What was your first role-playing experience?

I have always liked to pretend I was someone or something else. I started playing D&D about 9 or so. My older brother let me join in occasionally. It was kinda sad and pathetic roll and slash type of thing.
When I was really young, me and my sister played around with toys. I think this is fairly common of children, but, we had an imaginary world, and each of our stuffed animals had a name and personality. Later in life, I kept a lot of DnD books and the like, but never actually got to use them (until much later). However, my first official jump into roleplaying was actually a mod for Starcraft 2 called cortex roleplaying. It's rife with problems, which is what one gets since admins can't exactly observe and enforce rules with how the servers are run, which is why I've for the most part abandoned it. My first roleplay was... stupid. My main character had the name of "The Guy." Yup. There was a zombie invasion or something, and the threat was defeated with everyone falling back to a single outpost. My favorite line, I assume the person said to make fun of me was, "Okay, The Guy!" I assure you, I've improved significantly. (Maybe...)
Hah, I think around when I was four or five me and my friends would play this game, that would basically be a role play type thing? It was some weird stuff about dreams, there was a princess somewhere and a superhero? I don't even know anymore.

Other then that, the one that I can remember the best has been one earlier this year on the forums for a game. It was incredibly fun, but was shut down by a moderator for no real reason. We attempted to restart it but it kind of died out after our GM left. Now I'm here!
I guess my first roleplaying experience was in random chats and such, but the first official one I joined was a Darkest Dungeon roleplay, back when it was in development. Now that I look back, whew. I wish I knew the things I do now. I quit the thing a week in because I was quite intimidated by the others and in retrospect I don't think it's layout was good for newcomers. Next was an rp for a game(see magecilla, etc) where I think I learned the most, I started off pretty bad but improved for sure.
My first experience involved the Warrior Cat series by Erin Hunter when I was 12 years old on a RP-ing site that was solely dedicated to the Warrior Cats ahaha, my friends and I were OBSESSED with this series (we would get teased about it in computers class too, but we didn't care because that's how much we loved it haha)
I first roleplayed in D&D...

I was an elf fighter who severed the lips of his enemies, we went on an adventure and fought some corrupt monkeys and I severed their lips...

Later that adventure we needed a wizard to throw up a shield so the evil wizard didn't kill us with fireballs. Our wizard was unconscious so I decided to feed him the monkey lips so he would be healed, idk why.

Anyway I got a natural 20 on a healing check so it was all good :)
I started at some forum based RPG where everyone played as dogs/wolves/whatever those beings were. Which would be cool and all if they didn't have like pink hair and weapons and jewelry. It was terrible, -I- was terrible, but I enjoyed it.
Back in my day, --

I started roleplaying on Starcraft's online network. It wasn't the best tool for it, on account of the limited typing space and difficulty to set up everything on a map (started off using those visually), but it got me into some nice circles that fed my imagination for a couple years.

I also had a very brief experience earlier than that in D&D, but that was so bad I barely consider it to be roleplaying!
I started roleplaying in general when I was, like, six and me and my brothers would make up elaborate adventure stories and act them out on trampolines with toy swords and the like. My first text-based roleplaying was around four years ago. Ever heard of the Warriors series? I started on their fan site.
My first roleplaying experience is a lot like Captain's ! As a kid, my sister and I would make up stories to portray characters we wanted to be, which gradually led to a lot of complex storylines being created. Formally, I started text-based roleplaying when I was 11, and it was mostly fantasy-based stuff. I've branched out since then, but a good fantasy RP will always catch my eye!
My first roleplay experience was with a person who used to be a great friend. She would offer to roleplay with me, but I'd always admit I didn't know how to. I explored around roleplay in an elemental wolf pack, and I still remember most characters from it. I will admit though I was new to roleplay, I had always been quite decent at it. Echo, my friend, agrees with me most likely.
Me and my older sister in the week on- week off times we werent playing sims made a universe where she was a teacher of different forms of magic and I her apprentice. She was not a teacher teacher, but a nomadic druid of the fifteenth level. I often used her staff (which was a nicely softened branch) to perform spells of the chaotic nature and was only 4th level. It was fun.. (I was 6 and my sister was 10)
RP Experience period would of been on HabboHotel.ca
Though they're version of RP basically boiled down to spamming attacks faster than the other person.

