Side Story The Devil's Carnival

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Among the few others lurking in the depths of the Firebreather's tent, Frisk had patiently been bouncing along in their stride. Having promptly put that hotdog off their head, the human had been largely satisfied on just awaiting for the grand spectacle of this supposed "Girl on Fire". Memories of Undyne, both good and mostly bad rushed into Frisk's head, causing the child to briefly shiver. Yeah, Frisk almost was the "Boy/Girl Thing on Fire" after Undyne's latest batch of "extreme spaghetti". With a soft sigh, they wondered if they would ever returned to the Ruins once again, to see the snow of Snowdin and hear gentle coos of the Waterfall Caves.

Such thoughts of homesick melancholy were spurned away by the lovely entrance of Sam, causing some boy to promptly freak out. Granted, a giggling murderer with a sack on his head often was not the greatest of guests. But, of course, Frisk always managed to see the good not only in people apparently, but monsters as well. With a patient smile, the angelic human, while not pure, kept their gaze at the situation unfolding, finding it funny to say the least.

Audibly, Frisk began to giggle, profusely giggle at that, vainly trying to suppress their laughter with their left hand. Wiping away any tears from those closed lines of eyes, the seemingly perpetually blank-faced child regained their composure.​
Returning Cat's smile with one of her own, Velvetine apparently respected the other's quiet nature, showing no intentions at all of making her speak if she didn't wish it. Instead, she calmly gestured to where she had set the tea down in answer to Morgan. "Feel free to help yourself," she hummed, though she still seemed very casual and welcoming. It was almost like the tent had more of a homey air than a business one, aside from that odd mysteriousness. Or perhaps that was just because of the hospitality.

"Hassan Raza," she spoke, when nobody else offered a response. "As to the meaning of it, well... You aren't wrong about the cycle of life and death. In this case, these words speak of a killer of relationships," she explained to Daisuke with a wink. "But you all didn't come here for lessons on such matters, now, did you?" she mused. With those words out in the open, the fortune teller moved over to Ashe, tilting her head at the female. "You were the first to arrive, yes? Well, shall we get started, then? I may make wonderful tea, but I know that's not what you came for."

I reach out to pour myself some tea once offered, as I slowly pour the Tea the fortune teller began's to speak some more, eventually asking what we had came for. I give a smile before before I respond "Half and half for me. I more just came to this Carnival for the experiences such as this. But... As it has quickly occurred to me there is something, sinister here. Something more so than I was expecting coming here. So I must ask". I let my sentence linger for a moment before I lean in closer towards her, giving a stern but calm look into her eyes as I finish "What is being planned here? And what do we have to do with it".

But right when I finish saying this, I hear a small 'ding'. Ding? What could have dinged? The sound seemed to come down blow, near my hands. So I looked down and see... My tea cup is now made of Gold. "Oh, I must apologize. It seems my voice has turned your tea cup to gold. I hope this doesn't ruin any collection it may have been a part of".
"Don't suppose you can do that on purpose for anything else?"

Twisted Fate said hopefully, his own quiet contemplation ruined by the earthly decadence of free gold.​

Cat's smile faded away a little, her expression becoming one of curiousity once more... She could faintly remember who Hassan Rasa was; her parents had been quite fond of him really, so had her younger siblings it seemed, they appeared to be quite big on sports, when they still watched it... Before-... ... She cut herself off from that train of thought before she could think any further on that matter, she knew what had happened to them, she could see that moment before her eyes, as clear as day... But, some matters are best left untouched, for now. She gave Morgan Freeman a sideways glance, instead of saying anything, as it seemed he had spoken what appeared to have been nagging at the back of her mind as well, to some degree... But, what was oddly intriguing about the way that he spoke, was that somehow, he had turned a seemingly benign teacup, into gold, just by speaking. Odd... Of all the weird things she saw, this has got to be one of the strangest things she had ever born witness to... She shook her head, turning her attention back to Velvetine, rubbing her chin a little... Then, she finally spoke.


