The Evrensel Conflict The Evrensel Conflict -- Chapter 1: The Only Easy Day was Yesterday

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Xiao moved near the back of the group as she did her best to make the tunnel as difficult to navigate for the aliens as possible until there were just simply too many and she slammed the wall shut completely. that wall wouldn't last long though if they decided to murder one of their own and use their acid on it so she moved quickly when called out to get a move on again. the girl could feel the aliens squirming and banging at her rocky wall as she retreated but the next thing came at a complete shock to her. Guy known as Soap was literally pulled into a solid wall of rock. she could feel him getting dragged away for a few moments before she lost it completely. "Hes gone...something dragged him off cant track either...just gotta hope we find him later." Xiao said to Alec as she passed him

Eventually she came to a stop at the entrance to a massive opening with a giant metal door. right at the edge of the tunnel she looked down the solid 6 meter drop before jumping down. only to be caught by an extending pillar which sunk back into the ground, acting like an shock absorber. Walking over to the door as bangs of gunfire echoed behind her she touched it with her hand and sighed. "Cant bend metal...i wonder if i can just beat you down."

Taking a few steps back Xiao cracked her knuckles as her eyes lit up, glowing bright white. with considerable effort and unseen resistance from the earth around her the wall near the entrance rumbled as dust fell from the ceiling. a large bus sized square of rock was slowly pulled out from the wall While Xiao dug her feet in deeper and even brought up rocks to anchor herself in place as she took more and more of the bus sized blocks weight."Shit your'e heavy...move!" She grumbled through gritted teeth as the block was finally pulled out from the wall fully before launched at the door as hard as she possibly could.
"Memetics warning. SCRAMBLE gears on."

Four sets of optical gears were activated near simultaneously. "Contact." Munru whispered. "Feels psychic."

"Could be." Irantu replied. "Nanku, take point. Don't shoot unless shot at."

The woman grumbled, disappointed, but nevertheless approached the bend in the sewers. "Who is this?" She called out tentatively, gripping her rifle in a near-nonchalant sort of way. She could hear Onru sighing to herself, but ignored it anyway.

Negative twelfth's foundation leaf looked down the hall at advancing aliens than down to the four paper of boots. The Avatar leaf stepped from the ether then sat down in their path. Negative twelfth wasn't sure but it had to protect the troopers if they were who it thought they were.

The yellow robed faceless monk sat down in their path as creatures converged at the intersection then stopped in line.

They suffered an insistent chant from a mind the drone creatures were clearly aware of, "This is a wall. This is a wall. This is a wall..."

The creatures stopped at the yellow of it's robe and considered. It would hold until the larger mind that drove them weighed in it thought. Hives were robust creatures.

The foundation leaf turned back to the footprints of Samara slowly walking closer while the droning happens in another branch of it's mind. It stopped by a fuse box with a tattered labeling placing a white leather glove to it gently.

"I hope you understand how hard it is for me to coherently alter the tip of one pin in reality," said negative twelfth to the space atop careful footfalls.

It felt queasy to negative twelfth to alter the writing like petting moving spiders. Just trying to find the ill defined structure outside direct inner loop awareness was straining.

Steel and latex label creak with new rambling text,"IV/MM secure black protect 2000 contain allies level KX Thaumiel bright contain 2000 taint taint taint KX #? Acid wall wall wall wall"

The glove hardened and smoked with its effort as decoherence fractured the lab coat. Toward the end it lost specific contact entirely overridden by the other leaf's focus. It's arm crumbled in retreat of white shards up to its shoulder. Mist leaks from the ragged hole as threads begin weaving the leaf's damaged manifold.

@Agent Puncake
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"Reality warper." Irantu warned. Completely pointless to the battle-hardened veterans of Tau-5, but instincts are hard to get rid of.

Nanku's rifle was up in a heartbeat. "We-" She saw the text, stopped, and froze. "You seeing this?"

