Recent content by Arcane

  1. Arcane

    Blog Search and Thoughts

    So I've been thinking about starting a blog because nobody on the Internet has one and I'll be the first to start the trend. Right? Okay, so I cringe at the idea of being yet another wannabe writer with a blog but I still think it's a pretty good medium of creative expression nonetheless. and so...
  2. Arcane

    How did you discover roleplaying?

    Back in the user room days of Yahoo chat, I role played under Ayenee rules although I didn't actually know that name at the time (I heard it thrown around but had no point of reference). But yeah, the Internet was just around the corner of becoming a common household commodity (before you say...
  3. Arcane

    No More Gold

    That's a pretty slick idea. I've even heard some of those words before. It does sound more like specialized bartering, something to do be done on a smaller scale perhaps with a community or city where that sort of specific material is in regular demand? Certainly a war oriented society's economy...
  4. Arcane

    No More Gold

    That's one of those questions I don't have an answer for. This all started with that one question and then I thought I'd throw it at the Circle for discussion. Assuming that alchemy can also transmute other metals with relative ease, then I'd agree that most metal-based currency would phase out...
  5. Arcane

    No More Gold

    The fantasy genre, especially of the Medieval variety is well known for using an oft nondescript gold currency and I'm fine with that. It's cool if a world builder has mapped out a custom economic plan for their fictional kingdom and I think it'll be all the richer experience for it but it's not...
  6. Arcane

    Question Creative Forum

    Thank you. I think just offering a way to tag it for feedback is perfect (a Feedback tag). Is there a way to allow for multiple tags? I'm only vaguely familiar with the format used by the Circle (Xenforo?) but I think I've seen others implement it (this is laughably outside of my expertise or...
  7. Arcane

    Question Creative Forum

    So I was checking out the Creative Writing section of the forum and I noticed that there don't seem to be any replies to anybody's work? There is also no description for the Creative Forum. I don't want to break etiquette or anything so I thought I'd ask, do people post their work in that forum...
  8. Arcane

    What's The Hardest Thing About Writing?

    I think the most important thing to remember for those who have problems with world building is that you only have to build as much as what serves your story. There is no sense in detailing the intricacies of the foreign culture across the sea if it will never impact the story you're trying to...
  9. Arcane

    New User A Sack Full of Halos

    For now. I'm between jobs at the moment so I am currently killing time at least as quickly as it's killing me. I have an interview on Monday. Go me. Pretty soon I'll be swimming in that sweet 2nd shift money.
  10. Arcane

    Roleplaying Pet Peeves

    I don't know MMOs but I can deal with future tense in a table top game. At least it belongs there and I only have to listen to it. But could you imagine trying to read a book or even a short story full of that? It would drive me nuts. I'd be on the edge of my seat because I'd be waiting for the...
  11. Arcane

    Roleplaying Pet Peeves

    You've inspired me. This isn't really a peeve so much as something that catches my eye whenever it's used. If you are leaving the house then you are walking to the door and not towards it. Walking towards something implies to me that you are walking in the direction of that something but your...
  12. Arcane

    New User A Sack Full of Halos

    Aye-aye! Thank you!
  13. Arcane

    New User A Sack Full of Halos

    Creating engaging characters and stories are really the fundamentals. I believe if you can do that then there is no genre of fiction that isn't open to you. But science fiction is a tricky beast for me. I can whip up a space opera as well as I can a high fantasy adventure. But once you start...
  14. Arcane

    Bad Work Experiences

    My last job was working for an HVAC distributor/wholesaler. Being a wholesaler, you'd think we only dealt with businesses but being in the trade industry meant we also dealt with individual contractors (or 'one-man-vans' as I like to call them). Our return policy is pretty strict and for good...
  15. Arcane

    Is it ok to burn an american flag?

    I know I'm late to the party but I'd like to weigh in with my own thoughts. I can go out right now and buy boxer shorts imprinted with the image of the American flag. Or swimming trunks, even. I can straight up free ball it in the very image of Old Glory and if my butt's not clean, I might even...