"Can you tell me my fortune?" She asked suddenly, out of the blue... Looks like curiousity killed the cat, hopefully not literally, but, she did often wonder, what the future had in store for her... Or, at the very least, what Velvetine could make of her future.​
~Chapter Update!~

"El Carnaval de sangre"

Things seemed to have been progressing rather nicely for the most part in the carnival. The groups had split off as they had been instructed and went to the tents of their choosing. Although what they found inside was often more than they had bargained for. Such as finding what appeared to be an innocent boy in a cell, or a bunny that can seamlessly transform into whatever it's master wishes it to. That's not even getting into the others like the firebreather and the fortuneteller!

But all fun must eventually come to a grinding halt at some point however.

For as Monsieur Loyal was wandering the carnival's grounds, making sure everything was in tip top shape, the sight that awaited him was not a pleasant one.



Holding her hands over her ears, the chief of the carnival's security made her way over, grimacing at the sight. It was her duty to make sure all of the participants in this carnival had a good time but it didn't make seeing stuff like this go down any easier.


"..Vhat should we do, Loyal? If ve vere to just let this go unaddressed and one of the other patrons were to stumble across it, who knows vhat might happen!"

"Don't you think I know that!? W-We'll have to get them all gathered up and show them all at once! It's better than listening to the wailing of one or a group of them finding it themselves, that's for bloody sure..."

Before Frederika and Loyal could go about this task however, they could have heard a skittering coming from nearby. Similar to that of a spider. As Frederika glanced around for any potential threats, she would have had to glance quite a ways down so that she could see the giggling sack boy standing at her feet.

"Heh heh.."


"Y-You! You're that sack headed..thing that showed up at the start of the carnival! Were you behind this?"

If Sam was intimidated by Loyal raising his hand to him, he certainly didn't let it show. The child simply shook his head from side to side and both Frederika and Loyal could have felt a powerful aura emitting from Sam and at Sam's feet instead of his usual shadow, there would have been a much larger adult-sized one that seemed to be adorned in a black robe. This was reflective of Sam's true form and a warning that Frederika and Loyal should keep their hands to themselves.

But if they wanted an explanation of Sam's whereabouts then he was more than eager to provide it! Pointing over to the Firebreather tent, words began to appear on the ground near Sam's feet courtesy of his power.

"What was I up to? I was looking for my dear friend Aika's dolly! Then I lost track of the bunny and ended up here! I teased the zombie boy and played around with the other child. But then I heard something and snuck out to go see it. I saw...Everything. I couldn't see who did it but that's okay. I had fun despite it. Can't say that they did though. :)"

"Hee hee.."

This revelation didn't shock Loyal because he already had a feeling something was odd with this boy even if Sam really was one. Frederika however was more taken aback that the odd little boy she had spoken to earlier would be so joyful when addressing a murder of all things! Not to mention that he apparently watched the whole ordeal occur. Taking a step forward, Frederika glanced down at Sam.

"Sam..Did you do this? Vere you the one who ended this poor man's life?"

Sam stared up at the guard and no giggles came this time. But he did take a step forward with his lolipop in hand as he ran it across his neck.

"I didn't hurt this man. He didn't break any of my rules. I only punish rulebreakers."


Did Sam mean the rules of the carnival? Or was he referring to his own cryptic set of rules? Frederika couldn't understand and Loyal was losing his patience. He didn't have any desire to get into some drawn out battle with Sam, least of all when he didn't know exactly what the boy was. But every second they kept talking to Sam, it was another second wasted figuring out who did this.

So raising a loudspeaker to his mouth, Loyal shouted into it.


His message made loud and clear, Loyal turned towards Sam and grit his teeth at the pagan spirit. Walking towards him, he sough to grip Sam by the collar of his costume and pull him off his feet.

"I don't know what you are behind this mask. But I know for certain that you're no innocent little boy. I don't know what you may have really seen but you'll be a cooperative little brat until we figure out exactly what happened. Am I understood?"

Displeased at this sudden physical provocation, Sam vanished from Loyal's grasp and hissed in his direction.

