Are your Oc's your Gender?

I write both male and female. I mainly rp females but i step up to rp male just so i have someone to rp with haha
Honestly I've mainly been writing males as of recent despite the fact I am female. I struggle to write girls now, but I'm working on it! I guess it's just a force of habit considering I used to only make female ocs.
Well, I don't recall to any gender at all. But I do get your point of view! I was born female and many of my characters at the beginning were female as well. But soon I began analyzing the minds and actions of males, how others wrote them and how they rped them. So, I just jumped into a male role and tried it out! Honestly, if you are afraid of failure... Failure is nothing bad. It tells you that you tried but you have to do a better job the next time! Also, everyone does mistakes. Don't be afraid and hop right into it.
Some are and others aren't. I used to just write for females, but then I wanted to try something different so I made male characters and years later I'm still doing it.
I've always written female characters as my primary. Then if I want to branch out and practice I'll make characters of the opposite gender. That is an interesting question. I think it might be somewhat rare to find a male role player that will feel comfortable writing a female character. (just based on who I've been able to work with as I remember.)
I feel that depends on the story. There are some settings where you definitely want to lean more towards one gender to tell a character's story that has been shaped by their life up to that point by their gender (obviously not the only factor, but plays a huge role in self-image and how others perceive them) and others where it's up to preference. I generally tend towards female characters, though I don't have a particular preference.
I play mostly females OC's. I have few male's OC's. I'm not great making male's OC's. I'm bad with names.. But I do play both at times.
yes. i am not a woman. therefore ill prolly be offensive by accident if i make any fem ocs
Personally I'm too masculine to make female OC's and when I do they are innocent beans and I take them down later because of someone either ruining that innocence or turning it into something else that is anything but wholesome. Only female OC I have currently is an Archangel named Mavis, who I might post up here later on given I feel comfortable enough..
I have many OC's, with differing genders. I can write both male and female, and I can write both pretty well. However, writing male comes more naturally to me, probably because I'm male, but I'm great at writing both genders.
As a male, I have gravitated towards roleplaying male characters mostly, but that outlook has changed ever since I started GMing for a DnD group. There, the players stumble upon a variety of people, and of course I am portraying them regardless of gender. So having played female characters in our campaign has changed my perception on this, now I look at them as characters first and foremost.
I used to exclusively play male characters, but thanks to some people pranking me helping me out of my comfort zone I've expanded to pretty much be fluent in both male and female characters and have even dabbled with nonbinary - though the last one I've only dipped my toes into so far. Since then, too, I've started GM'ing so I have gotten even more comfortable with it than I was before.
It usually depends on what I am feeling about the roleplay. I can easily write both females and males, which is something that I always tend to do. I like to explore the mind of both females and males in the roleplays that I am in, so I am all for it. Don't think I can respectively write as a non-binary character and won't force my hand at that quite yet. Kudos to the writers who can write those specific characters though. I salute you! :emoji_blush:

Just my two cents.
I tend to have a mixture of gendered characters for roleplays. Some are my actual gender, some are not. It depends on which I want to use for the story itself and which I feel would better fit it. Plus, possible ships with other people's characters also helps to play a role in whichever I make with a gender or lack of, in mind. I got female, male, and non-binary characters and they're all a blast to write.
All my Characters are my gender, Female, I've always been too afraid that I would wrongly portray a another (well I have done a non-binary) and I'm wondering what other people think about it. Have you ever been afraid to be a different gender? do you dabble in all? Or do you prefer to only do the opposite/no gender at all? I'm excited to see what others think, share your thoughts!
This is a wonderfully thought-provoking questions! I actually felt more comfortable writing original characters of my own gender in my earliest stages of writing (at 11-years-old) but very quickly found I was better at writing a more 3-dimensional and well-rounded character while identifying and eradicating what I viewed as harmful societal views about gender identity and gender stereotypes from my own internal dialogue and from my writing.

Interestingly enough, now I feel more comfortable writing original characters of any gender or sexual orientation because I have been fortunate to meet so many unique individuals in my lifetime and explore my own gender, sexuality, and cultural and racial values (I’m multi-cultural and bilingual, there’s no short answers in my heritage).

On the other hand, I must admit I always felt uncomfortable about applying for OCs written by Admins for RPGs. I even feel kinda weird about writing fanfiction some times.
No, I actually only have 2 ocs that are my gender (and 1 is basically just a borrowed oc from a friend lol) other than that, i have a mixture of both male and female ocs, mostly female.
(btw I'm non-binary lol)
Yes and no. I am a transguy (sadly can't continue on my hormones) so I mostly write only male characters since that is my comfort zone. In the last couple years I've gotten to a point I can be comfortable enough to write a couple female OCs and I'm hoping maybe I can grow those two out some more. I have experimented with a few other genders for characters, even developing a gender shifter, with growing comfort but the ones I still can't write comfortably are trans characters and non-binaries, mostly because I write to relax and unwind, and writing such characters feel like a magnifying glass zooming in on my personal life no matter how fantastical the setting.
I usually write female OCs, but I've tried my hand at male OCs a few times. I've never tried with a trans or non-binary character. I'm afraid I'll offend people by portraying them incredibly wrong.
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