Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Westeria City: Azure Heights

as written by barney_fife

The figure didn't appear to be the least bit amused with the strange woman's attempts at communication. With a swift motion, she lifted up her left wrist, and fired a bolt of green light at Lemon's feet.

The bolt let out a pop, and a flash of light and heat at her feet, before Aiyanna raised her fist at Lemon herself, the suit already acquiring targeting data, while Aiyanna herself was trying to assimilate the language.

She took a step forward, her boots clicking on the concrete within the sewer tunnel.

"You're mine." She said, grinning from behind the opaque visor of her Combat skin.

Her steps were methodical, each boot placed precisely, her motions organic despite being synthetic in nature.
as written by birdee10

Lemon realized something was wrong almost immediately, but that was too late as the world filled with light. She fell back in pain as her brain tried to cope with all the light. Blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the dancing lights that bloched on her vision. "Wait! No! What did I say! I didn't mean to offend!" She was blabering now, but stopped when she heard the lady steps right next to her. She knew the figure was right above her, but still could only half see and had a migraine so firce she thought her brain would explode. "I just want to go home!" She said.The girl knew it wouldn't do any good, but she didn't know what else to do.
as written by barney_fife

Aiyanna kept walking, taking one step in front of the other, her arm still outstretched.

"She would make a fine specimen..." She said to herself, the footsteps were more hurried now, and the Android would likely close the distance in every little time.

Once she was within arm's reach, she extended her arm and attempted to grab Lemon.

She stopped short though, and inexplicably, the black clad Android vanished in a flash of white light.
as written by birdee10

Lemon stared at where the figure had once stood, very confused. What the, where did she go? people don't just disappear like that!she thought. But nothing was making sence. This whole bloody place made no sence! Slowly, she got to her feet, blinking the receding white spots out of her vision. She inspected the tunnel she was in. It was perfectly round and strait, but not very tall and full of a foul liquid that made her skin crawl. But, it was mercifully dark away from the gaping hole. With one more quick glance around for the lady or the two she had seen earler, Lemon made her way down the tunnel, heading away from the reck and the noise of people shouting. Nothing good can come of them....
as written by Tiko

The sewer pipeline was a single tunnel that ran on for what seemed like miles, with no bends or turns in it. The murky water was moving swiftly and Lemon would find it difficult to maintain her footing.

The heavy rains that had left the city beneath a torrential downpour were rapidly raising the water levels in the pipeline. From her ankles, to her knees...

It was beginning to churn violently, and threatening to sweep her away with the runoff water from the city.

The only exits available to her would be to turn back the way she came, or to try and make for one the manhole access ladders that was visible up ahead. Whatever her decision, it was fast apparent that the entire pipe would soon be filled with rushing water.
as written by birdee10

The water was becoming faster and more dangerous, reminding Lemon of the gorge. It filled with water every year, sweeping away anything in its path. Her father always told her: "Stay out of the Gorge. If the water comes, then your a goner." And now she knew she had to get out. She saw a ladder up ahead and decided that would be quicker then going back, not to mention the danger she had fled from. Lemon made for the metal, fighting against the rising current with increased urgency.
as written by Tiko

The water threatened to sweep her away as she climbed the slick rungs of the ladder. Once she reached the top she would find the manhole near rusted closed from disuse, and extremely heavy. A forceful shove would be rewarded with a small amount of give though. With enough leverage she could probably shove it open enough to climb free of the sewer.

Meanwhile outside in the streets of the city, the rains had shown no sign of slowing. It continued to fall in sheets so heavy that one could scarcely see more than a few feet through the curtains of water.
as written by birdee10

Once out of the tunnel, it wasn't any better on the surface. Water fell from the sky in sheets that had Lemon chilled to the bone, not that she would notice. She was staring up at the sky, her breath catching. "What is this?" she asked herself, not realizing she had spoken aloud. She held up her hand, watching the drops fall into her palm. It was scary, yet beautiful. Nothing like this ever happened in the Caves. Is this what fills the Gorge? Water falling from.... up? Everything was weird and new and confusing.
as written by Tiko

As Lemon stood staring upwards in wonder, she would bet met with a new spectacle to rival that of the falling water. The massive form of the Reverence looming high above the city within the storm clouds began to emit a shrill whine as it built power, only to abruptly vanish as Aiyanna had.

The spacial distortion unleashed a massive shockwave, but the brunt of it was soaked by an immense portal rapidly spreading outwards to blanket the city. The outer edges of the city were beyond the protective umbrella of the portal though, and the buildings there suffered extensive damages.

Lemon's location within Azure Heights spared her that destruction though.

The shockwave had effectively brought an end to the rain though as the storm clouds were scattered, and the skies over Westeria City grew clear once more as the sun returned. That is, it would have if it wasn't being blotted out by a massive portal that was showing no sign of slowing in its rapid growth.