"I'll do what I want and say what I want. So long as it's not breaking any of your carnival's rules, Monsieur Loyal. :)"

The kid gripped the bars of his cell and threw a sour look Kuroko's way at the notion he was was an idiot of any sort."Hey, you don't understand, he's persuasive. How was I supposed to know a deal with some shady carnival guy would get me... hrm."He sighed and rubbed a hand across his face. "Maybe I'm a bit of an idiot."

Cordis only looked bored. He paid the guest's discomfort little heed and physically waved off what was being said."The boy is just being held until I can think of what to do with him," he said, saying boy as if the kid wasn't even there to hear him. "The real show lies further in."


Leonard's ears flattened at the conversation, though he tried his best to look cool in front of the disgruntled guests."Of course the real show lies further in! What do you take this carnival for? Cordis, it is rather unseemly to place the innocent ones at the entrance here... where is that grand mummy you said you had prepared?"

"Hm." The freak show operator shrugged.


"There were... complications, ones that I'm dealing with. Now, Leonard, if you have an issue with how I conduct my own tent, then I should remind you that you have been the one to interfere with my operation. The boy was given to me without warning and so I simply placed him where I had space. I am not the mind reader of this carnival. If that is insufficient for you, then I suggest you remove the child from my establishment yourself."

Leonard seethed slightly, baring his fanged teeth. "Then maybe to avoid some needless hand wringing--"

Monsieur Loyal's voice cut through the conversation, feeding into the tent from a distant location outside. Leonard froze where he stood, blinking in confusion for a moment. "Now, why would he..." He shook his head, his mood changing for the better now that he had an excuse to shuffle everyone out of here. "Well then, may as well get this boy out of here as well. If you all want to keep the tickets I've so graciously awarded you, get going!"

Leonard produced a key ring from his pocket, moving to the cage and letting the kid free. The boy mumbled a thanks as he shuffled out to join the others leaving the tent. Rubbing at the back of his head in embarrassment, he said, "I'm not sure if you did anything at all, but thanks anyway. Oh, hey, just so you know, my name's Dipper..."

He followed the others as they proceeded back to the main area of the carnival, per Loyal's orders.


"Hm? Now, I wonder what Loyal could want with us.."

Well, orders were orders and Loyal was his boss. He still hadn't seen Sam return but perhaps the strange child had wandered off to another tent of his own. As Houdini sat on his master's arm, the illusionist motioned for those present in his tent to follow him.

"I do apologize for the inconvenience, my dearest guests! Least of all after what we've just gone through! I'm sure this will take only but a moment!"

Presuming Arvid and all of the other carnies/guests in this fair carnival did as they were instructed and met back at the main area of the carnival, Loyal didn't look too happy as he continued to pace around in a circle, his eyes boring holes in the ground with his gaze. As soon as Frederika poked him on the shoulder, he noticed that everyone had been gathered and quickly cleared his throat to speak.


"Ah, took all of you long enough! What? Did you think just because this is a carnival you could lounge around to your heart's content? There are still responsibilities one carries even while they're supposed to be having fun! But, oh, ohhhh that's why we're here! Someone has their own brand of fun and they're not shy to let us all know! For those of you who are squeamish? I suggest you look away or man up! For what I'm about to show you is not for the faint of heart!"

Giving a brief look over the group to judge for reactions, Loyal stepped to the side and revealed none other than the corpse of Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti!

"That's right my lovely guests! A life has been snuffed out and now we're left to deduce who may done it! It could have been you, you, who knows! But what I do know is that unless we find out who did it, who's to say they'll refrain from snuffing out another potential light among our group? I know for certain that whoever this murderous entity may be, we've someone who's seen their carnage up close! Isn't that right, Samhain?"


"Heh, heh.."

Sam had said his piece as far as he was concerned. He hadn't killed this man himself for reasons known only to the spirit. But he had been a witness to this man's murder and if there was anything more to it than Sam wasn't saying. The other people here could feel free to ask him questions at their heart's content, perhaps even through physical force. But who knew what kind of results that would garner?