My first forum RP experience would of been on a site called Star Wars Combine.
It was a browser game primarily, but with a forum RP section on the side.

My first tabletop would of been Star Wars D6, I found the books in a garage sale as a kid and would play through the adventure module solo for a few years before I found other people to play it with.

And my first LARP would of been a group setting up a station at a Convention, where I spent the day going through several mini-adventures.

We should all be shameless about the start of our writing career! >:3
The most I can salvage :p
The first time I ever role-played was when I was four. My friends and I were all gathering near a tall black oak tree with some strong sticks that we had gathered. Even now that tree is still quite large in my eyes. We declared that whoever was left standing would be the king of our little adventure club. We scuffed one another up with the sticks. Myself and my friend Jesse were the last two children standing. He was a good three years older than me. We both went into this odd little brawl that seemed very choreographed for something so violent. I declared myself king in the end and we began making explosive powder (My first order) out of drie black walnuts, phosphorous, and lint for our next "mining" expedition. Blah blah blah... we almost lit my leg on fire. The end
Well apart from rp videogames which i was playing some years ago,my first experience with a group of friends was some months ago.We started playing Vampires the Masquerade the Giovanni conspiracy.We are currently in the second Chapter of our story all "alive" even if we are amateurs.well i guess our storyteller is kind to us!I am a brujah who is a traitor while the rest of the group's clans are a toreador,a tzimisce,a malkevian and a ventrue.It is very entertaining for sure...
Aeons ago, when I was in high school, I was in a book store and I saw the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5e Monster Manual for the first time.

I combed through the pages and got entranced by the art and the monster descriptions. Mind you, I never played the game until years later, but I had the book for quite awhile and I read it constantly. In fact, it still sits above my bureau to this day, along with Monster Manuals II-IV.
@Captain Cannonfists introduced me to text-based role playing in the summer of...I think it was 9th grade. Might have been 10th. Started out on a zombie apocalypse rp and switched to kind of a secret agent rp after a few months. First met my current girlfriend there. Guess I should thank Cap for getting me involved in rp-ing...
My first roleplay was actually pretty hilarious now that I looked back on it. :D

It happened on Facebook around two or three years ago. I decided to create a roleplay revolving around the Legend of Zelda. Basically, the story was that a few volunteers and myself were supposed to go into this underground dungeon maze thing to find Link, who is being held captive inside, I can't remember by who. The only rules were that each volunteer had to choose one weapon and that weapon was the only weapon that we would use throughout the story.

Anyway, everything was going great for a while. Everyone was on the same page, for the most part, that is, until one of the people who joined the rp, goes completely awry in every way you could imagine. :rolleyes: Dying or getting seriously injured every five minutes having to be brought back to life either by a bottled fairy or some other means the person makes up, kept adding things to the story that didn't really make sense, transforming into a zombie bone dragon for some reason, which was really cool and wouldn't really bother me if this person didn't constantly try to be the center of attention the entire time. :cool:

It became less about finding the Hero and more about this person's struggle or dilemma (whatever it was). And when I finally decided to do something fun in one particular scene and everyone was on board with it, the dude pretty much made it apparent that he/she was not happy. It seemed like this person wanted everything to be his/her way rather than just let the story play out. :p

Other than that, the rest of the rp was super fun! Everyone enjoyed themselves and so did I. :)
I don't remember it very well but I'm pretty sure it was just poorly written sexy role plays with people in some chat room back when I was 14 or so, mostly just did it to get off.
Kind of shameful but I guess I mean I still role play for the same reason sometimes, just less poorly written and with...other stuff too...