The majority of the city had been cast in shadow.
as written by birdee10

Lemon watched the ship, momentarily forgetting the water at least until after everything had passed and the rain stopped. She saw the portal and the sky, how big the city actually was and it was all a bit overwhelming. Where am I! She thought, panicking slightly. She saw there was no top, only the endless expance of the world she was now stuck in.
She began walking, with no clear direction or destination in mind.
as written by Tiko

Shin'ichi had crawled for what seemed like miles, but in reality had been little more than a block from the hospital. Every muscle in his body screamed in agony, and exhaustion dragged at him until every inch became a battle unto itself. His hospital gown was soaked through with rain and mud, and his fingers were bloody and scraped from dragging himself across the ground.

When at last he could go no further, he rolled over onto his back to stare up at the sky overhead. The rain was stopping he noted, but in its place was a dense canopy of trees through which a massive portal could be seen spreading out above the city for as far as the eye could see.

What on earth was going on?

He was still having a hard time gathering his thoughts. It was raw instinct that had gotten him as far as he had, but even in his dazed state he couldn't fathom why there was a canopy over the city - never mind the portal.
as written by birdee10

Lemon walked, not even sure what she was looking for. She skirted a building that bustling with activity, suprized to see people being loaded to to the back of 'things' things and the panic that seemed to come from it. She just kept walking. It wasn't long before she found one of the strange beings of this world lying in the middle of the path and starting at the strange sky. It looked hurt. She inched closer slowly, examining it.
It's eyes are too small, and it's fingers are so short and stubby! It's skin is so strange! And It's hair! It's so dark! Lemon thought, examining her own pale blond hair and see through skin. She noticed that her arms were turning red from where the tight shirt left them exposed. Slowly she got closer, curious, but still weary.
Lemon nelt down next to the creature, it seemed hurt. She almost reached into her bag to get some of the bandages she carried, but hesitated. What if it's dead? Or trys to eat me or something. So instead she spoke to it. "Um? Are you dead? Please don't eat me, nice, weird, thing?" She seemed to hesitate. "This is stupid. But I'm going to help you. Ok? Don't eat me."
Lemon moved closer, watching to see if it lunged at her or something.
as written by barney_fife

"Come on, Aeka, we have to keep moving!" Major Kusanagi whispered in a hushed tone as she reached out to try and grab the young woman, yanking her close.

The pair were clad in Aschen urban camouflage BDUs, black tactical vests and matching camouflage helmets. The taller one, carried slung across her chest a silenced Seburo MN23, an Aschen disruptor rifle across her back, while the shorter one appeared unarmed, save for a Seburo M-5 Pistol holstered on her thigh.

"Major! We have to help him!" Aeka pleaded, pointing down towards where Shin'ichi lay weak and tattered.

"No we have to get out of this city!" She protested, but when Lemon approached the wounded Shin'ichi, Aeka sprung to action.

The young Taiyou princess wrenched free of Motoko's grasp, and started down the alleyway towards the street where Shin'ichi lay on the ground.

She came to an abrupt stop when Lemon started to approach Shin'ichi, and the young girl shouted, her shrill voice piercing the din of the wrecked city. "Kare kara hanarete eru!" She shouted, before she withdrew her M-5, and pointed it at Lemon. From Aeka's perspective, the alien creature looked like it was approaching the Losenyu to harm him. She drew her gun and shakily fired two shots, the girl was poorly accustomed to the Adrenaline, and thus the two bullets hardly found their marks. While the pair appeared to be Aschen soldiers, the deep report of Taiyou weapons fire was unmistakable.

One struck the concrete several feet away from Lemon, the other struck an overturned car before the larger soldier forced the smaller one to lower her weapon. "Stop Aeka!" She ordered, wrenching the pistol from the young Princess's grasp, and then tucking it into her vest.

"Shin'ichi-san Daijōbudesuka?" The taller woman shouted, instantly recognizing the man as she approached. "Shin'ichi are you okay?" The large dark haired woman asked, crouching besides the Losenyu, before she looked to Aeka, who was still standing frozen. "Get the Medkit, now!"

"What the hell happened to you..." She muttered while Aeka ran up, a white Aschen medical kit in hand, recognizable by it's red bordered triangle and a Caduceus symbol.

Having assessed the situation in a matter of a split second, the Major looked up towards Lemon, figuring she could be of some use. "You, get us some towels." She ordered in Terran Common.

"Can you move?" She asked in Taiyou, looking back down to Shin'ichi.
as written by birdee10

Lemon shouted as people rushed at her. Two bangs seemed to come from one, so much like the flash of light caused by the one who disappeared. She stood and backed up slowly untill she was up against one of the large shiny metal things not unlike those from earlyer. The other one came and stopped the first. They talked to the one on the floor, Shin'ichi? Is that it? They keep calling it by that name I think. but she did not get long to ponder this mystery. One of the creatures was talking to her, a different sound than when they talked to eachother or 'Shin'ichi'.
"I'm sorry but I don't understand....." Lemon said, uncertain.
as written by Tiko

Neither Lemon, nor the two Taiyou women would find any sign of serious injury upon Shin'ichi's person. His hands and forearms were scraped and bleeding from where he had been using using them to drag himself across the ground, but the burns upon his chest were old wounds that had long healed. His ailment appeared to be one of exhaustion. His body was emaciated, and his muscle tone atrophied.