"Secure, protect, contain... KX? Thaumiel?" Irantu's hand instinctively went to the portable SRA at his belt, but thought better of it. Still, his left hand stayed. "Who are you? What more do you know about the Foundation?"

His left hand twitched subtly. Onru and Munru saw and, wordlessly, flanked right, eyes open and weapons drawn.

Negative twelfth grabbed its fractured arm as the hollow face watched footfalls advance to the altered point then stop. The voices were faint but audible with a bit of reality reconfigured but it was sure these were Samsara. Its memories and awareness of minor details were murky but it did remember enough. Now its problem was communication as fuzzy walls shot upward dropping out of Xiao's monochrome sense of the world space. Instead now Negative Twelfth stood in a misty black void occupied in the distance by the inner activity of Mundi's location and a small square of altered metal in front of it. The latter fading quickly but Negative Twelfth had a muted sense of hearing about the location. It would be easier to maintain than establish as long as his leaf held out.

Its fingers turned the vinyl sticker black while altering like someone touching an aquarium wall as it wrote smaller and more coherently, "Samsara outside of inner loop range. Difficult. Radio to Mundi. Stolen foreign reality anchor. It knows nothing. Warning. black acid hostiles."

It made a faded image of a xenomorph in the metal as flakes fell off its smoking arm before continuing, "Imposition damages manifold. SCP-2000. Saw my anchor. Left to it to think. Samsara clearance? Hard to remember. Antimemetic hardware in mind. Better thinking far from there."

@Agent Puncake
The members of Samsara read the inscriptions, their faces progressively more confused.

"'Black acid hostiles'?" Munru read. "SCP-2000? It has access to-"

"You have access to vital Foundation information." Irantu spoke up. "Reveal yourself, or guide us to you. We will take you in for interrogation."

The interface with the distant real took its toll on Negative twelfth as his coat looked ragged. It let the clearance slide for now as it needed operatives to solve its problem anyway. Creating the imposition on matter broke connections even here but using it still hurt as much as a thing like itself could experience that. Matter of fact creatures of continuous pain these agents were which he appreciated. Although Negative Twelfth didn't remember many other names beyond identifiers which was likely significant. Not that Negative Twelfth could actually interact on this leaf's origin plane screaming antimemetics into it and the anchors at the source site. The fact that it worked for intended purpose at all was a function of all other hardware they plugged into it.

Organizing small thoughts hurt less to add so terse fragments continued, "No body. Already back there. No use though. No functional mind. Imposing places hard. Blue Mundi ahead. Through obstruction. My slipspace interface. Better technology. Different plane", Negative Twelfth answered the questions as clear as it could.

It darkened the xenomorph image as it added a label in script that hopefully captured its sarcasm, "Unquenchable hostility. Similar blood."

@Agent Puncake

Mundi took a short missive from Master, now that the main area to the vault was closed off, to stop firing for a moment. Mundi then reached up to put one small card on the floor from a cargo compartment. Ruggedized small squares they set very clearly against the stone. If the inner loop got into the vault then Master wanted to make sure at least one chip was outside. Mundi didn't ask why it knew Master had a good reason. A sine wave radio sweep across all frequencies it could receive completed its orders from Master.

The bot celebrated with a blinking display, "Yay! The sharp things are blocked!"

Small metal composite hands clapped together, "I think I made significant acid damage to the stone, sorry! Master is fully occupied elsewhere and will be back momentarily."

The robot spun then wheeled ledge-side and noted with one arm waving from above the meters tall cliff, "I need help! I can't fly! My cart person Alice is injured! My cart also can't fly but Master says I am more important. I am valued!"

@Raffia Kiryuin @TheGreenerGrey @Silvir
Norman looked back from where he had been firing, the whine of his rotary cannon steadily increasing in pitch as the light and heat of the plasma bolts kept these ravenous things away from him. His already pockmarked and scarred armour was going to have a few new additions after this, and he had to say he was a little worried his armour wouldn’t make it. It was the only thing he had left of his brothers, and he would be damned if he ever gave it up.

