Red Sapphire (1x1 second attempt)


Through all, smile. Through the worst, smirk.
It was impossible to ignore the heavy scent of blood that coated the area. It hung like a thick blanket in the air, showing no signs of being gone any time soon. It's source was mixed as there was the scent of human but also that of creatures old. Demons, dragons. Many had shed blood. The forest was darker than normal with it's heavy presence of death lingering.

Within the depths of the forest was a camp. Hunters that took joy in the killing of creatures not like themselves. They were on a raid, killing any being that wasn't human. Their armor was thick and made with the scales of dragons, their weapons made with the teeth of demons. The ranged in ages from little boys to old men. None of them knew any other life but to kill things that weren't human.

Their tents took up the space of almost two miles. For the night they were resting and celebrating their more recent conquest. A dragon. The guardian to the forest who had gone to fight the humans in an attempt to protect the rest of the creatures from their slaughter. She had failed. The large sapphire dragon had been brought down when the men had used poisoned and weapons she had never seen before.

As the men gloat in their victory, only a few men stood watch over the dragon. They had brought with them chains made of the strongest metals, put together by warlocks. With the chains they used them to keep her in place. Her muzzle chained shut and her body pinned down unable to move even an inch. Her blue scales were no longer the color of the night sky, they were dark red, coated in her own blood. Gaping wounds that refused to heal covered her hide. One of her wings had been broken in her fall.

Her eyes were all she could move, and she would watch. Watch as those watching her would change shifts with other men. None of them spoke to her, none even looked at their prize. They kept her alive for the dark purpose of discouraging the rest of the creatures of the forest. Wanting to bring fear to those they would finish hunting at sunrise. The spirit of the forest was broken and Sapphire could feel it as the plants began to die slowly.

Could she get free? Who was it that would lead such men on such a campaign? Before her death, she would get such answers. She needed to.
The horrific news had spread of course, to and through all the creatures. Warning were sent from the shrill sound of the creatures cries. Some fled and others chose to fight. As blood spilled into the grass and dirt despair filled the nighttime sky. Mans fires shed light on the slaughter trail and kept them warm despite the chilling breeze.

Deaths scent attracted much more than fear from the animals. Hungry demons were lured out by the delectable smell. They craved what the humans were bringing down but they themselves were being brought down alongside the strongest of mythical beings.

One of these demons though, was a bit different. Not only in shape, in size. . .but in appearance as well. Yes, he looked very human. . .unless you see the top of his head and spot two odd ears. Dog ears, to be exact. Inuyasha knew he'd be fine as long as he wore a hat to cover the fuzzy white ears atop his scalp. True, his hair was quite long for a man his size and it was odd that he'd have white of all colors, but he should be fine as long as he tried nothing stupid.

Wrinkling his nose, he lifted up his red sleeve to cover his nose. All this blood wanted to make him sick. He wasn't to grateful at that time for his sensitive nose. "Ugh. . ." He glanced up to the dragon as he walked up for a closer inspection. Turning to one of the guards he reached out, touching the dragons nose and then squatting down a bit tiredly. "Hey, what's the point in capturing so many things at once? Ain't one dragon enough to show off to your buddies? To me it just looks like you're wasting food."
The guard grunted slightly. "Most of them we will use to make more weapons and armour." He glanced to the dragon. "Her we will keep alive for a few days. She is the guardian to the creatures here. Many have run once we brought her down." He shrugs.

When the demon had approached her, Sapphire had caught the scent. She knew what he was but his appearance seemed to full the human guards. As he touched her muzzle, she watched him. The chains rattled as she tried to move. A rumbling groan leaving her.

The guard watches her but didn't strike to punish her. "She may not last a few days. Her scales will provide great armour."
Inuyasha suddenly gave a smirk. "Oh, I see. You guys are gonna make a strong army with better armor huh? To fight even bigger creatures!" He stood and walked over, whispering in the mans ear. "Between me and your men. . .I know a secret to suck out her power. . . .If you let me be the second in command I'll tell you how to gain big powers. . ." He pulled back with a grin and signaled them to silently follow him away from the dragon. Surely a few minutes away would be fine!
The guards were skeptical of him. "How could you know how to do such a thing?" One questioned as they other watched wearily then glanced to the dragon.