The Taiyou words cut through the fog of his memories, as recollections of the events within Losenji rose back to the surface.

'Omoară-l, să-l discret'

Shimizu's parting words.

It hadn't been difficult for Shin'ichi to uncover the source of the language that Shimizu had spoken in, and while the rest of Shimizu's conversation with his adviser had been lost on Shin'ichi, those few words had remained within his recollection, recited over and over within his mind until they had become committed to memory. The simple phrase, punctuated by the coldness within the Taiyou Prince's eyes had made certain that Shin'ichi did not forget.

'Kill him, discretely.'

Even without having taken the time to get the Prince's words translated, the look he had spared Shin'ichi in parting had been sufficient to leave the young Losenyu Prince clear to the fact that his life was in danger. Unfortunately his sister, Kaida, had disregarded his fears as paranoia and nothing more.

And so he left.

The Taiyou faces that looked down at him now shook him to the core, but when he looked upon Aeka he saw nothing more than a child.

"Help me," he whispered in Losenyu.
as written by barney_fife

The Major was the first to act, putting her arms around the young prince, she helped him to sit up, crouching besides her while Aeka rummaged through the medical kit. There were no visible wounds aside from where the scrapes were, so Aeka worked to clean them out, dabbing at them with some fresh gauze, and then running her hands over the scrapes.

An outline formed on Aeka's wrist, some kind of red colored gem shimmering inside the skin for a moment as she ran her hands along the scrapes. They would not heal completely, but the residual healing energies drawn from the royal trees would prevent infection, and expedite the healing of the scrapes. Unfortunately, Aeka was far from capable of healing anything caused by the assault, but she could ease his pain slightly.

"Let's get you out of this rain and into some dry clothes." The Major said, gesturing for Lemon to help. Hoping the strange creature could understand gestures.
as written by birdee10

Lemon watched in amazement as they gathered around the injured one, Shin'ichi, The one who had held up the object at her was suddenly glowing! These creatures are amazing. She thought. The larger of the two gestured for Lemon to come over, she looked hesitantly around, seeing if it was actually another of her kind, but there was no one. It trusts me. She realized with some confusion. Despite that she came over and took one of Shin'ichi's arms, draping it around her neck and holding on to his waist.
"Thank you for trusting me. " She said. She knew the words would go right over their heads, but maybe they would understand the relief and confusion.
as written by Tiko

"Need to find... Tamotsu..." Shin'ichi whispered hoarsely as the Major and Lemon helped hoist him to his feet. "Please. He's all I have."

The gardens near where he had seen the young dragon shot from the sky was easily several blocks away yet, and he hadn't the strength left to get there alone.
as written by Saarai

"Avoid these areas. We have the rest under control for now." A Terran soldier told Shawn as he sat at a military checkpoint. He pointed to a few spots on the holographic map bring displayed by Shawn's phone.

"Okay, thanks." Shawn said to the soldier, putting his phone away as he drove off. He looked up at his rearview mirror to get a look at his passenger.

"It's smooth sailing all the way to Mary's place." He said, "A lot of cops and soldiers still fighting the good fight."
as written by barney_fife

"We need to get moving." Major Kusanagi said, as she started to walk through the ruined street.

The sound of a churning engine wailed in the distance, as a large vehicle rounded a nearby intersection, starting down their street. The vehicle was an obvious military vehicle of some kind, a six-wheeled APC that had roughly a dozen people riding on top, all of them screaming in Anquietas and firing their weapons into the air. They were chanting in a rythmic fashion.

"Deos velimus illud." They screamed, before they fired disruptor weapons into the air. The APC Drove by without too much incident, moving down the road as the Major gestured Lemon to help her towards an alleyway, an alleyway that lead towards an empty abandoned lot. Sitting in the abandoned lot was a rather unassuming vehicle, a battered car that blended in quite well with the surrounding cityscape.

Pressing a remote, the small car washed away to reveal a Taiyou sudden transport. The Sudden Transport's hull was pockmarked with bulletholes, disruptor burns, and looked like it had been in several fights.

Moving to help Shin'ichi inside, Aeka moved to lay a blanket on the floor between the seats, so the Major could lay the Losenyu prince down, while Aeka placed a pillow under him, while she rifled through to try and find some dry clothes.

Major Kusanagi then got up and headed towards the cockpit, leaving Aeka and Lemon to tend to Shin'ichi.

"Relax, we'll try to get you there." Aeka assured Shinichi in Taiyou. She then directed her attention to Lemon. "You, who... and what are you?" This question was asked in Terran Common.