"Disturbing little whelp..IN ANY CASE, if what this boy says is true than he managed to see this man's murder! Not only did he see it but he didn't raise a finger to help! Question him at your leisure! That said, the last thing I want is for any of you to lose your heads! Refrain from panicking and think about this rationally! Otherwise who knows what could happen?! That is all!"
Leonard was aghast.


"I smell... a lawsuit waiting to happen!"
Luso swallowed hard as he stared down at the corpse of the officer they had just met. H-How did this happen? This can't... Yes, it could. There wasn't a Judge here to protect them. There was no real law here like there was in Ivalice, and that meant they could all die. It wasn't like with the giant cockatrice that would simply peck your eye out. This was a much deadlier event than anything he had seen back in his adventures.

Easy for Loyal to say, he was the one who tried to punish all of us without telling us the rules. He didn't dare speak up on the irony of the situation. He knew this wasn't the time for that, not when they needed to figure out what happened.

"Mike... Can you check the body? Me and Aika can ask Sam what he saw..." The boy wanted nothing to do with the rapidly cooling body. The thought of even touching the corpse, of touching the man he had seen as someone to trust... He doubted his stomach would be able to hold down his lunch from school.

He knelt down before the boy who wore a sack over his head, making sure to watch for the smaller creature to make any suspicious movements, "Sam, for Aika's sake, can you tell us what you saw? What did the killer look like?"
"What are you talking about? I totally saved you!" Kuroko told Dipper with a grin. "Try to keep out of trouble for now one though, I won't be around saving your butt at every turn."

Making her way to where they were herded Kuroko would not be pleased by the news of a dead man in their midst. This whole deal seemed to be ending up as a total nightmare after all...

Using her powers Kuroko would teleport to the body to try and see if she could find any clues to how he had been killed. "As a member a Judgement I have to do this but...ugh...I really don't want to touch him."
Oh man, this was not happening. So not happening. A dead body? That was totally... unequivocally... too unreal. Dipper knew he should have gotten Mabel or someone to come along with him once he found this carnival sitting deep in the woods surrounding Gravity Falls, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him. Tricked into some kind of cage, then a witness to this gruesome scene...

"I think I messed up."

Sighing, Dipper rubbed at his eyes and let the situation wash over him. He was just a kid, so solving something like this was outside of his wheelhouse... right? A dead body was no wax statue, after all. Still, Dipper wasn't going to sit down and let the others investigate without him. Not only was finding the killer a mystery here, but the carnival itself was a huge mystery unto itself! If anyone had to try and solve it all, it was Dipper.

Though, there was one thing nagging him...


"Hey, w-wait a second," Dipper muttered, lowering his hands from his face. He gave Monsieur Loyal a curious glance. "Why is the body here? How does someone just end up killed right in the middle of a carnival?"

Aika didn't say a word, sitting on the ground with her Dolly held close to her. The very moment that she saw the dead body, Aika was truly shaken up and shocked by this. Someone killed this man? Why would anybody do this? It was just wrong... taking someone else's life. It was truly wrong... Where were her parents during all of this? Were they hurt by the bad person that did this as well? For now... Aika wasn't feeling like the cheerful girl she was much earlier...

"M... Mommy..."

Sam looked at Luso as if the boy had three heads. Or at least it came off that way with Sam's head tilt. Without even so much as making any kind of movement, some invisible force began carving words into the ground again to get across Sam's thoughts without him actually needing to speak.

"Why would I go and do that?"

Although Sam hadn't spoken, it was clear that he didn't see anything personally wrong with Mike's death. Perhaps he had broken a rule Sam wasn't aware of and that's why he met his end. Or maybe he was just someone who deserved to die. Sam had seen plenty of those types of people come and go like the wind in his long lived existence. So now that he had seen such a brutal display of carnage first hand why would he go and spoil it? Point out the killer and take away all of the mystery and fun of it all!

The carving resumed after a moment's notice and Sam's giggling matched up with the words as they appeared on the ground before Luso.

"You want to find out who killed this man, huh? Are you scared? Scared you'll be the next to go? You shouldn't be..Unless you broke a rule here in which case I don't see any other alternative. Or maybe you were just destined to die. Maybe that's what happened to this man. But you're right, Aika's a friend. Someone I'd like to see happy. So I'll tell you what I know.."

