The Legend of Renalta (OOC/Sign-Ups)

Cináed Therin
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Appearance: Cináed's angelic heritage shows through his warm golden eyes and his blemish-free fair features. He is slight of build and height, and combined with his boyish, slightly effeminate looks he cuts anything but an imposing figure. His hair is a light blonde as golden as his eyes, and usually falls in a tousle of untamed locks kept loosely at bay by infrequent trims.

Background Choice: Royal Loyalist

Motivation: Cináed was raised on a wealth of stories about the legendary fallen kingdom. Growing up in a small village named Elor, nestled in the heart of the Renaltan Remnants, his parents often told him tales of 'better times', as their parents had before them, and their parents before them. The stories have captured his imagination, and he longs to see those glory days return - to see an end to the constant fear of raiders, and a better life for his friends and family. When he heard whispers of King's Rangers passing through a nearby town, he dropped everything to seek them out with reckless abandon and join their cause.

Biography: Elor is a quiet, sleepy village in the Renaltan Remnants, that sees little in the way of regular excitement or trouble. The threat of orc or bandit raids is ever-present, but the village is often overlooked in favour of more prosperous targets.

Cináed was born to a farmer and his second wife, and has four half-siblings born to the farmer's first - now passed to illness. Where his elder brothers worked the fields, and his sister tended the house, Cináed's angelic talents had laid him a different path. Unduly favoured by both his parents, and as such the subject of some resentment from his siblings, Cináed did not toil as they did. Instead, he stayed at his mother's side and learned to command the arts of his heritage - to heal, first and foremost, but also to command fire.

His and his mother's presence was a well-guarded secret, for the presence of angel-touched healers would surely have marked Elor as a target for raiders were word of it to spread. When travellers passed through, they stayed within the farmhouse safe from prying eyes, no matter how Cináed longed to learn of the world beyond his sleepy home from them. Several times he snuck out to eavesdrop on the tales told to the village's other youths, and several times he came close enough to discovery to earn a fierce chiding.

Now passing into adulthood, Cináed's longing to fly the nest and cease hiding from the world had never been greater, when rumours of King's Rangers passing through a nearby town reached his ear. Fierce in his resolve, he bid an emotional farewell to his family despite their protests, took up an old sword he scarcely knew how to use, and set out to forge his destiny - to create his own stories.

  • Healing - Cináed's greatest talent is in healing, both magical and mundane. Taught from a young age by his mother, he knows how to set bones, stitch wounds, create poultices and medicines, and more, as well as possessing knowledge of a wide variety of herbs. Where that fails - or where it is impractical - he can turn to his angelic powers instead. His healing abilities are potent but draining, and can treat physical injury, disease, and even curses/magical afflictions.
  • Pyromancy - The second of the magics granted to him by his angelic heritage, Cináed is far less practised with this art, but not entirely incapable. He is able to produce small to moderate balls and jets of flame for use in combat, but as of yet falls short of the more devastating conflagrations an arcane spellcaster might be able to produce. He is, however, far more practised than most wizards in creating cooking fires and sterilising needles. So he's got that going for him, which is nice. A side-effect of this ability is that he is both largely immune to being burned, and he never gets cold. Indeed, his body holds a preternatural warmth to it. Though he is unaware of this due to his lack of combat experience, Cináed's fire is particularly effective against demonic, undead or other "foes of the gods" that his angelic heritage would deem "impure".
  • Resolve - Despite his inexperience, Cináed has passion and willpower in abundance. It will take a lot to truly break him, or to tempt him to give in, even though he seems outwardly vulnerable to hardship.
  • Charisma - In part owed to his angelic heritage, and in part simply who he is, Cináed is very easy to like and even easier to trust. He projects an aura of kindness and compassion in an almost literal sense, and both people and animals find themselves at ease in his company.

  • Physical Weakness - Whilst not unfit, Cináed has far from a strong build.
  • Inexperience - Cináed has never taken a life, nor had his truly threatened, and has barely spent more than a week on the road. Though he carries a sword, the extent of his skill manifests in being roughly more likely to injure an enemy with it than himself. He's hunted small game before, but has been known to feel too sorry for the animals to actually kill them.
  • Naivety - Having seen little in the way of the darker side of humanity, Cináed is trusting and compassionate to a fault. He will always attempt to see the good in people, and balk at 'necessary' killings, or the rhetoric of "the ends justify the means.

Domains of Magic: Healing, Pyromancy (as detailed above)

  • Medicine Pouch/Healing Kit (containing useful herbs, equipment such as a mortar and pestle, bandages, needle and thread, and etc.)
  • A light arming sword
  • A bedroll and blanket
  • A hunting knife


the Kouri Plushie lives on o.o

Signature: Scrupt Scrap Script
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Quirin (Rin) Althorne
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Appearance: Skinny, pale and fidgety, it's fairly apparent upon first glancing at Rin that he doesn't spend much time outside. His long, floppy black hair falls in such a way that it often covers one (or both) of his eyes, and his face is set into an almost permanent subdued frown. Though of fairly average height, he tends to give the impression of being smaller than he is by his meek body language and demeanour, often hunching over a little and generally keeping his hazel eyes downcast. Although attractive enough in an effeminate way, his gloomy expression and withdrawn mannerisms tend to detract a shade from what appeal he otherwise would have.

Background Choice: A Home For Mages
Motivation: To bring about a world where he no longer has to hide his arts, and where he's maybe a little bit less judged for having extraplanar friends. Or maybe a world where he has human friends, that would be nice too. At the heart of it, he really just wants to not be hunted by witch hunters any more, please and thank you.

Biography: Rin grew up surrounded by books and knowledge, the son of a librarian of one of Liveria's great libraries. His mother, Estalpha, kept knowledge of his father (who had left her shortly after his birth) from him when he was young, and though she took pains to educate him well, her attitude towards him was frosty - she reminded him of a man she'd rather not have remembered in quite such a permanent way. The Rin that grew from this treatment and isolation - for he saw little of other children - was meek, timid and lonely. He sought solace in books, and read many a tale of legends both real and imagined, as well as expanding his knowledge in new and unexpected directions.

One such direction was that of magic. Though his mother had taught him that magic was not to be trusted, he found himself lured by the potential of the mystic arts - especially as he read more tales of the past wherein spellcasters were lauded as opposed to feared - and began to study them in earnest, and in secret. It was his lonely heart that led him towards the path of conjuration: the idea of calling forth companionship too tempting to resist.

Whilst in the daytime he trained as a humble scribe, in the midnight hours, he sat in the secluded, lesser visited corners of the great library and practised his arts alone, knowing full well the danger he was in should they be discovered. Conjuration was firmly within the realms of "forbidden" by the tenets of Liveria, the potential for demonic trafficking too great for even more harmless practices to be permitted for fear of a "slippery slope". And perhaps they were right, for traffick he did. He started small, with minor familiars taking the shapes of animals, but soon his confidence grew enough to call on greater and more sapient entities. Some he hastily returned to whence they came, when it became apparent that they were as malicious as the warnings would have had him believe, but others were far more companionable.

In his conjured creatures, he found companionship that humanity had yet to offer him. And so when his mother discovered his dealings, and her shriekings of discipline threatened to reveal him to the witch hunters and force him to dispel his new friends, he chose instead to flee into the night. Where he was going, he didn't know. But that question was answered when he was saved from a witch hunter by a King's Ranger, who recognised his talents with the arcane arts, and extended to him an offer. An offer to serve a princess he'd read about in the histories and thought long dead, and to earn himself a place in those histories. A place where he could belong.

  • Scholarly: Rin has a wealth of knowledge from his many years spent reading in Liveria's great library, ranging from history, to magical lore, to political and cultural customs. He's also a trained scribe.
  • Conjuration: Rin's foremost magical talent lies in the arts of conjuration. He has forged contracts with a number of entities, detailed in the magic section below, who he can call upon should he have need. He is also capable of conjuring other beings, but with less reliable results than those that he already has a rapport with.
  • General Arcana: General, multi-purpose magecraft; Rin's wide knowledge of the magical arts allow him to utilise a similarly wide range of magics at a basic level. This largely encompasses relatively minor cantrips, such as animating pens to write for him, unlocking doors, creating magical sensors for scouting purposes, generic magic missiles and other common tricks.
  • Innocuous: If there's one thing Rin's good at, it's at going unnoticed. Whilst not quite the same as being stealthy, Rin finds it very easy to blend into crowds and shrink into the background - usually without even really trying.

  • Weedy: Rin has the physique and constitution of a sheltered bookworm.
  • Self-Confidence: Rin is nothing if not a defeatist, and whilst he finds it easy to place faith in others, he finds it more difficult to place faith in himself. This can lead to him underachieving - or even just not trying if he thinks it won't do any good.
  • Cowardice: Rin isn't the most valorous of individuals, and is easily cowed. He'd love to say that he'd stick by his friends until the bitter end, but he hasn't really had any friends to test that on so far, and isn't really sure if he'd be telling the truth. Of all his flaws, this is the most likely to change once he has people worth being brave for.
  • Social Clumsiness: When you've largely only had spirits and familiars to talk to for most of your life, you tend not to blossom into a social butterfly. Rin puts his foot in his mouth on a regular basis.
  • Personal Inexperience: Rin's battle experience consists of running away from witch hunters and hoping that his conjured allies can do all the work for him.

Domains of Magic:
  • Conjuration: Rin has an established rapport with the following entities, and is also capable of conjuring other, none-specific entities with sufficient preparation:
    • Nyu: A shadow elemental, Nyu is the oldest of Rin's companions, and accompanies him at almost all times. Nyu can take on a wide variety of shapes, but is commonly seen as a rat, a cat or a raven - all jet black, of course. Whilst affectionate towards his master, Nyu has little patience for other mortals, and in many ways behaves a lot like an actual cat, albeit one capable of actually vocalising its disdain. Also capable of taking on a form of pure shadow, Nyu is an excellent scout and spy, but is less potent in combat. When he does do battle, Nyu utilises dexterity, his malleable form and sharp talons of solid-shadow to outmanoeuvre his foes and strike at their weak spots. Nyu is resilient against mundane weaponry, but vulnerable to magical attacks, and particularly suffers when subjected to magical light.
    • Cinder: Likely the companion that Rin has the closest to a solid friendship with, Rin has spent many a long night whiling away the hours in Cinder's company. A flighty and fun-loving androgynous fire elemental, Cinder is very fond of their meek little master (although which of them is really in charge is debatable), and is one of Rin's go-to conjurations in a fight. They have a masterful level of control over the generation and manipulation of fire, and a fighting style full of acrobatic movements and unnecessary somersaults.
    • Lumos: A minor conjuration, Lumos is a little celestial light spirit that takes on the form of a tiny, translucent cat-sized dragon with a glowing core of light. Largely utilised by Rin as a friendly reading lamp, Lumos' mannerisms are somewhat reminiscent of a flying puppy. The most that Lumos can achieve in a fight is to produce irritating bursts of superhot light, with potency comparable to an insect sting, and to claw and bite.
  • General, cantrip level arcana

  • More books than is reasonable for a long journey.
  • Writing equipment, including a journal.
  • A small dagger.
  • A somewhat-lacking-in-content arcane component pouch, and an improvised crystalline spell focus.
Signature: Script
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Name: Oswald Richter

Age: 29



An exceptionally large man, Oswald stands at 6’7” and weighs nearly 300 pounds. He has pale blue eyes and fair hair. What may have once been an attractive face has been marred by years of service. His smile is missing a few teeth, his cheeks are spattered with small burn marks as if splashed with hot oil. Oswald’s nose appears to have been broken several times, and as such has a slight tilt to the left. His body bears a smattering of scars, most caused by magical sources. Among the scars, anti-magic runes and other religious iconography have been tattooed directly onto his body.

His arms and armour are covered in anti-magic runes and religious symbols.

Background Choice: Ex-Templar

Motivation: Oswald is furious with the gods and the church. He has become disillusioned with the false images of the gods he has been taught. He has committed horrific acts in the name of vain and petty gods, and seeks retribution for his past transgressions.

Biography: Oswald Richter was born and raised in Heiligen Stuhl under the Templar Order. Always a faithful individual, even at a young age, he joined and began his training at the age of 13. He quickly took to his training, excelling in negating various magics as well as the martial arts.

Oswald is a kind man at heart, but years of battle and killing have hardened him. Turning him coarse and reserved. A man of few words, he speaks little but when he does people tend to listen.

He served a long and illustrious career as a Templar. Being an intensely devout and obedient man he successfully completed every manner of task for the Templar Order, slaying mages and quelling peasant rebellions alike.

After several years of service to Rheinfeld and many successful “battles”, Oswald had a series of long conversations with a man he would later learn was a King’s Ranger. This man spoke a certain kind of heresy. He told tales which painted the gods in a less than glorious light. Oswald, being battle weary and entering a self-reflective phase of his life, found himself listening to the man’s words. Over time and with a certain amount of internal reflection Oswald slowly discovered the truth in the Ranger’s words. He learned to hate not just the gods, but the Templar Order and the Rheinfeld Theocracy that controlled and manipulated him. He has now joined Princess Kouri and her troupe in their quest to dethrone the gods.


  • Experienced Soldier: Oswald is not only well trained, but highly experienced. He is nearly a master of the martial arts, both on foot and on horse.
  • Templar: Oswald is so well versed in anti-magic that he has anti-magic runes tattooed into his skin. All but the most powerful of mages will fail to affect him
  • One Burly Motherfucker: Oswald is exceptionally large and strong.
  • Glutton For Punishment: Oswald can take a serious beating before succumbing to his wounds.
  • Scarred Veteran: His body bears the marks of many battles fought. Scar tissue covers his body and he feels phantom pains.
  • Guilty Conscience: Oswald has slain many an innocent in the name of the gods and at the behest of the Templar Order. This eats at his conscious.
  • Old Bias: Even though he has become disillusioned with the gods and the church, Oswald still harbors some remaining anti-mage sentiment.
  • Magic Immune: His great anti-magic abilities prevent him from benefiting from magic. He cannot be healed or assisted via the means of magic.

Domains of Magic: Anti-magic


Armoured Warhorse named Blaz

Anti-magic Plate mail


Long sword


Rondel dagger

Basic camping supplies


Water Skin

Horse Feed

Tinder box

Saddle bags

Other: Hates Kouri Plushies, long may they reign.

Signature: I, Potatocat, am ready to have my character die via inability to be healed by magic.
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Ayy lmao, kouri plushie or something, I'm an oldie but a goodie

Name: Sisera Del Azul, son to the Steward of Renalta

Age: Technically over a thousand years old, physically is in his early 40's

Sex: Male


Sisera is a tall muscular imposing man, at 6'2 he towers over almost anyone and his thick frame, large bones and strong jawline give him an imposing masculine look. His body is completely hairless, with the exception of his eyelashes and a few wisps of hair for eyebrows there is not a strand on him. His torso is covered in grisly burn scars that come in a wide variety of ghastly colors. He has covered up his body with a long wool robe and cap.

Background Choice: Other

Motivation: Sisera helped raise Kouri and was her caretaker and guardian when she was a child. Though they grew apart long before the destruction of Renalta, he still cares deeply for her and has always done everything to protect and serve her

Sisera was brought up in the family of Stewards that had served the royal family of Renalta for many generations. His father, Benjamin, was the last acting Steward of Renalta and one of the more controversial. Publicly he was a very fat, jovial man with a penchant for one too many mugs of mead. Privately he served as a closed door representative of the Royal family whenever there were private disputes with the nobility. This left the Stewards in poor standing with the majority of the upper class and Sisera himself had a lonely childhood since many children of his social standing were told to avoid the boy. Lonely and wishing to put his energy into something productive, he devoted his young life to the study of magic and martial combat, with his Father providing everything he needed. By the time the boy was 16 he had become a prodigy in fire magic and his years sparring with the Royal guards had made his body thick and muscular.

At the age of 18 his reputation as a great fire mage commanded at least a small modicum of respect from grumbling nobles and his relations with the Royal family couldn't be any better. Such friends he had become with the King and Queen that five days after the Princess Kouri was born he was allowed to visit her cradle. A few weeks later the Queen noted a strange devotion in Sisera as he would come by every few days to inquire about the health of the baby. His loyalty to the young Princess wasn't truly apparent until a year later, when the Princess was threatened by a particularly bad fever. The members of the court said they heard rumors that Sisera had headed to the outskirts of the capital to build a makeshift shrine to the Gods where he prayed for the Girl's survival. After three days of praying the girl, whether by coincidence or not, slowly became healthy again. Sisera's alarmed father went out to fetch his son and was shocked at the malnourished state the young man was in and soon caught a fever himself.

When Princess Kouri became older, Sisera was entrusted with taking her for walks around the safety of the castle and became an unofficial caretaker for the young girl. As the years went by Sisera began to teach her the basics of magic and hoped that she would take after him and learn fire magic. While he was personally disapointed at her choice of Ice, he encouraged her learning and provided what little help he could with all his personal books and knowledge on the subject. When the Princess reached the age of 15, there was nothing he could teach her that she couldn't simply teach herself. He began to isolate himself and gained a reputation among the upper class as an eccentric and recluse. Sisera learning the trade of his Father did little to help his reputation and he began to show up to court as his Father's representative due to the latter's old age. He saw little of Kouri during those years and usually only addressed her with a respectful nod and bow and while he maintained friendly relations with the King and Queen, he seemed more distant and stoic than before. They wondered what kind of Steward he would be when his Father passed on.

That time would never come for everything was shattered in Typhon's rage when Kouri rejected his advances. When it became apparent that Heaven would follow in Typhon's wrath he quickly took control and led the defense of the city. Utilizing the full power of his magical talents he gathered up the city's strongest mages and quickly orchestrated a magical ritual; engulfing the entire capital city in a protective flame, giving Kouri and her guard enough time to escape the armies of Heaven. Shortly afterwards, the barrier gave out and Sisera, his energy spent, retreated into the crumbling court-room where he prepared to give one final charge and die.

But his opponent was Typhon himself and in his anger and cruelty Typhon did not kill him but instead decided eternal torment as punishment. He casted Sisera down into the deepest, darkest cave of the land and encircled it in a seal of fire. Sisera would never age, he was destined by Heaven to burn and writhe in endless flames until the end of time.

Do you see it? Courage morph into hate
crawling like a thousand little spiders

And so for a thousand years, he screamed. His black hair burned into oblivion. His psyche broken, then broken again into tinier, smaller fragments. Until it seemed nothing remained.

Eating away at your weak fragile mind
replacing it with something transcendent

Than something remarkable happened. Almost a thousand years later, the seal began to weaken, then it finally broke and Sisera was freed. Sisera does not remember these first few weeks of darkness in these Caves. Only that he heard sounds from the horrors of the earth and feasted on unnatural things for sustenance. When he emerged from the caves in the wilderness, he was naked and his torso and legs maligned with horrible burn scars. His body had changed considerably; he could no longer tolerate the strain of pain, for he learned quickly that a simply punch felt like bones rattling around his body. And his fire magic... was gone. Every time he tried to cast a simple spell pain would come shooting up through his arm and the spell would blow up in his face. In his desperation to become a mage again he forced himself to learn smoke magic a “perversion” of fire magic seen as nothing more than a cheap trick by street performers but Sisera made it his own and was determined to turn it into something far more than what it was perceived as.

Three years ago he was freed from Typhon's seal and has wandered the land aimlessly with no goal in his life. He continues to live almost as a beggar, doing odd jobs in each town he enters in part due to his still impressive physical frame.


  • knowledge of Magic: Sisera has a impressive knowledge of the diversity of magic that permeates throughout the land. Though he is more learned in elemental magic than anything else, other forms of magic he at least has a understanding and grasp of how to fight against it. He is however limited if not practically useless when it comes to more obscure or outright forbidden magic.
  • Smoke mage: Once Sisera was an accomplished fire mage in Renalta, however his body can no longer handle the stress of the flame's heat and has resorted to “bastardizing” his former magical talents. Smoke is usually seen as nothing more than a cheap parlor trick but Sisera has managed to make it a potent ability. The mere amount he produces can fill a large room in seconds and entire town blocks and castles if given enough time. Which can either result in several people passing out (if not outright dying) from lack of air or at least providing a quick getaway. Sisera can also manage to make the smoke different colors and even have it form into things (often one can see a “smoke hound” forming if Sisera is casting a large enough spell)

    Sisera over the past three years as he taught himself smoke magic has been trying to find a way to give it some form or mass so that it can be used as a weapon. But results so far have to say the least. He has also heard legendary tales of mages being able to turn themselves into smoke, though Sisera is extremely hesitant to experiment: for he has also heard stories of foolish mages who dissipated and never came back.

  • Strongman: Sisera is built like an ox. He can carry quite a big load over a period of several miles before getting tired. He is certainly useful as a pack-mule if not anything else though one can imagine what would happen if he threw a punch, or used a weapon.
  • Swordsmanship: Sisera was once an expert swordsman but can now be described as “rusty but improving” his muscle memory is still intact and his reflexes are still sharp. It's just the footwork he has to get a grip on again. He usually carries a generic broadsword with him that can get the job done.


