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"I should also mention that certain fanfiction writers also like making the heroes lose at the end depending on context, as one of those 'AUs' that set up for sequels. As such, it is not the hero with the most power in this realm," Producer points to herself, "but the one with the status of self-insert. All Producers from where I'm from are self-inserts by default. As long as I am recognised as a Producer, we stand a chance."

@Alex Azure @Yun Lee

"I suppose it's too bad that I'm not a self insert then."

Mason sneezes. "Why do I suddenly feel like Macy is talking about me? I've been having that feeling for awhile..." he thinks to himself.

"But wait... Why are Producers in your world self-inserts?"

@Crow @Yun Lee
"I won't," she assured Joshua, her tone serious where she was typically playful in her dealings with him. That much made it rather clear that she truthfully didn't intend to enact a repeat of the experience. Not that she would necessarily be able to refrain even if she tried, what with that devilishly handsome rogue mouse king on the loose with that sexily powerful keyboard of his. After all, who could resist his sway if he were to will something of them? Oof.


There was no sexy keyboard-wielding mister or mistress tempting her to any such thing, though. Rather, an unreadable expression crossed her porcelain face, her piercing blue eyes clouded with a mix of emotions that couldn't be untangled. For a long few moments she was quiet, trying to wrap her mind around the fact that this boy, who couldn't be older than twelve, had apparently contracted himself to a devil on some revenge quest. "...Not the kind of price I was thinking," she spoke softly, almost breathless and evidently in a disbelieving daze. Eventually she managed to gather her bearings, a frown weighing her typically neutral feats down. "It's your decision, Ciel. But I can't say I'm sure selling your soul is the right way to get revenge; or that revenge is what you really need. Sometimes what's best for us is to just..." she paused, releasing a sigh as she glaced away.

"...Let go."

@Neko Shogun @thatguyinthestore
Ciel paused for a moment, as if in deep thought as he gazed down at the ground with his singular eye. Eventually, Ciel spoke.

"The need for revenge is a funny thing. It won't bring the deceased back from the dead, nor will it bring them happiness. I didn't contract my soul to Sebastian for my parents' sake." Glancing back up to Teresa, Ciel would make eye contact before speaking yet again.


"I did it for myself. I want to find the people responsible for what happened, and I want to make them experience the same pain and humiliation that I suffered. Contracting the help of a demon was the only way to fulfill this goal."

@Pretentious Pineapple @Neko Shogun
"I suppose it's too bad that I'm not a self insert then."

Mason sneezes. "Why do I suddenly feel like Macy is talking about me? I've been having that feeling for awhile..." he thinks to himself.

"But wait... Why are Producers in your world self-inserts?"

@Crow @Yun Lee

"Well, time to wipe that fourth wall off the face of the cosmos," Producer says as she starts explaining.

"The Producer character is, in reality, a first-person protagonist character with no true face or appearance, a blank slate to select options and interact with the world of idols. The better world of idols. Not the one with the School Idols. Anyways, there are many of them in a single depiction of the world alone. There are many depictions of my universe, and while the idols are always a constant no matter what, there is a good chance the Producers are different."

Producer takes a good breath before continuing.

"Before Mouse King stabilized me, The P-headed form I assumed was somewhat of the 'blank slate' I spoke of. It is a very popular depiction of the Producer character in various media when you wish to depict them in a more cartoony manner. It is possible that my current personality would've faded away if I remained like that, replaced by something more composite."

@Alex Azure
"Well, time to wipe that fourth wall off the face of the cosmos," Producer says as she starts explaining.

"The Producer character is, in reality, a first-person protagonist character with no true face or appearance, a blank slate to select options and interact with the world of idols. The better world of idols. There are many of them in a single depiction of the world alone. There are many depictions of my universe, and while the idols are always a constant no matter what, there is a good chance the Producers are different." Producer says. "Before Mouse King stabilized me, The P-headed form I assumed was somewhat of the 'blank slate' I spoke of. It is a very popular depiction of the Producer character in various media when you wish to depict them in a more cartoony manner. It is possible that my current personality would've faded away if I remained like that, replaced by something more composite."

@Alex Azure

"hi im the 4th wall"

"stop breaking me pls"​
"Well, time to wipe that fourth wall off the face of the cosmos," Producer says as she starts explaining.

