a spot there since I already know mine."
Thalia's eyes grew wide as she stepped through the doors, "Woah..." She looked around at the variety of seating arrangements with awe, and nodded to Aiden before taking a menu. They really did have everything for every power. Since she was an Elemental, she decided to go with the Every-Food-Group plan, which contained exactly what it said: turkey sandwich with tomato, lettuce, and cheese, a bowl of red grapes, a side of strawberry yogurt, and a glass of milk with a chocolate chip cookie for desert.

She thanked the lunch ladies as they handed her food to her and stepped away with a tray full of delectable looking food. Thalia looked around the lunch room, checking the ceiling as well, for her new friend before she spotted him waving her down. She grinned and walked over to him, sitting down next to him, "This stuff sure beats out public school lunches."
"Yeah they definitely know how to cook here." Aiden's plan was the Cooldown plan, a plan specifically designed to help those with fire abilities keep their body temperature normal. It consisted of strictly shrimp rolls, a fruit salad, a full glass of refrigerated water, and peach sorbet for dessert. "They even have vegetarian options and vegan options. They really try to make the students feel welcome."

Aiden suddenly realized the irony in his statement, remembering how awful last year was for him. But he shook that thought away and decided to find out more about his companion. "So Thalia, what sort of powers do you have?"
Thalia eyed Aiden's lunch choice, trying to work out in her head what his powers could be. She took a bite of her sandwich - it was delicious, and she had to restrain herself from swallowing it whole - and said, "I'm an Elemental Type. I can control the elements." She hesitated, her eyes looking a little defeated, "Well, I'm supposed to be able to control the elements. As of right now, the only thing I've mastered is Water." She popped a juicy red grape in her mouth and took a sip of milk before adding, "Oh, and I'm a Healer as well. That was actually my first power, Healing. What about you? What are your powers?"
Aiden's eyes raised. "Actually I'm an elemental myself, though all I'm able to control is fire. I can also use the fire as a propulsion system to essentially fly." He's no astronaut, but his basic understanding of the science is that he expels the flame from his feet with enough force to send him skyward and stay there. It's exhausting if he does it for too long but he's able to fly longer every day. "And don't worry about not mastering the other elements yet." He put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "That's literally why this school exists in the first place. He felt his hand heating up and quickly but awkwardly pulled it away from her and back through his hair.
Thalia's eyes got wide with excitement, "You're a Flamer!? That's so cool! I've totally been trying to master fire forever, but it's so hard!" She popped a few more grapes in her mouth, "Maybe you can teach me something." She blushed, caught off guard by his hand on her shoulder, and looked down at her food, "Y-Yeah, I mean, that's why I came here. To learn to master the other elements I'm missing. I can do little things with some of the other elements, but nothing note-worthy, and it takes way too much energy."
He looked down at his food "I'm not sure what all I can teach you that the teachers can't. I'm sorta always getting criticized for using my powers too lightly. I might not be the best teacher." He sat in silence as he continued to eat his food, worried that he might've gotten too personal. After all they've only just met, throwing this much at her might've been overwhelming.