  • Extremely poor pain tolerance: Sisera's nervous system has been wrecked beyond repair in a few ways. Most notably is his tolerance for pain which despite being built like a bear is fragile to say the least. A simple good punch would have his knees shaking and his ability to fight hindered for at least a few moments before he could get it together. Anything more serious like a sword wound or a minor broken bone would leave him almost incapacitated with barely enough will power to unleash a puff of smoke to get away. If he ever suffered an injury like a major broken bone or a deep would from a weapon he risks dying from shock if not treated quickly.
  • Mental State: Sisera's mind is... shaky at best and completely broken at worst. Waking up with disturbing nightmares that ruin his sleep, general feelings of nervousness and anxiety along with delusions his mind often conjures up. At times his thought process can be irrational and quite demented and bloodthirsty, often for the sake of revenge or some other feeling buried deep in his subconscious. His mind can best be described as “fragmented” but not so much where he can't operate throughout the day. At least most of the time. This mental state is often seen in his magic personified as a dog made out of smoke that always seems disfigured somehow, this is most likely a part of his more repressed feelings leaking out in a visible form.
    He also has memory problems concerning the immediate events during the fall of the Renaltan Kingdom and certain aspects about his early life. He remembers general details and certain specifics but it all seems to be a blur for the most part.
  • Poor at stealth: Stealth for Sisera is pretty much out of the question. His bulky frame and large hands makes sneaking and thievery practically impossible.
  • Brave New World: While Sisera has had three years to wander and get his sea legs with his new surroundings, its quite clear that this world is very different from the one he knew and will require some assistance in fully adapting to this alien land

Domains of Magic: Sisera's smoke magic and Sisera's style of casting magic is unique among mages and the reason why he was able to cast such massive flames during his prime. Magic normally requires large amounts of concentration, the bigger the spell, the more taxing it is on the mind. Sisera learned to overcome this with a unique style of casting that involved using his entire body to physically channel the magic. With a simple flick of his fingers he can jettison out large streams of smoke and if he moves his entire body, often seen as a sort of ritualistic dancing, even larger clouds of smoke can form in an instant. If Sisera has time to prepare a spell well ahead of time, he could even use it to cover an entire town.

Smoke is a very niche magic. Wind magic can completely render it useless but it has its moments. It can be used as a quick getaway, a method of blinding an opponent before a strike or if Sisera's smoke manages to get inside someone from their mouth or nostrils, they will almost certainly die if Sisera wishes.

Equipment: A long brown robe that covers most of his body. Underneath is a white tunic with black pants and boots.

A simple, but effective broadsword,

A walking stick

Other: Kouri Plushie

Signature: slade

Name: Duluk Bagamul
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Race: Orc
Appearance: Duluk's skin is a lighter shade of Green, and although his hair does naturally go down to his shoulders he often ties it up into a bun if for nothing more than to easily maintain it and keep it out of his face. Likewise when he can help it he'll be freshly shaved, but when he cannot he will simply tie his beard into braids. He stands at 8'3" and weighs in at about 310 lb, with some muscle developed from constant travelling, but it pales in comparison to those who are used to heavy labour or front-line combat. He'll also often be wearing a pair of rivet spectacles, mainly when needing to read something.

Background Choice: Legend Seeker
Motivation: To learn about and help preserve the parts of history that the God's and Orders of today would rather see buried and forgotten. If said history is to simply to be relegated to a museum or books to learn from, or to be restored to it's full use depends on the use it holds for society.

Homeland: Free Holds
Biography: Duluk was fortune enough to grow up in a decent household, his father being a skilled and renowned enough warrior that it allowed the family to live in relative comfort. As a result Duluk decided to invest his time into his education, where when he wasn't in the classroom he could be found pouring over books or tinkering with whatever junk he could find around town. Being the son of a warrior he was also taught in the art of combat, which art of combat being up to his own discretion. To which he decided to focus primarily on axes and to be briefed on the crossbow, since they were simply easier for him to learn and unlike his father he lacked any true desire to fight himself. As he grew older he began to grow tired of being cooped up in town all the time, so he took any chance he could join a trading caravan or salvaging party since it gave him an excuse to leave and let him get exposed to certain devices that before he could only read about. During said trips he also collected a number of new books, which he would study alongside the other material from the library when he could, focusing mainly on History. During his studies he would occasionally find opportunites to tag along with expeditions with new Academic friends which was where he first started to learn about the old royalty, and magic in a way that didn't paint old royals in a negative light. Only serving to spike his curiosity he began finding whatever books he could on them, including one rather disturbing book titled "The Kouri Plushie lives on". He also used what leverage he had to dabble in whatever magical courses he could, well, whatever magic the land deemed to be "good". Eventually he decided to permanently leave home to further pursue studying the royal family and whatever magical arts he could, for it seemed to be the heart of a whole other side of history that was being actively hidden from the public eye.

  • Weapon Training: Trained well enough in using an axe and crossbow that he would be considered to be comparable to a basic recruit in the army. Not enough to win or lose most battles by itself, but enough that he can fend for himself when the need comes.
  • Well Educated: With a wealth of knowledge at his disposal Duluk has an in-depth understanding of history of kingdoms, different orders and certain disciplines of magic.
  • Magical Training: Although not well enough trained to be considered a full-out mage, he's studied it enough that he has learned of basic spells and methods of applying magic to day to day life.
  • Survival Basics: Between his history of working with traders, salvagers, expeditions and having a warrior as a father, Duluk has been well briefed on different skills for surviving out in the wild may it be making a fire, identifying what food is safe to eat, hunting, setting up camp etc. He's no wilderness expert by any stretch, but he can handle himself on a camping trip.

  • Far-Sighted: Duluk doesn't have the best eyesight for things up close, may that be due to poor genetics or putting books to close to his eyes too often he keeps some rivet spectacles with him to try to alleviate this.
  • Pacifist: Preferring to engage in tests and battles of the mind, Duluk is not one quick to jump into combat. And when he has no choice he is hesitant to deal any serious damage.
  • Socially Aloof: Having spent so much time among the books or among those with a strong sense of curiosity he's often found himself lost when trying to communicate with most people. Basics such as good hygiene (outside of hair braiding) and small or 'simple' talk often leave him bumbling for words, if not completely oblivious someone else's uneasiness.

Domains of Magic:

  • Basic Arcana: Magic that allows for the basic manipulation of his own environment.
  • Healing Magic and Alchemy: Disease and Injuries are common, especially when on the move and can also prove to be most fatal. Duluk's learned enough that most such things can be cured or at the very least properly treated until proper medical services are available.
  • Calming Spells: Although it can be used on others, Duluk has only ever used it on himself. Although he cares not to interfere with others behaviour this was one of the first things he learned if for nothing more than to manage his own anger, an unfortunate trait from his genetic history.
  • A decent selection of books, scrolls and documents
  • A journal and relevant writing equipment
  • A basic woodcutters axe and a simple crossbow and bolts
  • A basic utility knife
  • A backpack
  • A thick cloak
  • A few empty flasks
  • Enough medicine and supplies to function as a basic first aid kit
  • A couple rubber bands for his hair and other sorting means
  • A couple of rations
  • A handful of gold coins
Other: He has a habit to click his tongue inside his mouth whenever he's either deep on thought or focusing on something.

Signature: When have I, Gwazi Magnum, ever done something worthy of giving out my signature?
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Name: Lady Cerise of Ebonhold

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Appearance: There is no mistaking Cerise's heritage as a demon-touched. From the blemish-free maroon skin to the 'well-endowed' figure, tail with a spaded tip, eyes bright fiery orange, obsidian-black hair, and sharp fangs behind her ebony lips, the infernal taint on her bloodline is clear, similarly to her parents and those before them. Her face is often curled into a grin, either smug or sultry depending on scenario. Her neck, ears, and even tail are often adorned with various forms of jewelry, the latter of the three providing a pleasing (or simply just distracting) jingle to her steps.

Background Choice: Outsider Nobility (Free Holds)

Motivation: My ancestors speak, and this is where they lead me.


The visions come to me in the night.
In a far-flung corner of the Free Holds, above an otherwise normal settlement, a basalt-gray castle stands guard. Within lay a peculiar family of warlords-turned nobility, house Ebonhold. Family records suggest they offered themselves to a demon for power, permanently tainting their bloodline in order to conquer and settle their territory.

The spirits, I am told they are my ancestors.
They tell me to leave the castle's walls.

As the second child of the family, Cerise knew from a young age that the throne would not be hers to inherit. For most of the rest of her life she groomed herself towards either a martial career or that as a 'queen' elsewhere, though her fel affliction stymied the latter. Whenever her kin waged petty wars against other states in the Free Holds, she rode into battle with Ebonhold's troops, forcing the belligerent cities to support trading that benefited their lands.

Every night they whisper to me, they beg me to realize some sort of destiny.

When the King's Rangers approached the castle and requested assistance from Ebonhold, Cerise insisted they stay one night before any decisions were made, to consult her ancestors. When she drifted to sleep after much a feast, she received her answer.

They have spoken! Kouri is the key, I must follow her.

Upon waking, the noble gathered her armor, some clothing and her personal arms, saddled her steed, and rode to join the princess in her quest.

  • Child of the Dark- Magicks infernal and dark in nature are largely ineffective at harming her. Additionally, Cerise boasts mildly improved regeneration, but in many cases it just makes scars fade quickly.

  • Fiery Soul- Not only do certain forms of pyromancy come much more naturally, but her body also naturally produces much more heat than the average person, both making her more resistant to heat and fire and permitting her to wear less protective clothing in colder environments.

  • Sinful Allure- While she herself isn't skilled or trained at persuasion magic, her appearance and infernal heritage makes those attracted to women more. . . agreeable.
  • Demonic Strength- She is inherently quite physically fit, more than her physique would suggest. That, combined with limited martial experience, gives her appreciable combat ability.

  • Family Ties- Cerise is wealthy, though she only brought a moderate sum of money with her. Access to her family's wealth is better the closer she is to the Free Holds, specifically her home city.

  • Tainted Blood- 'Holy' magicks are much more effective at harming her.

  • The Laws of Thermodynamics- In order to sustain the high body temperature, she has to eat a lot of food, enough for three to five men.

  • Blasphemous Temptress- Clergy and other holy folk are not only repulsed by her as a being, but also can often notice her presence from a short distance away.

  • Silver Spoon- Raised as a noble, Cerise finds certain forms of manual labor and many forms of living beneath her. She seems to make an exception for inherently military-focused jobs and quarters, though.

Domains of Magic: A natural affinity and a decent amount of training in Pyromancy allows her to cast with moderate capability, though her flames have a distinctly 'demonic' tinge to them, something even the untrained can notice when watching her spells.

  • Clothing made of fine silks and fabrics, much of it revealing, and almost all of it ornate and signifying wealth. For travelling, she has also brought along a simple black cloak, coat and trousers.
  • Several sets of jewelry.
  • A moderate sum of gold.
  • A set of metal armor, with no helm and her family's crest emblazoned on the cuirass.
  • A zweihander, carefully maintained with an ornately carved hilt, with a wood-and-cloth case to transport it.
  • A stout warbow with a quiver of arrows.
  • Several whetstones, spare arrowheads, and a few replacement bowstrings.
  • A black stallion, though lacking any sort of armor.
  • A standard of Ebonhold with a 'pike' to carry it on, though it is currently disassembled.

While she loves the idea of being called a "Demon Princess", Cerise acknowledges she is not an actual demon, and only arguably a princess.

Signature: glmstr the flaming goose and lord of all living Kouri Plushies.
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Name: Dagra Corden - Art by gugu-troll on DeviantArt
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Appearance: 6'10"/210cm; 250lbs/115kg. Long red-brown hair, dark ochre skin, heavily muscled, strong jaw. Old scar across bridge of nose.

  • Impenetrable - Already built to shrug off a hit or ten, Dagra's heavy plate pushes her past sturdy and into the realm of walking, talking wall.
  • Guardian - Dagra is experienced at reflexively protecting others from incoming harm.
  • Mighty - Her orc heritage grants Dagra a great wealth of strength. Lifting heavy weights, grappling with opponents, and crushing foes beneath her blows (should she manage to hit them) are all things she has a natural aptitude for.

  • Lumbering - While Dagra excells in defense, her offensive capabilities leave much to be desired. Even if her blows are heavy, they are slow and choreographed, and she has trouble actually hitting her opponents.
  • Mongrel - Orcs are rarely looked well upon by civilized society. Half-orcs perhaps even less so, the circumstances of their birth seen as an affront against nature.
  • Mundane - Unlike Templars, Dagra has no natural immunity to magic, and no enchanted artifacts to help make up for it. She can take all the physical beatings in the world, but against a mage, she's little better than the average peasant.

Background Choice: Knight Without Cause
Motivation: To fight for and protect those who don't scorn her for her parentage.
It was often said that Dagra's father was a fool. As a noble in the Renaltan Remnants, he was a fool for having a tryst with an orc woman. A fool for not turning her away when she returned months later with his child. And a fool most of all for not quietly disposing of the child once she left. A fool, his peers called him, but he ignored them as best he could, and raised his half-breed daughter in near isolation.

There was love, between them. But also guilt, frustration, and resent. She was his responsibility and his burden, his child and his fall from grace. He was her protector and her jailer, her father and her dependance.

Few children dared to play with and befriend her, especially as she grew ever more intimidating with age. Instead, she found solace in books and stories, learned what it meant to be good person from legends and idealism. She was especially caught by the tales of knights, respected and often revered guardians of the land.

She learned the martial arts. How to fight with sword and shield and plate, how to ride a horse - though often had to resort to crossbreeding proper warhorses with draught horses in order to have a mount strong enough to bear her weight - and learned the codes of honour. Once she felt ready, she bid farewell to her father and began to wander the Remnants, taking what jobs she could. And whenever possible, wore her helmet to help hide her heritage.

• Heavy longsword
• Large kite shield
• Heavy plate armour
• Closed-face helmet
• Sapphire pendant
• Well-made traveller's garb
• Horse, crossbreed between a warhorse and a draught horse
• Saddlebags
• Coin purse
• Spare clothes
• Rations
• Journal
• Thick cloak​
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Name: Vath Lehman
Age: 34
Sex: Male

Background Choice: A Home for Mages
Vath wants to be recognized as a ‘good’ mage and be able to teach the youth about it. As such, helping Kouri accomplish her goals will help him create a home for those who wish to learn outside of the normal boundaries of magic.


The Lehman family was a wealthy bunch of people part of the bourgeoisie; they were artisans that have since spread out their name and trade within the nation of Liveria. Various family members have been dispersed amongst the cities as to overlook their commerce outside of the capital. In one such part of the family was Vath, the youngest of three brothers. He was the nephew of the many nephews of the current head of family back in the capital. Wealth and comfort wasn’t something the young boy had ever had problems with, and it allowed him to explore more than just the family business. Given, everyone had their own pass-times and hobbies amongst his brothers and parents, but Vath took interest in something that no one else in the family really looked into; the world of Magic. Ever since he had seen it with his own eyes, he had always been fascinated behind its mysterious ways.

It was hard, even for a wealthy like the Lehmans, to even get a snippet of magical knowledge as no one had ever taken interest. Though, it didn’t stop Vath from searching further, trying to see if anyone wanted to share. A harsh reality came to him; magic, as wonderful and mysterious it was to his eyes, didn’t seem to be fondly regarded within the city… Just the subject seemed to really drive people away.

One day, however, a family friend had come to visit, and Vath had known that they were practitioners of some kind of magic. Vath, without the accord of his family, had asked about this magic, away from his parents and brothers. He initially thought there would be some disdain from the man’s part, but surprisingly, Vath was met with an open answer about what he COULD talk about. Instantly hooked, he had a many questions for the man. Most remained unanswered, though some of his curiosity was paid for. Even better, the man said he would bring back a book he could read about the subject.

The moment he was handed this book, any spare time he had was put into reading. Every time the man would come back, he would ask questions, try to make sense of some of the complicated concepts and words he would find. This amount of interest and time passed into the subject had caught the eye of the man… There was an exchange between Vath’s parents and him. Vath never knew what was said that day, but he was given an opportunity; to study magic under the man’s supervision.

This man, a Noble under the name of Lathander Urthen, was a known mage who practiced the magic of Abjuration. As it was seen as a magic used only to defend one’s self and didn’t inherently have evil or malicious use, it had been allowed for him to practice. Again, most of his free time was spent at the man’s domain now, learning, understanding… And Vath had a surprisingly easy time getting into it. Of course, this continued on until his adult ages.

It was near his 19th year of living that Lathander had presented him with the opportunity to try and cast a spell. He was warned that some people simply did not have the magical prowess and could never really become mages as him. This didn’t even come to dent the confidence he held. His first try had been a failure, something Vath and Lathander both knew was going to happen. However, this started the slow decline. Time and time again, Vath would try, but was unable to cast his first spell… This went on for many months, unable to even do the most basic of Abjuration spells. Lathander reminded him that this was a possibility; that he didn’t have the ‘spark’ or the natural talent for it.

Vath, even with his determination, eventually realized he may simply not be able to cast magic… This came to a severe disappointment in his life, which tormented him for some time. He had nearly just walked away from Lathander, thinking he was not good enough. Though, there was this lure of hope still in Vath, as if he knew he could do it. So, he doubled his studies, trying to see if he could anything to make it work… And through what was available to him, it didn’t seem he would be able to do it… Until Lathander presented him with an old text. He mentioned that it was a book that was hard to grasp its older writing… But may be able to help him if he put some work into it.

It was easy to say Vath spent months studying and decrypting what he could, until he found old methods of casting, one that didn’t need him to be ‘naturally’ talented in magic. It demanded hard work and impressive manual dexterity. However, Vath believed he could do it. So, he practiced and learned the gestures, the words of the first spell he was asked to cast. There came a day where the result presented itself; a semi-transparent circle of solid energy. It lasted less than a second, but it happened; he had cast a spell! Vath took down notes about the gestures, the words, anything he could remember on what he just did.

Next, he presented it to Lathander. He repeated the process… At first, he failed. But he kept on trying, right up until he conjured that circle of force. Lathander, impressed by what Vath had just done, decided there might be more to the young man than he had originally thought.

Vath continued to study under the man’s supervision, right up until he was offered something odd; a chance to study a different kind of magic, one that he kept secret. Lathander had placed his trust in Vath’s desire to learn to overlook the possible ramifications of the use of… unpopular, said ‘evil’ magic. The noble man had played his cards right; Vath had accepted without even hesitating. This is when he was showed more obscure books which spoke of various kinds of magical theories and practices. Though most of it was just text of their practices, none of it was actually practiced. The only exception to this was the magic Lathander learnt secretly; the art of Living Transmutation; the capacity to alter the living body.

Slowly, Vath was shown this new form of magic, which he knew he could not talk about. Both he and Lathander ventured deeper into this magic, with the knowledge of an experienced mage and the ambition of a young novice. Together, they managed to discover a large array of possibilities with Living Transmutation. Vath, knowing he needed first-hand experience with humanoid anatomy, had finally decided to find his ‘career’ path; a surgeon. He already had a fine manual dexterity and some knowledge of how the body worked… Now he just needed the training. This split him off from the family business, went on to doing his own thing. Some say he broke off of the family, though Vath still felt like he was a part of the Lehmans.

Years upon years of research, work and studies, the two came to discover that, with living transmutation, they would be able to render one as vibrant as their youth. This discovery in itself was maybe the first step to something great! And so, Vath had offered himself to be marked first. Upon the man’s back was tattooed and molded a complicated sigil, which initially did not work. After hours of trying to trigger the effects, Vath and Lathander finally were able to instill the magic into Vath’s body, thus allowing him to retain a high level of energy. The same was then done to Lathander, with the same beneficial effects.

Time went on and the two continued working together, exploring the depths of both Living Transmutation and Adjuration… right up until the day someone had come knocking to Lathander’s doors. Who came was someone Lathander didn’t immediately recognize. It was a man of another land, coming to ask for aid. Knowing him to be a King’s Rangers, he proposed to bring someone that was younger in his years for this and also preferring to stay with his family. Vath was offered to take the place, and with the opportunity he saw, he accepted without a shadow of a doubt.


  • Theory of Magic: Under the mentorship of the noble man who took him in, Vath has been able to study magic freely, which means anything that had been gathered by the family and him is shared amongst them. This, is suit, gives him a rather good variety of knowledge of mages and magic in general.
  • Surgical Anatomy: Learning the magic of Living Transmutation led Vath to learn about the anatomy of living beings (more notably humanoids and quadrupeds). It followed with the manual talent to aid those with physical wounds and injuries (putting popped bones back into place, stiches, proper splints, stop bleeding and so forth).
  • Magic of Youth: With a discovery made by himself and his mentor, Vath was able to retain the stamina of his youth with markings done to himself. This simply allows him to have the energy of a mid-twenties man, though does not preventing from aging as everyone else (can become sick, grow physically weaker, so on, but allows him to retain his stamina).
  • Student and Ally of a Noble: Knowing someone with wealth and power is always a good thing, especially when you need a little bit of help in the region.
  • Ancient Magical Methods: The olden ways of casting is how Vath was taught to cast; speaking the words of the Arcane and follow with precise, intricate motions. This means he is capable of precise casting, with a more predictable result. As an added bonus, it doesn’t take much of a toll on his body, as he manipulates the energy around and not entirely within himself.
  • Quick Cast Defensive Magic: As a way to properly protect himself, Vath has been shown to cast simple, quick spells meant to prevent too much damage to him. (Short duration force shield of thickening of his own skin/bones.)
  • Floating ‘combat’ Grimoire: The single gift from his mentor that Vath holds dearly is the Grimoire which holds the spells he revises. Its main purpose is to hold the formulas and methods to cast his magic. However, it served a secondary purpose of a floating shield. With its spine and cover made of a strong metal, it can take a few hits and can also be a target of a shield spell if needed and it floats to the users will.


