Yukurai: The Worldless Catastrophe


Little Fighter
The purpose of this thread is just to get an idea of how popular the premise is, and what sort of posting schedule those who are interested can keep. The story in its current state isn't ready for immediate launch, but the amount of interest I receive will reflect how much effort I put into development. The idea is heavily inspired by Flip Flappers, so if you enjoyed that anime I think you will enjoy this story.

*One day while browsing the web, your character gets a strange audio message through a pop-up. The voice sounds like a man with a deep voice talking to you from within a cave.*

"Uncertainty is one of the threats people have faced since the beginning of time. While we can never seem to beat it for good, we have found some pretty good ways of mitigating it in all areas of our lives. We generally know how we will provide for ourselves, who we can trust, and how we can learn. It generally goes uncontested that all this certainty has led to easier lives. When you aren't worried about health and safety, you can focus more on the things you love. And yet, some can't be content. For you see, there lies within some people a thrillseeker. This aspect declares the consistency and complacency of the normal life boring. For the thrillseeker, the most critical component of a life well lived has nothing to do with the assurance that they can continue to do the things they love but instead seeks out the fun of doing the unpredictable, experiencing the new, breaking the meta.

And yet, the thrillseeker doesn't belong in this world. They've been misplaced in this boring world where nothing ever changes. For you, the thrillseeker, I'm offering you a chance to join a new world of my own invention. I think you will find it to your liking. In Yukurai, causality has been unbound. In other words, you can never be certain how things work. For example, one day you might be living in a world of magic and monsters, while the next you might be a soldier fighting in the trenches. One day physics might be as bizarre as a shonen anime, while the next is as well defined as Newtonian physics. Surely you'd be happier here in Yukurai. Where every day is like a new hand of cards. *chuckles*, though, it isn't really a choice. Extradimensional communication takes a lot of resources, and I'm afraid that regardless of your will, I need you. Now, get in here!"

*A giant black hand shoots out of the computer without warning, grabbing your character by the neck tightly, then sending you right through the computer screen. When your character comes to, they find themselves with the RP cast in a seemingly normal plain of green grass. However, their appearance has drastically changed in a way that reflects their innermost thoughts. Your character hears one last message from the mysterious voice before it fades into obscurity.*

"Find the fragments..."

In the world of Yukurai there are three types of characters: meta-breakers, contagions, and shells.

Metabreakers are the player characters. Metabreakers have two important characteristics. First, they possess an attribute called aspect guard. Aspect guard protects the character from changing in response to world shifts in Yukurai. It works sort of like traditional magic resistance in that it isn't perfect at mitigating the effects, different people have it in different amounts, and it can be bolstered through willpower. While the level and type of aspect guard each metabreaker possesses will be different, the most common form of aspect guard protects their memories. Also, as a general rule of thumb, aspect guard usually protects the most critical aspects of a character. In other words, aspect guard generally most strongly guards the qualities of a character that most strongly differentiate that character from any other character. Secondly, Metabreakers are unique from every other character type in that they cannot be killed for long. Whenever a world shift occurs, metabreakers that died respawn with a weakened aspect guard.

Shells are the non-player characters. These are created during world shifts as a means of populating Yukurai. Unlike metabreakers, shells have no aspect guard at all. Shells are largely focused as tools of Yukurai itself to create settings. For this reason, they are often rather one-dimensional characters that remain relevant just long enough to complete a narrative purpose. But, through interactions with metabreakers, shells develop more and more traits. Normally, shells are repurposed during world shifts to fill new roles.

However, every now and then a shell's interactions with the metabreakers causes it to form an aspect guard, allowing them to persist between worldshifts. At this point they are no longer a Shell and instead are known as a contagion. The aspect guard of a contagion often lacks the strength of a metabreaker, especially with regards to memory protection, but it often preserves them enough to be recognizable through worldshifts.

And now I reveal myself as a liar since there are actually four types of characters, but this one is more of a fun surprise when you go in thinking there are only three. The anchor is a special character, played by me, that has a perfect aspect guard. In addition to being completely unaffected by world shifts, the anchor has a connection to the mysterious being that sent everyone to Yukurai in the first place. Unlike the metabreakers, the anchor only has a single life, and will not respawn during world shifts. Should the anchor die, the RP will experience the "bad end".

Setting Expectations
Listing off concerns in no particular order:

As a yuri fiend, I'm rather heavily inclined to make a lesbian character. I'm not saying that you specifically need to play a love interest, but it would be nice if there was at least one other player playing a potential love interest. So I'd like to know how many people would be willing to fill this role in the interest checking phase.

This RP is massively unstructured to the point of being sandboxy. I feel the need to stress this detail because some people like to look to the GM for guidence in what their characters should be doing. You won't get a lot of that in this RP. There is a larger story which I'm guiding the players down, but there are going to be a lot of moments where the characters do not have clear goals or agendas and/or there are few details provided about the setting which the characters inhabit. I'm looking for players that when told they are in the middle of a battle will start adding their own details about the various mooks trying to kill them and when told they are in a forest will start talking about all the plants and wildlife. I'm here for the big important details, everything else is your creative freedom.

