Conley Brothers

She nodded "Yes" she held the empty cup out to him "thank you for helping...I didn't want to bother Camilla"


Camilla glanced briefly "rainbows" she provided as she continued to apply the liquid, dabbing up anything that leaked out between stitches
"Of course," Vlad smiled. He set the cup aside to wash later then used a pair of tongs to carefully pull out the soaking rags. He wrung them out carefully then folded them into a single neat rectangle. "Let me know if this is too hot." He laid the cloths over her bruised and broken shoulder, shifting them so they covered all of her bruised skin.
She watched him work but didn't complain "it's fine..feels nice actually" she admitted, tilting her head a bit and moving her hair out of the way to make it easier for him to put the rags on
Vlad smiled briefly as he finished his work then tarted using a wider cloth to bind the wet ones in place. "It is what my Bunica used to do for nasty bruises, broken bones, and muscle bruises. They should stay warm for the next hour or so. If you need help taking it off, let me know. In the meanwhile..." He held up the sling.


Kaz looked over to see how Camilla was doing. "How is it now?"
She accepted the sling "I'll be gentle with it" she assured "it hurts less already..could you help me get this on though?"


"Seems to be working..." Camilla said, focusing "nearly done Adanya...I'm sorry it hurts" she said softly as she worked as gently and quickly as possible
Vlad smiled and helped her get the sling on without twisting her arm too much. "How does that feel?" he asked, making a couple of little adjustments.


"Will she see out of that eye?" Kaz asked softly.
"Good" she nodded a little "You're a good friend Vlad. Truly" she smiled and stood

"I..Don't know yet" camilla answered truthfully "I'm doing all I can"
"Do you need anyone to walk you home?" Vlad offered.


"I know you are," Kaz assured her, patting her arm lightly with his free hand. "I know."
"No I can walk just fine. And you shoukd tske it easy. I heard about rhat you did. That's no small amount of magic"

Camilla sighed and set the empty jar aside and cleaned the woune once more "keep this covered. I'll check it again tonight"
Vlad shrugged. "It was needed. Camilla is the one who needs looking after. Look after yourself, please, Spectra. You are a good friend, too."


"You should rest, Camilla," Kaz fretted. "Shall I carry Chib to his wagon and walk you home?"
"I will Vlad...suppose I need to go speak with Felix" she had to tell him she couldn't preform. That would be a fun conversation.


Camilla looked over at Chib "I'll get Mimic to should see Adanya home. She should rest and I'm sure her animals are anxiouse"
"Are you certain you don't want someone with you?" Vlad asked.


Kazimir nodded. "Okay! Adanya, are you ready to go home?"
She hesitated "perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea if you cam...but you sure you're up for it?"


Adanya nodded a little "yes..home..Striker and the otjers need to be fed"
"I can take a little walk, and the twins will come with part of the way. I'll make sure they are busy and distracted before we reach Mr. Conley," he assured her as he stood and made his way to the door.


Kaz nodded and stood. "Can you walk, pretty lady?" he asked Adanya gently.
Spectra nodded and followed him out, pulling the shawl over her shoulders once more both to cover the i jury and keep put thr chill


Adanya nodded "I can walk but seeing is hard" made sense with one eye bandaged
"Then I shall carry Chib! It is not a problem," Kazimir said happily. "Adanya can hold my elbow and follow me."

"Can we go?" the twins chorused.

Vlad stepped down from the wagon and paused. "It appears everyone is leaving, Miss Spectra," he said, amused at the timing. "Was it my tea?"
Spectra chuckled softly "if it's the same tea you gave me. Well could be" she teased before linking her arm with his "not a terrible morning for a stroll besides" a little chill but the sun would soon warm them all up.
Vlad chuckled softly and nodded in agreement. "Tim, Tam, stay out of trouble, please, and either stay with Uncle Kazimir or come straight home."

The twins nodded and bounced ahead gaily.

Kazimir crouched and scooped up Chib, standing again with ease. It should not have been so easy to carry the big man, but Kazimir held him as if he were a child. He offered his elbow to Adanya. "Hold here, Pretty Lady, and I will take you home," he said gently.
Adanya held his elbow, feeling unbalanced with her vision so messed up. She eould trust his lead until she could adjust to this.

Spectra smiled, watching after the twins a moment "such good've done so well with them Vlad"
Kazimir walked to Chib's trailer and only got lost once! The twins guided him back on the right track, and the four of them made it to his trailer without any further issues. The twins stayed out and talked to Adanya while Kazimir tucked Chib into bed. Then Kazimir rejoined them and took Adanya's arm lightly to lead her home.

Vlad smiled fondly and turned toward Felix's trailer. "I hope so. I truly hope so. I will not always be here to look after them, and I can only hope they will be alright on their own."