  • Ancient Magical Methods: Though the old ways were precise and predictable, it did have its flaws. The first most important is that it took time to string along a spell that was powerful, far greater time than those who were naturals with it. Vath also needs at least a single free hand and to be able to speak the words of the Arcane properly. Lastly, he can sometimes forget a string of arcane words or a gesture, which he needs to revise within his Grimoire. Typically, spells that require more obscure or complex effects require a longer string of words.
  • The Marking of Youth: The sigil upon Vath’s back can be disrupted with anti-magic (needs to be touched) or if the making itself in majorly changed, which can come to make Vath either sick or dizzy, depending on the severity of his current fatigue.
  • Not a Warring Mage: Vath was never one to participate in violent exchanges. Even if some of his spells can cause serious pain and injury, he is not formally trained to use it offensively in combat. Knows little in hand-to-hand combat too.
  • Practices ‘evil’ magic: Liveria sees those who practice evil magic very poorly, and other nations too don’t see it too well. Vath tries to keep his Transmutation magic as secret as possible. He has no doubt some officials out there are keeping a close eye on him and the family of his mentor.
  • Naïve and young folks need to straighten up: Vath is a rather sour person when it comes to deal with what he perceives as stupid or naive, and therefore, younger and maybe simpler people are talked down by Vath, which doesn’t always get him good attention.

Domains of Magic:

  • Primary Practice: Living Transmutation: The magic that he delved in depth was that of the molding the living body, which comes with its specific laws and flaws. This would allow him to help people regenerate from all kind of wounds at an accelerated rate, including broken bones and missing limbs (though the process is neither painless nor as fast as simpler wounds).He can also do the contrary; slow down accelerated regeneration or the speed a wound heals. He can also alter the physical capabilities of someone, for better or for worse (make someone stronger or weaker, make someone faster or slower, make someone more enduring or more easily fatigued, etc.). However, anything that is cast from this kind of magic needs to be done by touching the target of whatever changes he does. Anything that ‘repairs’ what was taken away (healing purposes) is permanent, but any enhancements/changes to the physical body is temporary (unless a specific ward is created to sustain it) (Special Note: he can further his mastery of the magic as he continues to study it. This is what current mastery he has.)
  • Secondary Practice – Abjuration: This magic is taught alongside with the Transmutation from Vath’s mentor, both being a way to protect himself and to act as a distraction of his primary domain of magic. This magic allows Vath to invoke barriers and shields of various forms and strength. The stronger, wider and long-lasting the shield or barrier is, the more time it takes to conjure it up. (Same Special Note as stated in the Living Transmutation)

  • Floating Grimoire with appropriate satchel to carry it
  • Emergency Surgical Kit (Including Sedatives)
  • Dagger
  • Walking stick
  • Notebook with various magical facts and theories

    Other: Nothing of note as of yet.
    Signature: Rain of the Night
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(Part 1/3)

This is a wave of character sheet REVIEWS, not approvals. Approvals will not occur until Sunday the 20th, as it gives everyone a fair chance to write a character sheet up. This, however, does allow me to give a quick opinion of each character sheet, so people can know what it is they need to fix before approval day.

Interested... Reserving this spot for my CS.
CS must be completed by Sunday the 20th to qualify for approval.
CS placeholder here
CS must be completed by Sunday the 20th to qualify for approval.
Name: (Your character’s name.)
Age: (Your character’s age.)
Sex: (Your character’s physical gender. IE: Male or Female.)
Appearance: (A text description or image will do equally fine.)

Background Choice: (Every character is presumably born into this world, and as such, had a life before being recruited by the King’s Rangers to help Princess Kouri. Check Chapter 3 for a list of Background Choices. Your Background Choice will help determine how other characters react upon seeing yours.)
Motivation: (What is your character’s motivation to help Kouri banish the Gods?)
Biography: (Your character’s history and personality. One paragraph minimum is required for me to be able to gauge your writing here. You may write more than this if you wish, but, no more than one paragraph is required.)

Strengths: (Your character’s strengths. This will help me to gauge how strong or weak your character is, and by extension, how appropriate they are for this role play.)
  • I am a Strength.

Weaknesses: (Your character’s weaknesses. This will help me to gauge how strong or weak your character is, and by extension, how appropriate they are for this role play.)
  • I am a Weakness.

Domains of Magic: (If your character possesses any magical talent, what can they generally do? Ex: Pyromancy, Healing, et cetera. Be aware that magic characters are the hardest to balance, so don’t be surprised if it takes more than one edit to ensure balance here.)
Equipment: (What your character carries, though especially any sort of combat or utilitarian equipment.)

Other: (Anything else you’d like to mention about your character?)

Signature: (Put your username here to verify that you understand the rules and guidelines of this roleplay, and that you agree to follow all of them.)
CS must be completed by Sunday the 20th to qualify for approval,
Name: Tahlia Wether, née Dettlef
Race: Human.
Age: Twenty-two.
Sex: Female.
  • Height: 5'1
  • Weight: 110lbs
  • Hair: Long, blonde.
  • Eyes: Light brown.
  • Skin: Pale.
Background Check: Druid of Kiune's Circle.
Motivation: Not only has her faith in the Gods been profoundly shaken by the actions of the Silver Shields and the Templar, she also seeks a solution to Faolan's worsening condition—something not even Kiune can provide.

Born to a small village on the outskirts of Rheinfeld, Tahlia displayed an unusual affinity for animals from a young age. Though many villagers initially met this development with apprehension, there was one who saw an opportunity.

Adva, the elder crone of the village, sought an apprentice to one day take her place in caring for the village. Unbeknownst to the commonfolk, what the crone called miracles and prayers were actually manifestations of magic. Due to a combination of the village's isolation and extreme caution in her use of her abilities, she had managed to keep these secrets hidden from the Templar for decades—but was now ready to share them with the young girl.

It was under the care of the crone that she learned to read and write, and she bolstered her studies with a fascination for the natural order. As her knowledge grew, Tahlia also attempted to learn the magics of her teacher—though her efforts in healing proved fruitless.

As a priestess in her teens, she had devoted herself to teaching the faith to her fellows, to give them hope in a harsh world. It was not long, however, before she took a keen interest in a boy two years her elder. Though initially he resisted her advances out of fear of tearing her from the role she had grown into, they fell into a chaste courtship and quickly were engaged.

Married at sixteen, she continued her duties to the crone from the comfort of their home at the edge of the woods, and lived a few years of bliss.

It did not last, however. On one fateful day, she found Faolan at the precipice of death, bleeding out from wounds inflicted by a dire wolf. In an act of desperation, she peformed an act that would damn her—pulling Faolan's soul from his body, she forced it into the body of the dire wolf. Knowing she would be unable to continue her life in the village, she fled her former friends and family for the woods. Attempting to survive in the wilds, she occasionally pilfered food and clothing from nearby villages; it was not long before word reached the Templar, and they set out to apprehend her and her wolven companion.

She was saved by Kiune, archdruid of the mountain range south of Rheinfeld's border. Finding a new purpose amidst her disciples, Tahlia devoted herself to helping mages and other innocents flee from Rheinfeld's tyranny. Under Kiune's care, she learned much of the Gods, and of herself—the magic she had used on Faolan would not hold forever. The beast within sought to extinguish the man she'd loved, and not even the archdruid herself could repair the damage.

Her only chance at redemption lay outside the mountains—and so she was sent to join the newly awakened Princess, to save her lover and perhaps do some good on the side.

Strengths & Weaknesses:
  • Mage: From a young age, Tahlia has been trained in the magical arts. She specializes in the manipulation of spirits—(for details, see Domains of Magic below).
  • Tending Wounds: This includes familiarity with many salves and poultices as well as bandaging wounds, resetting bones, and treating poison. Unfortunately, however, her talents in this regard are entirely mundane—as such, time more than anything is required for her treatments to take effect.
  • Bestial Link: Born with the ability to communicate with a variety of beasts through some natural telepathic ability. It is difficult for her to influence their behaviour, however.
  • Little One: Small of stature and innocent in disposition, she is easily overlooked. This grants her a mild advantage to stealth, especially in social environments.
  • Knowledgeable: Through her training under the old crone, Tahlia is literate and intimately familiar with the teachings of the Father and Mother, as worshipped in Rheinfeld. In addition, she learned much of flora, fauna, and the Druidic language in service to Kiune.
  • Frail & Weak: With neither strength nor skill, Tahlia is lacking in offensive combat ability. She is also frail of body, unable to take a hit and without armour. Overall, her best bet during combat is either to make herself small on Faolan's back, or to stay out of it altogether.
  • Witch: After her tale had spread to a few villages, she and her 'abomination' of a companion have been chased zealously by the Templar. She is rarely safe from notice in Rheinfeld; Templars aware of her abilities or history will hunt her down and kill her.
Domains of Magic: Tahlia is talented in the spiritualist branch of magic. In addition to communing with, resisting possession by, and manipulating wild spirits, she has also learned to influence those souls still encased in a living host. She can tug at a soul, temporarily incapacitating an opponent; or hold it firm, preventing a dying companion from being released to the afterlife, though at great cost to herself. Both require direct physical contact to be effective.

  • Priestess's Robes: Thick, modest robes from her time in Rheinfeld are her preferred garments; they are sturdy enough for travel, and she has modified them so as not to restrict her movement either on foot or mounted.
  • Formal Dress: Though certainly of no noble make, she carries with her a fine yellow peasant's dress.
  • Thick cloak: Adorned with an elaborate brooch.
  • Wooden staff.
  • Smallsword: A thrusting blade only two feet long, that she acquired from the King's Rangers.
  • Various herbs and poultices.
  • Various bandages, and needle, and thread.
  • Small knife.
  • Personal journal.
  • Wedding Band, x2: She wears a necklace with her husband's wedding band attached, and wears another upon her finger. Both are plain, and carved from wood.
  • Faolan's woodcutting axe: Too large for her to use effectively.
  • Horse: Acquired from the King's Rangers.
    • Saddle and gear.
    • Saddlebag.
    • Various blankets.
Other: Married to Faolan Wether (see post below).

I wasn't sure if you'd prefer I render them in one sheet—as I did last time—or two, so I erred on the side of caution.
Signature: Holmishire.
  • Character is a caster.
  • Character is created as an intended duo pairing. (+Faolan.)
  • Character is of a moderate amount of power.
  • Character uses magic that manipulates spirits--please note that souls in this universe are indestructible.
Clarification Required: Incapacitation of targets via spirit magic. How strong is this, what exactly do you mean? Please describe so I can get a better gauge of its power.
Name: Faolan Wether
Race: Dire wolf. (formerly human)
Age: Twenty-four.
Sex: Male.
  • Height: 3'8
  • (5'7 from nose to base of tail)
  • Weight: 240lbs
  • Eyes: Yellow.
  • Fur: Black.
Background Check: Other.
Motivation: With no solution presenting itself in Kiune's mountains, Faolan seeks a cure for his condition elsewhere. Tahlia believes they stand a greater chance finding such a cure by following the princess—and where she goes, the wolf follows.

Faolan was born to a lumberjack in a quaint village on the outskirts of Rheinfeld. His youth was uneventful, save perhaps for a general apathy towards matters of faith.

In his teens, he began to take interest in girls his age, but was too reserved to get attached. One younger girl, however, hounded him persistently. The apprentice priestess of the village church, Tahlia, sought to be at his side whenever she was not otherwise occupied by her religious duties. Seeing her passion for her duties, he resisted her advances at first, not wanting to be the wedge driving her from the church. As word spread through the village—as is usual for such a small community—Adva came and assured him that their union was what would make her happiest.

They courted for a few years before becoming engaged. With the help of a few friends, he built a home for them at the edge of the woods—where he could take over his father's work—and finally the two were married.

For some yeaars, they lived in bliss.

There came a winter, however, when sheep began to go missing. A week later, and a child disappeared. And one night, a scream tore through the air, and Faolan armed himself with his woodcutting axe to seek out the victim, against Tahlia's pleading.

He found the body of his nephew being engorged upon by a dire wolf. He charged forward and struck the wolf with his axe, but the beast shrugged off the attack and responded with a mortal blow. He was saved from the wolf's maw, however, when Tahlia threw herself between them and calmed the beast. What occured next was a blur, but Faolan awoke in the body of a wolf.

Though his rational mind would not surface for months, he followed Tahlia loyally, protecting her with his life.

Strengths & Weaknesses:
  • A Wolf's Might: Larger than a normal wolf, he is stronger, sturdier, and fiercer, fighting with deadly claw and tooth. He prefers to use his flexibility and speed to dodge or bat aside attacks before they strike.
  • Stalker of Prey: Faolan's enhanced sense of smell allow him to easily track his prey once he's caught a scent. In addition, he moves with silence and precision, granting him great stealth in the wilds, and mild stealth in the dark alleys of the city.
  • Only A Hound: Despite his brute strength, neither claw nor tooth is particularly effective against plate. Faolan can do little against heavily armoured foes except slow them down. He is also without armour, especially vulnerable to piercing attacks.
  • Isolated: Appearances aside, Faolan is fully sentient, but trapped in the body of a wild beast. Though he can understand others, he himself can only communicate through Tahlia. There is little he can do without her save track, hunt, and kill, unable to manipulate his environment with his wolven claws. If kept away from Tahlia for too long, he begins to revert to the mindset of a simple beast; he will not, however, turn hostile without reason.
    • Wolf's Fury: A reason to turn hostile. Should Tahlia be grievously injured, Faolan will fall into a violent rage, with no distinction between friend and foe. Of course, Tahlia remains safe from his wrath. (So far, only Tahlia has been trusted and cared enough by him to pull him from such a rage., though he'll not target certain characters to be added later.)
  • Rider's Harness: Specialized leather straps that allow Tahlia to ride on his back—in large part due to her petite size.
Other: Married to Tahlia Wether (see post above).

I wasn't sure if you'd prefer I render them in one sheet—as I did last time—or two, so I erred on the side of caution.
Signature: Holmishire, again!
  • Character is a non-human. (Wolf.)
  • Character is melee.
  • Character is unable to communicate through normal methods.
  • Character is of a lower end of power.
  • Character is intended to be used in a duo pairing. (+Tahlia.)
No particular notes of interest. Character could pass as presented.
Name: Kasienka
Age: 1054
Sex: Female

Credit to Efflam Mercier
Like most elves Kasienka is rather tall. She stands a hair above six feet and has a slight build. You can see that she has lived her life on the move by her taunt arms and legs. Despite this her skin remains as fair as the rest of her race and her hands and feet are devoid of calluses. What makes the latter more unusual is how Kasienka typically refuses to wear gloves and shoes for the majority of the year.

Background Choice: Elven Outcast
Motivation: To aid Kouri in returning to her birthright.
Biography: True to her biology there is very little Kasienka remembers beyond the past two centuries. She has since lost her surname and now only goes by her first name. Throughout the centuries she was wandered through the lands on her own terms, searching for something. She cannot recall what this something is, but hopes that when she nears it she will remember.

Kasienka carries journals on her with notes on her past. They are rarely very detailed, and those which had once been useful have since faded through time and use. Sketches decorate corners of the pages with an occasional page dedicated to a portrait. Regretfully she failed to include the names of the subjects, but the first page of her first journal contains a portrait of two young elves with a striking resemblance to herself.

She came to join the King’s Rangers after bumping into a dark elf almost as old as herself. Upon witnessing her healing skills he invited her to join the King’s Rangers. Having no reason to refuse she accompanied him back to their headquarters and has remained with them for the past few months.

  • Be Healed: During her travels Kasienka would make her way by healing those who needed help. She is a remarkable healer in regards to her magical abilities and more traditional means.
  • Hunting Vagabond: Throughout her travels Kasienka has become quite adept at using a bow and arrow. She provides for herself through her skill and could easily be convinced to use it to provide for others.
  • Mothering Instinct: Those who need her help the most are often those who have no one else to turn to. She has a nurturing nature for all who are willing to accept her company, no matter how old or young they may be. After all, nearly everyone is a child in her eyes.
  • Think of the Children: Part of Kasienka’s mothering instinct prevents her from ever considering using her magic or bow for harm. She is loathe to follow a plan that would put young ones in danger and even less likely to engage in combat when she has even the faintest doubts about the morality of the encounter.
  • Through the Valley of Shadows: Kasienka has lived long enough to know what it is to desire death. She has found herself in precarious situations one too many times to fear the Next Journey. If it is clear that her time as come she will not fight as hard as a typical mortal to continue her existence on this plane. She does not seek an untimely end, but if the signs were to present themselves that her time was dwindling she would let nature take its course. This has alienated more mortals than she cares to count and left her with scars she refuses to show.
  • World Weary: After watching children be massacred and her own life used as bargaining tool, Kasienka is not one to openly trust. Se has seen what can go wrong with blind hope and acceptance. There is too much evil in this world for her to open her heart to those who have offended her moral compass. They will be denied all of her abilities with no remorse.
Domains of Magic: Healing
Longbow too taunt to be used by the average mortal.
A quiver of arrows fletched with strange feathers.
A healing kit with a large assortment of rare herbs and concoctions, along with common remedies.
A hunting knife.
A travel sewing kit.
A few Kouri dolls in varying conditions.
Spare coins she hasn’t managed to spend yet.

Other: During her travels Kasienka would collect Kouri plushies that had fallen into disrepair and patch them up. The next time she was in a village she would give the plush to a child and whisper into their ear “The Kouri plushie lives on.” Normally the child would be more confused than anything else, but would enjoy having a new toy.

Signature: Becca
  • Character is a Caster.
  • Character is a Ranged Combatant.
  • Character is a Healer.
  • All of the character's weaknesses are mental characteristics.
  • Character is a non-human. (Elf.)
  • Character is tied directly into the world from a previous iteration. (Hanus as a romantic interest.)
  • Character is of a higher power level than most. (Though still within the passable range.)
Strength Query: Character is using a weapon that is "too taut* to be used by the average mortal?" How much additional strength does this character possess?

Relationship Query: Will this character start out in a romance with Hanus? (More of a public confirmatory note than anything.)
Name: Lady Catrin Thorngage
Age: 24
Sex: Female

Background Choice: Outsider Nobility (Liveria)
Motivation: To secure a more stable position for herself by herself.
Biography: Catrin was raised to catch the eyes of wayward nobles. She was born to a minor noble family that had grappled and clambered their way into the royal court. While her family did not have the prestige to give her jewels and clothing to enhance her natural beauty, the latter would provide the former. It wasn’t long before she was being wined and dined by the more powerful of the court until she caught the eye of the son of a duke. He was gifted in the magical arts and would spend his time tutoring her limited abilities when they were not involved in other physical pursuits. Through her newfound position her family grew in rank and riches and she grew in grace and intrigue. It wasn’t hard for Catrin to adapt to the ways and means of the court and she grew quite proficient in them.

She remained his loyal companion for three years at which time he was sent on a campaign against a local tribe of orcs that had been making the countrymen uneasy for the past few growing seasons. Without her patron to continue lavishing her with tokens of affection her life at court quickly bankrupted itself. Those who had previously desired her favor now held envy for her position and a certain pleasure in watching her descend to her birth rank. Rather than endure the continued slights and the potential for more dangerous attacks she left the court and returned to her family’s new holdings.

She kept her up information networks within the court and continued to impress her influence upon those who had received a few too many favors from her. One of Catrin’s new hires was a member of the King’s Rangers who convinced her it would be more worth her time and skills for her to join him rather than him her. She happily joined the King’s Rangers where her history was less well known, but her skills were better rewarded.

  • Not Just a Pretty Face: Catrin knows how to wheel and deal with the upper crust of society with the best of them. Having refined these skills she is more than capable of interacting with those “below” her and getting her way.
  • But Still One Hell of a Pretty Face: Catrin’s body was molded to attract men (and some women) to her like honey. She is not above using her body to get her way if the need arises. Of course teasing without the pleasing can get her twice as far at times.
  • Let There be Light: Her ex-lover kindled her pyromancy. It was meant to be just for self-defense… but that is such a gray area.
  • A Woman Scorned: After having risen so far so fast Catrin does not like to be looked down upon. If she feels she is being disrespected she has no reason not to let them have her temper and any sparks that may erupt from it.
  • A Sordid Past: Should she come across someone who knew her history her dirty laundry would readily be aired for all to know. Not all would be as forgiving of a polished concubine.
  • This Ain't No Palace: Catrin never had to hunt her own food or make her own bed. For quite a time she didn’t even have to dress herself. Now she will find herself in the wild. There are no perfumed baths here, or dutiful maids. She will have to learn how to live a rugged life. While she may have the self-control to not whine like a spoiled brat, at some point things may become a bit much.

Domains of Magic: Pyromancy
Ledger with contacts. Beside most of the contacts are a series of symbols that only make sense to her.
Sack of coins.
A pearl hairnet, her first gift from her first lover.
One dagger attached to her right calf and another attached to her left thigh.
A piece of parchment confirming her rank.

Other: She has a very well loved Kouri doll at the bottom of her bag.

Signature: Becca
  • Character is a Caster.
  • Character is a social manipulator.
  • Character is explicitly beautiful.
  • Character is on the lower to moderate end of power.
  • Character is nobility.
There is nothing in particular to note here. The character is passable as is.
Name: Jaquaar Iqbal-Moineau

Age: Twenty-Five

Sex: Male

Appearance: A slim man of a bronze skin and brown hair, Jaquaar is characterised by a cock-sure attitude that seems to permeate from his near-constant smile. He is slightly above average height, and seems to weigh less than average, but not by much. He is lean and thinly muscled, mostly due to his rudimentary sword-training, and he maintains a carefully maintained beard, cropped to his face and maintained to a trim perfection. His hair is kept at a neat, middling length, and he has very few discernable features other than the hint of alien-ness that comes from the blending of Liverian and Free Holder attributes.

Background Choice: Legend Seeker - You are a seeker of legends in this ancient world, and regularly delve into dungeons, catacombs, and ancient ruins in search of priceless artifacts or knowledge. For whatever reason—be it intellectual curiosity, an appreciation for history, a search for beautiful things, a desire for glory, et cetera—you have been recently searching for the princess of legend. You discovered a few clues, and your curiosity was rewarded when a cadre of King’s Rangers found you and recruited you to the cause... A chance at not only learning about the Kingdom of Renalta and Princess Kouri, but restoring them to their rightful place.
Prerequisites: None.
Limit: None.

Prerequisites: None.