This RP isn't genre-locked, so having a wide array of interests is important to having fun with this RP. While I can imagine that adventure and rich character dialogue are going to be pervasive, you should be prepared for anything.

The writing level I'm expecting is reflected in the introduction post.

I encourage players to write without revealing the character's internal dialogue.

So, if you've made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read through this massive wall of text. If you have any sorts of questions, comments, or suggestions, I'm happy to hear you out. If you would like to be a part of this story, leave me a comment telling me the following:

What you liked about the concept:
Estimate of how often you can post:
Questions, comments, suggestions:
This sounds amazing, I'd definitely love it!
I love the concept of a world with no definitive rules, and the mysteriousness of it all!
I'd probably be on most days, on weekdays after 3:50 pm Eastern time, and at random times on the weekends.
Also, I'd definitely love to play a lesbian/bisexual character like you mentioned! I hope to keep in touch with you.
Hey there! I'm just in love with this, oh my lord. It's really unique and I'm super looking forward to the sandbox aspect of it and the fact that you've not got a set down genre.
I'm usually on everyday at some point. On Monday-Thursday I'm usually on after 4:00pm UK time, but on Fridays I come on sometime around 8:00pm UK time and then I'm online all through the night pretty much. I'm pretty much always on on the weekends.
Can I ask, when you say internal dialogue do you mean the characters thoughts, essentially? If so, how should we write it, or can we do it however we want?
Hey there! I'm just in love with this, oh my lord. It's really unique and I'm super looking forward to the sandbox aspect of it and the fact that you've not got a set down genre.
I'm usually on everyday at some point. On Monday-Thursday I'm usually on after 4:00pm UK time, but on Fridays I come on sometime around 8:00pm UK time and then I'm online all through the night pretty much. I'm pretty much always on on the weekends.
Can I ask, when you say internal dialogue do you mean the characters thoughts, essentially? If so, how should we write it, or can we do it however we want?
Internal dialogue represents both thoughts and feelings. For example,

Feeling tired from a long day of work, Mike longed for the delicious apple pie that his wife routinely baked for the evening supper.


After leaving the construction site, Mike ambled across the street. His eyes seemed weary, yet they also looked onto the horizon as if they were seeking something.

Notice how the above includes internal dialogue that lets us know exactly what a character is doing and why they are doing it, whereas the bottom only talks about the observations available to an outside observer. In writing, internal dialogue is an important part of getting the reader to connect to and identify with the main character. However, this sort of familiarity tricks our minds when RPing. We tend to underestimate how strange and unfamiliar the other characters are because we ourselves are familiar fairly intimately with the other characters. We've read their bio, we've seen how they think through things, and we don't ever misunderstand their intentions. I think writing without bios or internal dialogue visible to the cast puts us all on the same level as our characters, making the experience more immersive and realistic in the process.

So, long answer to a short question, but you reminded me that I didn't really go into detail about that aspect. Thanks for the question, and I hope my answer clarified things.
With four people, I'm comfortable moving into a position to seriously launch this RP in 1-2 days. During this timeframe, I want you, via PMs, to pitch me your character ideas. For the moment there are no official character skeletons, so instead, I'm going to give you two pieces of advice on what I'm looking for in your pitch. If you follow it, you'll be approved in no time.

I want to see that you have a vision for your character. This RP features characters changing to fit new situations on a regular basis. Things like talents, age, appearance, gender/sex, religion, background, occupation, relationships, and so much more are all potentially subject to change. In spite of Yukurai, what will stay the same about your character? Talk about this defining feature. Tell me about how it came to be so important to your character.

I want to see your plans for the first iteration of your characters. For the first world cycle, your characters have already undergone changes from their previous life, so don't feel limited to sticking with the character design that they grew up with. They can look like literally anything. The first world will be the primal grasslands, so the current tech level is low and the design space is restricted to human only. As the RP goes on, I intend to have a world sheet which will better express the world shift process.
So, just to break the radio silence, here is an update. I've brainstormed out the way the OOC is going to look pretty well, and intend to put it out there Friday or Saturday.

As of right now, 3 people have submitted characters that have gotten approved. Each of your characters has well-crafted themes and backstories that I believe will stand the test of time. Congratz to Kain the Necromancer, Wallace the Bold, and romamaro for taking the time to make such beautiful designs.

Now, on a second note. All the characters accepted to this point have been male. I'd like some girls in the mix. So, I'm going to be seeking out female characters to fill out the remaining cast. If you know anyone who'd like to be a part, please refer them to the thread.
Real interesting aside from times there are special occasions I can RP to this any time though my day and night cycle is probably reversed to everyone since im in the Philipines but it's summer so its okay If your still accepting
Real interesting aside from times there are special occasions I can RP to this any time though my day and night cycle is probably reversed to everyone since im in the Philipines but it's summer so its okay If your still accepting
I am still accepting, but I intend this RP to last a while. What are you going to do for after the summer?
So, I'm going to take this as a sign that my idea was too niche. Without the potential for people to join midway and an initial cast of 3, sadly I'm not comfortable making this story a reality. However, I wanted to thank everyone for the work they put into designing a character. You all created wonderful stories, and with your permission, I'd like to share them among each other.