Soul Eater AU

Maka sighs and thinks for a moment before speaking again.
"We should probably try to find her and figure out what's going on. Even if it's not kishin-related there may be something up with her that we could help with."
Crona: Hiding.... do you think she would be hiding in a dark place so its harder to find her?
Soul: That sounds about right, we should probably start looking in the darker areas
(Sorry I can't choose which style to write in, it'll probably change with every post. I just do what's easiest atm)

Maka: Should we split up, maybe? The campus is huge, she could be anywhere. I say we have someone look around the DWMA, someone check the dorms, and someone else should check the school gardens too.
(No worries XD you can do whatever you like ^-^ I won't mind)

Crona: I-Ill take... the school gardens
Soul: I guess I'm the dorms then. Maka where are you heading?
Soul: Great, if she doesn't show up after half an hour of looking we should head back home
Crona nods in understanding before heading towards the school grounds to look around
Shiko's hidden away in some shadowy corner of the school gardens, away from where people would usually hang out. She draws her knees up to her chest, making herself smaller and hoping not to be seen as tears continue streaming down her face. She had expected her changing wavelength to affect her too, just not this badly...
Crona was running around the gardens, looking behind bushes and in corners. Suddenly slowing down as the here quite sniffling. They come to a stop looking around them trying to spot Shiko

Crona: Shiko?.. are you here?..
"Go away."
Her voice comes from the darkest of the corners, in an area shrouded in shadow and surrounded by trees. She was nearly invisible, but they could barely see her against the darkness, curled up into a little ball in the typical introvert manner.
"You can't do that. You have to listen to what I say... Just leave me alone..."

(Here comes the reveal of her being a princess, btw. She seems to expect people to listen without arguing, as royal kids tend to do.)
Crona: I guess I’m not really a normal person then laughs quietly and awkwardly as they keep still in where they are
"I never thought of you as normal. Even among humans, an individual with black blood and a weapon inside their body is sure to stand out. But even if you're different then the rest of them, I thought you'd still have the common sense not to disobey a princess of Hell."

(She is technically a princess, and is of noble blood, but is also an outcast in her family. She was always kept locked up and hidden away, so most people don't recognize the young princess. Most people don't even know there IS a princess, only the 5 princes.)
Crona: Their eyes widen as they hear this w-well... all the defence I have for that is... we aren’t in hell right now they laugh awkwardly for a moment can you please show me where you are?...
"No." silence for a moment "You humans are scary. It feels a lot safer to hide. You should really just leave me alone."
They can see a random glint of light in the dark corner where she's hidden herself away from them. Light reflecting off a blade of some sort.
Crona decides to slowly approach as they see some of the light
Crona: I’m not like the other.. humans, I promise. It’s ok
"Yeah, you're not like the other humans. Your black blood makes you ten times more dangerous. Stay away from me!"
She holds the shiny object, which they can now see is a small silver knife with a rather suspicious dark stain on the razor-sharp edge, in front of her as if threatening to attack if they come any closer. By the way she's still curled up and hidden, and by now also trembling, it's safe to assume she won't actually hurt them.
Crona froze right in their tracks, their eyes glazing over slightly from the shock and sadness that suddenly washed over them d-dont you trust me?.. Crona tries to test the theory of Shiko not really wanting to hurt them and takes another set forward