Conley Brothers

Outside of had a bucket of water with soap and a hand towel to wash up with. She made sure to wash away all the blood from her hands then let him do the same.

"Where is this creature you have?" She was ready to spring it from a cage whatever it was. She did not like cages. It still angered her Claud was in one but at least he had a whole tent now
Kazimir finished scrubbing clean and dried his hands before turning to lead her. "This way! Its paw was hurt yesterday, but I think I helped it. I could not find Miss Camilla," Kazimir said, leading Adanya toward the lesser populated corner where the small cage stood. "I wish it was not so, but I cannot do much," he sighed wistfully.
Adanya followed him towards the cage. Already not liking what she saw. She hated that tiny cage. "I am sure you did good" she said

As they got to the cage though she stared for a long moment.

Spectra didn't move just stayed laying on the floor of the cage.

Adanya's brow furrowed "this is not creature or animal" she shook her head and stepped closer. Her eyes shifting colors like they did whenever she used her power "this is a person..."
Kazimir thought about what she said for a moment. "Like Claudius?" he finally asked. "That is most sad. But if this one is a person, why was someone better than me not assigned? Why not Camilla?"
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She shook her head "no...not like him...different.." she stepped closer to the cage frowning, only then noticing what Spectra was doing. Both arms were so stiff and sore she could hardly move without pain but she had used one for the thick blunted claw like nails to scratch "Vl" into the wood and had started q third letter
Kaz shifted to follow her gaze, and his eyes widened. "Oh dear," he whispered, suddenly feeling sick. "I... no, how could any do this?" He whispered, reaching out to touch the creature.
Spectra paused in her scratching to look up at him, not flinching away. She didn't bother trying to speak again. She knew she couldn't.

"Kaz..stay here...I think VL is for vlad.." to which Spectra looked at her and nodded faintly
Kazimir nodded and sat on the ground next to the cage. "I will not go anywhere," he promised. He looked in pityingly. "I am sorry I did not know."
Spectra didn't really have any way to respond to him just tried to give him a look to say she understood.

Adanya raced off to find Vlad
Kaz sighed and touched the thing's shoulder gently. What else could he do?

Vlad was working with the unicorns, checking their hooves and brushing them out thoroughly in preperation for tacking them up for today's work.
Spectra flinched faintly but otherwise didn't move.

Adanya slowed as she got closer as nit to spook the unicorns. "Vlad" she callled
Vlad set down Regina's hoof and turned. "Adanya?" he called, puzzled. Adanya had never come to him that he could remember. "Is something wrong?"
Adanya nodded "yes very wrong" she answered. Not totally sure who it was yet but one of Vlads friends for certain. Why else would it had asked for him?
"I'll explain but come please"
Vlad nodded. "Of course." He gave Regina a pat and left her to graze while he followed Adanya. "Is Kazimir in trouble?" he asked, walking quickly. He could not think of why else she had come to get him.
"No" she shook her head "he was given charge of a new exhibit" she hated that word but it was what fit "but I think this creature is your friend...they are not animal. It is a person but so deformed I can't tell...It carved VL into the wood and nodded when I said yur name" she explained hastily as she lead the way to the other two
Vlad didn't say anything, but a sense of dread grew in the pit of his stomach. Could it be? No, that was too horrible to think, but could it be? He dearly hoped he was wrong. His pace quickened, his brow creased in worry.
She lead him quickly to the cage where poor Spectra still just lay on the wooden floor. When she saw Vlad coming she tried to sit up a little but flinched in pain. Both arms pretty much useless
Vlad nudged Kazimir aside gently and crouched. "Hello," he said softly, looking her over. "I know you, don't I?" His voice rang gentle and warm as he slowly worked to see through her new form.
Spectra nodded in response and looked to thr arm still in a sling. The sling he had given to her. Perhaps he might recognize that if nothing else
"The sling...." Vlad closed his eyes, not wanting to see anymore. "Oh, my dear... you went alone, didn't you?" he moaned.

Kazimir frowned, looking between them. "Vladimir, who is this? Where did they go?"