"The Producer character is, in reality, a first-person protagonist character with no true face or appearance, a blank slate to select options and interact with the world of idols. The better world of idols. Not the one with the School Idols. Anyways, there are many of them in a single depiction of the world alone. There are many depictions of my universe, and while the idols are always a constant no matter what, there is a good chance the Producers are different."

Producer takes a good breath before continuing.

"Before Mouse King stabilized me, The P-headed form I assumed was somewhat of the 'blank slate' I spoke of. It is a very popular depiction of the Producer character in various media when you wish to depict them in a more cartoony manner. It is possible that my current personality would've faded away if I remained like that, replaced by something more composite."

"Hehe~ You remind me of my friend, Neppy~ She broke the fourth wall alllll the time~" Plutia giggled, overhearing the Producer breaking the fourth wall.


"hi im the 4th wall"

"stop breaking me pls"

"Woah! The fourth wall can talk?! Hehe~ Sorry for breaking you all the time! But my friend Neppy really likes to do that hehe~"

@Crow @thatguyinthestore

"hi im the 4th wall"

"stop breaking me pls"​

"Hehe~ You remind me of my friend, Neppy~ She broke the fourth wall alllll the time~" Plutia giggled, overhearing the Producer breaking the fourth wall.

"Woah! The fourth wall can talk?! Hehe~ Sorry for breaking you all the time! But my friend Neppy really likes to do that hehe~"

@Crow @thatguyinthestore

"Do you wish for a knuckle sandwich, you literary metaphor?" Producer grins, preparing to connect her fist against the talking wall. "I suppose that was impolite of me. How about a fair fight?"

"We Producers can all do that. Most of us just hide it and only use it to read chuunibyou translations," Producer replies to Plutia.

@thatguyinthestore @Widowmaker
"Well, time to wipe that fourth wall off the face of the cosmos," Producer says as she starts explaining.

"The Producer character is, in reality, a first-person protagonist character with no true face or appearance, a blank slate to select options and interact with the world of idols. The better world of idols. Not the one with the School Idols. Anyways, there are many of them in a single depiction of the world alone. There are many depictions of my universe, and while the idols are always a constant no matter what, there is a good chance the Producers are different."

Producer takes a good breath before continuing.

"Before Mouse King stabilized me, The P-headed form I assumed was somewhat of the 'blank slate' I spoke of. It is a very popular depiction of the Producer character in various media when you wish to depict them in a more cartoony manner. It is possible that my current personality would've faded away if I remained like that, replaced by something more composite."

@Alex Azure

"hi im the 4th wall"

"stop breaking me pls"​

"Hehe~ You remind me of my friend, Neppy~ She broke the fourth wall alllll the time~" Plutia giggled, overhearing the Producer breaking the fourth wall.

"Woah! The fourth wall can talk?! Hehe~ Sorry for breaking you all the time! But my friend Neppy really likes to do that hehe~"

@Crow @thatguyinthestore
"Do you wish for a knuckle sandwich, you literary metaphor?" Producer grins, preparing to connect her fist against the talking wall. "I suppose that was impolite of me. How about a fair fight?"

"We Producers can all do that. Most of us just hide it and only use it to read chuunibyou translations," Producer replies to Plutia.

@thatguyinthestore @Widowmaker

Oh no. Harmless jokes and questions had gotten way out of hand. The fourth wall was broken, and Macy felt responsible. Sonebody needed to rebuild it before reality collapsed.


"Hey, Momoka-chan, know any songs you could sing to get everyone pumped for adventure?"

@Crow @thatguyinthestore @Widowmaker @Yun Lee
"We Producers can all do that. Most of us just hide it and only use it to read chuunibyou translations," Producer replies to Plutia.

"Really?~ Hehe. Umm... Was there any toy weapons left over for me? This Doll you gave me doesn't have as much strength as the one I use back home..."



"hi im the 4th wall"

"stop breaking me pls"

Sans simply flipped off the supposed "Fourth Wall" voice.


"You get broken all the time, why are you even caring anymore?"

the 4th wall dodges all the attacks​

"Really?~ Hehe. Umm... Was there any toy weapons left over for me? This Doll you gave me doesn't have as much strength as the one I use back home..."


Sans simply flipped off the supposed "Fourth Wall" voice.


"You get broken all the time, why are you even caring anymore?"


