The World Engine Redux

"Is there a limit on the figurines? What happens when you put an hourglass on rust?" Nazren said this as he looked around and took figurines from the shelves, adding them to a pile on the ground.

"No limits, other than how much time you have. As for putting an hour glass on Rust, it does the exact opposite of when you place in on the Gold side. I would not recommend it."

He sat in front of them for a few minutes before saying: "Each of you picks two, one for rust and gold. Sir that is nameless you pick as well, but only from the pile, please." He waved his hand at the neatly sorted pile of 16-19 dozen before picking a few himself.

"Oh? You're giving me the option of picking a few? What do you hope to gain from this? If your goal is to manipulate me, then you must be dumber than I thought."

"No, just having you pick a pair... If you want that is."

"Hm... very well. I will play your game," the Warden slithers to the pile, examining a few figures before picking three of them up, It placed an hourglass on the Rust side, pausing for a moment, before knocking it off, "I won't be that cruel," it placed a banner on the Gold side, and a farm on the other, "Hm, we'll see what this does. Truth be told, the Engine always surprises me."

Gabby wasn't sure why Cain wanted her to pick figurines for his world. She supposed he was simply trying to be polite since they would all be trying to work together, but logically it could also be dangerous. They could pick something he wasn't familiar with or wouldn't know how to deal with. Not only that but he had let the Warden choose too, which certainly wasn't the wisest of decisions. It was too late now though. Eyeing the Warden carefully, she approached the scale then looked over the items already there.
Her eyes scanned the rusted side and the gleaming side. One for them and one working against them. She had a suspicion that even the items on the golden side may not turn out as they intended. Maybe if she put something...safer in the rusted side and added something more subtle to the golden side it would not be twisted to their disadvantage too much. Her dull gray eyes scanned the rows of figurines until they landed on her first selection. A ribbon. She plucked the ribbon off the shelf and inspected it under her fingertips, fascinated by the smoothness of its moment. It reminded her of something but she couldn't quite remember. The figure felt...innocuous enough...She slipped the ribbon onto the rusted side of the scale.
Next, she selected a book. The figurine was voluminous and carried a heavy coat of dust on its cover. How long had it been since she'd been able to pick up a book? Gabby pursed her lips and blew off some of the dust before wiping the rest off with her jumpsuit sleeve. The cover had no title, which she found curious, as she slipped the book on to the shining side of the scale.

Hallay glared at the figurines on the scale, one in particular. The egg was sitting there like on the rust side like a curse against her. Sick fuck. Hallay looked at the wall, quickly finding what she wanted. She placed a Human baby on the rust side of the scale. The gold side was an equally easy decision. Gung'hiver, a legendary Äncient that, according to some, once actually served a Human in battle. He was mighty enough to conquer half of the fabled "Empire of Man" with a measly hundred soldiers. Any dragon that powerful would be a useful ally.

Quickly finding out he offended her he swapped the dragon egg for a chicken egg of the same size. "I was going for large egg... my apologies."

Gabby watched the two go back and forth, swapping eggs back and forth as a strange feeling bubbled up in her chest. "No offense was meant, I'm sure," Gabby said suddenly, "We're from different worlds. No children at all should be used in this. "

Nazren sighed and took off the egg and swapped it for a snowman.

Hallay glared at Gabby and Cain, weighing her options. She waited a few moments after Cain removed the obscene egg from the scale and removed the baby as well. She went to the wall, finding a knife to replace it.

Gabby gave Hallay a respectful nod, a small passing of thanks.

Nazren looked at the knife with his sharper electric eye, remembering the fight on the rose caverns, subconsciously rubbing his side where a medium sized scar was before turning away to place more figurines.
Hourglass [7],
That dragon hero.
Dragon Egg Chicken Egg Snowman,
Na'vi (Other Avatar)
Purple box,
Time said:

"That should be all sir, If everyone else is ready to begin I am as well."

Gabby surveyed the scale and then looked to Cain with her deadened grey eyes. "I'm as prepared as I can be I suppose. We have balanced the scale...though there is a lot on there. But there it is. "
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The Warden looked at the various figures, taking a moment to ponder to itself, "Are you sure you want to go through with all of this? It seems to me that you are severely handicapping yourself, but if you insist," the Warden moved itself to the archway, "Please, Nazren, stand next to me, and place your hand on the arch when you are ready. I'd like to remind you all, that once the portal is opened, no figurines may be removed, even after a reset. A bit late now, but If I were you, I'd start small, and add more figurines over time until you had the combination to achieve your wish. Just a thought."

