The Vampire's Apprentice

The crimp in Clancy's mouth softened, and he moved to sit next to her. "Besides. Even the most depraved being cares for something."
"Nothing particularly exciting." She answered. "I finished packing everything save the essentials, then went next door for a bit." Kitty set the book aside on her nightstand. "You know, it's unfortunate I never get to ask you how your night was. It's always daylight by the time I wake up in the morning."
"You could always set an alarm to wake up earlier," Clancy pointed out with a faint smile. "How are our next-door neighbors?"
"I wonder if it will work out this time," Clancy mused. "I have wondered if I should not accompany her just to make certain the deal actually works out." He huffed softly in annoyance. "But hopefully it will work this time as soon she will no longer be able to use our car."
"I mean mentally, not physically," Clancy corrected. "This is a big step. A necessary one, but a big one. I need to know if you will be able to deal with all of the changes without me."
"Oh." Kitty stretched out across the bed, thinking. "I dunno. It's not like I can avoid it; I don't plan to try to."
"I suppose it is." She remained still for a moment, then shifted to better face him. "What if I don't feel like asking anything?"
"Then I would seriously wonder if you were ill," Clancy said with a frown, studying her. "I suppose you do not have to ask questions, but it does seem unlike you."
"I'm not ill," Kitty assured him. "It's just late and I don't feel like thinking too hard about any particular topic."
"Hmm. Usually you have a list," Clancy murmured. He eyed her suspiciously for a minute longer then sat back. "Alright. How about I ask you a question?"