Whoa, nice idea Mudkip. Could I reserve the role of The Club, please? Just 'til later when I am more awake and can make a form that is maybe half-decent.
Whoa, nice idea Mudkip. Could I reserve the role of The Club, please? Just 'til later when I am more awake and can make a form that is maybe half-decent.

Happy that someone has picked up this role in relation to my Rook. You can find the Rook on page 2. Feel free to message me with any questions or anything else you might like to do. :)

I actually imagined the pair having a very strange relationship but feel free to private message me to elaborate.

Hey, his picture isn't showing up on my end. Is there any way you can find it on another hosting site, and upload it from there? Otherwise great job!

Gahh. I'll try to find another link to it. They're both not working for you?
tf man
Ughhhh. That's annoying, lmaoo. I'll see if I can scrounge it up from a different site.
I'm gonna just delete my character, if that's fine Mudkip.
I'm not proud of my creation, so therefore I'm probably just gonna wait for some time before re-creating another one.
[Please keep my spot in The Hearts]
I still find the role-play interesting, but I have to re-read thoroughly and spend thirty years coming up with a different character.​
I'm gonna just delete my character, if that's fine Mudkip.
I'm not proud of my creation, so therefore I'm probably just gonna wait for some time before re-creating another one.
[Please keep my spot in The Hearts]
I still find the role-play interesting, but I have to re-read thoroughly and spend thirty years coming up with a different character.​

That's fine! We still have spots to fill, and I'm still waiting on characters to post.

if i never returned?
❚"No one deserves to be unhappy. We're going to make sure that you're never sad again."❚
Here comes a thought
that might alarm you.
What someone said
and how it harmed you.
Something you did
that failed to be charming.
Things that you said are
suddenly swarming

Jacqueline "Mary Annett" Brooks
21/June 27

Physical appearance: Jacqueline/Mary is Asian-American, and has black hair. Her eye color is a shade of black, and her overall appearance has a sort of fragile look about it. She stands at 4'3" (shorter than the height of an average 10-year-old) and weighs in at 58 lbs. Her skin also seems as young and youthful as a child's, despite her being 23 years old. The reason for this is because she grew up with a condition called Systematic Hypoplasia, which halted her physical growth at a young age. This means that she is literally an adult in the body of a small child.

Clothing and accessories: When it comes to clothing, Jacqueline/Mary tends to be a bit of a tomboy. She doesn't mind wearing pretty dresses, but she prefers to wear some of the more casual, boyish clothes. She tends to bring a hat and goggles with her wherever she goes, and rarely leaves it behind. The hat and goggles once belonged to her brother when he was a kid. She stole it from him when she ran away, and wears it just as a memento.

General: As the Heaven description notes, Mary is a calm, relaxed individual with a sadism that's reserved for humans. She has no problem kidnapping a human and forcing them through all sorts of torture and experimentation. She holds a bit of a superiority complex, proclaiming herself to be the ruler of all Dolls, and having absolutely no doubt that she would lose in anything. She's always calm and confident in her plans, but she's also always thinking on what the next move would be. She absolutely hates humans, and would see them wiped out no matter what. She sees Dolls as a much better life form, and very rarely shows remorse for atrocities done to humans.

  • The torture, maiming, experimentation, or otherwise bodily harm of Humans.
  • Most other Puppeteers.
  • The Dolls.
  • Puzzle, Roleplaying, and Action games.
  • Humans.
  • Some of her memories.
  • Orange Juice.
  • Her brother.
  • Crafting traps
  • Watching old movies. Notably movies from the "Saw" franchise (for inspiration! She swears!).
  • Reading.
  • Expert at Observation, meaning that she can spot traps and tricks with great accuracy.
  • Often plans things in advance.
  • Control over the Dolls.
  • Horrible at close-combat.
  • Easily agitated towards things that remind her of her Past, resulting in sloppiness.
  • Little body means that it's not quite as agile as a properly trained adult's, though it may help fit through tight spaces.
  • Certain memories of her Past.
Other quirks: For some reason, she gets irritated when she finds someone touching her hat and/or goggles. She doesn't tell anyone why. She just doesn't like people touching them. She is also liable to become aggravated towards anyone that reminds her of her brother. Perhaps the two are connected...

