Would You Rather?

See the future, so I can't make mistakes.

Would you rather be slowly licked to death by goats, or be slowly eaten to death by little bugs?
goats, feel like that would be a bit faster.

would you rather be placed on a giant spike and slowly impaled, or have a rat trapped in a cage on your torso, and the only way out is for it to claw through your torso? (has that already been asked?)
nope and slowly impaled. Never specified where I was being impaled. So slowness of death can be canceled if i just bashed my head into it.

Would you rather stay 3 hours with the "Savanna" or 3 hours with me while im drunk asf.
def you, fk the savanna. that would be torture itself (no offense, but still)

would you rather be trapped in a cheesy hallmark movie or a soap opera with awful acting?
soap opera. because then I could backhand the singer and claim it was an "Accident" in shitty vocals called voice cracks. and it be alright.

WOuld you raThEr- have me poke Chloe, or... have me steal her chair using my sexy high heeled boots?
well, already depressed, so just one year ahead wouldn't be such a change

would you rather be a drama major or a physics major?
Be in speech or be in science bowl?
You are treading on dangerous questions there for all us introverts there my friend-
Science. to find a way to make freshmen less of a nuisance.

Be assaulted by Mearceci 9 times or be assaulted by corpse husband 9 times
oooh, corpse, go out by that man, oOooOOoh

would you rather have to go through one of Jigsaw's puzzles, or be hunted down by Leatherface?
Smash specifically supersmash bros ultimate because one I have all the DLC and it is fun anyways trying not to flex.

Would you rather have a pet egg or a pet pinecone