New User Praise The Intro


Ashen one
Well hi there. My name's Skorak but Sko works too. I have a long history with writing, generally creating stories and this place seems quite interesting. I am generally a tame person though I also have my energetic moments when I'm excited. Hobbies include reading, RPing, games...I really need to get out more XD. So yeah, I think that's all
Oh. Well, to be honest any kind really. I can go from superhero to detective and from Overlord to Diplomat. All the settings seem interesting to me and those a haven't tried just sound like a new and fresh experience. As for format I can go from one-liners to paragraphs depending on the form of the RP. What about you?
I do mainly fantasy and a bit of sci-fi. Im open to most things though. The one thing that will send me packing is slice of life type stuff. I mean why live another life like my own? I usually adapt to whatever my partner or group gives me to work with, although I prefer the long stuff tbh.
Speaking of which, what are you looking for here, more the big epic group rps or small groups or even just 1x1?
Yeah. To be honest slice of life is a bit of a "meh" for me too. I may try it but an epic story of adventure, trials and good storytelling will draw me in much easier. As for what I'm looking it really depends. Big groups have the "living world" benefit. You can make a lot of characters and have their sheer number bring the setting to life. However small groups have that original adventuring feel that I think big ones simply can't give. Besides, some of the most compelling stories have been build due to the dynamics of their small groups. 1x1's are something I can love or hate. On the one hand if the RPers aren't skilled enough the whole thing may end up stagnant and boring without other characters to support it. However, with skilled RPers, in the right circumstances 1x1's can be absolutely masterful, seing the RPers weave their posts around each other's and create a gripping narrative just can't be emulated when more characters are involved. Sorry if I went on too much, I tend to do that XD. What are your opinions on group sizes?
Agh, what is happening to me? I missed being the first one to jump in and say hi. So, here we go with a little blast of information for you.

Welcome to STC. You're already started on the process to getting approved. We like to see a bit of positive involvement with the community here before you gain full privileges to make role play posts and such. So, here are a few areas that you can make some meaningful, quality posts in. It is more about quality than quantity and usually just a few in a variety of areas will get your account flagged and then the Administrator will be able to approve you when they next get on. So, these are each hyperlinked so that you can go straight there and see the various areas to post in. If there is not a thread to your liking in some of them, then go ahead and make a thread of your own. Main Lobby, Writer's Circle, Discussions & Debates, and/or Creative Forums

Then, because I hate to make things too easy I want to ask a strange question. If you were going to introduce an artificial intelligence of some kind what would it be and why?
an artificial intelligence much as i wanna say something like Glados or Hal 9000 for the jokes, i think i'd probably make some form or surgeon AI or just try to have one that will try to fit into human society. The first one for obvious reasons, the second because i'd like to see the results of that little experiment