  • Jacqueline is adopted and brought up alongside her parents' biological son, who constantly bullied her.
  • Jacqueline learns at a young age that she has a condition that has prevented her from growing. At first, she doesn't mind all that much.
  • As her life goes on, others begin to make fun of Jacqueline's condition. High school was bad, though the teachers and other students managed to keep her relatively safe. Her brother, on the other hand had continued to bully her in secret, telling her that he pound her if she tattled on him.
  • Jacqueline begins contemplating suicide, but backs out, hoping that things would get better. She ends her first three years of high school at the top of her class, and begins to expand
  • Jacqueline's parents go on a trip, and leave Jacqueline home with her brother. The brother holds a party at the house. Jacqueline attempts to stop the party, but is subsequently molested and raped by drunken teenagers and young adults.
  • Jacqueline's parents return, and she tells them about the events of the party. Unfortunately, her brother had spoken with them first, and convinced them that the party was her idea, and that she was too drunk the night of the party to remember anything clearly.
  • After being scolded and given an undeserved punishment, Jacqueline receives a beating from her brother the next day. Soon afterwards, her brother leaves to enlist in the Navy.
  • Jacqueline spends the next few years isolating herself, faith in her family shattered. Thoughts and feelings build up until she eventually decides to simply run away, taking her brother's childhood hat and goggles with her. Her brother is
  • As she runs, she runs into a Doll, and gets bitten. With nowhere else to go, she continues to run away, encountering more and more Dolls along the way. She finds a place to hide.
  • After months of suffering the first parts of the symptoms, Jacqueline accidentally finds herself able to influence Dolls. She tests this ability by sending a group to attack a small town, and finds joy in the success.
  • She spends the next few months immersing herself in more knowledge, and sending Dolls to attack more and more of the human population. One of her most notable attacks being on her adoptive family's hometown. Somewhere during this period of time, Jacqueline began to willingly lose herself and repress her memories, eventually turning from the human named Jacqueline Brookes, into the Doll named "Mary Annette."

Mary's main weapon is her traps. If given time to prepare, she has others set up mines, bombs, bear traps, etc. However, if she is forced to face her enemies, then she carries a SA 1911 Operator, customized with a suppressor and an extended clip. She also carries a knife with her, and depends on it as a last resort if she is faced up close and personal.
Her favorite trap possibly acts as a calling card of sorts. It is a gas bomb that is hidden within a puppet/doll that is half her size. A smaller, less lethal version is kept in her bag when moving about.
Mary does not do well in direct combat, so she opts for control over the situation, or attacking from afar. She often attempts to set up an area in advance so that her enemies would fall to her traps, while she sits safely somewhere else. If forced into a more direct confrontation, she will still try to attempt to trick, confuse, and ambush the enemy.
When working with others, she uses her observational skills to assist them, or guide them through traps that she had been set up in an area.
"Water Damage" by Aivi Tran and Steven "Surasshu" Velema


If I never returned?
❚Who dares to approach the gates shall be welcomed into the fold of brothers.❚
Delusions of "how you want things to be" and reality,
Stir them up and build your individuality
Deleting yet another of the problems you've been holding
Taking things from beginning to end, that's my entertainment!
Boom boom boom, dancing through the skies
This unraveled future isn't dead yet
Boom boom boom, dancing through the skies
Give a hard kick, go up even higher!

/Asher Hull
/21, January 24th

Physical appearance: Asher is of English-American nationality, born in the states. He has dirty blonde hair which can also appear brown in dark places or when wet. His eyes are very strange to say the least, while one of his eyes is a dark brown, the other has a dark crimson red center which bleeds out into a light blue shell around it in a very rare case of Heterochromia iridis and iridium. He wears a pair of glasses at all times, never being seen without them. He stands at 5'8" with a fairly average build at 151 lb, not showing very much muscle. Despite his appearance, he is the beginning of his peak in age and has strong physical capability through hours and a history of training.
Clothing and accessories: Asher is often seen wearing a button-up shirt of any color with a tie under a grey trench coat which itself is under his standard navy blue and dark gold trimmed long coat. He wears jeans tucked into a pair of high combat boots. His glasses are always worn. His rifle is held on a strap over his right shoulder. On warmer days, he's without the trench coat and on his relaxation times, he wears a pair of cargo shorts and a white t-shirt.