It gripped the side of the arch with a tentacle, "Some more advice... you can bring back anything you find to here, but only items related to your wish will remain once you leave this realm for good. If anything, make sure to bring back some sort of sustenance. You're adventuring for what will possibly be 15 hours. I've seen hunger kill a few, directly or indirectly. Keep in mind however, that anything you collect and then bring back to another world may have consequences. Roasting a caveman with a laser pistol, for instance, may destabilize the world."

"If any of you have reservations, now would be the time to speak."
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Nazren looked at the warden in silence for a long time, before finally saying "Whats a laser pistol?"
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Gabby had little idea what a "laser" was, but she was familiar with the context of "pistol."
She stepped up and looked at Cain, catching a little bit of his shadowy counterpart as she did.

"A pistol is ranged weapon loaded with ammunition of various kinds that are fireable from a trigger mechanism ususally used by thr forefinger of the dominant hand," Gabby said clinically, "We have similar weapons on my home I can only assume "laser" is a form of ammunition."
The Warden was about to respond to Nazren, but found it more amusing to have someone else who didn't know what lasers were to try to explain it.

On the assumption that the portal was activated and someone stepped through, they would have been greeted with an absolutely massive church, comparable to that of a skyscraper, laid not too far off. At the very top of the church laid a sculpture of a dragon that with angel wings, staring down at the masses below with a judgmental stare. In front of the church and underneath the bleak rainy skies laid several gallows. A human dressed in clothes akin to that of a priest was yelling to the masses gathered as two masked individuals brought another person.

"This man has committed crimes against the Church!" the priest bellowed, "As you know, such heretics are branded and hanged by the ribbon around their neck!" he lifted part of the ribbon around the man's neck, one that looked eerily familiar to the one Nazren carried. The priest motioned towards the two executioners, who brought more branded individuals, "With the coming rain! We offer these heathens as sacrifices to atone for our sins! Oh great Goddess, please forgive us! Banish this terrible rain before the flowers bloom and the colors blur!"

The executions tied the end of the ribbon to the top of the bar, "Forgive us!" the priest screamed, as the lever was pulled. All of the individuals were hanged in brutal fashion.

But the rain kept coming.

The masses looked confused, whispering to each other before the Priest looked upon over the group, "No... we failed... heathens still lurk here within our lands! We're all doomed! Quick! Inside the Church! Everyone! Please oh great one, forgive us!"

"They're coming!"

"The flowers are blooming!"

Nazren entered the portal and watched the execution that happened before him. When the priest mentioned the ribbons, he looked at his own. They were the same. He, was not happy. He looked up at the angelic being they worshiped and recognized it as the figurine hallay placed. He gave her an inquisitive look. The rain started pouring and flowers started blooming, aware of the danger they may pose he also sprinted to the door, making sure all were in before closing it. He turned to the people within, speaking calmly and deeply through cold fury, his eyes burning like fire. "Hi. This," He pointed behind him at hallay."Is a creature that is the same species as the being you consider holy. This," A hand waved in gabby's direction."Is my companion and will only be harmed through the process of killing me. I, am not a heretic," He held up the arm with the blue cloth tied around it. "This... is my dead wives dress. Touch it, and die. Am. I. clear?"
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Gabby felt the drops of rain hit her skin as they stepped into the portal. She could feel it dropping on to her hair, her cheeks, trickling down her neck and at first the made her jump. She could feel.
The sensation of it fascinated her as she closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the touch, until the booming voice met her ears.
Opening her eyes, she watched as the man on the platform spoke of heretics and flowers. How strange. Several people were lead on the platform with ribbons...the ribbon she chose... and a ominous feeling hit the air. One she recognized well. The heaviness of death and accented by the tension of borderline panic.
She closed her eyes against the scene again, listening.
The tension grew higher and higher as the man preaching began hitting a fever pitch...people wailing...crying out for death...for mercy... and then hung with a snap of a mechanical lever.