Sapphire watches the interaction carefully but even if the guards left her, she was too weak to break the chains that held her in place. A rumble left her again as she closes her eyes.
"I have my ways. I'll even show you, but only if you come with me." He gave a wink. "I know a pretty girl who could entertain you guys too. It must be tiring keeping watch over that dragon. But she hasn't got out yet has she? So there's no reason to panic. It's ain't like someone could drag away your precious treasure."
The guards seemed to be contemplating his words then nodded. "Alright let's go. The caption will want to hear this." They said and moved to follow.

Sapphire listened to the demon and wondered what he was trying to do. She was too weak to even keep her head up, was he expecting her to break free while unguarded?
Inuyasha, of course, led them a bit a ways away. Once they were in a thick bundle of woods he stopped and turned around. He signaled them to all come close before whispering. "Geeze, you guys are real idiots aren't you?" THEN--With unnatural speed his hands darted up and bashed all of their heads together! He didn't plan on killing them, just knocking them out but if he wasn't careful sometimes his strength would get the better of him.
As their heads were bashed together ,the men fell to the ground. Some unconscious and others dead from the impact.

Sapphire opened her eyes as soon as she heard the commotion. Her eyes flicker a bit as she tried to see what had happened but she couldn't see anything from where she was.
Inuyashsa wasted no time hurrying back to the dragon. His claws scratched at the chains but his strength allowed him to uproot them from the ground by giving a harsh tug up! He hurried all around the dragon, uprooting the chains and then pulling them off. He was a strong little shit.

He soon enough went over to the muzzle. With a nice long swipe of his claws he cut loose the restraints so it could fall off. He wondered though, if she had the strength to stand at all. "Get up." he commanded bossily. "I know it hurts but you have too! It's going to hurt more when they peel off those scales of yours now get moving!"
She felt the weight of the chains begin to leave her body as the demon worked to remove them. Then as he removed the ties about her muzzle, she tried to move. Her body refused.

As he began to yell at her, she tried again. A growl left her maw as she worked to get her feet beneath her. Her four legs shook as she rose. She managed to stand for a few minutes but as she tried to walk, she stumbled and fell again.

It was the poison in her system. It was weakening her. She was left with little choice. With one last surge of power, her form began to change.

Soon upon the ground laid a human looking female. Her skin a deep tan, her hair black as night with blue streaks. She still had the wounds all of her body, the blood soaking the blue kimono she wore.
At first, he stepped back uneasily. He wasn't sure if she would fall over or not and didn't want to end up a pancake. Upon seeing her fall back down he nearly panicked thinking of the loud noise it would make. Her transformation though, gave him mixed emotions.

He cautiously approached her and then scooped her up. He had to get out of plain sight so he took off in a dash back to where he led the guards. Softly, he sat himself down and held her in his lap. He had dragged one guard over and stripped him of his armor. The soft cloth he ripped into strips and bound around the dragon girls wounds. He had stripped her of her kimono but only to check for more injuries. Once he had all of her wounds bandaged he removed his top and slipped it over her. This way she wouldn't have to stay in her blood soaked kimono.

He wanted to lay her down and leave, to possibly help others but if someone found her in this condition she would be helpless. He let out a sigh and then leaned against a tree. There was no choice then. He'd stay with her until she could move again.
Slowly her body had begun to push the poison from her through the wounds. As he dressed the wounds and tended to her, the pain began to lessen.

She would stir a little after he had finished. Her eyes opened after a moment longer. It took her even more time to realize where she was and that the demon who had freed her was still with her. Was even holding her.