Backing up even further, he is forced to swing his cannon into the head of one of the creatures, sending it tumbling before he filled it with holes. Unfortunately that let another tackle him to the ground, his cannon being lost in the process as the creature’s claws scrabbled against the front of his armour. Force in his life Norman thanked the armour’s defence as he slammed an elbow into the jaw of the creature and sent it reeling with a painful to hear screech.

Activating his jet pack, Norman rockets our from under the creature, just grabbing his rotary as he spins through the air, coming to a stop at the edge of the cliff and next to Mundi, looking down at the weird little astromech. Glancing at the cliff, he leans down to pick up the puppy-like robot, before looking back at the others and the encroaching group of aliens. He figured this was as good a time as any, as Xiao hadn’t told him when.

He pressed the button for his thermals, and the ground shook as further back in the tunnels flames erupted into life, confined and channeled by the confined spaces.

“Since i’m not an explosives expert, I have no clue if that will reach our little lot here. My pack has a pretty large amount of juice, so i’ll take Mundi and clear out whatever might be down there.”
"Sounds technological." Irantu muttered. "Samsara, be on high alert. This creature-" He waved at the xenomorph image "-is likely indestructible, or highly versatile in both offence and defence. Entity..." He paused, unsure of what to say to address this thing. "Can you guide us to 'back there'?"

As soon as Xiao hit the door with her giant block, nothing happened. The door barely flinched, let alone even dent to her power. The more she would pound on it, the less damage the massive door would take. The only sign she was hitting it was the dust coming off her block of earth left marks like a bird hitting a window. "Aw... Shit." Alec sighed, suddenly collapsing to the ground on his behind, looking dejected and miserable while he head looked to the ground. Wonder if he had a concussion from his rifle hitting him in the face. If so, HE CAN'T WIN AT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!

The aliens screeches were close by, and with no where else to go, the group was now trapped. If Norman's explosives didn't kill them, they'd be ripped to shreds by those things. Escape seemed impossible, UNTIL!.... The door started glowing. Lights from the door started illuminating the room, as the group would hear it start to power up. Before long, headlights above the door suddenly came on, shining down at them all. The alien creatures started running into large room with them all by the dozens it seemed, attracted to the lights and the smell of flesh from our heroes, but as they came close, a horrid whistle noise was made.

It was like a police siren turned up to eleven, it was so loud you'd swear your eardrums would burst out blood. It was effective at pushing away the aliens however, sending them retreating back through the holes in the walls. After a minute, the noise stopped and it became quiet again. If anyone could still hear after that, a voice came on the megaphones. "Hello!" The voice was cheery, like nothing serious had happened before. "Sorry about that, only thing that keeps those things away, it's like a dog whistle for them. I'll get the door open, looks like one of you needs some help."

That would be Alec, who looked just tired now. Like he'd been awake for over two days without a nap or energy drink. The massive door opened slowly as it slid out forward, then cut in half as the lights inside were blinding. Once their eyes adjusted, there were people standing in the doorway ready to greet them.
A woman clad in armor leaned on the door frame, overlooking the gruop that had just formed.

"Hmph. Took you long enough...."

These mortals couldn't handle a simple Xenomorph infestation? As the Goddess of War, Bellona would have relished at the feeling of combat and anguish, but apparently whoever ruled this place seemed to have other ideas. She wasn't eactly a bleeding heart herself however. She gave the newcomers an annoyed look and walked farther into the bunker for now. Bellona trusted people very little and those she did trust had proven themselves to her.

If these people were going to survive they would do it themselves...
Negative Twelfth could hold the aliens back as long as they were undisturbed. However the rank of thermal detonators sending a plume backward through the tunnels was another matter. Stymied aliens were driven forward by the racing down tunnels now easily seen by Samsara though there were some tearing at empty space and partly each other. The Avatar leaf blinked out and returned to Mundi worrying for its safety. Negative twelfth held its feet looking at the blast then scraped the plate clean.

