The Humans and the Abettors [OOC]


Name: Amethyst Lloyd
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Amethyst is quite tall for her age. She's 5'8 and has a lithe but athletic body type from years of dancing and
sports. Her hair is her most noticeable feature, in its natural state it's a big afro made up of curls. Currently she has straightened her hair and styled it in two long pigtails that reach her rear. Amethyst has light hazel eyes and dark skin.
Personality: A rather laid-back and mellow individual. She usually goes with the flow and does things at her own pace. Like most teenage girls she tends to have her head in the clouds and doesn't like being told what to do. Amethyst can be reckless at times, especially when she believes that what she is doing is the right thing. This has gotten her in trouble with the law a few times during school or around town. Another thing that usually gets her in trouble is her smart mouth, she's not afraid to voice her opinions or insult someone when she thinks that they are doing something foolish.
Biography: Amethyst lived with her parents and elderly grandmother before she was taken. Her parents were strict doctors and wanted their daughter to follow in their footsteps. Amethyst didn't like the fact that they were trying to plan her life for her so from a young age she rebelled against them. Her grandmother on the other had been a wild card back in her day. She encouraged Amethyst to live for herself and not for her parents. At school the young girl wasn't particularly popular but she had a decent amount of friends. Her grades were always flawless and never wavered, she always managed to get straight As.
Other: Has a love for Pygmy hedgehogs || Always his a pack of her favorite cherry bubblegum on her

Name: Blaise
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Eurasian Lynx
Appearance: Blaise looks like the typical Eurasian Lynx. He weighs about 99 pounds. His fur is short and silver/grey in color with black spots all over his body.
Personality: Blaise has a haughty personality. He's usually cold to people and abettors that he doesn't know. Towards Amethyst he's still cold but still caring as well. Blaise is very protective of Amethyst.
Powers: Blaise is able to manipulate darkness. Using the shadows to teleport or making a room pitch black are some examples of his powers.
Other: Despises when his coat gets dirty

: Rebecca Browning
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Rebecca has short, shoulder length brown hair and a small figure. Her eyes are bright blue and she has a goldish-tan skin complexion, thanks to her American Indian Ancestry. She is 5'4" and weighs 110 pounds.
Personality: Rebecca is timid and shy. She has a kind and sweet personality if you get to talking to her, but is fairly withdrawn when it comes to meeting new faces. She is not a risk taker and will need to be coaxed out of her comfort zone when scared or nervous about doing something. Rebecca has low self-esteem and has a hard time making decisions, usually going to her Abettor for reassurance and a second opinion.
Biography: Rebecca was raised and sheltered by two loving parents. She was an only child but her mother and father did a good job in not spoiling her. They were fairly well off as her father was a surgeon, and this gave her mother the ability to work as an artist. Rebecca loved admiring her mom's beautiful paintings, many of which were good enough to be sold at a decent price. Like her mother, she loves to paint and draw, finding the pastime relaxing and fulfilling. Her parents and the young teen usually got along pretty well, as Rebecca wasn't very rebellious like many of her peers. This may be because she didn't have a lot of friends in school and mostly kept to herself.

: Una
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Rabbit
Appearance: Una fits snugly in one of Rebecca's arms, and is about the length of her human's forearm. Her fur is light golden brown and almost blonde, with a fluffy white undercoat.
Personality: Una doesn't talk much as an Abettor. She will communicate freely with Rebecca using their telepathic link, but talking out loud is normally a rare occurrence for the rabbit. She is shy like her human in this respect, but acts as a support for Rebecca, encouraging her when she is in need of it. Una has a little more confidence than her human but can still be quite skittish and wary, especially in unfamiliar situations.
Powers: Una has very good hearing. She is able to pick up whispers from many yards away and louder noises from even greater distances. Una is also able to air hop consecutively in short bursts. This allows her to bounce around mid air and reach places that wouldn't be capable for Rebecca. She can retrieve small things for her human or get a look around with this ability.
Also, so that the thread isn't hung up for too long on waiting for people to post their characters (speaking from previous GM experience), you could have a group join the RP later in a different cell if you wanted. Or you could just have the scientist bring the new characters into the main cell at a certain point. Not sure if this would throw off any plot planning you had though, so its just a suggestion
There could be a few problems with that in what I've planned out, but it shouldn't be too difficult to get around. I'll wait another day before making any decisions about that.
I can do you one better. I made a map!


Also a written description:
There are two five by ten metre rooms connected by a standard door. Most of the walls are made of a pale grey concrete, apart from one wall in the living quarters which is one-way glass. All around the top of the room is a tiny air shaft around one inch tall. There are bright lights on the ceiling that are currently switched on, and they’ll switch off at 10:00pm. The first room has twelve good quality hospital beds with mysterious, switched off equipment on one side of the room, two couches, two coffee tables, a selection of board games and books and a water cooler and plastic cups. There is one bin. The second room has two showers, a large sink with multiple taps, two baths, two toilets and one changing cubicle. Privacy is respected with shower curtains, curtains around the bath, and curtains around the toilets. You can’t spend any longer than five minutes in the bathroom area; showers stop, baths are drained, all water stops working and the lights switch off. In the living quarters there is a heavy, concrete door that is always locked and also always hidden by a chameleon Abettor. There is a radio speaker in the north-east corner of each room, but it only plays pop music and cannot be adjusted. You can request for other channels to be put on through any staff members you may see/meet. All the furniture is bolted to the floor. There is a digital clock on the wall above the beds. It is currently 11:55am.

You can all look into the gallery if you can't see it here for whatever reason, it should be there.
Damn, wasn't expecting that haha! It's great though, thanks :D I didn't think they'd have it that well off, good for them!

I'm guessing the Abettors have something a bit simpler? (you dont have to make a map for that if you dont want to haha, just checking)
Well, if the scientists and doctors want to have their way they need the humans and abettors to trust them. A nice room's a good way to start of a trust of sorts, hahahah.

The abettors have essentially the same thing, except that their beds vary more in size (a bigger bed for the bigger animals and a smaller bed for the smaller animals), bowls instead of cups at the water cooler, one small bath and one big bath, no showers and no changing cubicle. Plus everything in the abettor holding cell is a lot stronger, since they have to be able to resist powers. I think that's it. I think, hahah.
For the three people that haven't posted their forms yet can join in later in the roleplay if they'd like. If so, they'll wake up on one of the spare beds when everyone leaves for one reason or another. Of course, if they post their forms before I have everyone leave the cell, they can join in with the full group.
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In my post, I mentioned that Rebecca could feel her abettor's emotions when she was grabbed by the masked man. Is this possible? Because if not I can remove that sentence. If it is a thing, can abettors and humans always feel each other's emotions, or only if they decide to convey it through the link / when the emotion is really strong?