The carving stopped however and Sam promptly stuck up his middle finger in Luso's direction.


As Kuroko teleported to get a closer look at Mike's corpse, she'd have seen that his throat appeared to be slit and there seemed to be two bruises adorning Mike's face, as if he'd been punched.

"Real nice work. Don't think I've seen such a clean cut in a long time. But whoever did this must have been really angry given the bruises. Or they were just having fun."

The words appeared on the ground next to Kuroko as Sam seemingly 'appeared' right next to her as she was looking over the body. As Sam stood close to the girl, she'd be able to feel some kind of dark presence emitting from the sack boy. One that clearly didn't feel human.

"Heh, heh.."

Loyal fumed at Dipper's inquiry.


"Ehhh?! How am I supposed to know? I'm not the one who killed him! Perhaps the killer wanted to show off his handiwork and figured leaving him out in the open would have gotten everybody's full attention. The bastard certainly succeeded in dirtying the place up, that's for sure."Loyal grumbled before glancing back at Sam who had appeared next to Dipper as the boy spoke up.

"That thing wearing the sack over it's head claims to have seen this all go down. So perhaps you should be directing your questions towards him! The sooner he tells us what he seen, perhaps we can get this whole mess under wraps before it gets any worse!"

Sam pretended to be hurt by Loyal's disparaging way to refer to him as a 'thing.' Leaning on Dipper's shoulder, Sam held a hand up to his mouth and shook his head. If Dipper glanced down, he'd see words appearing before his very eyes.

"What a rude way to treat one of your patrons! I'm just trying to enjoy my time at this carnival like everyone else! It just so happened to be that I was the sole witness to a grisly murder! Yet you treat me like a monster! I have to admit that's very unprofessional behavior, Loyal. But this boy here is onto something. Leaving bodies out for others to see is a nice tactic to help ward off other potential people from breaking the rules-my rules at least. Other times it may just be what you said. Leaving it out for others to see just for fun!"

Before the mischievous little sack baby could taunt Loyal and the others any further with his knowledge, he glanced over and saw Aika in such a prone position. It caused a curious stir in Sam's thinking. He had gone out of his way to look for Dolly in her bunny form only to be distracted due to his child like mentality. Yet here he was having his fun by refusing to give up the knowledge of what he'd seen, treating it as if it were some kind of game that the other patrons would have to beat him at. How long could they last before they eventually worked out some way to get the information out of him.

Waddling over to Aika, Sam glanced down at her and offered her a hand up if she'd take it.

He supposed the game wasn't as fun if not everybody was playing and Aika certainly didn't seem like a player.


"If just to stop my friend's sadness, I'll give you a little hint of what I saw. I couldn't make out who the killer was but I saw them drag the body out of the mirror maze. Why don't you look there? See what you find..Hehehe.."
"Why, you little!" Luso couldn't help but go red in the face at the sack boy's gesture. However, the boy's next comment kept the teen's hands from reaching for him, instead eliciting a annoyed huff from him as he turned away, "If you think trying to scare is going to keep me from finding the culprit, you've got another thing coming, Sam! Keep Aika safe because I'm heading out to the mirror maze!"
He was right.

They had more heart than the Ganma

That, or a Pseudoutopia didn't care about finances and stuff compared to a giant Carnival.

Whatever the case, the young boy was not freed by the justice of a hero, but the words of four. Probably, anyways....

The young boy introduced himself as 'Dipper'. Quite a name really. Like, Dipper as in the Big Dipper? The seven stars tattooed on the big blue bear in the big black sky?

Takeru simply laughs a little when Dipper and Kuroko bickered a little. It was just like his old times with Makoto.

"My name is Tenkuuji Takeru," the Kamen Rider lets his hand out to shake Dipper's. "It's nice to meet you."

Takeru was soon stunned by a... dead body?

"What happened here?" He exclaims, before walking towards it. Even Loyal was surprised. Was he?