Then the horrid noise began driving them all back to their nest away from the hovel seen as Negative Twelfth dropped back into Xiao's monochrome awareness to plot escape. Mundi had to survive. Now there were ways in however chewed by the bestial creatures through walls. Some were just wide enough for Samsara.

It replaced the yellow vinyl with the words, "TAKE PLATE. DOUBLE TIME."

A weightless focus of a larger intellect among a fog of regulated reality its inner loop could illuminate Negative Twelfth grabbed the metal plate and pulled hard with its good arm. The strain set it alight with a pale burn of threading as the metal fatigued then rusted away at the hinges. Held firmly against dropping into the void its hands dragged to the ground as if Negative Twelfth held a leaden weight.

A hasty isometric map appeared on the plate with five numerals standing together with another labeled, "-1/12"

Sets of black dots scurried across the voids between the walls and below to somewhere off-map. There were stragglers in between but a tunnel going to a large door below. Names of those below were inscribed before it.

@Agent Puncake

"Hey everyone~ So glad you could all make it~! My name's Plutia~" A little girl exclaimed as she welcomed everyone who had arrived at the Bunker, a place where apparently some people were holding out. What was a little girl like her doing there? Regardless to say, quite surprising that a little girl got pulled into such a horrible world. But this girl was something special, but they needed to figure out that first.

"Wait a minute. There's a little girl with them? What the..." Came from Vortex-25 as she was practically scratching her helmet at the sight of someone being so small and childish. At least, it appeared to be like that. "What's a little girl like her doing in a place like this? Everyone here is practically an adult and trained in various different methods of combat." "Ghost, this place is weird enough with all these different universe people here. Let's just roll with it." "Okay..."

A woman clad in armor leaned on the door frame, overlooking the gruop that had just formed.

"Hmph. Took you long enough...."

These mortals couldn't handle a simple Xenomorph infestation? As the Goddess of War, Bellona would have relished at the feeling of combat and anguish, but apparently whoever ruled this place seemed to have other ideas. She wasn't eactly a bleeding heart herself however. She gave the newcomers an annoyed look and walked farther into the bunker for now. Bellona trusted people very little and those she did trust had proven themselves to her.

If these people were going to survive they would do it themselves...


"Hey lady? Um... Could you maybe not be mean to our new friends?~ That wasn't very nice..."

Vortex on the other hand, walked over to the woman in ironclad armour and asked her something. "Hey... Wait a minute. I think I recognise you. Aren't you... Bellona? The Roman Goddess of War?" "Wait. How exactly do you know who this is?" "You'd be surprised at just how much you can learn by venturing into a Warlock's Library, especially Ikora's. Also, I'm surprised you don't know either, Ghost. This is practically human Mythology in the flesh right here." "If you say so..." The Ghost responded, rotating the little eye-light in the middle of it's shell.

@Bobby the Prussian @Hahli Nuva @lil_kreen @Raffia Kiryuin @TheGreenerGrey
Bellona crossed her arms over her chestplate. Human Mythology? Hardly. Perhaps however, this world was not familiar with her godliness. All the more reason to make her lordship known.

"The name is Bellona. And yes, I am indeed the Goddess of War. Are you one of my worshippers?"

@Raynar Saassin
Bellona crossed her arms over her chestplate. Human Mythology? Hardly. Perhaps however, this world was not familiar with her godliness. All the more reason to make her lordship known.

"The name is Bellona. And yes, I am indeed the Goddess of War. Are you one of my worshippers?"

"Not... exactly. I read up about you in those Mythology books that someone in my world known as Ikora Rey keeps in a library. It's ancient history before we ascended to the skies and colonised the planets. Or something like that, not entirely sure myself." "Something just tells me you wished you were a Warlock." "You don't have to be a Warlock to be knowledgeable and read books, okay? Despite what Cayde-6 says, I sneak away from my duties as a Hunter and speak to Ikora whenever she's alone." "Fair enough Guardian. Fair enough." The Ghost responded.