"If only we had access to powers of any kind, then I could attempt to achieve MadokaP Blanco and finish you off, right here and right now!" Producer was amazed at how the fourth wall had evaded her strikes despite being destroyed repeatedly. She halted when Plutia asked a question.

"Your signature weapon as Iris Heart is a whipsword, is it not? Within the pile, you should be able to acquire a whip and a sword."

@Widowmaker @thatguyinthestore

Oh no. Harmless jokes and questions had gotten way out of hand. The fourth wall was broken, and Macy felt responsible. Sonebody needed to rebuild it before reality collapsed.


"Hey, Momoka-chan, know any songs you could sing to get everyone pumped for adventure?"

@Crow @thatguyinthestore @Widowmaker @Yun Lee


"How does La Vie en Rose sound, Macy-chama?" Momoka asks.

"You'll enjoy Momoka's singing very much, Macy. You see, Momoka is voiced by Terui Ha-"

"Producer-chama, you should really stop hurting that wall."

"It is not an actual wall, it is a literary concept."

@Alex Azure
"If only we had access to powers of any kind, then I could attempt to achieve MadokaP Blanco and finish you off, right here and right now!" Producer was amazed at how the fourth wall had evaded her strikes despite being destroyed repeatedly. She halted when Plutia asked a question.

"Your signature weapon as Iris Heart is a whipsword, is it not? Within the pile, you should be able to acquire a whip and a sword."

"Uh huh... I guess I could try to use that... But my Goddess Form was more skilled in that art..." Plutia murmured as she grabbed a toy sword and toy cowboy whip.


"Hehe~ I wonder what faces my opponents will make after I torture them~ Hehehehe~" Plutia exclaimed with a angry expression. Wait... Did she just act Sadistic?

"If only we had access to powers of any kind, then I could attempt to achieve MadokaP Blanco and finish you off, right here and right now!" Producer was amazed at how the fourth wall had evaded her strikes despite being destroyed repeatedly. She halted when Plutia asked a question.

"Your signature weapon as Iris Heart is a whipsword, is it not? Within the pile, you should be able to acquire a whip and a sword."

@Widowmaker @thatguyinthestore


"How does La Vie en Rose sound, Macy-chama?" Momoka asks.

"You'll enjoy Momoka's singing very much, Macy. You see, Momoka is voiced by Terui Ha-"

"Producer-chama, you should really stop hurting that wall."

"It is not an actual wall, it is a literary concept."

@Alex Azure

"The title sure sounds like a pretty song! Let's hear it!" Macy grabbed a couple of toy intruments so she could *attempt* at making some music for Momoka to sing along to.

"Uh huh... I guess I could try to use that... But my Goddess Form was more skilled in that art..." Plutia murmured as she grabbed a toy sword and toy cowboy whip.


"Hehe~ I wonder what faces my opponents will make after I torture them~ Hehehehe~" Plutia exclaimed with a angry expression. Wait... Did she just act Sadistic?


"Okay, THIS tiny child I might need to be scared of."

@Widowmaker @Crow
"I think red is a great color on you. I'll go with purple."

Macy grabbed a set of paints and got to work painting the blade purple. She smiled and laughed to herself. Once it was completely painted and dry, she gave it a couple swings.

"Look at me, I'm Mason with my magically appearing purple weapons. Hya!" Macy laughed again, "If only you were here, bro."

@Neko Shogun @Takumi @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Minerva
"Don't swear in front of the kids, devil guy," Producer says to Spawn. "Oh right, rope, I should bring some along as well. Thank you for the reminder... uh... what is your name?"


Momoka giggles softly.


"For me, red, rose and related hues fit my motif," she says as he slings her bow and arrows. "We are going to need a bit of range, do you not agree?"

@Neko Shogun @Alex Azure

"Uh huh... I guess I could try to use that... But my Goddess Form was more skilled in that art..." Plutia murmured as she grabbed a toy sword and toy cowboy whip.


"Hehe~ I wonder what faces my opponents will make after I torture them~ Hehehehe~" Plutia exclaimed with a angry expression. Wait... Did she just act Sadistic?

“Purple really would be a great color for you, Macy! And red fits you too, Momoka!” Sayori smiled happily. “I think I’ll go with pink after all. Either pink or red work just fine for me.”

