Faction War RP

This definitely sounds cool. Thanks for the explanation post. Give me a couple hours and I'll see what I can put together based on the civ sheet template. I gotta go into work now (apparently if you want to keep getting money you have to keep showing up - weird).
Expressing interest (particularly for the Tundra area/faction!) but needing time to read through/understand/create everything. Hope there's a spot available!
This is a really cool concept, could I jump in? I'd like to try my hand at a bigger world-building project.

Question about how the story itself would work, though. Because of simple geographical constraints, there wouldn't be a ton of interaction between PCs, would there? I like the idea of everyone getting to design their own nation, but I guess I'm not sure how it'd work.
Yea feel free to claim one of the open biomes.

there is a problem, something that can kill any one of us and if given the time all of us, so we must work a path of our design, do we work as friends? steal and undermine one another to get the resources we need to fight the demon hoard? maybe even use them to kill others. we rp both as the nation itself and important persons that could alter the out come of would be fate.

I am unsure of how GM tends to do it but most rps of this nature have a post order, at the end of the post order [every player makes a post] a length of time passes by like a month, maybe a week. If it ends up being a play by post then i am sure it slows down or becomes focused between the concerned parties in that every post between those parties have headline flagging it as just between those parties with maybe X time in real world to see if some one wants to mess with or inject an element.

Another forum could be made as we rp as smaller spheres of power within our nations though this wouldn't be needed till things got more complex. So we the players make many characters that interact with one another, live and die under our banners. Also pending on how complex he wants to go about it Rping as a group to mess with another group IE Raid party on a small undefended town steals civilians, production of whatever they make plus all product that wasn't sent already, so you could if you wanted raid/ burn farm lands and then starve out a force rather than fight them. you get a bonus product and some slaves [if you take them alive]

Mean sure there is a foe that will kill us all but realistically we still all hate/distrust each other due to a long standing war, while some races/civilizations can forgive and focus on the other threat some may view as the means to get two birds with one stone...so i guess in my mind the fun is the mind games and choices you have to make to seek out whatever goal you have in mind.

Like lets say my group wants to get something from your group but then this one guy is preaching me and mine are all cheats and bastards, Well...now i gotta kill a fker. i have to send an assassin or black mail or conjure up some plot to remove or change his mind. maybe he is a religious figure so killing him out right may cause some sorta backlash, cant do that... cant kill him? then must kill his character. whole rp based on movements, lies and plots with the out come being something that changes the whole board. all while the pressures of outside weigh in.

Buuuut this is my guess work on how this rp may or may not be, gotta ask mr gm! so yeaaah...

Yea you pretty much read my mind here. I'll make more threads for our OOC stuff. I'll spoil the surprise now, your biome selection actually decides the player order. The order is based on the final version of the map, so you'll know soon enough. Posts will probably be 1 month in the story.
As for military, I've worked out a system that I'll post on the Faction military thread.
So each round of posting is a month in the story? I assume there will be breaks where that won't apply, (a meeting between groups of leaders won't take a month of time, even though it's one post rounds).

Also, cause it looks like I'm first in posting order, how is this gonna start off? Are you going to be doing the starter post, then we go into post order, or what?
So each round of posting is a month in the story? I assume there will be breaks where that won't apply, (a meeting between groups of leaders won't take a month of time, even though it's one post rounds).

Also, cause it looks like I'm first in posting order, how is this gonna start off? Are you going to be doing the starter post, then we go into post order, or what?

Actually, Earth has first, the opening post isn't related. I will open the story, followed by earth and so on. After tge last person goes, thats a cycle. After each cycle I post again, forwarding the story. I'm gonna open up a discussion thread for us to better discuss how we want this to run.
Oh, whoever selected biomes first, got it. I thought it was in the order you numbered instead, my bad. I guess we'll see how it goes, then.

I'm sure you could make it work somehow :)
I don't know how to do the spoiler thing so this might take up some space. This is the concept I have, thus far. Let me know if anything doesn't fit in with the map you've created. :)

Faction Name: Penmico

Land: Tundra (Artic)

Government Type: Matriarchal society (similar to the Amazons), led by a long-standing Monarchy. However, the Queen is not the sole decision maker. She must consult with the kingdom’s council who are voted in (by the women, only--they aren’t very progressive).

Capital: Urezzko

People: Humans, elves, and dwarfs. It’s a bit of a mixture, though they all tend to keep to their own cities and villages within. The capital is the most diverse, containing more half-breeds as well as a fairly even mixture of the three above species.
Architecture: Everything is built from stone. There is very little openings for natural lights, unless they can be covered as the weather is often far too cold for anything “open”. Most buildings are built with a strong, thick, foundation. They are built high so that when blizzards come, homes are not buried in the snow for ages. Most (if not all) are built with a door for this kind of thing.

