Conley Brothers

Spectra sighed "it's notning I can't handle" she insisted. Camilla had enough on her plate with Chib and Adanya now.
Vlad clicked his tongue and shifted closer to her. "Let me see," he said gently. "I am no Camilla, but I do know some first aid."
Spectra sighed and relented, carefully sliding the shawl away to reveal her shoulder and collarbone. The whole area was black and blue, still a bit swollen too
"Oh dear," Vlad frowned, studying it. "That certainly looks broken." He stood and offered her a hand up. "Let's go into the wagon. I'll look at it there where it is more private."
She nodded, not objecting this time. She took his offered hand and stood up, keeping the arm with the broken shoulder tucked close though. She wouldn't be able to preform like this. Felix would not be happy. Spectra and Mimic drew in crowds with their death defying act
Vlad shoed out the twins to go sit with Chib then closed the door. He sat Spectra on the bench and started touching and prodding her shoulder as gently as he could manage. "It feels like a clean break, shockingly enough, so I won't have to set it."
Zhe was better at sitting still tham Adanya but drew in a sharp hiss every time he touched her. Likely fractures on places too. "Chib hits hard" she noted "Felix won't be pleased.."
"It was not Chib's fault," Vlad said, stepping back. He turned and set more water on to boil before reaching up into his highest cupboard. "You will not be able to use that arm for a while, even if Camilla helps with the healing. How are your ribs?"
"Oh I do don't blame Chib for a moment" she assured "my ribs are fine. He only got the one hit in" she sat still and watched him.

"Vlad....I've got to get my wings back..." seemed random to bring up at the moment
Vlad glanced at her as he sorted through various tins. He chose not to answer her about her wings just yet. Instead, he said, "If Felix is upset that you cannot perform, I will gently remind him that it is his own fault," he said in a calm, even tone. "Ah, here it is." He put a bit of three different powders into his teapot and poured in the hot water before putting others into the boiling water still on the stove. Once the herbs and powders he added were simmering away, he carefully layered in three sheets of old cloth and left it to simmer.
Spectra sighed "you know Felix. He doesn't listen to anyone" she frowned and looked out the window, watching as Camilla was coming back with a little glass vial
"I do not care, I will still tell him," Vlad said bluntly. "He does a lot to take care of this circus, but he should be man enough to accept the consequences of his actions." He poured Spectra a cup of tea and handed it to her. "Here. It will not taste good, but drink it all. It will numb the pain and bring down the swelling." He paused for a moment before asking softly, "Why now?"
Spectra accepted the tea "that man is a monster. Not a man at all" she said bitterly before taking the tea "why now for what?" She asked before drinking. The bitterness didn't bother her too much. Or at least she didn't complain
She sighed and looked down at the nearly empty cup of tea "if I don't get them back soon I'll loose all my power and be mortal... i can feel it all draining" she finished the tea and looked up at him "I'm afraid Vlad"
Vlad looked at her, tired and grieving for his friend. He reached out and squeezed her good shoulder gently. "I will do what I can, Spectra, and I will always be here for you, but I truly do not know how you will get them back. Even if you can get into his wagon, everything is hidden. Even so, we can try."


Kazimir looked up and smiled brightly at Camilla. "Welcome back! You missed breakfast."
"You're very kind Vlad but...I don't want toj to put yourself at risk. The children need you" she said but did give him a faint smile "I'll find a way..."


Camilla smiled "that's alright. I'll find something later" she knelt by them "I got an antidote for you Adanya" she daid, turning her attention to her now.

The smaller woman shifted to face her and allowed Camilla to again remove the bandage, doong her best not to move too much but she did hold Kaz's hand again
"Please do not do anything too rash without telling me," Vlad requested. "Even if I am not with you, it will make me feel better to at least know. If that makes any sense."


Kaz gripped her hand gently. "It is strange to have a poisoned blade," he remarked then instantly got distracted. "Oh! It is making promises!" he crowed in delight, watching the glass.
"I may not have time to tell you...if an opertunity comes I will take it" she pointed out. "But I will try if I can"


"Promises?" Camilla repeated without looking over as she focused on once more wiping away than blood and infected puss build up before she could carefully drip the liquid right into the wound.

Adanyas grip tightened and she tried not to jerk away but it stung terribly
"I will take what I can get." Vlad turned and took the simmering kettle off the heat, leaving it to cool a little. While that cooled, he found an old sling one or both of the twins had used at some time or another. "Have you finished your tea?"


"The color circles," he said, pointing to the rainbows on the ground. "I cannot remember their English name." He held Adanya's hand tightly, not flinching away no matter how tightly she gripped.