While thinking about the colors, Sayori didn’t notice the target practicing or fourth wall breaking that had been happening. She came from a game that did a lot of fourth wall breaking, so maybe it was easy for her to ignore. Either that or she had just been spacing out again.

“Uwaah! Are you really going to sing for us Momoka?! I can’t wait to hear you!” Sayori chirped happily.

Catching wind of what Plutia had said, Sayori frowned. “W-Wow you’d torture your opponents? Remind me not to get on your bad side. Ah ha ha ha...”

@Crow @Alex Azure @Widowmaker @Takumi @Minerva @thatguyinthestore
"Okay, THIS tiny child I might need to be scared of."

Catching wind of what Plutia had said, Sayori frowned. “W-Wow you’d torture your opponents? Remind me not to get on your bad side. Ah ha ha ha...”

"Huh?~ Oh hehe... I'm sorry... I guess having my HDD locked out is letting the personality seep into mine... Or at least that's what Histy told me back home..." Plutia exclaimed, swapping back to her usual carefree self. "Anyway... Are we going to beat up some meanies? Because I'm ready! Hehe~ Hmm... I wonder what faces they'd make... Hehe~"

@Alex Azure @Neko Shogun
Under normally circumstances, Ciel would have been shocked or even angered that someone knew of his contract with Sebastian. However, due to both Joshua and Teresa's status as reapers, Ciel wasn't surprised by this at all, or even annoyed. Instead, he simply stared at Teresa and Joshua with a deadpan.

"Yes, my soul does indeed 'belong to a demon', as Joshua so eloquently put it." Ciel casually stated in response to Teresa's surprised inquiry. "My butler, Sebastian, is no ordinary butler. He is a demon. A demon whom I made a contract with. Said contract entails that once I find my parents' murderer and punish them, he gets to eat my soul.

Until then, however, he must serve me at my beck and call."
Letting out a chuckle, Ciel would continue with a small smirk.


"After all, it's as you said. Everything comes with a price."

@Pretentious Pineapple @Neko Shogun
"I won't," she assured Joshua, her tone serious where she was typically playful in her dealings with him. That much made it rather clear that she truthfully didn't intend to enact a repeat of the experience. Not that she would necessarily be able to refrain even if she tried, what with that devilishly handsome rogue mouse king on the loose with that sexily powerful keyboard of his. After all, who could resist his sway if he were to will something of them? Oof.


There was no sexy keyboard-wielding mister or mistress tempting her to any such thing, though. Rather, an unreadable expression crossed her porcelain face, her piercing blue eyes clouded with a mix of emotions that couldn't be untangled. For a long few moments she was quiet, trying to wrap her mind around the fact that this boy, who couldn't be older than twelve, had apparently contracted himself to a devil on some revenge quest. "...Not the kind of price I was thinking," she spoke softly, almost breathless and evidently in a disbelieving daze. Eventually she managed to gather her bearings, a frown weighing her typically neutral feats down. "It's your decision, Ciel. But I can't say I'm sure selling your soul is the right way to get revenge; or that revenge is what you really need. Sometimes what's best for us is to just..." she paused, releasing a sigh as she glaced away.

"...Let go."

@Neko Shogun @thatguyinthestore
Ciel paused for a moment, as if in deep thought as he gazed down at the ground with his singular eye. Eventually, Ciel spoke.

"The need for revenge is a funny thing. It won't bring the deceased back from the dead, nor will it bring them happiness. I didn't contract my soul to Sebastian for my parents' sake." Glancing back up to Teresa, Ciel would make eye contact before speaking yet again.


"I did it for myself. I want to find the people responsible for what happened, and I want to make them experience the same pain and humiliation that I suffered. Contracting the help of a demon was the only way to fulfill this goal."

@Pretentious Pineapple @Neko Shogun
“I can’t really say I find your decision to be the best choice either,” Joshua chimed in, agreeing with Teresa. “But perhaps in your world there are limited options for finding the people you wish to make suffer. And I suppose it is commendable that you have the strength to go through with what you done. Many people would be afraid to even think of a demon let along actually make a contract with one. It’s something I personally never could’ve done, even when I was a powerless human.”

Unlike Teresa, Joshua would not suggest that Ciel let go of his revenge. The boy had already contracted himself to the demon and had made his choice. Whether or not he chose to let go, he would still lose his soul eventually. He may as well lose his soul actually doing something that he personally felt would give his life meaning. But still, there was...