Gabby clamped her shaking hands over her ears, this time a pitched wailing pierced her ears, making her head pound. Sirens...alarms...screams...."No"

Suddenly, the rain picked up to a down pour and she opened her eyes to find everyone running inside, screaming about the incoming danger of flowers. The sirens were gone...or were they ever there? She saw Cain was running ahead of her, his boots splashing in the puddles formed on the dirty cobblestone street. Something was coming.
Pushing her soaked hair out of her face, trying to forget the sounds, and then followed Cain into the massive building with the other people.

The air inside was humid with the stench of unwashed people and fear as Cain closed the gate behind. It didn't feel right being in here. She scanned the terrified crowd with an uneasy feeling as Cain spoke to them. These people were shivering in fear...and that made them possibly more dangerous....A person was smart....but hundreds of people on edge could be very, every dumb.

She stood next to Hallay, just behind Cain, ready for anything.
The panic was almost palpable. Families holding their children that were crying. People were on their knees praying for salvation, while soldiers were examining their weapons, positioning themselves towards the windows and doors, ready to brace for the worst. People were just being funneled up the stairways when the trio burst in. Their eyes widened. A divine hero from the heavens came, and they had come with the heretic that they missed.

The crowd went to the knees at the sight of Hallay, "Praise be! We're saved! The goddess has sent a hero! She comes with the heretic! Hang him and his traitor!"

The priest stepped forward, reaching out an arm, "If you would be so kind, holy one, to hand over the two traitors, so we may enact justice on their most heinous of crimes."
Hallay stepped back, hissing madly at the human, baring her fangs and swishing her tail behind her, barely missing Gabby's leg in the process.
The priest withdrew his hand, concern abruptly washing over his face, "I'm... sorry holy one. Did we do something to insult you?" The crowd whispered to one another. What if this savior was actually an avenger? Coming to finish the job rather than save them from their mistakes? No, that couldn't be the case. They couldn't afford for that to be the case.

Some of the crowd went up the staircase, and others tried the locked door leading down. Others fell to their knees and began to pray. The soldiers remained resolute, standing tall, but with their fists clenched, and eyes away from the dragon.

"Please... you must allow us to atone for our sins!" the priest said, now dropping to his knees as well.
"You may atone for your sins by staying back from me and my party!" Hallay stepped forwards, posturing herself as a more fearless beast than before.
Nazren tilted his head to one side, listening to the faint outside noises."Ugh... nice chat we are having here... but I think boulders gate is being breached." He looked over at the two and took off his sheath, tossing it and the sword in it to gabby. He then nodded at hallay, turning to the nearest window and drawing his bow, knocking an arrow ready to fire. "Know how to use that?"
Gabby could hear the noises ever so slightly through the rain. The sound was a familiar one; like a Wilds beast charging. Cain tossed her his own blade and she caught it easily, cradling it out of the air and into her palms.

"Know how to use that?"

Running her fingers over the smooth scabbard, she considered the blade in her hands. It was small but the cover was in pristine condition with a cherry wood base and silver trappings at the point and the top. The metal was crafted with swirling patterns and intricate etchings that would have taken ages to perfect. There were words carved into the side, but she couldn't read the language to know what they meant.

The pommel and hilt appeared more simple than the sheath. A brown leather grip, surrounded by plain silver cross guards and capped with a golden tassel. She would have thought the weapon beautiful if not for one thing. The blade had the dense numbness of death radiating from it. The feeling washed over her, making her cringe.

Despite the blades ominous presence, she knew it was her only defense at the moment. A thought which presented its own feeling. Doubt.

Weapons like this were used as decoration, past-times, and last resorts on Kaereal. There was some training for Skycorp involving basic usage, but that had been over 70 years ago. She hadn't picked up a weapon in all that time, and she barely remembered what it was like to physically feel objects around her. Could she still defend herself? Would it come back to her?

A cracking sound echoed from outside and she curled her fingers around the sheath of Cain's blade. She didn't have a choice. Grasping the pommel of the weapon, she pulled out the straight- edged blade in one smooth motion. Even if she doubted herself, she wouldn't show it.