Motivation: Jaquaar is driven by his strange semi-prophetic visions. He also seeks to become his own person, as opposed to being just the child of his mother and father. Seeking out the Blue-Haired woman is the first step, as he sees it.

Jaquaar’s story begins long before his birth. It is a story told in the Free Holds by two very different groups. Amongst The Slaver-lords, it is a story about betrayal, warning them not to trust too much. Amongst the Slaves though, it is a story of hope, and of the rare glimmer of good amongst the endless grains of evil in the desert of the Free Holds.

Jaquaar’s father, Emri, was once the head-guard of the Warlord of Chainhold. His mother, Evertyl, was a Liverian noblewoman. The two came to meet as most Liverians come to meet Free-Holders; in chains. Evertyl had been captured by a raiding slaver party in the mountains, and had been sold to Emri’s master. While he had designs on the woman for her beauty, and her power; Emri found himself smitten by the woman’s beauty. They began to talk in secret, and Emri made the bold decision to free Evertyl; killing his master and fleeing with her and a dozen of his most loyal men. The group fled to the sea, and lived out a life of piracy.

From this story, Jaquaar was born; the child of a traitor-guard and a Slave-noble. He spent the first fifteen years of his life about the ship of his mother and father, learning all he would need to know and more from his parents. He showed a talent for magic early on, and learned to hone it under his mother’s tutelage. Once he was Sixteen, his father started to take him on raiding missions; stealing food, supplies, and slaves from the mainland and the Warlord’s boats in order to survive, and free them. Life was good for the young Free Holder.

Eventually, though; things changed. Jaquaar received a strange vision; a dream of some sorts. A woman in a frozen lake: beautiful beyond compare, was calling out to him…Calling out for help as a winged man burned the world around the lake into ashes and ruin.

The dream became a recurring thing, and eventually Jaquaar felt the compulsion to act. He was Twenty-four when he left his parents. He took with him enough weapons and supplies to survive, as well as his mother’s ancestral signet ring. Paying for a carriage ride to the once-country of Renalta, Jaquaar began his journey to solve the mysterious visions, and find himself an existence outside of being his parents’ child.


  • Innovative Mage – Jaquaar showed a talent for the use of magic from an early age, and his mother was eager to cultivate it as a way to help keep her own skills sharp. Jaquaar is not as refined as many other mages, having been home-schooled on the subject, but he is clever and resourceful, making him a deadly foe who is able to thrive on a conventional battlefield.
  • Charismatic Force – Jaquaar has discovered that he often gets what he wants just with his words. His natural good looks and his talented tongue make him a dab-hand at diplomacy, a talent often overlooked by his peers.
  • A Touch of Fate – There seems to be a certain something about Jaquaar that makes him incredibly lucky. Hell, even his very existence is a stroke of pure, maddening luck. Just thinking about the fact that his mother would be found by one of the only men who’d risk what he would to save her, and also have the skills to do so, is mind boggling. This lucky streak often seems to extend to Jaquaar; who narrowly avoided disaster several times in his flight from the Free Holds.
  • Master of Concentration - One of Jaquaar's key skills is not his skills as a mage, but his ability to concentrate and problem solve. This is reflected in a couple ways in day-to-day life; such as his ability to control multiple objects with his magic seamlessly, or his ability to miss otherwise tiny details.

  • An Ace, or a Dud?- Jaquaar's usefulness is directly correlated to the amount of metal around him. On a conventional battlefield, Jaquaar is a veritable powerhouse. In an area with limited metal, he is a kitten with a slight sting.
  • Lacking in Precision – Jaquaar’s magical schooling has been roughshod at best. He doesn’t know, or struggles with, a lot of the things that other mages might know inherently, such as masking his magic, or using his magical reserves efficiently. This means that he’ll tire quicker, and be easier to detect when it comes to magic.
  • Glass Cannons can shoot metal, right? – Jaquaar’s defensive options are somewhere between minimal and non-existent. He doesn’t have a good defensive form when it comes to duelling, and his magic is useful to some extent, at least against people using metal weapons, but doesn’t hide the fact that Jaquaar cannot take a hit. He cannot be a frontliner, and while he might be able to duel, he cannot trade blows with any opponent.
Domain of Magic: Metallurgy – Jaquaar is able to exert his will over metals; specifically magnetic metals. It is a magic with a very high ceiling of use, but that comes with a heavy burden of use. The most common use of the skill is in pushing and pulling metals either towards or away from Jaquaar. This can either be on an object he holds, or that someone else holds. Distance from the source is a factor that can drain the user’s magical reserves, in that the further something is from Jaquaar, the harder it is to exert influence on. It is also possible to exert a stronger influence on the metal; either moving it in a more fluid motion, or trying to alter its shape; either pulling it apart or pushing it together. This skill is thoroughly exhausting, however. The one time he used this talent in combat, he managed to crush a man wearing plate mail inside of his armour! This act put him in a state of absolute exhaustion for ten minutes.

Jaquaar normally uses the magic to control a number of daggers he carries on his person; using them to either attack from a distance, or from a strange angle, while he also engages using his sword, not with his hands or anything though. He can also attempt to use the magic defensively, in order to deflect an attacker’s weapon or arrow

  • Saber
  • 12 Daggers
  • Leather Armour
  • Liverian Signet Ring (Worn as a necklace on a piece of string)
  • Decanter of fine wine (Stolen from a Rich Free-Holder)
  • A small sack of metal shavings.
  • A Wash-kit, complete with a razor.

Other: Nothing extraordinary.

Signature:I, LimeyPanda, hereby sign myself up for adventure, murder, and being murdered. Rip in Peace Rakhim.

(Also, the Kouri Plushie lives on.)
  • Character is a mage.
  • Character uses melee weapons via magic.
  • Character is on the moderate to higher end of the power spectrum. (Still approvable.)
  • Character's magical school is unconventional, but interesting.
Metallurgy Power Clarification: If this character were facing a combatant using a metallic weapon (sword, mace) what kind of effect could his magic have on his opponent's weapon? Describe and clarify.
CS Placeholder

Name: (Your character’s name.)

Age: (Your character’s age.)

Sex: Male

Appearance: (A text description or image will do equally fine.)

Background Choice: Dwarven Expedition Survivor: You are a dwarf, one of a small expedition of around 50 who went for a legendary prize: An artifact from the ancient Kingdom of Renalta! You’ve been fascinated with this for a long time, as the Dwarven ideas of meritocratic gain and the Kingdom of Renalta’s open, tolerant ways once made for strong allies! At the very least, you and many other dwarves believe this. You delve deep underground, and find what you are looking for. Unfortunately, it’s guarded by Dark Elves. They refuse to hand it over to you, and before you can turn away, one of them assassinates your leader! You fight long and hard, but in the end, you are the only survivor. Badly wounded, you grab the artifact, cradle it in your arms, and fall unconscious.

You wake up the next morning, being tended to by a King’s Ranger. She witnessed your bravery, and has offered you something far greater than a trinket: A chance to restore the legendary Kingdom of Renalta itself! Dwarves everywhere would surely be naming their children after you for generations if you accomplished such a monumental task! Besides, forget those poncy Gods anyway, they didn’t earn anything they have, and that’s very not-Dwarvish!

Motivation: (What is your character’s motivation to help Kouri banish the Gods?)

Biography: (Your character’s history and personality. One paragraph minimum is required for me to be able to gauge your writing here. You may write more than this if you wish, but, no more than one paragraph is required.)

Strengths: (Your character’s strengths. This will help me to gauge how strong or weak your character is, and by extension, how appropriate they are for this role play.)

  • Strong
  • Perseverance
  • Magic Detecting
  • Wise...ish

Weaknesses: (Your character’s weaknesses. This will help me to gauge how strong or weak your character is, and by extension, how appropriate they are for this role play.)

  • Honorable to a fault
  • Hatred of Elves
  • Vulnerable to Magic

Domains of Magic: (If your character possesses any magical talent, what can they generally do? Ex: Pyromancy, Healing, et cetera. Be aware that magic characters are the hardest to balance, so don’t be surprised if it takes more than one edit to ensure balance here.)

Equipment: (What your character carries, though especially any sort of combat or utilitarian equipment.)

Other: (Anything else you’d like to mention about your character?)

Signature: (Put your username here to verify that you understand the rules and guidelines of this roleplay, and that you agree to follow all of them.)
CS must be completed by Sunday the 20th to qualify for approval.
Name: Ulzin Lightherder

Age: 270

Sex: Male

Appearance: Ulzin possesses lavender skin and ochre eyes. Ulzin wears his hair to the small of his back in a wild wirey mess of black hair going every which way, with red ribbons ever so abundant, tied around strands longer than his arms. Ulzin is skeletal, with sunken cheeks and popping eyes. The lower half of Ulzin's face is consumed with a massive black beard that reaches his knees, a knotty mass filled with the same red ribbons that frequent his hair. Ulzin never styles either head hair or beard hair, instead allowing the wildness of his appearance to change with every passing night. Ulzin's fingers are far too long and far too thin, more tools than parts of a body, his hands are veiny and the tendons often force themselves against the skin, creating valleys of shadow in between his fingers. Ulzin wears baggy cloaks, hiding a small selection of blades. He is often barefoot, simply because he does not like shoes.

Background Choice: Dark Elf exile

Motivation: Ulzin is a craftsman, though how skilled he may be is up to interpretation, he traveled the south looking for opportunities to find new ideas and improve his skill, Ulzin, also a skilled mage, decided to join Kouri's party, perhaps to gain the fame he wanted in order to truly perfect his craft.

Biography: Ulzin was born in the Abyss as all dark elves are, he was a talented craftsman in his youth, apprenticing under many forms of craftsman until he finally found a blacksmith who was willing to deal with his eccentricities.

Ulzin was born... odd, not in the insane way that comes with age in his race, just eccentric. Ulzin had once blown up a storehouse during a magic training session with his mother, he also managed to lop off a fellow trainee's ear when he joined the militia. Ulzin had gained a multitude of nicknames before he had even reached his twentieth birthday, including "Hindlicker", "Bootscuff", "Madflame", "Herd Rustler", "Cattle Raider", "Seer of Nothings", and "Oops".

Ulzin soon became a blacksmith, though he dabbled in improving the knowledge in magic that his mother had given him. During one such dabbling, he drove a shard of metal through both of his cheeks and tongue, forcing him to wear a head-encompassing mess of bandages and a wrap around his tongue, only helping the image of him as a lunatic who had yet to reach the age when that was normal.

Ulzin eventually found himself negotiating with a client by the name of Gerialder, who asked him for a sword. Ulzin forged this sword, but due to one of his magical experiments, had managed to brittle the blade to a dangerous point. After selling the blade, Ulzin bore witness to a duel between his client and another, a duel which his client lost after his sword shattered, sending a piece into his right eye.

Ulzin, now on the run from his client, ended up out of the Abyss, unclear as to why this had happened, he asked the nearest person what had happened.

The next thing that everyone else saw was an explosion.

Ulzin decided then that the time for running was now.

Ending up in a bar, sulking about his lost forge, he was propositioned to aid a party in restoring the kingdom of Renalta. Deciding that if he wished to see his hammer again, he would have to gain fame restoring a legend to prominence.


  • Unpredictable: Ulzin is not a follower of the traditional battle plan, instead doing what makes the person stop hitting him, as a result, it is hard to predict him, making him a challenging opponent.
  • Sword Training: From his days in the militia, Ulzin knows how to swing a sword in a way that could be construed as martial arts, meaning he is able to protect himself from charging opponents, though perhaps not very well.
  • Manipulative: Ulzin has plenty experience manipulating others into not harming him, and as a result has a good understanding of how to manipulate in order to get his way.


  • Frail: Ulzin is even frailer than other elves due to his skeletal physique and lack of armor,
  • Insane: Ulzin is eccentric, to an absurd degree, he does not have empathy in the slightest, and all he cares about is perfecting his smithing. Conversation does not come easy to those who are near Ulzin, as he rambles on and on, making him not a good choice for negotiations.
  • Poor Hearing: As a result of hearing a large amount of explosions, Ulzin's hearing has suffered.

Domains of Magic: Pyromancy.

  • A large metal staff, used to channel magics
  • Two knives and a short-sword
  • A number of iron bars.

Ulzin is bisexual, having multiple partners at one time of either gender

Signature: RyinMartinEric believes that the Kouri plushie lives on!
  • Character is melee.
  • Character is unpredictable and self-described as "insane."
  • Character is a social manipulator.
  • Character possesses magic.
  • Character is in the upper tier of power. (Edging close to the border of approvable.)
Appearance Oddities: Character possesses long beard (down to his knees), character possesses ribbons all throughout his hair that are longer than his arms. This is extremely non-conforming for a Dark Elf, and would make far more sense as a Dwarf.

Motivation?: Character's motivation is odd. The journey in question involves destabilizing the world order, banishing the Gods--a highly dangerous task. There will be little time afforded for perfecting a craftman's arts, as they will have little time to stop anywhere beyond resting at camp--which is not a good location for blacksmithing.

Mental State: The character is clearly unstable, and would not perform well on a journey with high levels of stress, and which will require at points some level of consistent social efficacy. This character demonstrates an inability to do this. His mental state also raises questions as to why the King's Rangers would recruit him for a task as delicate as escorting a Princess.

Pyromancy lacks description: There is no clear way of discerning the limitations--or really, any details on his magical proficiency--whatsoever. It is merely mentioned in one word and not mentioned anywhere in strengths.

Social Manipulation?: It is unclear how a mentally unstable character with an extremely unkempt and massively overgrown beard and hair full of ribbons could effectively manipulate people without the use of magic.

It may be best to scrap this character and try again, as there is much about it that doesn't conform well. Alternatively, you could try making large changes to this character until it works. There are significant concerns about this character that will prevent it from passing on Sunday the 20th.

Name: Sabre

Age: 34

Sex: Male


Background Choice: Ex-Slave

Motivation: To live in a land where he will no longer be hunted down as a slave, or suffer the kind of tragedy he had experienced before.

Biography: Sabre was born into slavery within the Free Holds. He was brought up to be used for any number of things. Cooking, cleaning, "entertainment", etc. As slaves are prone to experience, he was beaten for even the smallest of reasons, which gave birth to a hatred in his heart. What he was mainly used for, however was entertainment of the more violent kind. He was trained to use a blade and a small amount of magic, before was forced to fight in the arena. It was there where he earned a name for himself. "Sabre", after the weapon he had used to survive.

After many injuries and and close calls against the beasts and opponents he faced, Sabre's first master sold him to another. His new master was intrigued by his abilities, and had him made into one of their bodyguards...well, they said he was to be a bodyguard, but Sabre felt as if he was some kind of toy. He was made to wear strange garments and look both impressive and intimidating. He was beaten and tortured whenever his owner was bored. He was even used to kill some random slave for no reason other than for his master to show off and impress others. It was rare for Sabre to actually guard his master, but when he did, it was usually against underequipped slaves that had attempted to stage an uprising. He knew that it would never work, so he was forced to kill them when they came.

As the years passed, though Sabre held hatred for his owner, he eventually found love with a slave woman, and attempted to have a child with her. His time with her would come to be the greatest memories he would ever have in his life. Yet the worse part of his life was also connected to her. One day, there yet another "uprising", and in the chaos and confusion, Sabre watched as another bodyguard butchered his lover, and ended any chance for a child of his own to be born.

Filled with grief over his wife and unborn child, Sabre had finally decided to join with other slaves in an attempt to escape to another, hopefully better land. By the time he found himself alone, many others were caught, killed, or separated. He was alone, penniless, and would most likely have died within a few days, if not for the arrival of the King's Rangers, who had offered him a way to stay free. Free of everything that would cause him sorrow.

- Spellfencer
- Variety of enchantments.
- Skilled in using a saber.
- Spell Expulsion (expels an enchantment out of the item/weapon in order to use it as a powerful burst).

- Due to learning about both magic and swordplay, only knows basic magic for enchantments.
- Expelling a healing enchantment will also become a burst, which would heal anything that gets in the way of his target.
- Uses too much energy to expel an enchantment from an item, as opposed to waiting for it to naturally disperse, and could pass out if attempting to expel an enchantment stronger than his own.
- Though he tries to keep himself in check, he could become enraged when seeing anything that reminds him of his former life as a slave.

Domains of Magic: Enchantment. Though nowhere near as skilled as an actual mage, he knows how to enchant objects with basic magical properties such as burning and freezing. He also knows how to expel to the enchantments from an object in the form of a burst of whatever magic was used.

- Saber
- Water Flask
- Cast-iron Pan
- Small bags of various spices

Other: Knows how to cook.

Signature: Otomos the Crazy
  • Character is melee?
  • Character uses magic.
  • Character's level of power is difficult to determine. (Read below.)
  • Character's magical school is unconventional, but interesting.
Strengths?: Character's strengths are ill defined. Please provide additional clarity as to what each of these things mean in relation to your character specifically. (Ex: What does a Spellfencer do? What are their limitations?)

Enchantments Too Broad: It would be useful to narrow down what elements/powers that the character can specifically imbue into their weapons before discharging. This way, I can properly understand the level of power the character possesses in terms of versatility. Besides that, it provides an interesting dynamic with other characters in the party. (Ex: Asking an ally to cast a spell of some sort so your character can imbue it in a weapon for later use.)

Everything else is fine and could be passed on Sunday the 20th.
(Part 2/3)
Armerza Gilkak



Standing a stout 4'1” tall, and weighing 197 lbs, Armerza is a powerfully built Dwarven woman. She keeps her honey-wheat toned hair long, to just below her shoulder blades, frequently decorated with braids, and leather thongs to add to it. Her groomed facial hair is restricted to following her lower jaw-line, starting just at the connection with her ear, and finishing three-quarters of the way to her chin. She actively shaves and trims to maintain this appearance. Her facial features are strong and defined, giving her a commanding presence. She has a few noticeable scars, including the most recent, and soon to be, healing gash over her left cheekbone

Background Choice:
Dwarven Expedition Survivor

To see the Gods slain, or banished. To gain coin and reputation for her deeds. To assist Kouri in her mission.

Armerza was born to a woman who was damn near a legend, Ruvna Gilkak, and her wife, Gandolir, a woman known for her smithing. To bear Armerza, Ruvna and Gandolir selected a man who had a strong physicality to, in crude terms, sire her. She is the middle child of three, with one older brother, and one younger brother by three days. The eldest was named Hildin, and was born to Gandolir. Her younger brother, Vorn, was also born to Gandolir.

From a young age, Armerza proved to be quite strong, graceful, and quick to learn. Ruvna began training her daughter nearly from the day Armerza could walk. As she grew, the training became more intensive, Ruvna pushing her hard to get stronger, be faster, more quick witted than anyone else. Armerza's childhood and adolescence were sacrificed to help her excel in her training.

Cavan Witelk entered her life, when Ruvna started training others. He became Armerza's chief rival, and the two did not get along very well at first, though that changed as time went on. Over the course of four years, they developed a relationship, that provided an unexpected surprise...Armerza became pregnant. She was excited, her mothers were furious.

None of it lasted long however, in short order he brother became frighteningly ill, she had a miscarriage, Cavan was killed while working with a company. Finally, her brother passed away. All of this happened in the same year, during which Armerza prayed, and prayed to the Gods for assistance. For some semblance of hope. The Gods however, could possibly not have cared less.

They continued to reward those who earn their favour, not those who had proven themselves. They continued to ignore the plights of the mortals, or even cause harm directly. They were ruthless, arrogant, and unfit to wield such power that they never once, earned. Perhaps there were exceptions, but they were few and far between. The typical Dwarven disdain for the deities, became disgust, and loathing to her. This land would better off without their meddling and presence.

Strengths: (Your character’s strengths. This will help me to gauge how strong or weak your character is, and by extension, how appropriate they are for this role play.)

  • I am a Strength.

Weaknesses: (Your character’s weaknesses. This will help me to gauge how strong or weak your character is, and by extension, how appropriate they are for this role play.)

  • I am a Weakness.

Domains of Magic: (If your character possesses any magical talent, what can they generally do? Ex: Pyromancy, Healing, et cetera. Be aware that magic characters are the hardest to balance, so don’t be surprised if it takes more than one edit to ensure balance here.)

Equipment: (What your character carries, though especially any sort of combat or utilitarian equipment.)

Other: (Anything else you’d like to mention about your character?)

Signature: (Put your username here to verify that you understand the rules and guidelines of this roleplay, and that you agree to follow all of them.)
CS must be completed by Sunday the 20th to qualify for approval.
Name: Ludvig Larsson
Age: 43 (Actual Age: 171)
Sex: Male
(Art by fella(s) at

Race: Undead

Background Choice:
Other : Cursed Entity - Ludvig walks the realm of the living seeking redemption due to his failures in life, and deems that the only way to do so is to await Kouri's return, and aid her upon her quest to end the tyranny of the gods. He on the other hand never told this to the Guards, and preffers to keep his identity a secret.

Motivation: Having been apart of the Original Queen's Guard, Ludvig Larsson heard of the King's Rangers and their will to aid Kouri, and hoping to finally end his duty of protecting Kouri and the Renaltan Kingdom he seeked them out, although he never truely revealed his backstory with Kouri.

Biography: Ludvig Larsson was born into the Kingdom of Renalta a rough century ago, to two loving parents, living under the rule of Kouri's parents. At his youth, Ludvig was much taller and broader than the other children, and whenever he was playing around with them he'd always in the end end up hurting one of his playmates, causing some minor concern for him growing up to arise. Believing he needed to learn discipline, his parents made him enroll in the protection of their village at the ripe age of thirteen. During training however, he was most known for using sheer stubborness and willpower to overcome most of his foes, even if they had the better training and equipment, he'd never back down unless he was subdued. He came to be known as "the Bear" amongst his comrades.