General: Asher, being the leader of the defense force acts quite irresponsibly by letting his subordinates take care of the heavier jobs. Despite his lazy and self-deserving nature, he tries to befriend his soldiers, often with no luck. His friendly nature is left without any recipients due to his leadership position and his scarring memory of his deceased friends. He feels isolated from his position in the defense force, occasionally falling to sadness when he is alone. His mind wanders when left without a job and allows him to have great insight in problems concerning morality and strategy.
  • Relaxing, nothing beats having others do your work for you, even if they mess it up sometimes.
  • Quiet environments. Uninterrupted silence is a blessing sometimes
  • Sleeping in solitude.
  • Strategizing, plans make up everything, without one, what will people do?
  • Chilly weather/stormy days. Cold=layers=his outfit=good.
  • Hunting, Its a nice sport to take care of the dolls, himself, for once.
  • Board games, etc. He always has fun with all kinds of games, anything to keep his mind off of work.
  • Any music. He has no preferences, he just likes anything that sounds good.
  • Bickering, squabbles mean nothing when they themselves produce nothing.
  • Annoyances including constant questioning. Its just plain annoying to him.
  • Doubt, There's absolutely nothing that Asher dislikes more than self-doubt, it disgusts him
  • Crowded environments. He is usually comfortable around people, but too many is taxing.
  • Heat. He always want to be wearing his outfit, feeling somewhat vulnerable without parts of it.
  • Gaming. Any games, he loves. He's gotten quite good at the majority of games around Utopia.
  • Calligraphy. He loves the flourishing letters of calligraphy, but doesn't use them often, as it could cause confusion.
  • Cooking. Food is great, no restaurant cooks it just right for him.
  • His Determination: Unfaltering, he always strives for greatness without fail. Nothing can deter him from his goal once he has become set upon it.
  • His Hope: His intense belief in the future and hope lead him to work towards what he believes will lead humanity towards a brighter future.
  • His Flexibility: Diverse in his abilities, he can learn and adapt to new situation and roles with ease as well as adding new techniques to his already vast array of combat abilities.
  • His Kindness: He always tries to be as nice as possible to anyone around him, especially his friends, but he can be quite demeaning to his subordinates.
  • His Denseness: He is actually quite oblivious to other's intents despite his leadership role. Other times, he can mistake other's actions with different intents. In the end, he often discovers the true motives.
  • His Guilt: He feels immense guilt for the misfortunes that befall his friends and comrades. He always believes he could have done something to prevent it.
  • His Grudge: Although it is extremely difficult to get him angry, when anyone wrongs him, he holds quite the grudge until it has been righted.
  • His Impatience: He doesn't like waiting around and hates having to wait for other people to do their part before they can continue.
  • He fears uncontrollable loneliness, he just can't stand being alone with no hope of seeing another.
  • He fears the dark, despite his training, due to his American superstition, he still fears the dark and what it is thought to bring: ghosts.
  • He fears being hated, he would feel immense sadness as a child, having no friends, leaving a huge imprint on his personality.
  • He fears the hopeless future, should the future look unalterably bleak, he feels inexplicable fear and sadness.
Other quirks: None.

Born in San Francisco, as a child, Asher was often left out, without friends. He was previously fairly shy and clueless, not knowing how to really socialize which left him without anyone to help when he was bullied. Despite his depression throughout school, he joined sports and rose to be a brilliant athlete. During his time as a top athlete, he gained friends, albeit very few, who he cherished. In high school, he was left alone again, where he took up his lady's man approach, earning a few honest friends and a girlfriend, but was generally shunned by those who did not truly know him. He took a lower-profile approach to sports, training in private occasionally while enjoying video games for the most part. He gained mostly A's and B's throughout high school, proving to be fairly average. In his transition to college, as he was moving, he learned of the MANiKiN pandemic spreading across the world. As he traveled to the last stronghold, he enduring groveling torture as he watched his friends and his love slowly being picked off one by one along the journey. They just turned. His eyes were dried of tears when he finally arrive at the stronghold early in its development, alone. It was an enlightening experience as well as a great loss. He rose quickly among the ranks of the defense with his determination.