“Hm, well, what happens to Elizabeth when you give up your soul? I imagine she’ll be deviatated...”

@Pretentious Pineapple @thatguyinthestore
“I can’t really say I find your decision to be the best choice either,” Joshua chimed in, agreeing with Teresa. “But perhaps in your world there are limited options for finding the people you wish to make suffer. And I suppose it is commendable that you have the strength to go through with what you done. Many people would be afraid to even think of a demon let along actually make a contract with one. It’s something I personally never could’ve done, even when I was a powerless human.”

Unlike Teresa, Joshua would not suggest that Ciel let go of his revenge. The boy had already contracted himself to the demon and had made his choice. Whether or not he chose to let go, he would still lose his soul eventually. He may as well lose his soul actually doing something that he personally felt would give his life meaning. But still, there was...

“Hm, well, what happens to Elizabeth when you give up your soul? I imagine she’ll be deviatated...”

@Pretentious Pineapple @thatguyinthestore
Ciel would glance over to Elizabeth, who was quietly smiling as she painted her "weapons" in bright shades of pink, before turning back to Joshua.

"Elizabeth's life is none of my concern. She'll simply have to move on, I suppose. The world is never kind to anyone. If it was, there would be no death, no war, no mass starvation, no pain, no suffering... all of which are necessities for a growing society."

@Neko Shogun @Pretentious Pineapple
“Purple really would be a great color for you, Macy! And red fits you too, Momoka!” Sayori smiled happily. “I think I’ll go with pink after all. Either pink or red work just fine for me.”

While thinking about the colors, Sayori didn’t notice the target practicing or fourth wall breaking that had been happening. She came from a game that did a lot of fourth wall breaking, so maybe it was easy for her to ignore. Either that or she had just been spacing out again.

“Uwaah! Are you really going to sing for us Momoka?! I can’t wait to hear you!” Sayori chirped happily.

Catching wind of what Plutia had said, Sayori frowned. “W-Wow you’d torture your opponents? Remind me not to get on your bad side. Ah ha ha ha...”

@Crow @Alex Azure @Widowmaker @Takumi @Minerva @thatguyinthestore
“Purple really would be a great color for you, Macy! And red fits you too, Momoka!” Sayori smiled happily. “I think I’ll go with pink after all. Either pink or red work just fine for me.”

While thinking about the colors, Sayori didn’t notice the target practicing or fourth wall breaking that had been happening. She came from a game that did a lot of fourth wall breaking, so maybe it was easy for her to ignore. Either that or she had just been spacing out again.

“Uwaah! Are you really going to sing for us Momoka?! I can’t wait to hear you!” Sayori chirped happily.

Catching wind of what Plutia had said, Sayori frowned. “W-Wow you’d torture your opponents? Remind me not to get on your bad side. Ah ha ha ha...”

@Crow @Alex Azure @Widowmaker @Takumi @Minerva @thatguyinthestore

"Huh?~ Oh hehe... I'm sorry... I guess having my HDD locked out is letting the personality seep into mine... Or at least that's what Histy told me back home..." Plutia exclaimed, swapping back to her usual carefree self. "Anyway... Are we going to beat up some meanies? Because I'm ready! Hehe~ Hmm... I wonder what faces they'd make... Hehe~"

@Alex Azure @Neko Shogun

"Well, we're pretty much doing nothing now, so... sing away Momoka."


"Very well then~"

La Vie en Rose

"The opening tune always gets me," Producer says as Momoka's song began, "also there is no french in the lyrics, if you're wondering."

As she sang, Momoka walked and jumped about with the others, as if this was a music video or musical number.

@Neko Shogun @Widowmaker @Alex Azure
"Well, we're pretty much doing nothing now, so... sing away Momoka."


"Very well then~"

La Vie en Rose

"The opening tune always gets me," Producer says as Momoka's song began, "also there is no french in the lyrics, if you're wondering."

"Hehe~ This is really good music~ It reminds me so much of the idol I have back in my world... 5pb. " She exclaimed, happily dancing along to the tune. "I'm not that good of a dancer... but would anyone like to join me...?"



Sans was not liking it. In fact, he'd much prefer Mettaton to this. "...Why... Ugh. Kinda wish our special host replaced me with someone else now. Ugh."

@Crow @Alex Azure @Neko Shogun
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