This got the attention of the Royals, and in the end Ludvig Larsson was able to put his constitution and willpower into full power by joining first the Army, and from there was able to be promoted all the way to Royal Guard, due to his loyalty to those who were above him. He personally called them "friends" and as thus would defend them no matter what. When the day that came to end the Kingdom of Renalta, Ludvig had just had his 43rd birthday, and was called out to join the defence. When it was realized that there was no way they could beat the Angels, he was instead told to safety-guard Kouri until they could find a spot for her to hide in. On horseback they rode all the way to the spot she'd hide in, and after the deed had been finished Ludvig rode up north, whilst the other Royal Guard that were still alive spread themselves out much more randomly, some heading in the direction of where she was hiding, others running the opposite.

Ludvig succumbed to the cold and died, as the pact they had created where Kouri was hidden ment they had to take their lives to ensure Kouri would never be found until her time was due. Hundreds of years later, an adept necromancer attempted to cast the zombification spell on Ludvig, but had mispronounced a key word in it, meaning that they had revived him, but he was still conciouss and aware of who he was. He killed the necromancer, and walked down south for years, until he was finally found by King's Rangers, resembling more of a lumbering mountain of flesh than a man. When questioned, Ludvig told them he was loyal to the true crown, of Kouri, and no one else. Ludvig was expecting a fight from them, but instead was put off into a more cooler area to try and find Kouri. Ludvig had forgotten just where she was hidden, and as thus had to join the King's Rangers quest to find her. A century

  • The Bear of Renalta - Ludvig was resillient and a banner of hope amongst his fellow comrades in life, and even in death he still shows this constitution that made him famous in life. Even when wounded or incapacitated, Ludvig receives no negative effects and can fight on, although when his arms start to fly, he'll start to suffer due to the physical removal of his limb.
  • The Undead endures - Being undead has a sickening way of making one more resillient to death-dealing blows. Blows that would have normally slain a living person has a chance of just being counted as a 'grievous' wound. Ludvig also has some innert resistance against the cold, although if he's freezing to the point of turning him into a frozen meat stick, he'll be limited.

  • An unholy beast- Due to his inherent Undead status, Ludvig Larsson is less likely to win over the hearts of others through charisma and looks. He's also more likely to be targetted in combat if fighting against religious figures. He can also not withstand the heat, and if he's around it for too long will become a mere lumbering pile of flesh, as oppose to a former guardian.
  • The Test of Time - Ludvig may be Undead, but even they may rot away in another sense. Ludvig needs to take breaks in order to restore his mind back to it's full potential, or else he has a chance of breaking down and becoming easily manipulated by other forces. Those who can Undead magic has a chance of controlling Ludvig based upon how many hours he has been awake, and if he has been awake for above 48 hours, anyone with magical knowledge could control him, although he'll fight back depending on how evil the deeds the controller wishes for him to do.
Domains of Magic: None

Studded Leather Armor with platings on his left side. (Counter-act Right-handed opponents).
Shortsword of Renaltan Origin (Bronze)
Honing Stone
A shield made out of a Keg Bottom
An amulet of the Royal Guard, kept hidden within his chest cavity.

Other: He carries a Kouri Plushie, that still lives on.

Signature: West.
  • Character is melee.
  • Character is non-human. (Undead.)
  • Character is from the pre-fall of Renalta.
  • Character has worked with the King's Rangers.

Timeline?: Third paragraph ends on "a century." Sentence fragment implies more was to come after?

Equipment?: King's Rangers would better equip the character than a shield made out of a Keg Bottom. It's up to you if you want your character to possess better equipment than this.

(From Ashley Sheffield)
Name: Angela Schönkalb

Age: Twenty-Eight

Sex: Female

Appearance: Angela radiates a sort of unnatural beauty that makes her Angel-touched heritage obvious. Her hair is a silky, flowing blonde; her skin is pristine and smooth; and her eyes are a radiant golden hue. She is tall, standing around 5'11, and is a strong looking woman, with an appealing mix of muscle and femininity. She is generally seen in the Silver armour of her former order, but she also has a habit of making just about anything look good; from peasant garments to ball-room gowns.

Background Choice: Ex-Silver Shield - You grew up on the opposite side of the King’s Rangers. You served the Gods as one of their mortal warrior worshipers, who sought out to destroy any and all enemies of the Gods—demons, and agents of the King’s Rangers. One day, after capturing a King’s Rangers, you let him speak. Your curiosity gets the best of you, and you let his serpentine words into your mind. You consider them: Why did the Gods destroy Renalta? It was unholy, of course!... But, why? You don’t know. It plagues you, it eats away at you. Eventually, you can’t take it anymore, and you ask your superior. He grows angry at you and strikes you, and soon after being disciplined, you abandon the order. The King’s Rangers capture you, and you simply allow it—to atone for your sins however, instead of dying, they have offered you a real chance at redemption: To help the Princess of legend, who has recently awakened. A chance, perhaps to clean your stained hands, and learn the truth of who this Princess really is...
Prerequisites: Magic is restricted to “holy” classes. (Light manipulation, divine force, and healing.)
Limit: 3.
Note: You are a traitor. If the Gods or the Silver Shields capture you, they will kill you without second thought and without mercy.

Motivation: After Angela was instructed to execute a number of innocents, she quickly found herself repulsed by the Silver Shields, and by Rheinfeld and the Gods as a whole. She now seeks atonement in the broken shards of Renalta, a kingdom once renowned for its peaceful tendencies.

Biography: Born the Granddaughter of an Angel, Angela was named after this lofty connection and was pushed to join the Templars from a very early age. Due to her natural talents, she was quickly rushed into the academies of the Silver Shields, where she learned how to wield a blade and use her magic in the name of Justice, the Gods, and Rheinfeld.

Perhaps due to her gentile nature, Angela never really got far in regards to promotions. Truth be told, she was the greatest of her peers, and even outmatched some of the higher ranking officials in the Silver Shields when it came to both magic and sword play. Still, despite this; she remained a lower rank than many thought she deserved - Including her Grandfather, who pushed her to press for promotion.

Perhaps out of respect for her Grandfather, Angela was given a mission of utmost importance. She was ordered to apprehend a group of witches from the nearby mountain range: having been told that the monsters had been attacking outlying villages. She led the mission with an expert's touch, surrounding the mages and attacking them at night. She ordered her men to attack without killing the strangers, and her task was complete to perfection. Much to her surprise, however, she saw no sign of the monsters she was warned of. She saw hungry women and starving children, guided by a female King's Ranger. All were touched with the gift of magic, to be sure, but none of them seemed anything close to a threat. When she approached the leader of the group, with the charges that had been levied against her, she balked at the suggestion and insisted on her innocence. Angela, put off by the whole situation, agreed to take them to meet a higher power, and be judged accordingly.

She brought the accused into Rheinfeld, with the intent of bringing them before her Grandfather. Instead, they met with the Archangel of Vengeance, Typhon, in a moment of happenstance. Typhon saw the mages, bound as they were by Angela and being led to the judgement chambers, and drew his sword. Before Angela could so much as open her mouth; four of the mages were dead. His second swing killed the other three, and he was sheathing his blade as the tears started to well up in Angela's eyes. She had to muster every ounce of her willpower to stifle them, as she felt the looming presence of Typhon. She expected some chastisement, or act of wrath to be brought down upon her; instead, she felt his powerful hand upon her shoulder, and the most venomous words she could imagine from his mouth.

"Congratulations on the fine work, Child of Hope."

It was days later that Angela recovered from the encounter, having hidden away in her room in the interim. She was revolted by the actions of an Archangel, no less; and she found her faith irrevocably shaken. She sought some sort of guidance, but found none. Her parents had no advice, her superior had no advice, and even her grandfather had no advice. If even an Angel of Hope had nothing to offer, what hope did she have for finding her faith again?

Eventually, she came to a decision. She knew that she would not find answers in Rheinfeld, so she would find them elsewhere; in the broken remnants of Renalta. After all, Renalta had once been savaged by Typhon. Perhaps there, she could find a new outlet for her faith. Perhaps there, she could find herself a reinvigoration of her shaken spirit. Perhaps there, she'd find someone else who had grown to resent and scorn the Archangel of Vengeance.


  • Shield of Faith: Angela is a creature of pure martial prowess. Her talents with weapons are well beyond the average, with her speciality being the use of a shield and sword. She was amongst the top of her contemporaries of the Silver Shields' lower ranks; an elite group in-and-of itself. In truth, she is perhaps a little better at going on the offensive and relying on her armour to keep her safe. She rarely has true competition in swordplay, after all.
  • Angel-Touched: Angela's is a second-generation Angel-touched and as such has a number of benefits; she is naturally more approachable and attractive, she has slightly stronger connections to Holy Magic, and she seems to exude a certain radiant aura which helps put aggressive minds at ease.
  • Smite the Wicked: Angela is able to imbibe her weapons with holy magic, allowing them to become empowered and hit harder for it. She can also use this holy magic to heal people, to a lesser extent.


  • Rheinfelder's Upbringing: Angela, despite being one of the more gentile of her order, still shares a certain perspective brought about by the norms and values of her birth country. She struggles to offer the same level of compassion to the less human of the humanoid races, such as Orcs and Beastkin. She is also downright revolted by anything she perceives as 'Unholy', such as the Undead, Vampires, and Werebeasts.
  • Guilty Conscience: Angela's ravaged confidence has left her a lesser warrior. Without the confidence of her faith, and without a purpose to truly believe in, she finds it difficult to muster the same control she once had over her magic. While it may only be a placebo effect, she is generally made lesser by the recent events that caused her to leave her order; and she will struggle to recoup and then further improve without finding something to ease her ailing mind.
  • Driven by Compassion: Angela is a creature of good. She is so driven by her desire to be a good person that she abandoned her home, her friends, and her lifestyle. If Kouri's mission ever leads off of the path of good, Angela will start to doubt it; perhaps even lose faith in the Princess.

Domains of Magic: Holy Magic - Angela is able to empower people and herself with the energies of her faith. What was once focused through her faith in the gods is now focused by her faith in herself and the idea of redemption. There are two major uses of her magic. One is in empowering other people, healing them and reinvigorating them with a sense of renewed strength. The other is the power to empower her weapons, making them glow with a holy radiance that explodes outwards as additional force when it hits something.


  • A Longsword, made of Steel
  • A suit of Plate Mail
  • A Silver Shield, with an obvious scorch mark across the centre, marring its beauty.
  • A Horse
  • A set of travelling clothes
  • A cloak
  • A sewing kit
  • A silver pendent in the form of the Mother's sigil.
Other: Angela is able to sew! It is one of her few delights, and she has repaired more than her fair share of Kouri Plushies; long may they live on.

Signature: LimeyPanda agrees to da rulez.
  • Character possesses angel blood within them.
  • Character has slain King's Rangers.
  • Character is melee.
  • Character uses magic.
  • Character can heal.
  • Character is on the stronger end of the power scale, but still approvable.
  • Character is still religious?
  • Character is beautiful in unnatural ways.
This character is passable as is.

(Rights Reserved by Legend of the Cryptids)
Name: Bjorn Reinhart
Age: Twenty Eight
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2
Appearance: Stocky with a shaven beard, Bjorn spends a lot of his time doing military duties and only takes a certain amount of pride in his appearance toward the public when making appearances for parties. If he can avoid it, he will take as little care to his appearance as possible and therefore detests having long hair as it’s too much of a pain in the backside to maintain. Much like his father Bjorn has icy blue, grey tinted eyes and a rectangular jawline. He pertains little in the way of looks that are similar to his mother other than the chocolate brown colour of her hair and pale complexion.

Background Choice - Outsider Nobility: You are a nobleman from the Kingdom of Rheinfeld or the Kingdom of Liveria, or the Free Holds. You’ve spent your life toiling away to improve your family, learning of all the social arts, the way of war and perhaps even some magic if you were so inclined, and could get away with it. For one reason or another however, you’ve held sympathies for the princess of legend, and have dreamed of aiding her—perhaps to improve your status, perhaps to improve your bloodline, perhaps out of a genuine sense of noble intentions. Regardless, when the King’s Rangers came for you in the night, and made the offer to join her, you accepted.
Prerequisites: From the Kingdom of Liveria, Kingdom of Rheinfeld, Free Holds. Is a Noble.
Limit: 3
Note: If from the Kingdom of Rheinfeld, you cannot be a mage. If from the Free Holds, your family most likely owned slaves—whether your character was comfortable with this or not.
Motivation: In order to assist in dethroning the gods who have ruled with an iron fist for so long.

Biography: First born son in the Reinhart family, since a young age there were many expectations put onto the boy’s shoulders. Bjorn had little to do with many other children as a child, those he did get the privilege of playing with were often fended off by his quiet and reserved demeanour, it was only his elder sister he really opened up to. At an early age his parents instilled in him, his duty of becoming a high ranking member in the Templar’s Order and thus they also tried to influence him about their hatred for magic.

In his later years, the boy who had grown up with a strict routine had become equal parts proud and rebellious. He started to question the gods and the blind faith of his people. As he grew more distant, he garnered a reputation for being a man of few words amongst the peasantry and the villagers; eventually earning the nickname ‘The Reinhart family’s Dark Horse.’

After years of watching his friends and family get into stupider situations, many of the dying as a result off the cruel and unkind ways of the gods, he left Rheinfield. He left without a word, and made the decision to explore the land of Renalta, and discover the truth of the gods and their servants; dreaming of one day ending his people’s suffering under their unjust rule. Eventually he found himself among the King’s Ranger, and decided to assist them in dethroning the gods.


Beacon of Anti-Magic: Years of Templar training have forged Bjorn into a bastion of Anti-Magic. He exudes an aura of anti-magic around himself that makes him a night for mages. His anti-magic is refined to a fine point, and makes it difficult for magic users to target him with magic of any kind. Due to his training, he is able to dull the anti-magic somewhat, so that his fellows might cast weakened spells upon him.

Ranger: Trained with swords in his early years and bows in his later, Bjorn has become a ranger adept in the precision and accuracy of using a bow. Much of his time is dedicated to making sure his skills are up to par.

Survivalist: After travelling for so long in search for the truth of the gods, Bjorn has gained survival skills useful to keeping himself alive in the wilderness such as skinning hides and using natural resources to stay alive in scarce situations.

Private and Specialised Education: Once a part of the Rheinfield nobility, Bjorn has a good head for politics and warfare. He was taught in subjects from tactical warfare, to leadership, etiquette and how to deal with financial difficulties in the hopes that one day he would take over the Reinhart family profession.


Anti-Mage: It doesn’t matter what you say to him, or do. Bjorn doesn’t like magic at the best of times and will do whatever he can to avoid it and in many circumstances will focus upon removing them from the equation.

Hatred – Loose Women: Ever since he was young Bjorn has hated loose women who throw themselves at men just so they can have sex. As a result Bjorn has never slept with a whore as he refuses to bring himself down to that level. He sneers at women who have the audacity who try to and attempt to throw themselves at him.

Hatred – Religion: As a result of his childhood Bjorn has grown to have a hatred of those who will blindly follow a god. He believes there is a certain amount of irresponsibility in putting faith in something to go well for by praying for something to happen. While he cannot deny the gods exist, he does not appreciate their existence.

Distrusting – Bjorn struggles with trusting people he doesn’t know, he will not co-operate with people properly until they have proved themselves to him.

Domains of Magic:


· Horse
· Saddlebags
Ø Rations for two weeks
Ø Tent
Ø Flint and Tinder
Ø Flask of Water
Ø Rope
Ø Book: the Creatures of The World
Ø Leather Armour Suit
Ø Bow
Ø Longsword
Ø Oil Lantern
Ø A Flask of Oil
Ø Parchment
Ø Writing Ink
Ø Quill
Ø Skinning Knife
Ø Cutlery
Ø Small Pouch of Coin

Other: Bjorn has a keen interest in animals and is trying to learn more about them by observing and reading.

Signature: Nalax agrees to the rules the Kouri Plushie lives on.
  • Character is Ranged.
  • Character is Melee.
  • Character possesses anti-magic.
  • Character is highly educated tactician.
  • All of the character's weaknesses are mental.
  • Character owns a horse.
  • Character is nobility.
  • Character is on the stronger side of the power curve.
Anti-Magic: Give an example of something it can resist, and how effectively it resists it. This will determine if the character is too strong to approve or not.

The character is otherwise fine.
-Work In Progress-

Ole Fischer.

Age: Thirty-Nine.
Sex: Male.
Appearance: -

Background Choice:

Other - Self Made Man: Fischer brought himself up from a life of squalor as a fisherman's son all the way to one of the richest common-born men on the continent. A lucky break into a mercenary company is what it took for him to get even a little bit ahead in life and many lucky battles and shrewd investments is what it took for him to be successful. He is an exception, even he knows it. Almost no one else can take the opportunity or survive the risks he did. Not now, not when the gods themselves dictate who rules and who serves.

Fischer is hardly one to keep his opinions to himself and it's likely damn near every barfly in the Remnants knows of his seething disdain for the status quo - All the King's Ranger had to do was breath a mention of the return of Kouri and her supposed quest and the former mercenary was on board.

Motivation: His vast wealth of experience and unique position in the world has afforded Fischer a third-person look into the world at large. Wherever he traveled it was the same, aristocrats who's rule secured by the very gods themselves step over a wretched populace unable to escape their low place in life. Kouri's quest offers a unique opportunity, the chance to cut the source of tyranny at its head. He can only hope the body will fall after.


  • Deadly At Three-Thousand Paces: Fischer is a legend among his former comrades, his uncanny accuracy with a crossbow so great that it's said he could hit a man at three-thousand paces. A ludicrous claim, yes, but no skeptics have volunteered themselves in order to disprove it.
  • Veteran: Fischer has been fighting in battlefields all over the world for a significant part of his lifetime and has somehow managed to get through intact. While he spent much of this time mastering the crossbow he has had to wield damn near every stabby, slashy or smashy instrument at one time or another. All it would take is a practice session or two and he could hold his own with any common weapon. In addition, he is familiar with the less violent side of warrior life from everything to maintaining supply lines to proper waste disposal.
  • Best That Money Can Buy: Fischer's affluence affords him access to the some of the best equipment in the world. Some magic, some 'simply' master crafted.
  • Gold On The Copper:Unlike many of his fellow mercenaries who blew their hard-fought gold as fast as they earned it Fischer saved it and eventually invested it in his own private enterprise. He owns two productive copper mines as well as a forge to refine the collected ore, almost all of which is sold to various parties within the Remnants to avoid too much attention. This has made Fischer quite wealthy, rivaling that of some lesser noble houses. He keeps what's most folk would consider a considerate amount of coinage on his person at all times, stored in secret pockets hidden within his clothes. The rest of his wealth is a lot harder to get at, either stored in illiquid assets or various scattered vaults.

  • Taste for Blood:
  • Figure of Envy: Fischer's wealth has not escaped the eyes of the world unnoticed. Nobles look upon him as an aberrant fiend, shunting the natural order of things while his fellow commoners just see him as another overlord growing fat on the work of the honest man. He now sits in a sort of class limbo, only really able to identify with other independent capitalists, not exactly a plentiful demographic.

Domains of Magic: None.

  • Masterwork Arbalest:
    • Telescopic Aim Assisting Devise:
    • Self-Cranking Cranequin:
    • Quiver of Quarrels:
  • Steel-Handled Battleaxe: A battleaxe of Free Holds design has been at Fischer's hip for most of his mercenary career. Though scratched and worn with a decade worth of campaigns it still serves as faithfully as it did when new.
  • Fighting Kris: Etched fish are depicted jumping along the blade of this knife as if it were a wavy river. 'Quarsdorf' is engraved into the rose quartz handle.
  • Pavise of Force:
  • Fine Half-Plate: Simple well made half-plate that provides great protection for Fischer's torso, arms and thighs without hindering him much, if at all.
  • Martin: A powerful, grey courser bred and trained for the rigors of combat.


Signature: I, Isaac, agree to to be a part of whatever vile schemes you come up with and sign away my character's life for the point of story, tension and what-have-you. Kouri Plushy.
CS must be completed by Sunday the 20th to qualify for approval.
Name: Kalemn Weller - Art by qiqo on DeviantArt
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Appearance: 5'5"/165cm; 145lbs/65kg. Long, greasy brown hair. Dark brown eyes, right eye pale from cataracts. Old burn scars across face. Missing little finger of right hand.

  • Hardy - Kalemn has suffered her fair share of blows, and has persevered nevertheless.
  • Raider - With plenty of experience under her belt, Kalemn has almost mastered the art of moving through the woods stealthily and quietly. Especially under cover of darkness.
  • Fighter - With a cheap sword in one hand and a glorified plank of wood in the other, Kalemn has been fighting to earn steal a living for over a decade. While not of legendary stock, considering her main foes have been villagers armed with clubs and spades, she is still capable of holding her own in most situations.

  • Poor Eyesight - After being struck with a torch, her face boasts an impressive array of burn scars, and her right eye is pale with cataracts, leaving it largely blind.
  • Uneducated - Raised amongst bandits, there was a noticeable lack of opportunity for Kalemn to learn her letters or numbers.
  • Injured Parties - Her scars are nothing if not memorable, and there are plenty of villagers hailing from the Renaltan remnants who might recognize the outlaw.

Background Choice: A Better Life
Motivation: Fame & Fortune (in roughly that order of priority)
Kalemn was born and raised amidst a band of bandits in the remnants of Renalta. Some of their food was from hunting, but for the most part they subsisted off of raiding nearby villages or even traders travelling between Liveria and Rheinfield when they were feeling confident. Not exactly the most benign of lifestyles, but without any formal authority or law, there was little to stop them.

During her youngest years, growing up a child of the bandits wasn't that much different from growing up in a village. Children fought over toys and kouri plushies, and there was a sense of community and familiarity between the outlaws. Work for the young was plentiful, as the adults asked for help with repairs made to tents or with saddling and hitching horses. Sure, people would often return home bloody and weary, or perhaps not return at all, but it was treated as a simple fact of life.