  • Asher primarily uses an Model 1894 Winchester rifle which is heavily modded with parts of the more recent Model 9422 which greatly increases accuracy, reliability, and slightly increases range. He is known as one of the best marksmen, but only with the relatively ancient rifle. He cares for it greatly. Her name is Sri.
  • At close range engagement, Asher sticks to his Winchester Model 1912 shotgun which remains in its original state. He is very selective in choosing targets, making sure no friendlies are hit. Her name is Huff'n'Puff.
  • Asher's choice sidearm is the Colt M1911. He rarely uses it but enjoys the feel of the gun. Ironically its name is Little Boy, much like the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
  • When things get worse or ammo runs dry, Asher wields a cavalry saber in melee encounters. Usually it is at his left hip. Unfortunately, he has yet to name his saber.
Asher prefers to stay at a distance from his enemies with his rifle but won't shy away from being a part of the front line with his shotgun and saber. He is most effective at distance, using his marksmanship to pick off specific enemies. Despite his expertise in a variety of weaponry, it is incredibly rare to see him on the battlefield, much less hear the distinctive explosion of his Winchester rifle or shotgun.
Asher enjoys being with anyone, being very friendly with anyone except the most hostile people in Utopia. He wants to be great friends with his subordinates in the military, but hasn't quite gotten a chance as of yet and often can be demeaning towards them, despite his intentions. He is painfully alone right now.
Death Parade OP / Opening デス・パレード"Flyers" by BRADIO
English Translation.
Delusions of "how you want things to be" and reality,
Stir them up and build your individuality
Deleting yet another of the problems you've been holding
Taking things from beginning to end, that's my entertainment!
Boom boom boom, dancing through the skies
This unraveled future isn't dead yet
Boom boom boom, dancing through the skies
Give a hard kick, go up even higher!

Everybody put your hands up
Now flyin', become the wings
I'd like to see you be preoccupied
You're still in your growth period, heading to the new world

I feel impatient, and it's like I've gone crazy
I want something I can be ecstatic for
Saying you're weak, you're not talented is not cute
Take your complex by the end and make it originality
Boom boom boom, dancing through the skies
All those problems piled up because of your"have-to-do disease"
Boom boom boom, dancing through the skies
Struggle more even if it's futile, unmask the identity

Everybody put your hands up
Now flyin', with that imagination
I'm sure you can become yourself the way you want to be
Search, because "you're the one" on the grand stage

Flyin', within the memories Flyin', you'd been forgetting,
Listen to that rising beat in your chest once again!
yeah... wow... chu... na...

Everybody put your hands up
Now flyin', become the wings
I'd like to see you in that trance
You're still in your growth period, heading to the new world

Everybody put your hands up
Now flyin', with that imagination
I'm sure you can become yourself the way you want to be
Search, because "you're the one" on the grand stage

Flyin', within the memories Flyin', you'd been forgetting,
Listen to that rising beat in your chest once again!
yeah... wow... chu... na...
Last edited:
[ Alright, time to make my form. I apologize if I mess this coding thing up, because I've never done it before LOL and we got this Mel. (^: Also sorry for how long it took, I was sick and threw up a lot. If there's anything I need to change and whatnot, let me know over PM and I will. Also, if you can't find enough people to fill certain roles, I would not be opposed to taking on a second character; if that would help.]


if i never returned?
"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories."
And the hardest part in all of this is, I don't think I know my way back home.
Is it worth the journey, or do I let my heart settle here?

Aman-kichii Deus Atmore-Braadiche. (Aman)
20 years old, May 26th.
The Club.