"I suppose we'll find out," she replied firmly to him with a bit of an smile.
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The soldiers turned, hands on the handle of their swords as they looked upon the group. The priest backed away with Nazren knocking an arrow, and Gabby being lent a sword. It slowly dawned on the masses that this dragon wasn't a hero, it was their doom. The priest stood up, clasped his hands together, before turning to the crowd.

"I'm sorry."

There was one last solution for the panicked civilians. For millennia, they had appeased the gods, but in the times before times, there was one other option. Somewhere within the church there laid another solution. However, with the church being so massive, some parts were left to neglect, and the key to their penance was a memory long lost to time.

The masses began to bolt up the staircase, while others pounded on the locked door leading down. The soldiers drew their weapons, and moved towards the front, while more soldiers up on the balcony drew their own bows. None of the soldiers let loose an arrow, or swung their sword, but they were quickly bracing themselves and forming up. Although still disorganized, they were attempting to form a wall between the aggressors, and the large crowd of people still trying to move in narrow pathways.
Hallay looked around at the line of armed soldiers, bowmen on top, and back at her own two humans in a flash. All of them had weapons. Great. She straightened her back and neck, her head rising up a good foot and chest sticking out. "As your god I demand that you all sheath your weapons," she turned back to Gabby and Cain, glaring at them "all of you."

Gabby watched as Hallay postured herself into a regal pose. The dragon was smart in trying to sway the people one last time. They would be needed to fight whatever was coming for them. She lowered the blade, happy to send it back home into its sheath and diminish the feeling of death from it. "As you command, my beautiful Goddess," she replied with a respectful tone, "We meant no offense to your people. Please forgive us."
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Nazren slips the arrow back into its quiver, setting down his bow gently and quickly wrapping the ribbon around his arm, making it vanish from sight. He bowed curtly to the guards. "I am Mr. Chaimre, and can assist your people's attempts into the basement. We are on the same side," He pointed to the dragon. "Hers."
Although the trio withdrew their weapons, the soldiers did not. Did the messenger call herself a god? Their god? This... behavior was atypical to the teachings, and this being was unimpressive compared to the impossible descriptions given to their goddess. For thousands of years they have performed the same ceremony to keep the demons at bay, but now a messenger protects the one thing standing between them and their salvation? Something was wrong... deeply wrong. None of it made sense. It was as if their entire world was turned upside down because of three outsiders. And now they expect respect? After their threats? Their hostile behavior? Their weapons?

"Then banish the rain!"

"How come our ritual is suddenly disregarded!?"

"Why do you protect the branded one!?"

"She's a Pretender!"

"We've been betrayed!"

"What have we done wrong!?"

"Kill the branded one!"

"None of this makes sense!"

"Prove you are our Goddess!"

"Give us your weapons!"
Nazrens hand twitched towards his bow at the calling of him as a heretic once more. He quickly and smoothly almost glided to the one who said that, watching as some of the blades and bows turned with him. He unraveled the ribbon slightly. "This. Is my wife's. Why you have a culture that accepts an accessory of clothing as a death mark, goddess knows." He retreated calmly to the others, whispering to them as he wrapped it around his arm once more. "Say it's a test of devotion or something, keep up the act." He then snapped and the doors of the basement opened, his hand scar glowing through the gloves he wore as he doubled up and clutched it. A soft 'argh' of pain escaped his lips as he hid its prick from the others. He then pushed his bow with his foot towards the soldiers.
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"Your wife was a traitor then!? How come you have her mark? Were you protecting her? Where is she now?"

Then the door burst open, and Nazren's hand glowed. This was the tipping point.

"Enough of your lies and deception! Kill the heretic and all those protecting him! Charge!"

The line of soldiers surged forward, their swords glinting through the air as they swung and thrusted their swords towards the party, most of them aimed at Nazren. The crowd panicked, but were still struggling to move through the narrow passageways. The ones near the basement door freaked, not wanting to enter the cursed door, and instead leapt for the staircase.
Hallay flicked a wild spray of quills at the charging soldiers, bolting at the door immediately after.

Gabby looked to Cain as she retreats, "We need to leave!"

Nazren clicked his hands together as if to block a punch aimed at his face while he ran. The owls of the gauntlets started to glow a bright gold, seconds later an owl charged out behind him and grabbed his bow, flying over to the fleeing party as he snapped again and the doors flew open, and dropping it in his hands.