And as Kalemn grew older, her responsibilities began to expand outside the confines of the roaming camp. She helped scout out villages, steal livestock under the cover of night, and lay traps for passing caravans. Then when she was strong enough to hold a sword, she became a full fledged outlaw, raiding villages and fighting merchant's guards. At home she would tell exaggerated stories of her exploits to her father while her mother tsk-ed and sewed shut wounds. Some of these wounds were minor, scratches and cuts that would heal in a few days. Others were more severe, such as when a defiant villager seared her face with a torch before one of her fellow bandits could fight the man off.

Still, she's never had much of a problem with her lifestyle, in terms of danger or amorality. But like many young adults, Kalemn can't help but wonder about what life would be like beyond the current holding pattern. Of what wonders the world holds beyond the familiar rolling hills, or what fame she could acquire if she stopped stealing a pittance from those who lived in the dirt.

• Cheap sword, well notched and worn
• Thick wooden shield, similarly marred
• Leather armor
• Heavy boots
• Leather gloves, that help hide the fact of her missing finger
• Travelling pack
• Numerous apples
• Additional rations
• Coin purse, complete with actual coins​
• Three hidden knives; one for each boot, and one strapped to thigh
  • Character is melee.
  • Character is a bandit.
  • Character is illiterate.
  • Character is roughly down the middle on the power scale--perhaps leaning toward the weaker side in comparison to some others.
Character could be approved as is. No changes necessary.
Cináed Therin
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Appearance: Cináed's angelic heritage shows through his warm golden eyes and his blemish-free fair features. He is slight of build and height, and combined with his boyish, slightly effeminate looks he cuts anything but an imposing figure. His hair is a light blonde as golden as his eyes, and usually falls in a tousle of untamed locks kept loosely at bay by infrequent trims.

Background Choice: Royal Loyalist

Motivation: Cináed was raised on a wealth of stories about the legendary fallen kingdom. Growing up in a small village named Elor, nestled in the heart of the Renaltan Remnants, his parents often told him tales of 'better times', as their parents had before them, and their parents before them. The stories have captured his imagination, and he longs to see those glory days return - to see an end to the constant fear of raiders, and a better life for his friends and family. When he heard whispers of King's Rangers passing through a nearby town, he dropped everything to seek them out with reckless abandon and join their cause.

Biography: Elor is a quiet, sleepy village in the Renaltan Remnants, that sees little in the way of regular excitement or trouble. The threat of orc or bandit raids is ever-present, but the village is often overlooked in favour of more prosperous targets.

Cináed was born to a farmer and his second wife, and has four half-siblings born to the farmer's first - now passed to illness. Where his elder brothers worked the fields, and his sister tended the house, Cináed's angelic talents had laid him a different path. Unduly favoured by both his parents, and as such the subject of some resentment from his siblings, Cináed did not toil as they did. Instead, he stayed at his mother's side and learned to command the arts of his heritage - to heal, first and foremost, but also to command fire.

His and his mother's presence was a well-guarded secret, for the presence of angel-touched healers would surely have marked Elor as a target for raiders were word of it to spread. When travellers passed through, they stayed within the farmhouse safe from prying eyes, no matter how Cináed longed to learn of the world beyond his sleepy home from them. Several times he snuck out to eavesdrop on the tales told to the village's other youths, and several times he came close enough to discovery to earn a fierce chiding.

Now passing into adulthood, Cináed's longing to fly the nest and cease hiding from the world had never been greater, when rumours of King's Rangers passing through a nearby town reached his ear. Fierce in his resolve, he bid an emotional farewell to his family despite their protests, took up an old sword he scarcely knew how to use, and set out to forge his destiny - to create his own stories.

  • Healing - Cináed's greatest talent is in healing, both magical and mundane. Taught from a young age by his mother, he knows how to set bones, stitch wounds, create poultices and medicines, and more, as well as possessing knowledge of a wide variety of herbs. Where that fails - or where it is impractical - he can turn to his angelic powers instead. His healing abilities are potent but draining, and can treat physical injury, disease, and even curses/magical afflictions.
  • Pyromancy - The second of the magics granted to him by his angelic heritage, Cináed is far less practised with this art, but not entirely incapable. He is able to produce small to moderate balls and jets of flame for use in combat, but as of yet falls short of the more devastating conflagrations an arcane spellcaster might be able to produce. He is, however, far more practised than most wizards in creating cooking fires and sterilising needles. So he's got that going for him, which is nice. A side-effect of this ability is that he is both largely immune to being burned, and he never gets cold. Indeed, his body holds a preternatural warmth to it. Though he is unaware of this due to his lack of combat experience, Cináed's fire is particularly effective against demonic, undead or other "foes of the gods" that his angelic heritage would deem "impure".
  • Resolve - Despite his inexperience, Cináed has passion and willpower in abundance. It will take a lot to truly break him, or to tempt him to give in, even though he seems outwardly vulnerable to hardship.
  • Charisma - In part owed to his angelic heritage, and in part simply who he is, Cináed is very easy to like and even easier to trust. He projects an aura of kindness and compassion in an almost literal sense, and both people and animals find themselves at ease in his company.

  • Physical Weakness - Whilst not unfit, Cináed has far from a strong build.
  • Inexperience - Cináed has never taken a life, nor had his truly threatened, and has barely spent more than a week on the road. Though he carries a sword, the extent of his skill manifests in being roughly more likely to injure an enemy with it than himself. He's hunted small game before, but has been known to feel too sorry for the animals to actually kill them.
  • Naivety - Having seen little in the way of the darker side of humanity, Cináed is trusting and compassionate to a fault. He will always attempt to see the good in people, and balk at 'necessary' killings, or the rhetoric of "the ends justify the means.

Domains of Magic: Healing, Pyromancy (as detailed above)

  • Medicine Pouch/Healing Kit (containing useful herbs, equipment such as a mortar and pestle, bandages, needle and thread, and etc.)
  • A light arming sword
  • A bedroll and blanket
  • A hunting knife


the Kouri Plushie lives on o.o

Signature: Scrupt Scrap Script
  • Character is a mage.
  • Character can heal.
  • Character can use pyromancy.
  • Character is roughly in the middle of the power curve, practically speaking--naivety may bring it down a bit.
  • Character has an aura that makes others trust them due to heritage.
This character could be approved without any alterations required.
(Part 3/3)
Quirin (Rin) Althorne
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Appearance: Skinny, pale and fidgety, it's fairly apparent upon first glancing at Rin that he doesn't spend much time outside. His long, floppy black hair falls in such a way that it often covers one (or both) of his eyes, and his face is set into an almost permanent subdued frown. Though of fairly average height, he tends to give the impression of being smaller than he is by his meek body language and demeanour, often hunching over a little and generally keeping his hazel eyes downcast. Although attractive enough in an effeminate way, his gloomy expression and withdrawn mannerisms tend to detract a shade from what appeal he otherwise would have.

Background Choice: A Home For Mages
Motivation: To bring about a world where he no longer has to hide his arts, and where he's maybe a little bit less judged for having extraplanar friends. Or maybe a world where he has human friends, that would be nice too. At the heart of it, he really just wants to not be hunted by witch hunters any more, please and thank you.

Biography: Rin grew up surrounded by books and knowledge, the son of a librarian of one of Liveria's great libraries. His mother, Estalpha, kept knowledge of his father (who had left her shortly after his birth) from him when he was young, and though she took pains to educate him well, her attitude towards him was frosty - she reminded him of a man she'd rather not have remembered in quite such a permanent way. The Rin that grew from this treatment and isolation - for he saw little of other children - was meek, timid and lonely. He sought solace in books, and read many a tale of legends both real and imagined, as well as expanding his knowledge in new and unexpected directions.

One such direction was that of magic. Though his mother had taught him that magic was not to be trusted, he found himself lured by the potential of the mystic arts - especially as he read more tales of the past wherein spellcasters were lauded as opposed to feared - and began to study them in earnest, and in secret. It was his lonely heart that led him towards the path of conjuration: the idea of calling forth companionship too tempting to resist.

Whilst in the daytime he trained as a humble scribe, in the midnight hours, he sat in the secluded, lesser visited corners of the great library and practised his arts alone, knowing full well the danger he was in should they be discovered. Conjuration was firmly within the realms of "forbidden" by the tenets of Liveria, the potential for demonic trafficking too great for even more harmless practices to be permitted for fear of a "slippery slope". And perhaps they were right, for traffick he did. He started small, with minor familiars taking the shapes of animals, but soon his confidence grew enough to call on greater and more sapient entities. Some he hastily returned to whence they came, when it became apparent that they were as malicious as the warnings would have had him believe, but others were far more companionable.

In his conjured creatures, he found companionship that humanity had yet to offer him. And so when his mother discovered his dealings, and her shriekings of discipline threatened to reveal him to the witch hunters and force him to dispel his new friends, he chose instead to flee into the night. Where he was going, he didn't know. But that question was answered when he was saved from a witch hunter by a King's Ranger, who recognised his talents with the arcane arts, and extended to him an offer. An offer to serve a princess he'd read about in the histories and thought long dead, and to earn himself a place in those histories. A place where he could belong.

  • Scholarly: Rin has a wealth of knowledge from his many years spent reading in Liveria's great library, ranging from history, to magical lore, to political and cultural customs. He's also a trained scribe.
  • Conjuration: Rin's foremost magical talent lies in the arts of conjuration. He has forged contracts with a number of entities, detailed in the magic section below, who he can call upon should he have need. He is also capable of conjuring other beings, but with less reliable results than those that he already has a rapport with.
  • General Arcana: General, multi-purpose magecraft; Rin's wide knowledge of the magical arts allow him to utilise a similarly wide range of magics at a basic level. This largely encompasses relatively minor cantrips, such as animating pens to write for him, unlocking doors, creating magical sensors for scouting purposes, generic magic missiles and other common tricks.
  • Innocuous: If there's one thing Rin's good at, it's at going unnoticed. Whilst not quite the same as being stealthy, Rin finds it very easy to blend into crowds and shrink into the background - usually without even really trying.

  • Weedy: Rin has the physique and constitution of a sheltered bookworm.
  • Self-Confidence: Rin is nothing if not a defeatist, and whilst he finds it easy to place faith in others, he finds it more difficult to place faith in himself. This can lead to him underachieving - or even just not trying if he thinks it won't do any good.
  • Cowardice: Rin isn't the most valorous of individuals, and is easily cowed. He'd love to say that he'd stick by his friends until the bitter end, but he hasn't really had any friends to test that on so far, and isn't really sure if he'd be telling the truth. Of all his flaws, this is the most likely to change once he has people worth being brave for.
  • Social Clumsiness: When you've largely only had spirits and familiars to talk to for most of your life, you tend not to blossom into a social butterfly. Rin puts his foot in his mouth on a regular basis.
  • Personal Inexperience: Rin's battle experience consists of running away from witch hunters and hoping that his conjured allies can do all the work for him.

Domains of Magic:
  • Conjuration: Rin has an established rapport with the following entities, and is also capable of conjuring other, none-specific entities with sufficient preparation:
    • Nyu: A shadow elemental, Nyu is the oldest of Rin's companions, and accompanies him at almost all times. Nyu can take on a wide variety of shapes, but is commonly seen as a rat, a cat or a raven - all jet black, of course. Whilst affectionate towards his master, Nyu has little patience for other mortals, and in many ways behaves a lot like an actual cat, albeit one capable of actually vocalising its disdain. Also capable of taking on a form of pure shadow, Nyu is an excellent scout and spy, but is less potent in combat. When he does do battle, Nyu utilises dexterity, his malleable form and sharp talons of solid-shadow to outmanoeuvre his foes and strike at their weak spots. Nyu is resilient against mundane weaponry, but vulnerable to magical attacks, and particularly suffers when subjected to magical light.
    • Cinder: Likely the companion that Rin has the closest to a solid friendship with, Rin has spent many a long night whiling away the hours in Cinder's company. A flighty and fun-loving androgynous fire elemental, Cinder is very fond of their meek little master (although which of them is really in charge is debatable), and is one of Rin's go-to conjurations in a fight. They have a masterful level of control over the generation and manipulation of fire, and a fighting style full of acrobatic movements and unnecessary somersaults.
    • Lumos: A minor conjuration, Lumos is a little celestial light spirit that takes on the form of a tiny, translucent cat-sized dragon with a glowing core of light. Largely utilised by Rin as a friendly reading lamp, Lumos' mannerisms are somewhat reminiscent of a flying puppy. The most that Lumos can achieve in a fight is to produce irritating bursts of superhot light, with potency comparable to an insect sting, and to claw and bite.
  • General, cantrip level arcana

  • More books than is reasonable for a long journey.
  • Writing equipment, including a journal.
  • A small dagger.
  • A somewhat-lacking-in-content arcane component pouch, and an improvised crystalline spell focus.
Signature: Script
  • Character is a mage.
  • Character is a conjurer.
  • Character knows of basic arcana.
  • Character is a coward.
  • Character is educated.
Conjuration Notes: His personal creatures can be temporarily dispelled, but cannot be killed through normal means--total defeat merely means being sent back to their native realms. The only practical way to kill one is to incinerate them with sufficiently powerful magics before they can return to their realm. If they are defeated in combat, it takes upwards of a day for them to fully recover before they can be brought back.

Some spells that affect his creature may affect the summoner as well, due to their magical connection. (Generally non-lethal spells.)

Basic Arcana Notes: Basic Arcane manipulation is a thing in the Legend of Renalta universe, but keep in mind that some tasks are more complex than others and thus take more concentration and time to pull off. (Ex: Lockpicking a door with a master lock on it will take much longer than momentarily animating a broom.) Weight is also a concern: Animating a suit of armour or a sword is out of the question without more specific training. Keep the objects manipulated light.

Otherwise, it's raw magic. Everything else is fine.

Outside of giving the player notes to better understand the magics their character uses, there are no particular errors to correct. This sheet is passable as is.
Ayy lmao, kouri plushie or something, I'm an oldie but a goodie

Name: Sisera Del Azul, son to the Steward of Renalta

Age: Technically over a thousand years old, physically is in his early 40's

Sex: Male


Sisera is a tall muscular imposing man, at 6'2 he towers over almost anyone and his thick frame, large bones and strong jawline give him an imposing masculine look. His body is completely hairless, with the exception of his eyelashes and a few wisps of hair for eyebrows there is not a strand on him. His torso is covered in grisly burn scars that come in a wide variety of ghastly colors. He has covered up his body with a long wool robe and cap.

Background Choice: Other

Motivation: Sisera helped raise Kouri and was her caretaker and guardian when she was a child. Though they grew apart long before the destruction of Renalta, he still cares deeply for her and has always done everything to protect and serve her

Sisera was brought up in the family of Stewards that had served the royal family of Renalta for many generations. His father, Benjamin, was the last acting Steward of Renalta and one of the more controversial. Publicly he was a very fat, jovial man with a penchant for one too many mugs of mead. Privately he served as a closed door representative of the Royal family whenever there were private disputes with the nobility. This left the Stewards in poor standing with the majority of the upper class and Sisera himself had a lonely childhood since many children of his social standing were told to avoid the boy. Lonely and wishing to put his energy into something productive, he devoted his young life to the study of magic and martial combat, with his Father providing everything he needed. By the time the boy was 16 he had become a prodigy in fire magic and his years sparring with the Royal guards had made his body thick and muscular.

At the age of 18 his reputation as a great fire mage commanded at least a small modicum of respect from grumbling nobles and his relations with the Royal family couldn't be any better. Such friends he had become with the King and Queen that five days after the Princess Kouri was born he was allowed to visit her cradle. A few weeks later the Queen noted a strange devotion in Sisera as he would come by every few days to inquire about the health of the baby. His loyalty to the young Princess wasn't truly apparent until a year later, when the Princess was threatened by a particularly bad fever. The members of the court said they heard rumors that Sisera had headed to the outskirts of the capital to build a makeshift shrine to the Gods where he prayed for the Girl's survival. After three days of praying the girl, whether by coincidence or not, slowly became healthy again. Sisera's alarmed father went out to fetch his son and was shocked at the malnourished state the young man was in and soon caught a fever himself.

When Princess Kouri became older, Sisera was entrusted with taking her for walks around the safety of the castle and became an unofficial caretaker for the young girl. As the years went by Sisera began to teach her the basics of magic and hoped that she would take after him and learn fire magic. While he was personally disapointed at her choice of Ice, he encouraged her learning and provided what little help he could with all his personal books and knowledge on the subject. When the Princess reached the age of 15, there was nothing he could teach her that she couldn't simply teach herself. He began to isolate himself and gained a reputation among the upper class as an eccentric and recluse. Sisera learning the trade of his Father did little to help his reputation and he began to show up to court as his Father's representative due to the latter's old age. He saw little of Kouri during those years and usually only addressed her with a respectful nod and bow and while he maintained friendly relations with the King and Queen, he seemed more distant and stoic than before. They wondered what kind of Steward he would be when his Father passed on.

That time would never come for everything was shattered in Typhon's rage when Kouri rejected his advances. When it became apparent that Heaven would follow in Typhon's wrath he quickly took control and led the defense of the city. Utilizing the full power of his magical talents he gathered up the city's strongest mages and quickly orchestrated a magical ritual; engulfing the entire capital city in a protective flame, giving Kouri and her guard enough time to escape the armies of Heaven. Shortly afterwards, the barrier gave out and Sisera, his energy spent, retreated into the crumbling court-room where he prepared to give one final charge and die.

But his opponent was Typhon himself and in his anger and cruelty Typhon did not kill him but instead decided eternal torment as punishment. He casted Sisera down into the deepest, darkest cave of the land and encircled it in a seal of fire. Sisera would never age, he was destined by Heaven to burn and writhe in endless flames until the end of time.

Do you see it? Courage morph into hate
crawling like a thousand little spiders

And so for a thousand years, he screamed. His black hair burned into oblivion. His psyche broken, then broken again into tinier, smaller fragments. Until it seemed nothing remained.

Eating away at your weak fragile mind
replacing it with something transcendent

Than something remarkable happened. Almost a thousand years later, the seal began to weaken, then it finally broke and Sisera was freed. Sisera does not remember these first few weeks of darkness in these Caves. Only that he heard sounds from the horrors of the earth and feasted on unnatural things for sustenance. When he emerged from the caves in the wilderness, he was naked and his torso and legs maligned with horrible burn scars. His body had changed considerably; he could no longer tolerate the strain of pain, for he learned quickly that a simply punch felt like bones rattling around his body. And his fire magic... was gone. Every time he tried to cast a simple spell pain would come shooting up through his arm and the spell would blow up in his face. In his desperation to become a mage again he forced himself to learn smoke magic a “perversion” of fire magic seen as nothing more than a cheap trick by street performers but Sisera made it his own and was determined to turn it into something far more than what it was perceived as.

Three years ago he was freed from Typhon's seal and has wandered the land aimlessly with no goal in his life. He continues to live almost as a beggar, doing odd jobs in each town he enters in part due to his still impressive physical frame.


  • knowledge of Magic: Sisera has a impressive knowledge of the diversity of magic that permeates throughout the land. Though he is more learned in elemental magic than anything else, other forms of magic he at least has a understanding and grasp of how to fight against it. He is however limited if not practically useless when it comes to more obscure or outright forbidden magic.
  • Smoke mage: Once Sisera was an accomplished fire mage in Renalta, however his body can no longer handle the stress of the flame's heat and has resorted to “bastardizing” his former magical talents. Smoke is usually seen as nothing more than a cheap parlor trick but Sisera has managed to make it a potent ability. The mere amount he produces can fill a large room in seconds and entire town blocks and castles if given enough time. Which can either result in several people passing out (if not outright dying) from lack of air or at least providing a quick getaway. Sisera can also manage to make the smoke different colors and even have it form into things (often one can see a “smoke hound” forming if Sisera is casting a large enough spell)

    Sisera over the past three years as he taught himself smoke magic has been trying to find a way to give it some form or mass so that it can be used as a weapon. But results so far have to say the least. He has also heard legendary tales of mages being able to turn themselves into smoke, though Sisera is extremely hesitant to experiment: for he has also heard stories of foolish mages who dissipated and never came back.

  • Strongman: Sisera is built like an ox. He can carry quite a big load over a period of several miles before getting tired. He is certainly useful as a pack-mule if not anything else though one can imagine what would happen if he threw a punch, or used a weapon.
  • Swordsmanship: Sisera was once an expert swordsman but can now be described as “rusty but improving” his muscle memory is still intact and his reflexes are still sharp. It's just the footwork he has to get a grip on again. He usually carries a generic broadsword with him that can get the job done.


