Urban Fantasy Bestiary


Active Member
Hey, all! I am currently working on a story that may hopefully become a novel one day. It's a modern/urban fantasy and that's really all I can say about it as I don't want to spoil plot or characters. But what I do think I can post is a bestiary of species I have concepts for in my head, I don't know about you but one of my favorite parts of fantasy series is to see all the magical creatures. These creatures aren't original, rather they're my spins on a variety of things. Below are a few I have in my world, and if you guys are interested I'll post more!


The succubus and the incubus are the male and female counterparts of the Cubāre, a species of seductive demons. Cubāres feed on feelings of intimate affections directed towards them, be it love or lust, feelings of love actually feed a Cubāre more however, to develop that sort of a relationship can be time consuming and most Cubāre find simply sleeping with prey enough.

Cubāre produce a pheromone that is undetectable to many other humanoid or demi human species, the pheromone provides calming sensation and encourages the prey to trust the Cubāre, making feeding easier. When approaching prey the Cubāre's outside form changes to become the ideal sexual partner of their prey.

Interestingly enough, Cubāre themselves are not necessarily interested in such actions, feeding with the same detachment one gets from simply having a meal. This is not always the case though, Cubāre were based off of humans so each individual has different tastes or preferences.

Some Cubāre have discovered that keeping dogs can keep them well fed without going out to feed on human prey, the platonic unconditional love a canine provides its master is strong enough to keep them well fed. Almost all Cubāre who own a dog quickly find it from being simply a source of food to loving it back and having a strong bond with it. Like I said, Cubāre were based on humans and humans have always had a bond with canines. Unfortunately, Cubāre live for thousands of years and are few have access to magic or potions to make their pet immortal. Many Cubāre will constantly have animals in their lives simply because they like the company, very few will ever forget a single pet's name.

Succubi and Incubi Differences:
Both genders of Cubāre have very similar abilities and appearances, both shape shift and produce the same calming pheromones, however, in their true forms there are some differences.

A Cubāre's true form is humanoid, but pitch black, like a walking void. Incubi can reach seven feet tall and succubi can reach 6 feet, though neither gender rarely goes past 5'6.

If one were to see the silhouette of an incubus they would not be able to discern it from a human's save for the large bat like wings coming from the incubus's back. Aside from wings, there are no discernible features on an incubus except for his face. An incubus's eyes resemble the top of the stereotypical faceted diamond, they are silver and will flash different colors depending on emotions. His mouth is the same, his teeth are of the same reflective nature, no lips are present so shiny sharp teeth are always visible and usually turned up in a grin.

A succubus is similar to her brothers, though her eyes and teeth are less like mirror diamonds and more like reflective water. Though they remain stationary, both always seem to shift ever so slightly in place as if they were in clear containers that were shaken. Succubi lack wings as well, to make up for that they can become incorporeal black mist and drift through the slightest of cracks while their brethren have to break down doors or go around. A succubus body compared to an incubus's is a bit more slender as well, much like how a human woman's body is compared to a man's.

Cubāre reproduction is still a mystery, though family units are common and made of a variety of gender ratios.
I really like the idea of a "love vampire", especially one that relies on camouflage and disguise. It'd be interesting to explore the thought process of a being that has adapted to fake a lifetime of affection and devotion for another person, only to then move on to the next. These by themselves would make for an interesting main character.

I personally wouldn't give them any caveats, though; if having a pet is all they need to survive, then one would wonder why they even put in the effort to maintain a relationship. It's a lot of work, after all.
I would also do away with the lust thing for similar reasons, though making it less nutritious than love is a good start; it really depends on what the proportions are. If a Cubare (I don't know how to do the accent, sorry) can live off of lust alone, there's no reason why they wouldn't; however, if it's just something they can do to tide themselves over until they find a relationship, then it makes sense for them to prefer love.

All in all, I quite like the idea of them, as I said. I do wonder, though: do humans know about them? If so, how long for, and how has history been affected? If not, then what's keeping them secret, and why do they have to hide?

I don't have any specific suggestions for fantasy races, but I always find stuff like gnomes and faeries to be fun, and making alien-looking species like giant slugs relatable is always interesting.