Physical appearance:
Although Aman is a fighter type, she looks fairly innocent and not explicitly different than the average person upon first sight. She does not tower over everyone around her, and nor does she cower beneath them, being fairly normal in stature at around 5'5". Her build could be seen as somewhat petite, but with light traces of muscle and an overall healthiness to her body; like a track-runner. Has an average bust and fairly wide hips. Even though her skin is pale it's also got a rosy tint to it, despite the fact that she hardly ever blushes. Facial feature-wise, the woman could be described as youthful and rather endearing in a cute, yet mature kind of way - if you ignore the usual blank look or frown that adorns her light pink lips. The color of her irises is a naturally lustrous violet, with some darker flecks and hues scattered around the pupil. Locks of deep, coal black hair cascade around the sides of her head and just barely brush the tops of her shoulder blades, being slightly wavy at the ends. Strands of her bangs often fall between her eyes and stay there, no matter how much she pushes them away. To note, Aman had her thick hair chopped short because she felt it got in her way too much when long. Perhaps the most prominent feature of hers are the 4 thin scars that dominate the side of her right cheek; appearing to be the work of some kind of wild creature with claws. In general, her looks are feminine but her attire of choice is anything but girly. Purposely sharpened her canine teeth to look 'tougher', won't admit this though.
Clothing and accessories:
Whatever Aman is wearing for casual wear, you will always see her with her long gray scarf draped around her neck and across her shoulders. Most often the shirt she's wearing will be a somewhat formal looking light gray button-up top, with long sleeves and a small shirt pocket on the right breast. The left sleeve is a darker shade of gray than the rest of the material, and darker than the scarf she wears. As you can tell, she is partial to wearing that color. The pants she wears are usually pretty stretchy, and usually dark in color, to allow no restrictions when running or jumping around. Her choice of footwear is steel-toed boots, since she claims they protect your feet better and serve as a back-up defense in case of an emergency. For formal occasions, Aman would wear a red corset and bustle with lacy black fringe, and the ruffled ends going no further than her thighs. The back would have a bow to hold it all together and keep the dress from slipping down. She would also put her hair in a bun instead, and tie that with a black ribbon. On a side-note, she also wears a bullet-proof vest at almost all times (doesn't protect the rest of her, though).

Most people would tell you that the majority of the time Aman is polite, well-mannered, and doesn't talk an awful lot. She appears to come off as emotionless and calm in most situations, with an indifferent attitude towards most people, animals, and things. The exception to this is battle - Aman loves fighting, and will fight anyone or anything that is willing to indulge her. She doesn't intentionally hurt innocent people, but she nonetheless is a beast when it comes to combat; letting go of all manners and restraints that she usually has. In that situation, she could be described as bloodthirsty, sly, and taunting towards her opponents. Sometimes she will even get so into it that she completely disregards her allies and focuses solely on her target(s). Loves seeing bloodshed and victory.


  • Unexpectedly, reading books. Mostly ones with lots of action and suspense.
  • Fighting. It gives her a rush of adrenaline that nothing else has currently been able to supply, and makes her feel in-touch with her true nature.
  • Warm weather. The cold rather bothers her (one reason for the scarf), and she hates rain/snow.
  • The Rook. Not in a romantic way, per se, but she admires his fighting spirit and similarly mature personality - would not say this out loud.
  • Weapons. Goes with the whole fighting thing, but she will often internally fangirl over different kinds of weapons and how they work.
  • Big dogs. She thinks they're much tougher and make ample bodyguards. Though she does not have one.
  • Healthy foods. Believes that a warrior needs to eat well to become strong.
  • Horror movies. Basically anything scary and involving lots of blood, she's all over that shit.
  • Heavy music. Such as rock, metal. Stuff like that. It fits her violent behavior.
  • Loud noises. Her hearing is rather sensitive, and having to listen to a shrill sound is hellish for her.
  • Girly, flowery stuff. As stated, she sees herself as 'tough' and owns almost no such items.
  • Weak people. In her warped mind, if you can't fend for yourself, then get out.
  • Swimming. She can do it but, in general, she doesn't like getting in water. Not so much hydrophobia as it is a simple dislike.
  • Dolls. Pretty self-explanatory, but if she sees one she will attack them, 9 times out of 10.
  • The Utopian government. Since she's a rebel and all, she doesn't agree with the system of rules set in place and believes everyone else to be sheep for following them.
As you'd expect, fighting is her favorite thing to do - but she doesn't often meet many opponents who can match her level of skill. Another thing is that she's good at sewing and patching up torn fabric and the like, although she only does it if she has to. And yet another slight hobby of hers is collecting pocket watches - no particular reason for this, but she has about 5.