  • Extremely poor pain tolerance: Sisera's nervous system has been wrecked beyond repair in a few ways. Most notably is his tolerance for pain which despite being built like a bear is fragile to say the least. A simple good punch would have his knees shaking and his ability to fight hindered for at least a few moments before he could get it together. Anything more serious like a sword wound or a minor broken bone would leave him almost incapacitated with barely enough will power to unleash a puff of smoke to get away. If he ever suffered an injury like a major broken bone or a deep would from a weapon he risks dying from shock if not treated quickly.
  • Mental State: Sisera's mind is... shaky at best and completely broken at worst. Waking up with disturbing nightmares that ruin his sleep, general feelings of nervousness and anxiety along with delusions his mind often conjures up. At times his thought process can be irrational and quite demented and bloodthirsty, often for the sake of revenge or some other feeling buried deep in his subconscious. His mind can best be described as “fragmented” but not so much where he can't operate throughout the day. At least most of the time. This mental state is often seen in his magic personified as a dog made out of smoke that always seems disfigured somehow, this is most likely a part of his more repressed feelings leaking out in a visible form.
    He also has memory problems concerning the immediate events during the fall of the Renaltan Kingdom and certain aspects about his early life. He remembers general details and certain specifics but it all seems to be a blur for the most part.
  • Poor at stealth: Stealth for Sisera is pretty much out of the question. His bulky frame and large hands makes sneaking and thievery practically impossible.
  • Brave New World: While Sisera has had three years to wander and get his sea legs with his new surroundings, its quite clear that this world is very different from the one he knew and will require some assistance in fully adapting to this alien land

Domains of Magic: Sisera's smoke magic and Sisera's style of casting magic is unique among mages and the reason why he was able to cast such massive flames during his prime. Magic normally requires large amounts of concentration, the bigger the spell, the more taxing it is on the mind. Sisera learned to overcome this with a unique style of casting that involved using his entire body to physically channel the magic. With a simple flick of his fingers he can jettison out large streams of smoke and if he moves his entire body, often seen as a sort of ritualistic dancing, even larger clouds of smoke can form in an instant. If Sisera has time to prepare a spell well ahead of time, he could even use it to cover an entire town.

Smoke is a very niche magic. Wind magic can completely render it useless but it has its moments. It can be used as a quick getaway, a method of blinding an opponent before a strike or if Sisera's smoke manages to get inside someone from their mouth or nostrils, they will almost certainly die if Sisera wishes.

Equipment: A long brown robe that covers most of his body. Underneath is a white tunic with black pants and boots.

A simple, but effective broadsword,

A walking stick

Other: Kouri Plushie

Signature: slade

ayy lmao Kouri Plushie, old friend.

  • Character is a Mage.
  • Character is from the Pre-Renalta fall era.
  • Character has a personal relationship with the Princess.
  • Character is Melee.
  • Character has mental instabilities. (Described as being possible to work around, however.)
  • Character is roughly smack dab moderate on the overall scale of power.
Character is passable as is. It's Sisera--we both know him well by now.

Name: Duluk Bagamul
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Race: Orc
Appearance: Duluk's skin is a lighter shade of Green, and although his hair does naturally go down to his shoulders he often ties it up into a bun if for nothing more than to easily maintain it and keep it out of his face. Likewise when he can help it he'll be freshly shaved, but when he cannot he will simply tie his beard into braids. He stands at 5'10" and weighs in at about 210 lb, with some muscle developed from constant travelling, but it pales in comparison to those who are used to heavy labour or front-line combat. He'll also often be wearing a pair of rivet spectacles, mainly when needing to read something.

Background Choice: Legend Seeker
Motivation: To learn about and help preserve the parts of history that the God's and Orders of today would rather see buried and forgotten. If said history is to simply to be relegated to a museum or books to learn from, or to be restored to it's full use depends on the use it holds for society.

Biography: Duluk was fortune enough to grow up in a decent household, his father being a skilled and renowned enough warrior that it allowed the family to live in relative comfort. As a result Duluk decided to invest his time into his education, where when he wasn't in the classroom he could be found pouring over books or tinkering with whatever junk he could find around town. Being the son of a warrior he was also taught in the art of combat, which art of combat being up to his own discretion. To which he decided to focus primarily on axes and to be briefed on the crossbow, since they were simply easier for him to learn and unlike his father he lacked any true desire to fight himself. As he grew older he began to grow tired of being cooped up in town all the time, so he took any chance he could join a trading caravan or salvaging party since it gave him an excuse to leave and let him get exposed to certain devices that before he could only read about. During said trips he also collected a number of new books, which he would study alongside the other material from the library when he could, focusing mainly on History. During his studies he would occasionally find opportunites to tag along with expeditions with new Academic friends which was where he first started to learn about the old royalty, and magic in a way that didn't paint old royals in a negative light. Only serving to spike his curiosity he began finding whatever books he could on them, including one rather disturbing book titled "The Kouri Plushie lives on". He also used what leverage he had to dabble in whatever magical courses he could, well, whatever magic the land deemed to be "good". Eventually he decided to permanently leave home to further pursue studying the royal family and whatever magical arts he could, for it seemed to be the heart of a whole other side of history that was being actively hidden from the public eye.

  • Weapon Training: Trained well enough in using an axe and crossbow that he would be considered to be comparable to a basic recruit in the army. Not enough to win or lose most battles by itself, but enough that he can fend for himself when the need comes.
  • Well Educated: With a wealth of knowledge at his disposal Duluk has an in-depth understand of history of kingdoms, different orders and certain disciplines of magic.
  • Magical Training: Although not well enough trained to be considered a full-out mage, he's studied it enough that he has learned of basic spells and methods of applying magic to day to day life.
  • Survival Basics: Between his history of working with traders, salvagers, expeditions and having a warrior as a father, Duluk has been well briefed on different skills for surviving out in the wild may it be making a fire, identifying what food is safe to eat, hunting, setting up camp etc. He's no wilderness expert by any stretch, but he can handle himself on a camping trip.

  • Far-Sighted: Duluk doesn't have the best eyesight for things up close, may that be due to poor genetics or putting books to close to his eyes too often he keeps some rivet spectacles with him to try to alleviate this.
  • Pacifist: Preferring to engage in tests and battles of the mind, Duluk is not one quick to jump into combat. And when he has no choice he is hesitant to deal any serious damage.
  • Socially Aloof: Having spent so much time among the books or among those with a strong sense of curiosity he's often found himself lost when trying to communicate with most people. Basics such as good hygiene (outside of hair braiding) and small or 'simple' talk often leave him bumbling for words, if not completely oblivious someone else's uneasiness.

Domains of Magic:

  • Prestidigitation: Magic that helps with general cleaning, maintenance and repair, generating small sources of light, as well as improvising small objects when needed.
  • Purifying Food/Water: Allows him to pack food for long travels more easily, for he no longer needs to worry about anything going bad.
  • Healing Magic and Alchemy: Disease and Injuries are common, especially when on the move and can also prove to be most fatal. Duluk's learned enough that most such things can be cured or at the very least properly treated until proper medical services are available.
  • Calming Spells: Although it can be used on others, Duluk has only ever used it on himself. Although he cares not to interfere with others behaviour this was one of the first things he learned if for nothing more than to manage his own anger, an unfortunate trait from his genetic history.
  • Minor Pyromacy: Enough to help light a campfire or a torch and nothing more. Although he could use it to harm another he's never tried to and anything outside of direct contact is likely to have the flame extinguish in mid-air.
  • A decent selection of books, scrolls and documents
  • A journal and relevant writing equipment
  • A basic woodcutters axe and a simple crossbow and bolts
  • A basic utility knife
  • A backpack
  • A thick cloak
  • A few empty flasks
  • Enough medicine and supplies to function as a basic first aid kit
  • A couple rubber bands for his hair and other sorting means
  • A couple of rations
  • A handful of gold coins
Other: He has a habit to click his tongue inside his mouth whenever he's either deep on thought or focusing on something.

Signature: When have I, Gwazi Magnum, ever done something worthy of giving out my signature?
  • Character is ranged.
  • Character is melee. (Albeit with a weakness that hampers this.)
  • Character is a mage.
  • Character can heal.
  • Character is a survivalist--can hunt, cook, et cetera.
  • Character is a non-human. (Orc.)
  • Character is educated.
Character's homeland is... ?: In order to properly judge the appropriateness of their magic, it would help to know where they are from. (I'm guessing Kingdom of Liveria? Free Holds? Renaltan Remnants?)

Orcish Heritage: Character is an Orc. In the Legend of Renalta setting, Orcs are generally between 8-10 feet in height and 300-400 pounds in weight. He may be a little on the light side due to his scholarly background, but it is recommended to change his height.

As well, for a little more information on the adrenaline/rage aspect: The longer he engages in combat, or the more injuries he sustains, the greater the level of rage will build up. I'll let you know if the rage starts working against him. Otherwise, in regular conversations, he can get angry without losing control--being educated helps in this regard.

Basic Arcana would suit his purposes instead of purifying food/water & prestidigitation, since it allows basic manipulation of one's environment. Magical repairs are a bit more intensive and usually require knowledge of how the item works. Remove the minor calming spells or the minor pyromancy--as your character is already competent at ranged combat, it's best to avoid being spread too thin. Healing can stay--it's part of your character's core idea.
Name: Lady Cerise of Ebonhold

Age: 30

Sex: Female

Appearance: There is no mistaking Cerise's heritage as a demon-touched. From the blemish-free maroon skin to the 'well-endowed' figure, tail with a spaded tip, eyes bright fiery orange, obsidian-black hair, and sharp fangs behind her ebony lips, the infernal taint on her bloodline is clear, similarly to her parents and those before them. Her face is often curled into a grin, either smug or sultry depending on scenario. Her neck, ears, and even tail are often adorned with various forms of jewelry, the latter of the three providing a pleasing (or simply just distracting) jingle to her steps.

Background Choice: Outsider Nobility (Free Holds)

Motivation: My ancestors speak, and this is where they lead me.


The visions come to me in the night.
In a far-flung corner of the Free Holds, above an otherwise normal settlement, a basalt-gray castle stands guard. Within lay a peculiar family of warlords-turned nobility, house Ebonhold. Family records suggest they offered themselves to a demon for power, permanently tainting their bloodline in order to conquer and settle their territory.

The spirits, I am told they are my ancestors.
They tell me to leave the castle's walls.

As the second child of the family, Cerise knew from a young age that the throne would not be hers to inherit. For most of the rest of her life she groomed herself towards either a martial career or that as a 'queen' elsewhere, though her fel affliction stymied the latter. Whenever her kin waged petty wars against other states in the Free Holds, she rode into battle with Ebonhold's troops, forcing the belligerent cities to support trading that benefited their lands.

Every night they whisper to me, they beg me to realize some sort of destiny.

When the King's Rangers approached the castle and requested assistance from Ebonhold, Cerise insisted they stay one night before any decisions were made, to consult her ancestors. When she drifted to sleep after much a feast, she received her answer.

They have spoken! Kouri is the key, I must follow her.

Upon waking, the noble gathered her armor, some clothing and her personal arms, saddled her steed, and rode to join the princess in her quest.

  • Child of the Dark- Magicks infernal and dark in nature are ineffective at harming her, and in select cases may benefit her instead. Additionally, Cerise boasts mildly improved regeneration, but in many cases it just makes scars fade quickly.

  • Fiery Soul- Not only do certain forms of pyromancy come much more naturally, but her body also naturally produces much more heat than the average person, both making her more resistant to heat and fire and permitting her to wear less protective clothing in colder environments.

  • Sinful Allure- While she herself isn't skilled or trained at persuasion magic, her appearance and infernal heritage makes those attracted to women more. . . agreeable.
  • Demonic Strength- She is inherently quite physically fit, more than her physique would suggest. That, combined with limited martial experience, gives her appreciable combat ability.

  • Family Ties- Cerise is wealthy, though she only brought a moderate sum of money with her. Access to her family's wealth is better the closer she is to the Free Holds, specifically her home city.

  • Tainted Blood- 'Holy' magicks are largely ineffectual at healing her, and are much more effective at harming her.

  • The Laws of Thermodynamics- In order to sustain the high body temperature, she has to eat a lot of food, enough for three to five men.

  • Blasphemous Temptress- Clergy and other holy folk are not only repulsed by her as a being, but also can often notice her presence from a short distance away.

  • Silver Spoon- Raised as a noble, Cerise finds certain forms of manual labor and many forms of living beneath her. She seems to make an exception for inherently military-focused jobs and quarters, though.

Domains of Magic: A natural affinity and a decent amount of training in Pyromancy allows her to cast with moderate capability, though her flames have a distinctly 'demonic' tinge to them, something even the untrained can notice when watching her spells.

  • Clothing made of fine silks and fabrics, much of it revealing, and almost all of it ornate and signifying wealth. For travelling, she has also brought along a simple black cloak, coat and trousers.
  • Several sets of jewelry.
  • A moderate sum of gold.
  • A set of metal armor, with no helm and her family's crest emblazoned on the cuirass.
  • A zweihander, carefully maintained with an ornately carved hilt, with a wood-and-cloth case to transport it.
  • A stout warbow with a quiver of arrows.
  • Several whetstones, spare arrowheads, and a few replacement bowstrings.
  • A black stallion, though lacking any sort of armor.
  • A standard of Ebonhold with a 'pike' to carry it on, though it is currently disassembled.

While she loves the idea of being called a "Demon Princess", Cerise acknowledges she is not an actual demon, and only arguably a princess.

Signature: glmstr the flaming goose and lord of all living Kouri Plushies.
  • Is a noble.
  • Is melee.
  • Is ranged.
  • Uses magic.
  • Pyromancy. (Racial+Magic.)
  • Bloodline (Demon-Touched) gives her persuasive powers with those attracted to the fairer sex.
  • Racially strong.
  • Possesses notable wealth.
  • Character is on the stronger end of the power spectrum--but is still within the passable range.
The Spirits?: Spirits of ancestors? Somehow knowing of Kouri's awakening before a King's Ranger could tell her? This is definitely workable but it might help to have more knowledge of what the spirits really are--if they are her ancestors, or something else. (Feel free to PM this to me if you don't want the other players knowing the details.)

Holy Magic & Healing: Clarification within the universe rather than any sort of flaw within the character. Healing magic works on creatures regardless of their status of life or origins--as healing magic is thoroughly separated from divinely inspired magics. "Holy" magic, as it were however, outside of healing, will still have a greater affect on this character due to her strongly pronounced demonic heritage.

Demon-Touched: Magics that can manipulate the mind (especially those of demonic origin) in some way are generally resisted by the demon-touched, though not all powers from demons are perfectly resisted. It may be worth toning down the "Child of the Dark" power to note that she can resist some of them, but she wouldn't really gain benefits from any of them.

This character is largely quite passable, just a couple of tweaks (more because of in-universe interactions than any actual sort of error on the part of the writer), and this will work, when given clarity on the spirits.
Name: Dagra Corden - Art by gugu-troll on DeviantArt
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Appearance: 6'10"/210cm; 250lbs/115kg. Long red-brown hair, dark ochre skin, heavily muscled, strong jaw. Old scar across bridge of nose.

  • Impenetrable - Already built to shrug off a hit or ten, Dagra's heavy plate pushes her past sturdy and into the realm of walking, talking wall.
  • Guardian - Dagra is experienced at reflexively protecting others from incoming harm.
  • Mighty - Her orc heritage grants Dagra a great wealth of strength. Lifting heavy weights, grappling with opponents, and crushing foes beneath her blows (should she manage to hit them) are all things she has a natural aptitude for.

  • Lumbering - While Dagra excells in defense, her offensive capabilities leave much to be desired. Even if her blows are heavy, they are slow and choreographed, and she has trouble actually hitting her opponents.
  • Mongrel - Orcs are rarely looked well upon by civilized society. Half-orcs perhaps even less so, the circumstances of their birth seen as an affront against nature.
  • Mundane - Unlike Templars, Dagra has no natural immunity to magic, and no enchanted artifacts to help make up for it. She can take all the physical beatings in the world, but against a mage, she's little better than the average peasant.

Background Choice: Knight Without Cause
Motivation: To fight for and protect those who don't scorn her for her parentage.
It was often said that Dagra's father was a fool. As a noble in the Renaltan Remnants, he was a fool for having a tryst with an orc woman. A fool for not turning her away when she returned months later with his child. And a fool most of all for not quietly disposing of the child once she left. A fool, his peers called him, but he ignored them as best he could, and raised his half-breed daughter in near isolation.

There was love, between them. But also guilt, frustration, and resent. She was his responsibility and his burden, his child and his fall from grace. He was her protector and her jailer, her father and her dependance.

Few children dared to play with and befriend her, especially as she grew ever more intimidating with age. Instead, she found solace in books and stories, learned what it meant to be good person from legends and idealism. She was especially caught by the tales of knights, respected and often revered guardians of the land.

She learned the martial arts. How to fight with sword and shield and plate, how to ride a horse - though often had to resort to crossbreeding proper warhorses with draught horses in order to have a mount strong enough to bear her weight - and learned the codes of honour. Once she felt ready, she bid farewell to her father and began to wander the Remnants, taking what jobs she could. And whenever possible, wore her helmet to help hide her heritage.

• Heavy longsword
• Large kite shield
• Heavy plate armour
• Closed-face helmet
• Sapphire pendant
• Well-made traveller's garb
• Horse, crossbreed between a warhorse and a draught horse
• Saddlebags
• Coin purse
• Spare clothes
• Rations
• Journal
• Thick cloak​
  • Character is Melee.
  • Character is about moderately powerful on the overall scale. Magic weakness may put her a little lower in some encounters.
  • Is a knight.
Real or Fake?: Did this character have to fake her nobility papers, or was her father a member of the nobility? (Either answer is fine, I just need this for clarity.) (You may PM me the answer if you don't want others knowing.)

This character is passable as is, with a single piece of clarification.
To Be Finished (Biography/Signature)

Name: Vath Lehman
Age: 109
Sex: Male

Background Choice: A Home for Mages
Vath wants to be recognized as a ‘good’ mage and be able to teach the youth about it. As such, helping Koori accomplish her goals will help him create a home for those who wish to learn outside of the normal boundaries of magic.


  • Theory of Magic: Under the mentorship of the noble man who took him in, Vath has been able to study magic freely, which means anything that had been gathered by the family and him is shared amongst them. This, is suit, gives him a rather good variety of knowledge of mages and magic in general.
  • Surgical Anatomy: Learning the magic of Transmutation led Vath to learn about the anatomy of living beings (more notably humanoids and quadrupeds). It followed with the manual talent to aid those with physical wounds and injuries (putting popped bones back into place, stiches, proper splints, stop bleeding and so forth).
  • Expanded Lifespan: One of the great advantages of dabbling in depth with transmutation is the capacity to make oneself younger with the reconstruction of flesh, organs and such. Though there is no point in time where immortality would be in the question, Vath has been able to extend his ‘youth’, predicting to last maybe another hundred or two years, which is a miraculous process for a human being.
  • Student and Ally of a Noble: Knowing someone with wealth and power is always a good thing, and even when his mentor passed away, he still held good relationships with the family that shared many secrets with him.
  • Ancient Magical Methods: The olden ways of casting is how Vath was taught to cast; speaking the words of the Arcane and follow with precise, intricate motions. This means he is capable of precise casting, with a more predictable result. As an added bonus, it doesn’t take much of a toll on his body, as he manipulates the energy around and not entirely within himself.
  • Quick Cast Defensive Magic: As a way to properly protect himself, Vath has been shown to cast simple, quick spells meant to prevent too much damage to him. (Such as shattering a blade or create a very short duration barrier)
  • Floating ‘combat’ Grimoire: The single gift from his mentor that Vath holds dearly is the Grimoire which holds the spells he revises. Its main purpose is to hold the formulas and methods to cast his magic. However, it served a secondary purpose of a floating shield. With its spine and cover made of a strong metal, it can take a few hits and can also be a target of a shield spell if needed and it floats to the users will.


  • Ancient Magical Methods: Though the old ways were precise and predictable, it did have its flaws. The first most important is that it took time to string along a spell that was powerful, far greater time than those who were naturals with it. Vath also needs at least a single free hand and to be able to speak the words of the Arcane properly. Lastly, he can sometimes forget a string of arcane words or a gesture, which he needs to revise within his Grimoire.
  • Aching Body: Vath has been able to keep his youthful appearance (for his age anyway), but it was not perfect. He still fell victim to aging. He isn’t as vibrant and energetic as his appearance lets him be.
  • Not a Warring Mage: Vath was never one to participate in violent exchanges. Even if some of his spells can cause serious pain and injury, he is not formally trained to use it offensively in combat. Knows little in hand-to-hand combat too.
  • Practices ‘evil’ magic: Liveria sees those who practice evil magic very poorly, and other nations too don’t see it too well. Vath tries to keep his Transmutation magic as secret as possible. He has no doubt some officials out there are keeping a close eye on him and the family of his mentor.
  • Naïve and young folks need to straighten up: Vath is a rather sour person when it comes to deal with what he perceives as stupid or naive, and therefore, younger and maybe simpler people are talked down by Vath, which doesn’t always get him good attention.

Domains of Magic:

  • Primary Practice – Transmutation: This is the magic that is truly taught to Vath when with his mentor. This domain of magic is simply the alteration of things and people, though its applications go further in depth.
  • Material Transmutation: The first part of Transmutation is the alteration of non-living things (stone, steel, water and so on). This comes in a variety of forms, such as changing the composition of whatever item is touched, it’s toughness, or even the breaking down or strengthening of its material. Spells that relate to this kind of transmutation tend to have a short range and are more complex to cast the less malleable the material is. The quantity of materials also affects the strength of the spell needed.
  • Living Transmutation: The second part of Transmutation is the alteration of living matter (flesh, bones, plants, animals and so forth). This part of transmutation is what Vath knows in depth (over Material Transmutation). This can come to alter many facets of living beings (toughen skin, meld flesh and bone, accelerated regeneration, so on and so forth.) The spells used for this form of transmutation has a very short range and are more complex the more you need to change the composition of the living. However, Vath’s knowledge of this form allows him to more easily cast spells of this kind.
  • Secondary Practice – Abjuration: This magic is taught alongside with the Transmutation from Vath’s mentor, both being a way to protect himself and to act as a distraction of his primary domain of magic. This magic allows Vath to invoke barriers and shields of various forms and strength. The stronger, wider and long-lasting the shield or barrier is, the more time it takes to conjure it up.


  • Floating Grimoire with appropriate satchel to carry it
  • Emergency Surgical Kit
  • Dagger
  • Walking stick
  • Notebook with various magical facts and theories

    Other: Nothing of note as of yet.