Takeru looks at Sam resting on Dipper.

While he understood that little sackhead needed rest, he also needed to dig deep into the murder. He could try to conjure Michaelangelo's Eyecon, but not all conditions were met for that to occur.

"What's your name, kid?" Takeru asks Sam.​
"What? Hey, why is there a corpse here!?" Daisuke shouted. Frustrated, he went over to the corpse or whatever.​
Kuroko's teleporting didn't escape Kyousuke's notice. This carnival had at least one other esper after all. Interesting. His usual cocky smile on his face, Kyousuke teleported to the corpse after her.

"I doubt there's a need for that. It seems we can gleam what we need to know just by looking, don't you think?"

With the new information given by that sack thing, Kyousuke cocked his head in the direction of the mirror maze.

"What say we see the real scene of the crime, miss?"
Sam's nearness to Kuroko made her skin crawl, but she had to push it aside for the moment because this murder would not solve itself. "I wouldn't call killing someone in cold blood like this to be fun." She remarked to the boy with a bag on his head.

Whoever did this no doubt had a rather vicious mean streak going for them.

Huh another teleporter...that's interesting. "I don't know what else the body can tell us..."Kuroko as well would turn her attention towards the mirror maze. "Maybe we can even find the murder weapon?" Doubtful but a girl can dream can't she?​
Leonard managed a moment of calm in-between his seething. He grumbled and closed his eyes, crossing his arms as he thought on this disaster of a problem. "If no one informs his family..." He continued to mumble for a moment, until a stray comment from Kuroko snapped the carny to attention. He smiled at the young girl and placed a hand to his chest.


"Not only as a member of Judgement... but you are contractually obligated to investigate as well! The fine print ensures my authority to give you this task!"

Leonard nodded confidently, seeming please as punch with himself. One of these unruly guests was no doubt to blame for the crime, so surely corralling them all into the investigation would be a good way to keep an eye on them. If they could serve the murderer's head on a plate, maybe they could obtain some leniency from the rube masses.

As for Dipper, he found his curiosity piqued at the idea of the murder taking place in a mirror maze. He had no interest in seeing the grisly scene of the crime on a personal level, but it seemed to him that such a location was a rather strange place to attack somebody. He had to look into it further.

But, man, was this ever a odd place to be. Most of the guests looked totally... crazy... weird. The kid wearing a sack on his head, the clown, the strange armored guy-- Dipper was finding himself hitting sensory overload with all these mysterious sights sitting right in front of him. He felt uneasy, like shivers were rocketing up his spine every minute he spent here.

Seeing as Kuroko and the others who'd helped him out of the cage were sort of his default friends around here, Dipper decided to inform them of his plans.


"Hey, yeah... I'm gonna check out the mirror maze with these guys, but somebody should definitely stay here and examine the body. There could be important details hidden if we don't look carefully."
And there was the other shoe dropping.

Twisted Fate had called it, the carnival that had made his instincts scream verifying his suspicions. Whoop-de-freaking doo. Now he just had to survive the rest and while he was planning originally on pickpocketing everyones tickets while distracted? Might make him a target now. And if Fate was good at anything, it was the bottom line.

So walking alongside Luso, hands in his pocket he spoke casually.

"Not without me."
Takeru had more prowess in paranormal activity involving spectral beings, as opposed to fresh corpses.

You'd think a dead-person investigator would be a good roll, but not this kind of dead person inspector.

"I'm not good with corpses, but I think that someone should find more evidence of weapon usage, so that I can confirm the nature of the kill."

Takeru looks to the sackheaded one. He was well aware that he could not speak. Placing a shoulder on him, the ghostly Kamen Rider asks, "can you point to everyone who was at the tent when you witnessed the Murder?"

Takeru noted that the four who were present at the Freakshow were unlikely, since they were... well... occupied, and he possessed no evidence that they simply snuck out. With the security here, there's no way it could be them. That's four out... he thinks.

There were two general possibilities now. Three, if you include the possibility of someone sneaking out of their tents to strike.

For someone better with ghosts than corpses, the spooky Rider was coming up with something.​
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