  • Her resolve. It's hard to break Aman's spirit, no matter how much you beat her or torture her. She will always keep going and keep striving to improve, especially if she loses. She only sees it as a way to get stronger.
  • Her bravery. She used to be a scaredy-cat as a child, but ever since she's been the courageous type to just jump into a battle or unfamiliar place without any hesitation.
  • Her emotional control. In all situations excluding battle, Aman is good at regulating the way she feels. She hasn't cried for years, and even when she does experience sadness or fear she makes sure not to show it.
  • Her adaptability. When fighting others, the girl is quick to judge other people's fighting style, and adjust herself to it. This doesn't mean that they can't land hits or that she never misses, but it makes it easier for her to predict their next action.
  • Her speed. What Aman lacks in brute physical force, she makes up for in heightened speed and agility.
  • Simple hand-to-hand melee. She's not the strongest person ever, and is much better off with a weapon in her hands than her own bare fists. If she were stripped of such things, well, she probably wouldn't hold out as well.
  • Her anger. Even though her emotional control is good for everything else, Aman will become angry and hostile if someone insults her or talks down to her. She can't accept being treated as inferior to others.
  • Alcohol. Gets drunk pretty easily, and often falls asleep when intoxicated. Could be easy to overpower her like this.
  • Mercy. Even though Aman loves fighting anyone and everyone, she gets a little bit touchy about killing humans. If she has no other choice, then she will; but for the most part she would spare an adversary she's bested. This could very well turn out bad for her someday.
Not too much. Aside from the obvious fear of being bitten and becoming a doll, Aman is also afraid of getting too close to others. It scares her that she could form a relationship with another person, only to see them become a doll and have to kill them, or have them stab her in the back when she trusts them. Because of this she is generally closed off and shares little personal details about herself.
Other quirks:
Cracks her knuckles a lot. It's a habit and it's 'tough'.

Like most people in this time, the woman has a rather tragic backstory from her early years. Before the events of the virus spreading and pretty much taking over the world, Aman-kichii grew up as an only child living with a single mother, Mavenn Braadiche. This is because her father was sent to prison when she was a young age (3) for his continually abusive and overbearing nature towards the woman he loved. Since they never married, she took on both of their last names. She is ashamed of her father, though; and as such only uses her mother's maiden name. Despite the lack of presence and affection from her father, she had more than enough from the woman who raised her - even if she had to work hard to support the two of them. They lived in a small community, and Aman knew pretty much every student in her tiny elementary school and all of her nice and caring neighbors that surrounded her. As a child she studied hard, and took lessons from her mother in things such as sewing, cooking, etc. All around, life was normal, and nothing out-of-the-ordinary took place. Another important thing to note is that it was a serious bible belt - everyone in the town was a devout Christian. There were 4 churches; more than most large towns even have. Unfortunately, the religious ways of the people who lived around her turned out to be their downfall. It was reported in multiple newspapers at the time of this event happening, but was only briefly featured on television.
When she was 9 years old, an attack focused on her town took place. A group of radical satanists calling themselves The Order raided her home with guns and fire. The police force was incredibly small and weak at this time, and the larger ones were located miles from their current location. This gave the extremists plenty of time to set fire to the churches and, consequently, the houses around them; as well as kill people and take prisoners to sacrifice to the devil, or sell on the black market for financial gain. There were screams and coughing as people tried to escape, to get to their cars and flee the horrific scene of mass homicide taking place. Less people escaped than those who did not. Fortunately, Aman was one of those lucky few, and when her mother had pushed her into the basement and hid the small girl in the laundry chute, they never found her. The same could not be said for her dear parent, who didn't have enough time to hide before the satanists broke in and stabbed the woman to near-death, leaving her to burn in the flames that would soon engulf their diminutive cottage. The little girl was forced to leave her mother behind and sneak out into the backyard while the carnage was taking place elsewhere in town, running as far as her short legs could carry her.
Afterwards she was reported as missing along with all the others whose bodies they couldn't find. But they never found her - instead, another person did. A man who called himself Kaz took her in, becoming her new guardian. His methods of teaching were very different from her mother's, though - because they specialized in the art of war. He taught her all about how to fight, how to disable her enemies, about different forms of combat... The list goes on. She wasn't sure why, but she suspects that since he was one of those men who performed shady jobs for money, he must have been looking for someone to pass his knowledge onto (as he was growing old). Surprisingly, Aman found that she liked brawling. It was one of the few things that could make her feel so alive, especially since she had lost pretty much all interest in things she used to like after the death of her loved ones. Later on Kaz was bitten by a doll, and she had to make the insanely difficult decision of whether she should kill the man who had become like a father to her - but as soon as he lunged at her, she'd never pressed a trigger faster in her life. She ended up using all of the ammo in the cartridge, just so she could make sure that he was really dead. That was the last time she ever wept or blubbered to the present time. Immediately after, she fled to Utopia, as she was still human and it was one of the last places of refuge left. Upon discovering the outrageous government and the existence of The Suits, Aman was quick to join up, being the third member of the group. There, she believed she would be able to find a challenge and the opportunity to fight others and test herself in battle. She was given the title of The Club, and made it her mission to destroy those who had been afflicted with the virus - as well as work off her misery by brawling with others and using it as a sort of method to cope with the pain she'd felt.

