The Finger of God | Character Profiles


lil Imp
Hello! This is where all our character information will be stored. Be sure not to step on it.
Before you make a character, it's recommended to read the lore tab on the main thread. It'll help a lot in understanding the setting and abilities available.

Don't write down your motives! Reveal them through RPing to prevent metagaming.

BTW, you can have one item on your person at all times, but you don't have to tell anybody about it until you have to use it.

Back to the main thread!

Character Profile Template:


Gender (optional):

Personality traits (optional):

Biography (optional):

Appearance (optional):

Skills (at most 3)
  • Skill
  • Skill
  • Skill
Weaknesses (at least 2)
  • Weakness
  • Weakness
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Sun Tzu

Gender: Male

Personality Traits: Calm, deceptive, reserved. Oftentimes, Tzu is much more aware of the situation than he lets on.

Biography: Sun Tzu works a job supporting Ethernet. He has allocated 10% of his server space to processing data, and thus earns a steady income on which to entertain himself. He came across a strange file two years ago, and followed it back to a locked server space. Hacking into it, Tzu found himself the true reason behind Jung's fall from grace. Sun Tzu saw an opportunity in this, and now works in the shadows towards his master plan. When not hidden away, Tzu enjoys the public parks and art displays.

Appearance: Sun Tzu is quite a typical man. He wears the same body he was born with, and dresses in an ornamental robe. Several lobes are attached to his arms and legs, but are mostly hidden from sight.

  • A fine example of hacker, and adept with manipulating Ethernet.
  • Calm and collected, good at keeping secrets.
  • Good at judging the intent of others.
  • Doesn't have any combat experience.
  • Comes off as shady.
Name: Agent 69

Personality: Stoic, Sociopathic, superficially Charismatic, inwardly dull

-Blends into the crowd and shadows
-Has a license to kill, and skilled with lethal weapons
-Has a myriad of government issue bodies, for any task and obstacle

-Vat grown, so very superficial and odd behind the charismatic mask
-Must follow the orders of the government, no exceptions.
-Has an expendable nature, despite being active for many years.
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Name: Captain Kintan, of the Slithering Legion

Gender (optional): Male

Personality traits (optional): Sociopathic and egotistical, Kintan has a weak self-esteem which he makes up for by cruel treatment of others. When pinned down his over-inflated sense of power makes him act unpredictably.

Biography (optional): Kintan was born to an abusive father who would eventually kill his mother. In respond he received a shiv to the neck from Kintan. Growing up orphaned and a murderer in the gang-infested slums, Kintan learned fast to navigate life as a criminal, and learned that for this Wetware can be especially important. He trained himself to steal and jury-rig Wetware to himself. Eventually he scraped up enough street fame (or infamy) to 'aqquire' his own space-yacht, the Slithering Legion, which he retro-fitted with guns and learned to fly to escape the authorities. Today he and his first mate still spend most of their life making trouble in orbit, evading the government.

Appearance (optional): Looks a bit like frankensteins monster; he has four arms due to his Wetware, each a different size and shape. His torso is elongated and his legs are unnaturally burly. Wears some protective gear almost always. The only thing normal-looking on him is his thickly bearded face; and even that only conceals unnatural fingers underneath his chin and heavy, un-groomed facial hair. This allows him yet one more place to smuggle and sell contraband.

Skills (at most 3)
  • Jury-rigging Wetware
  • Manipulating Ethernet, though only so far as to resist hacking.
  • Breaking into things. Physically.
Weaknesses (at least 2)
  • He is driven by his need for self-worth, and will do anything to feel powerful.
  • Women
Name: Vivek Basu, First Mate of the Slithering Legion

Gender (optional): Male

Personality traits (optional):
Confidant and Capable, Arrogant and Cocky, Vivek Basu works best under Pressure though his love of drink makes him come off as a Mad-Man.

Biography (optional): Vivek Basu always had a knack for tinkering and grew up with a classical education. He had a loving but hard father who taught him the arts of war and mastery of combat, later arranging him an apprenticeship working for the Elite's Head Engineer. Eventually Vivek surpassed his teacher and came to hold the prestigious position of Head Engineer for the Elite. Vivek Basu was a loyalist to the Elite and held influence for a few years, before he found what the really happened to Jung. Flying into a rage Vivek walked away from the Elite. Eventually meeting Kintan, Vivek tried to forget his past and live off the radar. Vivek carries a sharp ceremonial Sword.

Appearance (optional): Standing 6' 5'' Vivek's autocarnem body is very humanoid in shape, though it has interchangeable hands to aid him in his engineering. His head has three eyes, a snout, along with a set of antlers. His body is athletic with broad shoulders, along with a soft fur coating most of his autocarnem body. Swirling crimson tattoos cover his body twisting into odd shapes that inspire the mind.

Skills (at most 3)

  • Combat Master (Fencing and Sharp shooting)
  • Level headed, works good under pressure
  • Biological Engineer
Weaknesses (at least 2)
  • Has no experience hacking
  • Tendency towards Strong Drink
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Name: Oscar, Just Oscar

Gender (optional): Human

Personality traits (optional): Incredible calm and unfocused. Really difficult to affect mentally and always seems very mellow.

Biography (optional): Oscar was found floating in a metal box with life support in space by the Slithering Legion

Appearance (optional): Oscar's a very average looking person standing at about 6'1'' and 140kg. He's fairly nondescript with the only thing standing out from him is his dreamy and tired look like his mind is somewhere else completely.

Skills (at most 3)
  • Skilled Bio-Engineer
  • A body that always reforms
  • Specializes in Botany
Weaknesses (at least 2)
  • Incredibly Lazy
  • His body is fragile because of how it's made
  • Slow to act
  • Doesn't think before he acts
  • Rarely acts
  • Easily restrained and overpowered
  • Took the Hippocratic Oath
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