Conley Brothers

"So very soon then" Adanya pointed out. Th4 circus opened early to attract people, particularly on a fine saturday like they were about to have
Vlad let out a short sigh. He looked between Adanya and Kazimir. "We will only get one chance at this. Do you think we can do this in the amount of time we have allotted to us?"

Kazimir nodded firmly. "I believe we can."

Vlad glanced away. "I need to find the twins and speak to them."


The twins, meanwhile, were watching a very interesting lady wander through the circus. She was one of the new people. They tipped their heads and studied her, watching with great interest. She looked distracted. A tiny corner of something that sparkled peaked out of one pocket. They grinned and glanced at each other. In seconds, they ran along, passing on either side of the woman with barely a hint of a brush of wind as they kept going, never missing a stride.

They got it! They ducked into an empty wagon as if they had business there, and Tim looked intently at what Tam had managed to get. Neither of them knew exactly what it was, but it was so pretty and sparkly!

Though not as sparkly as the bracelet Spectra had given them. They looked at the bracelet then at each other guiltily. They had not seen her in a while, but... they had promised. They promised her and Vlad. Vlad would be disappointed in them both for stealing and for getting close to one of the new people. They heaved a sigh. No conversation needed.

The twins climbed out and started walking back toward where they'd passed the woman, their white braids hanging neatly about their faces.
Adanya nodded "it will be no trouble if we go now" she would have to convince her friends to help. Some she wouldn't let roam unattended though. She knew their limits.


Viviana was sticking to thr edges of thr circus. On a patrol really but just as they were coming back towards her she paused and started feeling her pockets. At first casually then a bit more frantically.

What they had snatched was a little glass orb on the rnd of a delicate silver chain.
"Alright," Vlad said with a nod. "Adanya, look after the cats and Felix. Kazimir, watch Keith! And Leon, if you can. I will do my best to keep Marcell's group pointed in the right direction. All of this will be for nothing, though, if I cannot find Time and Tam." He turned to go but paused and looked into the cage. "Hold on, Spectra. Just a little longer."


Tim and Tam glanced at each other then trotted toward her, stopping a safe distance away. "Miss, did you lose this?" Tam asked, holding up the glittering object.
Adanya nodded and darted off to collect her cat friends to help. Perhaps they should have discussed a signal..


V turned and froze "yes" she told them and quickly stepped forward and held her hand out for it "where was it? Did anyone else touch it?"
The twins glanced at each other then Tam leaned forward as far as he could and dropped it into her hand. "We did. No one else did." They edged back, nervous. She was intense!
Viviana relaxed as soon as it hit her palm and closed her fingers around it. "You should be careful about the things you touch. You're very lucky you know"
Ve frowned. She didnt want to scare them. She supposed she just had that effect "because some things have curses on them. But you're ok. You'd know if thr curse touched you" she said and paused "bjt that means you're good"
The twins perked up, instantly calming. "Yes! Vlad says so, even when we are not so good acting," they chirped.

"Tim! Tam!" Vlad called from far down the row.

They glanced past her at him. "Oh, we have to go. We are not supposed to talk to you or your group in case you are dangerous. Vlad says we are to reckless and he worries."
"He is right to worry. Don't approach the others" she told them before backing away to let them go, glancing back over at Vlad as she returned the orb to her pocket
Vlad spotted them and quickly caught up. He gave V a distracted nod as Tim and Tam ran to meet them. "Miss V. Tim, Tam, I have a job for you to do. It's a big job!"

The twins grinned, brightening. "Okay!" They waved to V and followed Vlad away.
V gave them a nod and watched them for a moment. She wondered if they knew how lucky they were.

Those thoughts fled quickly as she heard mundanes screaming. Adanya had let loose some of the animals "accidentally"
Kazimir ran to Felix' wagon and pounded on the door. "Mister Ringleader! Master Ring!" he stuttered.

Leon came out of his wagon, and Keith appeared from somewhere. "What is going on?" Leon sniffed.
In annoyance Felix opened his door "what now?" He snapped, he could hear thr chaos breaking out "what's happened?" He demanded and stepped out past Kaz
"The cats! They got away from Miss Adanya," Kazimir fretted, following him.

"Oh, wonderful!" Leon groaned, striding out. "I'll go to the ticket booth and manage things there."

"Kitty hunt?" Keith asked hopefully.
"No Keith. Go make sure the security team knows not to hurt them. They are far to big a ticket item" he said "I'll need to calm our customers. Go. Quickly!" He snapped befofe shutting thr door behind him and running off to go do his part
Kazimir trotted off after Keith. Leon had taken care of himself, leaving the issue of Keith and the other group.

Vlad lingered a few wagons away, stirring worried mundanes back toward the exits and assuring them that the big, scary cats would not hurt them. His real job was keeping an eye on the two shadows slinking over to Felix's wagon and hiding under it.
So far thr plan was going well. The security team seemed to be distracted. Nobody suspected someone would try and break in to the ringmaster trailer. Nobody was that stupid right? Well..Spectra but besides that incident
Tim and Tam waited to ensure no one was coming. The big cats seemed to be wrecking merry havoc all over the circus and having fun. Tam stayed by the steps while Tim stepped up and carefully opened the door, moving very slowly, his senses on high alert for traces of magic.