Aman has a very unique weapon that she calls Incendiante. These are a pair of metal gloved fists; or Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets, as you could call it (Refer to Yang from RWBY). When inactive, Incendiante takes on the form of two simple silver bracelets attached to her wrists; useful for looking inconspicuous. In action, the bracelets shift forward to adapt to the shape of hardened gloves over her hands, and extend all the way to her elbows. With these, Aman can deliver some serious punches – even explosive ones if she hits hard enough! She's also able to stock them with ammunition, and shoot bullets from her knuckles as needed. As well as that, they can make for an adequate shield if she crosses her arms in front of her, since they're made of metal and can block a lot of attacks.
A second weapon that she uses is a rapier. When she's not using the gauntlets, she can pull out this rapier and nimbly circle around her enemy, making swift and dexterous slashes. Since it's such a light sword, it makes it easier for her to attack in quick succession; piercing through her opponent's defenses and causing multiple stab wounds. Unlike a large sword, it isn't designed for heavy swings or things like cutting off someone's head. The downside is that it's not as sturdy as a normal sword, and has a chance of breaking if she were to push it up against someone else's blade in an attempt to hold that person off.
During battle, Aman loses her composure and gives in to the thrill of the battle. She gets really into it - more than she should, probably - and becomes like a completely different person. Very similar to The Rook, except that she doesn't mind whether it's done ranged or melee. Her urges aren't so much homicidal as they are belligerent. She simply likes beating others and enjoys facing off with someone who can hold their own against her.
The people that she used to be close to are all deceased (except her dad). Now the only 'family' she has is The Suits, but most of the time she is indifferent towards the other members of her team. She thinks The Heart is too much of a pacifist, The Diamond is too over-the-top sadistic, and The Spade is just too normal. She doesn't get along with most people, but she does have a certain respect for The Rook; even though he's not exactly on her side.
Remedy by Seether.

Throw your dollar bills
And leave your thrills
All here with me
And speak but don't pretend
I won't defend you anymore you see

It aches in every bone
I'll die alone
But not for you
My eyes don't need to see
That ugly thing
I know it's me you fear

If you want me hold me back

Frail, the skin is dry and pale
The pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high
Just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

I don't need a friend
I need to mend so far away
So come sit by the fire
And play a while
But you can't stay too long

It aches in every bone
I'll die alone
But not for pleasure
I see my heart explode
It's been eroded by the weather here

If you want me hold me back

Frail, the skin is dry and pale
The pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high
Just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

Frail, the skin is dry and pale
The pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high
Just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

Hold your eyes closed
Take me in
Hold your eyes closed
Take me in

Frail, the skin is dry and pale
The pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high
Just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

Frail, the skin is dry and pale
The pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high
Just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

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Hey so, I might reconstruct my CS. Mostly because when I was finishing it up and stuff, I was pretty emotionally/mentally drained, so I just wanted to get it done and over with. So I might add more to it and stuff, and make it a bit more finished.
Hey so, I might reconstruct my CS. Mostly because when I was finishing it up and stuff, I was pretty emotionally/mentally drained, so I just wanted to get it done and over with. So I might add more to it and stuff, and make it a bit more finished.

That's fine! Edit your character as much as you like until it makes you happy!
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Profiles are looking great everyone! :) Just to give people updates. Kip needs to update the description on the front page, but once she does, this will hopefully be made into an Epic. In the meantime, be sure to tell everyone about this RP in order to ensure all of the roles are filled before we start.