Military: Penmico is accidentally guarded by large, yeti-like creatures. They stand at about 8 feet high and 3-4 feet wide. They’re strong, powerful, and there’s a lot of them; they present a danger when they wander into the villages, but for the most part they mind their own and make a great border for the faction. However, they are not very bright and not very quick. These giant furry guys can easily be persuaded to ignore what’s right in front of them for some nice warm, freshly dead deer--not a widely known secret. There is a Queen’s Guard which consists of a mandatory two year period of servitude from women from 18-20 years old. After that they are free to “retire”. Men and women alike can volunteer at any point starting from the age of 16. Strengths: Organized and well practiced. Weakness; it often consists of a mixture of unwilling and young volunteers all the weakness that comes with discontent and youth.

History: Horses, cows, and fish. Lots and lots of fish. They have to have at least one good relation with another faction to maintain trade because it is next to impossible to grow any plant life which means farming, not an option. There are also deer, but they are more of a decoration. Who knew you could eat them?

Deity: There are 2 major religions in Penmico and several minor religions that have yet to make it past the depths of the school basement (which rotates on a daily schedule for meetings).
  1. Isis - The ideal mother and the patroness of nature and magic. She listens to the prayers of the reach and the poor, the mighty and the weak. The winter solstice is a cause for celebration across Penmico; a week long celebration is held in her honor where everyone brings sacrifice of food, wine, and cattle. The truly devoted fast for that week and by Friday there is a huge feast.
  2. Andromeda - The sister of Isis, the two are constantly at odds. Those worshipping Andromeda are typically skeptical of those who worship her sister, Isis (and vice versa). Because of their dueling personalities, her celebration occurs during the summer solstice; it occurs much the same though, with a week long party ending with a large feast. Andromeda represents freedom and the promiscuous.
I don't know how to do the spoiler thing so this might take up some space. This is the concept I have, thus far. Let me know if anything doesn't fit in with the map you've created. :)

Faction Name: Penmico

Land: Tundra (Artic)

Government Type: Matriarchal society (similar to the Amazons), led by a long-standing Monarchy. However, the Queen is not the sole decision maker. She must consult with the kingdom’s council who are voted in (by the women, only--they aren’t very progressive).

Capital: Urezzko

People: Humans, elves, and dwarfs. It’s a bit of a mixture, though they all tend to keep to their own cities and villages within. The capital is the most diverse, containing more half-breeds as well as a fairly even mixture of the three above species.
Architecture: Everything is built from stone. There is very little openings for natural lights, unless they can be covered as the weather is often far too cold for anything “open”. Most buildings are built with a strong, thick, foundation. They are built high so that when blizzards come, homes are not buried in the snow for ages. Most (if not all) are built with a door for this kind of thing.

Military: Penmico is accidentally guarded by large, yeti-like creatures. They stand at about 8 feet high and 3-4 feet wide. They’re strong, powerful, and there’s a lot of them; they present a danger when they wander into the villages, but for the most part they mind their own and make a great border for the faction. However, they are not very bright and not very quick. These giant furry guys can easily be persuaded to ignore what’s right in front of them for some nice warm, freshly dead deer--not a widely known secret. There is a Queen’s Guard which consists of a mandatory two year period of servitude from women from 18-20 years old. After that they are free to “retire”. Men and women alike can volunteer at any point starting from the age of 16. Strengths: Organized and well practiced. Weakness; it often consists of a mixture of unwilling and young volunteers all the weakness that comes with discontent and youth.

History: Horses, cows, and fish. Lots and lots of fish. They have to have at least one good relation with another faction to maintain trade because it is next to impossible to grow any plant life which means farming, not an option. There are also deer, but they are more of a decoration. Who knew you could eat them?

Deity: There are 2 major religions in Penmico and several minor religions that have yet to make it past the depths of the school basement (which rotates on a daily schedule for meetings).
  1. Isis - The ideal mother and the patroness of nature and magic. She listens to the prayers of the reach and the poor, the mighty and the weak. The winter solstice is a cause for celebration across Penmico; a week long celebration is held in her honor where everyone brings sacrifice of food, wine, and cattle. The truly devoted fast for that week and by Friday there is a huge feast.
  2. Andromeda - The sister of Isis, the two are constantly at odds. Those worshipping Andromeda are typically skeptical of those who worship her sister, Isis (and vice versa). Because of their dueling personalities, her celebration occurs during the summer solstice; it occurs much the same though, with a week long party ending with a large feast. Andromeda represents freedom and the promiscuous.