Unpopular opinions!

Outside of voluntary euthanasia for incurable and fatal diseases in their final stages, suicide is selfish. Suicide affects the people who find your body. Suicide affects the people who have to clean up your body, and distribute your belongings. Suicide affects the people who cared about you, it affects your coworkers, it affects the society in which you live, it affects your community. No action happens in a vacuum and pretending that something as utterly fatalistic as suicide does is sheer lunacy.

If you're seriously contemplating going through with it, call the fucking suicide hotline. The majority of people who feel suicidal end up doing so because they have a treatable mental disorder, not because they're genuinely feeling coherent! Don't listen to people who tell you to actually do it, or that it's okay--it's not. It's the end of your life. Even ignoring how it can affect other people, you only get to live once, and then you are dead. Everything you could have been, everything you could have accomplished, all the genuinely good things you could have done for other people's lives, all the marvelous things you could have seen and experienced, would be wasted... And you would push the emotional burden of your death onto everyone around you, and the financial and administrative cost of dealing with your corpse onto people who already lead incredibly stressful lives.

Suicide is inherently selfish. It's allowing your sorrow and loss to utterly consume you, rather than fighting it. The consequences of actually going through with it are permanent for you, and harming for everyone else involved in dealing with it afterwards.

That being said, some who fight with the demons in their head, sometimes lose. And sometimes, when they lose, their demons drive them to suicide. That's tragic. I don't think any less of the people who do actually go through with it--I feel pity for them. However, to pretend that it's anything other than a selfish and self-destructive act, that is typically driven by mental disorders or extreme stress? That's naive at best. Disingenuous at worst.
I used to help but i gave up, many didn't even checked the global hotlines i send to them, and instead of even checking it, they kept yelling or wanted more attention, this is where i stopped, also the whole 'it's the solution of all the problems', nah, you are dead, this is not a video-game, you have only one life..

also thank you for posting this, i got tired of it.
One Punch Man was a medicore series, unable to capitalize on premise and tripping over its own legs. The parody part of this anime fails greatly, especially when more powerful enemies appear and cause some serious amount of destruction and carnage.

(Unpopular opinions. Oh, jeez. As self proclaimed anime critic I have few of those :D )
I very much DISLIKE anime (trying not to say hate :p)
I feel like I absolutely can't live without music and books
I love God
I feel like feminism is a good thing which is why I am one
I very much DISLIKE racist people and discrimination against other races and also females.
I've never really liked or understood the whole "She's my waifu <333" thing.

Also body pillows with half-naked teenage anime girls gross me out.
I think that political parties are the stupidest thing to ever be invented. Liberals are usually hypocrites, republicans are often bigots, and anarchy is the recipe for disaster for the human race.

I also am not much of a dog person. I know, they are adorable and loyal. I still prefer my Russian blue cat, Cosette. Cats just seem far more chill than dogs, and Cosette sleeps most of the time anyways. I have seldom exceptions, such as very large hounds, corgis, and Shih Tzus, although a Shih Tzu is the only one I would want for pet.

Oh, one more thing, I think Nihilism and some forms of Atheism are just cheap concepts so that people can feel they are always correct and that consequences don't exist.

@Ethereal I agree with you on that, my pink spandex friend. Pythagoras Theorem is the ultimate turn-on. I love me some hypotenuse.
Oh, and I judge weeaboos, otakus, most furries, and most people who claim they are "Clinically Depressed".

I personally think that clinically depressed is a term used too often in too many contexts. You are depressed, okay. Many people get depressed, sometimes they even need medication to fight it. It isn't an issue that is genetic though. I sympathize with depression, and have nothing against anti-depressants, but depression happens to everyone. Saying you are depressed by nature is like saying you inhale oxygen by nature, it is just how animals work. I might be wrong on this though, and I accept that. If you go outside and walk through a garden, smelling some roses and banter with a neighbor, you will feel happier. Humans are social animals, and our environment affects us.

Same thing with anxiety, we all get anxiety. Some might get anxiety easier, but it is just the way we are. Social Anxiety is not something that a few have and a few don't. It is universal. I went through a phase when I didn't talk much to people and I became introverted. I stopped mid-sentence because I had difficulty talking and I worried about my image. It happens.
My face is more intimate to me than any other part of my body.

I mean, think about it. It's always exposed--it's strange when people cover it up. People immediately notice glasses, a ski mask, a hood, or goggles.
Usually, it's not appropriate to touch someone's face unless you're comfortable around them, they're a small child, or to perform CPR.
It betrays your emotions or it masks them, depending on your level of control.

It's completely your own--apart from if you have an identical twin, and indicates your ancestry. Scarring tells people what's happened to you. Lines and wrinkles indicate your age and aspects of your medical history.