Plutia couldn't help but overhear what was being said, about Bellona being a Goddess, and spoke up.


"You're a Goddess?~ I'm a goddess too~!" She exclaimed with a smile on her face.

@Hahli Nuva
Bellona was about to confront Vortex when this purple little thing got in her way. Did she just declare herwelf to be a Goddess? Ridiculous! What kind of backasswards, broken down mudball did she end up on? If this was another prank from Ares or Loki she would be sure to tan their hides when she got back. Nobody played a prank like this on Bellona and lived to regret it.

The warrior Goddess narrowed her eyes at the adorable girl and scoffed. "Oh yeah? Goddess of what, sugarcubes?"

@Raynar Saassin
Bellona was about to confront Vortex when this purple little thing got in her way. Did she just declare herwelf to be a Goddess? Ridiculous! What kind of backasswards, broken down mudball did she end up on? If this was another prank from Ares or Loki she would be sure to tan their hides when she got back. Nobody played a prank like this on Bellona and lived to regret it.

The warrior Goddess narrowed her eyes at the adorable girl and scoffed. "Oh yeah? Goddess of what, sugarcubes?"

"Well... I'm a Goddess of a nation called... um... Planeptune~! And I release games to the public~! And I have a friend called Histy who helps me out~" Plutia responded with a finger to her chin. She didn't seem to remember most things and certainly acted a bit like an airhead judging from how she communicated that. "Somehow I don't believe you. You just look like a little girl to me." Vortex-25 added, as she crossed her arms at her. "She's probably just saying that to get attention." "I can prove it if you want me to..." She asked both Vortex and Bellona.

@Hahli Nuva
Bellona smirked. Maybe she was like Scylla, a cute and adorable girl when you looked at her, but she had a devastating power hidden within. It wouldn't be the first time Bellona had seen such a thing.

"Alright, kid... Show me why you're a Goddess."

@Raynar Saassin
"Well... Okay then~" Plutia then vanished into a bright light as her transformation took place right in front of everyone:


"Woah! What kind of transformation is that?!" Came from a shocked Vortex-25 as she began taking a few steps back from her. Her Ghost did the same. "I have a bad feeling about this..."


"Hmhm~ I always do enjoy when as soon as I turn into this form... People are already beginning to submit~ It's always a bit satisfying to behold~" She exclaimed with a chuckle. Her voice was definitely different from the small, innocent Plutia as her voice was cold and harsh, and had a very clear vibe of Sadism and Domination. She then turned back to Bellona with a grin as she looked her down. "As for my name~ You can call me, Iris Heart. And you are certainly much prettier from where you let on~ It'd be such a shame if someone were to use you as their little plaything. Seeing your face all shrivelled up in pain, screaming in agony would be quite satisfying~" "Okay, my bad feeling was correct. I don't like this woman-girl anymore." "When did you like them?" "I don't know, Ghost. But I don't like this sadistic vibe I'm feeling from her."

"You all can refer to me as Madame Goddess from now on~ Unless you don't want to submit?~ Then I'd be more then happy to do whatever I want with you~ Now~ Who shall I pick on first?~ Hmhm~"

@Hahli Nuva @Bobby the Prussian @lil_kreen @Raffia Kiryuin @TheGreenerGrey
Bellona actually flat out laughed. This chick thought bigger boobs and a whip meant that she was a goddess? For shame. If this was what the standards of being a Goddess had fallen to Bellona shuddered to think who else could attain what previoulsy only she could.


"Really? The whole dominating slut angle? Bitch, please. Aphrodite's a bigger dom than you and she's been around ALL the pantheons. That being said, try all you like, nobody dominates ME."

@Raynar Saassin
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