She blinks up at him. She was still weak but she was slowly regaining her strength. "Thank you for saving me..." She managed. "The forest will have a chance now." She adds.
He lowered his gaze to hers and then looked away. "It's nothin. . .Listen, you gotta be more careful. Humans are greedy and they'll never give up. Not entirely. These kind of people make me sick." He lifted one arm, helping her sit up. "When my friends get back I'm going to leave you with them. You leave the humans to me. I'll kill every last one of em. . ."
Sapphire shakes her head a little. "The humans have never come this far into the forest before. I thought I could stop them, protect the others." She grimaced a little. "My name is Sapphire. I'm the guardian to this forest." She adds.

She glances to the remains of the guards. "Who ever is leading these men...someone sent them out here."

Then she blinks slightly. "Your friends?" She had lived alone in the forest for several thousand years. She didn't really mingle with the creatures she was guardian over.
"Yeah, I know. The leader probably isn't here. . .but that doesn't mean I can't get information from his sick little minions." He gave a nod at her last question. "Yeah, they can get pretty annoying sometimes but they're alright." He reached up and removed the hat from his head, placing it on hers instead. "Here. I don't need this anymore." His little white doggy ears, were now exposed but he didn't mind. They twitched as the rustling of a bush sounded nearby.

He didn't seem to fret though. A girl came walking out with a medical box in her arms. Her long black hair hung down to her shoulders, cute curls and fluff. Her outfit was odd. Not so much a kimono or anything old fashion. Nope. She wore a modern Japanese school uniform. At least it was modern to her, but that story is for another time. "Inuyasha!" She smiled at the sight of him and came jogging out. Seeing the girl sat herself down beside her. "Hello. Oh man, what happened? You look awful, no offense. Let me help treat those wounds for you."

Would the demon be able to do such a thing? She wondered. It was possible she supposed but still she worried about the forest and the safety of those who remained. She had failed so many of them.

At the sound of another approaching she had tensed up. Upon seeing the human girl, she had relaxed a little but not a lot. She gazed warily as the girl sat down beside her with a large strange box.

When she offered to tend to Sapphire's wounds, she became unsure again. She glanced to the demon then nods a little. Her strength was still slowly coming back but the forest was growing weaker. She could feel it deeply. "Thank you...." She finally managed to say.
"Geeze it's about TIME you got back Kagome." Inuyasha stated in a snarky tone. The girl, supposedly Kagome, gave him a glare. "Wow what a GREETING!" She opened up the box and grumpily pulled out a type of spray. Putting her anger aside she untied a few of the bandages Inuyasha made and sprayed her wounds with her strange medicine. Of course, it burnt like hell but it would help her in the end. "Sorry. . ." Kagome said with a frown. "I know it stings but it'll kill most of the germs and stop it from infecting." "Hmph!" Inuyasha gave her a glare, ears perking up. "You don't say sorry to ME anymore when you do that." "What is WITH your ATTITUDE today Inuyasha?!" she replied. Oh boy, seems they argued often.
It was hard for the ancient guardian to understand the relationship between the two before her. They were a strange mix but their arguing seemed to only be part of their relationship with one another.

As soon as the spray touched her wounds, she cringed. It did hurt terribly but she bite her bottom lip and kept herself from moving so the girl could finish with the treatment. "Perphaps I've been to lost in this forest but much seems to have changed in all these years." She managed to comment.

Once Kagome was done with her wounds, she nodded a little. "Thank you...." She tried to stand up but her body wasn't ready yet. She grits her teeth. "I have to get back into my dragon form. The forest is dying. I can feel it..."
Kagome gave her a smile before gasping. "Did you say dragon? Like a real dragon?! Oh wow, that sounds really awesome. I've always wanted to ride on a dragon. . .When you're better would you mind if. . .well y'know? No disrespect or anything, it just sounds like so much fun." Inuyasha reached out and flicker her nose. "Stop being such a pain Kagome." Her response was a death glare that made even Inuyasha's ears fold back. He went silent and pouted, looking off into the distance. Kagome let out a sigh. "The forest is dying? Well, I shouldn't be surprised with all these people out and about. . .but it's not like it's all the way dead yet. There's still hope!"