I don't mind being seen semi-nude when I'm changing at a pool or the gym. You see my face all of the time anyway.
In revision of one of my opinions, I dislike weeaboos as in the people who wish they were Japanese and over-obsess with anime. Anime is a nice artistic style, I used to like it a lot myself. However, you do not want to be Japanese. I know western brainwashing makes you think that japan is a chill country where every other shop is a manga store, but it isn't. Japan has a history of being heavily Xenophobic, and a foreigner walking around japan with a body pillow of a 14 year old schoolgirl will be a peon to them. That being said, anime and manga can be a neat art style, but you don't want to be Japanese. I don't mean that as a racist statement against Japanese people, I am just saying they aren't as accepting as you might think. Feel free to disagree.
Ayy. Time for some actually unpopular opinions. Mixed with some jokes because why not.
  • Downloading art for your characters that you didn't ask permission for is a form of grey morality piracy. Get over it. I've done it, you've done it, your grandmother has done it. It's not covered by fair use. "But I'm not using it for profit" doesn't count in fair use--you aren't a critic, you aren't a teacher, you aren't a journalist, and you aren't a cop. Don't even pretend that you are. Does it harm anyone? I don't think so. Does it benefit the artist? Fuck no--definitely robs them of a potential sale.
  • If you can't describe your character's physical appearance and "need" a picture, you cannot call yourself a writer. You can call yourself a hack, though.
  • Social Media is a waste of time. Unless you're using it for networking, you are massively wasting your time. You're no better than a weeaboo consuming 50 hours of anime a week, or the guy who plays World of Warcraft for 60 hours--you just happen to be more socially acceptable, because it happens to be the popular poison people partake. If you really gave a shit about that girl you used to know in high school five years ago, you'd just call her once in a while, not stare at her bikini vacation photos.
  • Slice of Life is a shitty genre, for people who enjoy absolutely zero tension in their plot beyond whether or not their waifu loves them. It's also Japanese, so that's not helping my total apathy for it.
  • Your waifu is shit. It's always shit.
  • Trump is a laughing stock of a president who is going to disgrace the American image for four years, and the media are a bunch of lying cash-chasing dipshits. If people think I'm going to pick a side in this, they're sorely mistaken--I'm not going to choose between bathing in shit or piss when I can just choose to laugh at both of them.
  • There's no grand conspiracy theory of the left wing to destroy the American dream, or a secret alt-right Nazi plot to take over the world with subliminal Pewdiepie messages. You're all fucking nuts.
  • Cops are cool. There's a few shitty ones that disgrace the uniform, but the majority of them are cool. If you're one of those twats that screeches "fuck pigs" then don't get pissed when they don't save you from gangbangers and drug lords. You literally asked for it.
  • Racism and sexism exist and most of our ideas about gender are socially constructed myths we've used to create a stable society. Again, you don't have to pick a side and pretend that it's all golden or all evil. If you're seriously intellectually honest, you won't pick either side in the derpbate that rages on in echo chambers across the Internet.
  • Immigrants are not going to outbreed you and swarm the country with babies. Birth rates decline in industrialized civilizations because the infant mortality rate drops significantly. This is true of Muslim immigrants who have come to Western countries all throughout the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's--why would it suddenly stop being true? Do you seriously think there's a grand Muslim conspiracy to take over the world perpetuated by over a billion people?
  • Nothing you think is original. It's all a remix of various experiences you've witnessed in your life. That includes what you write. Writing is just disguising your experiences within the thin cloak of a fantasy.
  • The people who perpetuate myths about lizard people and aliens from Mars, and who sincerely believe it, are insane. They need therapy, not audiences.
  • Government isn't out to get you, government just doesn't give a singular fuck about you. Learn the difference between evil and apathy and you will understand far more how to convince government to act in your interests.
  • Society isn't crumbling. Your perception of society is crumbling--because it's ever changing and ever mutable. Doomsayings and apocalyptic prophecies for the world and for specific civilizations are nothing new. It's literally as old as Aristotle.
  • Dark Souls is overrated.
  • So is Civilization.
  • And Dawn of War.
  • Star Trek or Star Wars? Babylon 5 is the real Queen of Sci-Fi. Bitch. DS9 makes a close second though.
  • Laughing at stupid people is indeed entertaining, but you are what you eat, and if you eat nothing but shit, you will soon become shit. Keep the focus of your life on other things.
  • Libertarian philosophy is as unrealistic and prone to creating nightmarish hellzones as Communism is. If you really want a Libertarian paradise, you will surrender your private property to the wealthy who can afford the men to kick your ass out.
  • Pretending that globalization isn't a thing is a surefire way to prove that you should stick to writing fiction and not politics.
  • History is the oft forgotten tool by which wisdom is ascertained.
  • Education doesn't make you intelligent. Knowing what to do with that education makes you intelligent. Some of the stupidest people I have ever met were college graduates.
  • College is not a requirement for life. Stop trying to make it into one.
  • Construction work and plumbers and electricians are among some of the most noble of human professions--defend them and make them better, don't abandon them.
  • If you vote left wing blindly, you have no brain. If you vote right wing blindly, you have no heart.
  • Your role plays are as shitty as your waifu.
  • If you can't take a joke about yourself or something you like, you will never be happy.
  • Bullying is not the worst thing in the world. It can teach you some really valuable lessons about the real world.
There you go. :p
Ah, I have a little extra to add.

Pornography is not artistic, and only appeals to the primitive instinct to orgasm. Lust is inherently selfish, and it can lead to awful things. Ever heard of pedophilia and rape?

People don't mind watching "Hentai" or whatever it is called, but them being "A 30000000 year old vampire demi-god that doesn't technically have a gender" or something along the same lines doesn't change the fact you jerked off to a minor-resembling person. Does it ease your conscious? Maybe, but what you did it sick.

That applies to all forms of arousing "art". There is a fine line between art and porn, and you know when that line is crossed.

Don't think that excludes writing. Smut Fanfiction that involves minors is disgusting. Taking two innocent people (especially from real life) and writing smut about them is disgusting. Yes, that includes your "Shipping". Make fictional characters to smut about if you need to, but don't take two real life people that didn't consent that content being made and published on the internet. How would you like having a story passed around about you sleeping with your sibling? Sounds revolting? Of course it is.
  • Cops are cool. There's a few shitty ones that disgrace the uniform, but the majority of them are cool. If you're one of those twats that screeches "fuck pigs" then don't get pissed when they don't save you from gangbangers and drug lords. You literally asked for it.

Sir, that deserves a Nobel Prize.

I don't like fanfiction. I've read maybe two that I thought deserved all of the praise they've received, and I've read a hell of a lot of fanfiction.

Also, wolves aren't cool.