    Signature: (Put your username here to verify that you understand the rules and guidelines of this roleplay, and that you agree to follow all of them.)
CS must be completed by Sunday the 20th to qualify for approval.
Character's homeland is... ?: In order to properly judge the appropriateness of their magic, it would help to know where they are from. (I'm guessing Kingdom of Liveria? Free Holds? Renaltan Remnants?)

Orcish Heritage: Character is an Orc. In the Legend of Renalta setting, Orcs are generally between 8-10 feet in height and 300-400 pounds in weight. He may be a little on the light side due to his scholarly background, but it is recommended to change his height.

As well, for a little more information on the adrenaline/rage aspect: The longer he engages in combat, or the more injuries he sustains, the greater the level of rage will build up. I'll let you know if the rage starts working against him. Otherwise, in regular conversations, he can get angry without losing control--being educated helps in this regard.

Basic Arcana would suit his purposes instead of purifying food/water & prestidigitation, since it allows basic manipulation of one's environment. Magical repairs are a bit more intensive and usually require knowledge of how the item works. Remove the minor calming spells or the minor pyromancy--as your character is already competent at ranged combat, it's best to avoid being spread too thin. Healing can stay--it's part of your character's core idea.

Made the homeland the Free Holds, I tweaked his Height and Weight to be 8'3" and 310 lbs. The Rage info is nice to know, but I'm still gonna pick Calm spells over Pyromancy cause it fits his character more. And I also updated the magic accordingly to lose Prestidigitation, Purify and Pyromancy and gain Basic Arcana.
Alright, I edited Sabre's Character Sheet. I put in a bit more information in the areas that you have requested. He's a melee fighter, he can personally perform enchantments involving fire, ice, wind, and healing magic, with the help of another he can turn the power of one of their spells into a temporary enchantment, etc.
@Nilum said... Metallurgy Power Clarification: If this character were facing a combatant using a metallic weapon (sword, mace) what kind of effect could his magic have on his opponent's weapon? Describe and clarify.

Against an opponent using a metallic weapon, I would fall back on two things: One being your rule, and one being a rule of the universe.

Assuming I have set up time against an opponent with a metallic weapon (and they don't have Anti-magic to bugger up my plans), it would be a clash between exertion of power and the strength of the weapon's swing. With Force=Speed x Mass as the core rule, I'd basically go along the broad idea that the higher the force, the more time and the more draining it would be to affect the item in question. E,g if someone fires a metal tipped arrow, mass is light and speed is low enough, so Jaquaar would be able to influence it relatively easily. If a burly orc is swinging a Claymore, Speed is yuge, Mass is great, Force is a fuck-tonne, and affecting it at all would become very difficult, let alone in any meaningful way. If the character can successfully interact with the metal, he'd have a few options. He could push against it/pull it off course in order to make the attack miss (With this being the least taxing effect, since it is just a mild application of force), he could try and bend the item, although this would require more force, as it is a greater output and such; or he could go full ham and try and crush the weapon, which would be the greatest exertion of force, and the most likely to fail. Of note, he cannot unmake metal or anything, he can only 'Push' or 'Pull' on it in some way; it's more like Metal-telekinesis at this point, with the option of expansion occurring possibly later as the power curve develops.

If he doesn't have set up time, he'd be extremely limited by a) the universes rules, and b) F=SxM. In all likely hood, he'd only be able to affect an item that is being acted upon in the smallest of ways, i.e. pushing/pulling the metalic item and stopping it from dunking him.

Does that answer the question?
Name: Kerat

Age: 25

Sex: Male



Kerat is enormous compared to most other mortal races. He stands at an even nine feet in height and weighs over a quarter ton. His piercings and jewelry are various trophies from enemies he slew, and his skin is covered in a multitude of scars.

Background Choice: King's Ranger

Motivation: Despite being a King's Ranger, Kerat is still a mercenary at heart, and so mostly cares about advancing his own interests. Though he willingly admits to finding the Renaltan dream appealing, he is too jaded to accept it outright. He's counting on being rewarded for his service.

Kerat has spent more than half his life fighting. Born into slavery, he was thrust into combat at the age of twelve, only barely as tall as a man. Through a mix of quick learning and dumb luck, he managed to survive the internecine wars of the Free Holds to adulthood. However, instead of being sold like he expected, Kerat was won in a game of chance by a mercenary captain impressed with his fighting prowess and given the chance to work for his freedom. After two years of fighting, he earned his freedom and became a freelance mercenary.

He left the free holds and traveled south, working for whoever could pay. He quickly realized that joining a company is both safer and easier to find regular work with. He joined the Grey Griffins, a mercenary company whose prospects seemed bright at first, but soon soured. After several disastrous battles and a few changes in leadership, the Grey Griffins had become more akin to bandits than soldiers-of-fortune. After a pointless and easily avoidable fight with some Silver Shields, they took their King's Ranger prisoner and planned to ransom him back. Kerat, seeking to leave the Grey Griffins and hopefully find a place elsewhere, released the prisoner and helped him get back to his people. Fortunately his gamble paid off, and he was invited to join the King's Rangers.

Kerat quickly came to enjoy being with the King's Rangers: the leaders were competent, fair and didn't take unnecessary risks and his allies were trustworthy and reliable. He considered his meager compensation a fair trade to work with such professionals... at first. He was impressed that people could work so well fighting for a cause, but he never felt comfortable being among them since he felt it ultimately wasn't his cause. Kerat's growing discontent came to a head with the arrival of Princess Kouri. Kerat saw his opportunity for profit and took it, volunteering to assist her with her mission, hoping to leverage some form of compensation for his efforts.

  • Warrior: Though not formally trained, Kerat is a deadly combatant and has the scars to prove it.
  • Strong: Kerat is strong for an orc, and that's saying something.
  • Agile: For such a large creature, Kerat is deceptively agile, fast on his feet and quick with his parries.
  • Handy: Kerat has picked up a number of mundane, but valuable life-skills, including cooking, sewing, first-aid, simple woodwork and trapping.

  • Uneducated: “Why teach anything to someone who may die tomorrow, save how not to die... and to count his money?”
  • Intimidating: Between his scars, size and his orcish heritage, Kerat strikes an imposing figure, even when he does not intend to, often leading to ostracism and mistrust from strangers.
  • Poor Form: As he is self taught, his fighting posture often has weaknesses that skilled opponents can exploit.
  • Anger Issues: Like most orcs, he will lose himself to rage if injured by an opponent and will blindly try to kill his attacker and any in his way.
Domains of Magic: None
'Pestle', a wooden, two handed war club
'Spitter', a 7-foot recurve bow
Quiver and arrows
Large round wooden shield
Medium Armor (Gambeson, chainmail, breastplate)
Camping Gear (Bedroll, flint and tinder, tent, etc.)
Carving knife

Other: When idle, Kerat likes to whittle, though he isn't very good.

Signature: Grothnor
Last edited:
NOTE: These are just two final reviews, one that slipped under my radar. I'm not responding to any of the edits or corrections tonight, but I will respond to them before the 20th. No panicking. :)

Name: Oswald Richter

Age: 29



An exceptionally large man, Oswald stands at 6’7” and weighs nearly 300 pounds. He has pale blue eyes and fair hair. What may have once been an attractive face has been marred by years of service. His smile is missing a few teeth, his cheeks are spattered with small burn marks as if splashed with hot oil. Oswald’s nose appears to have been broken several times, and as such has a slight tilt to the left. His body bears a smattering of scars, most caused by magical sources. Among the scars, anti-magic runes and other religious iconography have been tattooed directly onto his body.

His arms and armour are covered in anti-magic runes and religious symbols.

Background Choice: Ex-Templar

Motivation: Oswald is furious with the gods and the church. He has become disillusioned with the false images of the gods he has been taught. He has committed horrific acts in the name of vain and petty gods, and seeks retribution for his past transgressions.

Biography: Oswald Richter was born and raised in Heiligen Stuhl under the Templar Order. Always a faithful individual, even at a young age, he joined and began his training at the age of 13. He quickly took to his training, excelling in negating various magics as well as the martial arts.

Oswald is a kind man at heart, but years of battle and killing have hardened him. Turning him coarse and reserved. A man of few words, he speaks little but when he does people tend to listen.

He served a long and illustrious career as a Templar. Being an intensely devout and obedient man he successfully completed every manner of task for the Templar Order, slaying mages and quelling peasant rebellions alike.

After several years of service to Rheinfeld and many successful “battles”, Oswald had a series of long conversations with a man he would later learn was a King’s Ranger. This man spoke a certain kind of heresy. He told tales which painted the gods in a less than glorious light. Oswald, being battle weary and entering a self-reflective phase of his life, found himself listening to the man’s words. Over time and with a certain amount of internal reflection Oswald slowly discovered the truth in the Ranger’s words. He learned to hate not just the gods, but the Templar Order and the Rheinfeld Theocracy that controlled and manipulated him. He has now joined Princess Kouri and her troupe in their quest to dethrone the gods.


  • Experienced Soldier: Oswald is not only well trained, but highly experienced. He is nearly a master of the martial arts, both on foot and on horse.
  • Templar: Oswald is so well versed in anti-magic that he has anti-magic runes tattooed into his skin. All but the most powerful of mages will fail to affect him
  • One Burly Motherfucker: Oswald is exceptionally large and strong.
  • Glutton For Punishment: Oswald can take a serious beating before succumbing to his wounds.
  • Scarred Veteran: His body bears the marks of many battles fought. Scar tissue covers his body and he feels phantom pains.
  • Guilty Conscience: Oswald has slain many an innocent in the name of the gods and at the behest of the Templar Order. This eats at his conscious.
  • Old Bias: Even though he has become disillusioned with the gods and the church, Oswald still harbors some remaining anti-mage sentiment.
  • Magic Immune: His great anti-magic abilities prevent him from benefiting from magic. He cannot be healed or assisted via the means of magic.

Domains of Magic: Anti-magic


Armoured Warhorse

Anti-magic Plate mail


Long sword


Rondel dagger

Basic camping supplies


Water Skin

Horse Feed

Tinder box

Saddle bags

Other: Hates Kouri Plushies, long may they reign.

Signature: I, Potatocat, am ready to have my character die via inability to be healed by magic.
  • Is Melee.
  • Is a mounted attacker.
  • Magic immune.
  • Ex-Templar.
Character is fine as is, no outstanding issues that need correction. Could be approved on Sunday the 20th.
Name: Kerat

Age: 25

Sex: Male



Kerat is enormous compared to most other mortal races. He stands at an even nine feet in height and weighs over a quarter ton. His piercings and jewelry are various trophies from enemies he slew, and his skin is covered in a multitude of scars.

Background Choice: A Better Life/Ex-Slave, take your pick

Motivation: Kerat is playing the long game working with the King's Rangers. Though he questions the ideology of Renalta, he knows that an undertaking such as this could be very profitable.

Kerat has spent more than half his life fighting. Born into slavery, he was thrust into combat at the age of twelve, only barely as tall as a man. Through a mix of quick learning and dumb luck, he managed to survive the internecine wars of the Free Holds to adulthood. However, instead of being sold like he expected, Kerat was won in a game of chance by a mercenary captain impressed with his fighting prowess and given the chance to work for his freedom. After two years of fighting, he earned his freedom and became a freelance mercenary.

He left the free holds and traveled south, working for whichever company could pay. Eventually he joined the Grey Griffins, whose prospects seemed bright, but soon soured. After several disastrous battle and a few changes in leadership, the Grey Griffins had become more akin to bandits than soldiers-of-fortune. After a pointless and easily avoidable fight with some Silver Shields, they took their King's Ranger prisoner and planned to ransom him back. Kerat, seeking to leave the Grey Griffins, released the prisoner and helped him get back to his people, hoping for better employment options. Fortunately his gamble paid off, but in a much bigger way than he expected.

  • Warrior: Though not formally trained, Kerat is a deadly combatant and has the scars to prove it.
  • Strong: Kerat is strong for an orc, and that's saying something.
  • Agile: For such a large creature, Kerat is deceptively agile, fast on his feet and quick with his parries.
  • Handy: Kerat has picked up a number of mundane, but valuable life-skills, including cooking, sewing, first-aid, simple woodwork and trapping.

  • Uneducated: “Why teach anything to someone who may die tomorrow, save how not to die... and to count his money?”
  • Intimidating: Between his scars, size and his orcish heritage, Grothnor strikes an imposing figure, even when he does not intend to, often leading to ostracism and mistrust from strangers.
  • Poor Form: As he is self taught, his fighting posture often has weaknesses that skilled opponents can exploit.
  • Anger Issues: Like most orcs, he will lose himself to rage if injured by an opponent and will blindly try to kill his attacker and any in his way.
Domains of Magic: None
'Pestle', a wooden, two handed war club
Large round wooden shield
Medium Armor (Gambeson, chainmail, breastplate)
Camping Gear (Bedroll, flint and tinder, tent, etc.)
Carving knife

Other: When idle, Kerat likes to whittle, though he isn't very good.

Signature: Grothnor
  • Character is Melee.
  • Character is a non-human. (Orc.)
  • Character is a mercenary.
Grothnor?: The name "Grothnor" appears in place of "Kerat" once.

Background: Please pick either Ex-Slave or A Better Life. You may want to glance at other people's sheets and see how many Ex-Slave spots are already being gambled over--due to the fact that A Better Life has an unlimited number of slots, whereas Ex-Slave is limited to 3.
Name: Cluad Quenten
Age: 38
Sex: Male

Background Choice: Dwarven Expedition Survivor
Motivation: Fame and stories told of him throughout the ages.
Biography: He had always been an expedition fanatic. Every day since he was 14 he taught himself how to cook and read maps. He is a good fighter on rocky terrain with rocks he could hide behind. He uses his pick to climb and fight in many situations. But being a dwarf (with a height of 4ft 2" and weighing 113 lbs) with small legs he doesn't run really fast. In the expedition he served as the main navigator before the battle happened.

  • Advantage on rocky terrain
  • Cooking Knowledge
  • Good Navigation skills
  • Strong arms
  • Strong Back
  • Quick Mind
  • Fights better in a group
  • Disadvantage on flat-ish terrains
  • Short Legs (causes him to move slow)
  • Dislikes Elves (but will co-operate with one if need to)
  • Hates Religon (wants to set revenge on the gods for destroying his friends in the expedition group)
  • Recklessness (causes him to get in trouble)
  • Has trouble fighting alone
  • Barely any Medical knowledge
  • (Biggest Flaw) He is sometimes a know-it-all leading to fights in a group making it hard for him to stay in a group
Domains of Magic: None

  • Bag
- 1 Medical Kit
- 2 qt. of water
- 4 loaves of bread
- 1 Map
- 3 lumps of charcoal
- 1 thick blanket
- 1 book (for entertainment)
  • Hiking Boots
  • Steel Pick
  • White Sweater
  • Rope
  • Belt
  • Smoke Pipe
Other: Likes to read and when he is in the forest he'll climb trees to see the view. He often lights his smoke pipe when he is reading or in deep thought.

Signature: I, Oscar, solemnly swear to follow Kouri Plushy till the ends of time no matter what troubling force comes our way. No matter how deadly or scary.
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Name: Rheanna Ágrios Zitón

Age: Twenty-Two

Sex: Female

Appearance: Rheanna is a tall woman, standing at 6’1 and weighing a little over 200 lbs. She has dark-maroon coloured hair, reaching down to her shoulders, green eyes, and tan skin that is marred by a large number of knotted cuts, scars, and scrapes. Her body is a veritable sculpture of the ideal physical powerhouse; with broad shoulders, muscular arms, and a well-toned physique. Despite her obvious athletic form, she still possesses the marks of femininity that make her kind so attractive to the slavers of the Free Holds; a sizable bust, a pretty face, and an eye-catching body all pulled together by the terrifying allure of her people.

Background Choice: Amazonian Wanderer

Motivation: Rheanna knows her time away from the tribe must end soon. She and her people have long scorned the gods for their mistreatment of the Spirits, and of the common people. What quest could possibly be more glorious than dethroning the vial gods, so reviled by her peoples? What greater ally could she find her people than the Blue-haired Queen of Renalta? This quest could become the stuff of legends, if only she grabs the opportunity by the haunches.

Biography: Rheanna was raised by her clan from birth, as was customary of most Amazonian children. Even from her early years, Rheanna showed the promise of a great hunter and a great warrior. She made friends with the Chieftain’s daughter at a young age, and the two were almost inseparable for a number of years.

At the age of Fifteen, Rheanna and the Chieftain’s daughter were out on a hunt; before they had taken the Blood rite. The courage of uninformed youth drove the pair to hunt game greater than they should. To that end, the pair stalked a Dire Bear in the hopes of claiming a trophy and a source of much meat for the clan. The Chieftain’s daughter was the first to attack, spurred on by her own pride. She tried to conquer the beast with her magic; but she was quickly set upon by the Dire-bear. Rheanna sprang into action to save her friend; wrestling the bear to the ground and fighting it with spear and fist. She had no way to kill the beast, and was mostly just trying to save her friend. She earned many scars that day, and would have earned her death as well; if not for the magic of her friend.

For saving the Chieftain’s daughter, and for her deeds in battle; Rheanna was awarded a title and the right to partake of the Blood rite. She imbibed the prepared blood, and partook of the ritual; only to become everything she’d dreamed she could be and more. She was a hunter most fierce, and a warrior most powerful. She sought every chance to prove herself. Her chance came upon her eighteenth naming day. Rheanna beseeched the Chieftain and asked of her the rite of the Seeker. She promised to return within 6 years, and she promised to return with a prize and a story worthy of her travels.

Sadly, after four years of travelling; Rheanna found herself light on prizes and heavy on stories. She had made her way across the land in search of a prize worth returning with. On her travels she had done many things, but none were worthy of her Seeker’s quest. She wanted to elevate herself beyond any of her peers. She wanted to be a champion of her people!

In a Renaltan bar, Rheanna was met with an offer by a strange woman; a King’s Ranger. She had been drinking her sorrows away, after slaying a dire wolf for the local village, and had declared her lack of love for the gods and her desire for a worthy challenge. The King’s Ranger wove stories for the drunken Amazon: stories of deposing the gods, and resurrecting a kingdom. With such promising stories in her ear, Rheanna accepted the woman’s proposal; ready to finally make progress on the Rite of the Seeker.


  • Amazonian Might: Rheanna has earned the Blood rite of her people through rigorous training and through ever dangerous deeds. Some begrudge the somewhat exalted position put upon Rheanna due to her friendship with the Chieftain’s daughter, but none begrudge her strength and her power. As an Amazonian, she has strength far greater than a Human, rivalling and potentially topping that of even a full blooded Orc. She is also trained as a fighter, able to use axe, sword, and javelin with power, skill, and ease.
  • Blood Rite: Rheanna’s imbibing of the Blood Sea has awarded her many gifts. Her increadible strength is accredited to this rite, but other benefits exist. She is able to control the flow of her blood to some extent, which allows her to increase intake of adrenaline and even stop herself from bleeding. She is immune to most common diseases, and she can enter a primal state of rage and fury that quickly drains her stamina but increases her speed, endurance, and strength for a short time…All at a pricy cost, however.
  • Zephyr: Rheanna’s loyal companion, Zephyr is an eagle of surprising size and is a glorious beast to behold. Sizing out at nearly twice the size of the average eagle, the Kynigos Eagle is able to hunt small dogs for food, and Zephyr serves Rheanna as fellow hunter, companion, and scout. In dire straits, the eagle would also assist Rheanna in combat, clawing at a foe’s eyes, or trying to peck at their throat.
  • Begrudging Respect: Although it happens rarely, Rheanna has been changed by her time away from her home. Whereas she would normally depends solely on her raw might and her ferocity, Rheanna has discovered that sometimes it is how you swing your weapon, and not how hard you swing it, that decides a fight. She has begun to learn basic combat from skilled fighters in the King’s Rangers, but she still has far to go.


  • The Blood Rite’s cost: The ritual that must be completed to perform the Blood Rite is an arduous one, and Rheanna is dependent on it to sustain her strength and, now, her life. She carries with her a number of vials that contain some treated blood, but without those she will die from the strain of the Blood Rite. She is limited on time, as her Blood Vials will not sustain her forever, and should they ever break, or be stolen, she’d be on a very rapid deadline to return home. Add onto that an increased aggression, and a general heightening of certain, sharp ‘needs’ and you can see why the Blood Rite is not a universally sought after power.
  • Amazonian Upbringing: To call the Amazonian culture matriarchal would be to call a dragon dangerous. Rheanna, like most of her kind, is raised on the line of thought that men are not only inferior, but dangerously incompetent as a rule. Without extenuating circumstances, she will instinctively ignore any man who seeks to order her about; and will aggressively challenge any man who doesn’t have a Chieftain level individual’s blessing should they present themselves as her better.
  • Uneducated: Rheanna has not had any formal education, and only knows how to speak Common and her Mother tongue. She cannot write in common, and she certainly cannot read it. Add onto that her general lack of knowledge about otherwise normal, everyday things like currency, and common civil ideals, and you understand the woman’s severe disadvantage.
  • Stand-Out figure: Rheanna is a Six foot tall Warrior goddess of tanned muscle and rage. She is not the sort of figure you can easily dress up or pass off as anything other than maybe a Free Holds mercenary…Maybe. Point is, Rheanna stands out, and will be easily identified by enemies, or onlookers.

Domains of Magic: None.


-Two-Handed Axe

-Two Javelins

-An intricately carved wooden box, containing one vial of treated Blood Sea

-A skinning knife

-A wood carving knife

-Some dried bear jerky.

-A water skin

-A whistle, made of bone

-A tooth necklace

-A stolen telescope

-A book of unknown content.

-Furs and Leathers for attire

-Contraceptive Herbs

Other: Rheanna likes to carve wooden statuettes and totems in her spare time. It may not be a Kouri plush, but it’s a hobby.

Signature: LimeyPanda accepts any and all death.
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