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  1. ChicagoMel


    Luke couldn't stop the flood of memories from when he'd gone through this before. "No. I know there is still good in you. I saw it. You say that Anakin is dead, but I don't believe it." he said. " He did raise his lightsaber, ready for a confrontation, but he was being more defensive than...
  2. ChicagoMel


    Kate watched, intrigued. "Yeah, I think we're good for now." she agreed. "Sorry if we're both a little uneasy, though. I'm sure you can understand why." She looked to John and then back to the robot. "I'll give it the benefit of the he said, we'd be dead by now if you meant any...
  3. ChicagoMel


    @Lucky Kate didn't exactly like the comment much when she caught up to her husband. "Let him be, he's been through a lot. You'd probably react the same way if you'd dealt with what we have."
  4. ChicagoMel


    Luke stopped short as he watched the Luke stopped short as the wave of too familiar dark side energy hit him. A feeling he'd last felt decades before. Memories flooded back. So long ago yet still so vivid. Luke knew he'd be felt in a moment and he unhooked his lightsaber, preparing for a...
  5. ChicagoMel

    Science Fiction Survival-Type RP (and some 1x1 ideas)

    The group rp sounds interesting.
  6. ChicagoMel

    Chasm (Post-Apoc): Recruiting

    Ok. I wish I'd joined sooner...sorry I missed out.
  7. ChicagoMel

    Chasm (Post-Apoc): Recruiting

    Aw this one is full now?
  8. ChicagoMel

    Unpopular opinions!

    Lately it's not popular being a Legends fan in Star Wars fandom and it's disgraceful the way some Disney fans act toward us. I've never seen a fandom turn so divided and downright hateful. Why can't fans just tolerate the fact that not everyone will like everything in a franchise and respect it...
  9. ChicagoMel

    Are people here fine with furs

    Yep. I dabble as a Scalie with my Quetzalcoatlus persona from Dinotopia
  10. ChicagoMel

    D&D #1: Religious Beliefs

    I'm a Baptist Christian and can get opinionated but I don't like to get self righteous or judgmental either...I believe it's the truth but lording it over people or being condemning never is helpful and just makes people hate you.
  11. ChicagoMel

    Dragons and more dragons

    Anyone on Flight Rising? I am. I'm a dragon fan in Pokémon too. Dragon types ftw
  12. ChicagoMel

    What is your greatest weakness as a role player?

    My mild autism. I have to make sure my characters aren't saying the wrong thing or bring blunt when they shouldn't.
  13. ChicagoMel

    New User Hi

    I'm a hurt comfort sucker but overall fandom or sci-fi is cool. I like the post apocalyptic thread I saw.
  14. ChicagoMel

    Whose Your Favourite Fictional Character?

    If you play him here, awesome. I play Luke Han and Leia and occasionally Mara.
  15. ChicagoMel

    Tell me about your pets!

    I have two Goldendoodles, Zoey and Lucy. Zoey is blond and Lucy black and white. Also two cats. Murray is black and Chloe is tortie.
  16. ChicagoMel

    How did you discover roleplaying?

    A wolf rp called Wolf Acres. The site still exists but it's dead. Can't remember how I found it though. I've been doing rp on and off for 16 years.
  17. ChicagoMel

    What fandoms are you in?

    She dragged me into Terminator *points up* -Star Wars Legends (not a Disney fan) -CSI (NY and original) -Bones kinda -Planet of the Apes -Animorphs -Due South -Forever Knight -Dinotopia -Jurassic Park -Pokémon -Roswell -Guardians of Ga'Hoole -Warriors -Highlander Land Before Time LionKing...
  18. ChicagoMel

    New User Hi

    im Mel or MaraJade on Discord. Dark referred me here and I rp with her on Dreamwidth and Insanejournal. I'm from the Chicago area and this looks like fun.
  19. ChicagoMel

    How did you find us?

    Dark told me you were here.