New User Hello


The Lord of Destruction
Hey everyone, I just wanted to pop in and introduce myself. Names Vandal and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintances.

A bit about myself; I love to read and write. Love it. More than video games, more than TV. I've been RPing for a long time, but it's hard to find a site that doesn't die these days. I'm not sure how I would rate myself as a writer, I'll leave that to you. Unfortunately work can keep me occupied sometimes but I'll always try to make my quota for posts.

As far as genres go, I'm open to most anything so long as the characters are interesting and the plot it solid. I love cyberpunk/sci-fi but fantasy is up there to. Generally I play the disgruntled mercenary or soldier but I can slip into almost any role if I do my homework.

Again, it's my pleasure and hope to weave some interesting narratives soon with you all. If you have any questions, don't hesitate.

Take care.
Hello Vandel, welcome to the site;)
Looking forward to role playing with you in the future.
Hope ya enjoy yo stay here.
Thanks Marcsun, appreciate the welcome. And look forward to writing with you as well.

Hey Aiden, gotta start somewhere man. *Noobfive* To fresh meat!
Hey Vandal!

Nice to talk to you! You'll have a great time here I'm sure :3

Sounfs like you have a great choice of places to jump to in the roleplaying world! I look forward to possibly writing with you one day! :D

Just to let you know, if you havent read the approval process yet, we have an account approval process. You've done the first step of writing an introduction. Next is to post in the community and get to know other users and interact. We have a chat too. The Main Lobby, Writer's Circle and Creative forums are great places to start.

If you need any help, let us know!

And have fun!

Thank you very much Blobfish, Im sure I did too. From what I've seen the place looks interesting and I hope to bring some interesting ideas and rps to the table.
Welcome to Storyteller's
You earned my respect for directly addressing Cream as "blobfish".

I usually don't start ruffling feathers until my first week... But screw it.

Thanks for the welcome man
Well met Blobfish. XD

Thank you for the welcome Kian, I look forward to it as well
Hello Vandal, it's a pleasure to meet you. I do hope you enjoy your time on STC. Though in all honesty, after seeing you call Cream 'Blobfish' I'm more than certain that you're going to have a very enjoyable time here. ^^

It's always nice to meet another reader. Mind me asking what books you've recently read? Also fantasy is one of my most favorite settings though more sci-fi themes like cyberpunk are great too as there is a lot one can do under those themes. Anyways, here are some many links that might help answer whatever questions you might have about Storytellers Circle and it's rules. Though if further help is needed I'm always willing to help, but again I'm more than sure that you'll do just fine here. :p

For starters, you can find the site rules here, just so you know the general rules of the site. Please be sure to read them if you haven’t already. Another important thing would most likely be both the ”Welcome Please Read Before Posting” and ”Account Approval Information” threads and “Our Comprehensive Website Guide” since they both are quite helpful in answering some questions you might have or questions that you might have in the near future as they both help you in getting to know the site’s functions, features and what we expect from our members. Another cool thing is that Story Tellers Circle is ALWAYS updating, so be sure to check out our Site Announcements Forums to know what new features and updates are happening directly after they happened. If you have any questions on anything or have great ideas for STC please check out our Help Desk Forum Section and, should there be no threads of your idea already posted, share us your ideas for the site or ask us about whatever issues you might have. For Rules or Help you can also click on the tabs at the top of the page should you ever need it. Otherwise, check out the ”Meet The Staff” thread, which lists all staff members that posted in the thread or check the Staff list within the ‘Members’ tab in order to know ALL the staff members. Each and every one of us are free whenever we’re online and we’ll always be glad to take a PM whenever asked for help.
Hey Jewgon, thank you very much for the welcome. The community seems pretty chill, I think me and y'all will get along. For the most part. LEL.

Recently I just reread The Road. I don't care for all of McCarthy's novels but I think that's a goddamn powerful tale. I'm probably going to start reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep again, seeing how I just watched Blade Runner yesterday. That or Children of Men lol.
Hi Vandal! How do you feel The Road (novel) compared to the movie? I mean, usually movies don't hold a candle to the book, however if viewed as a completely separate method of storytelling, they can have their own merits. I'm just curious on how you think.
Hey there Scribbles, a pleasure to meet you.

Was the movie better? I've yet to find a movie where that is the case. Is The Road one of my top 5 movies? Absolutely.

There's only so much that can be translated over to the silver screen, and I understand that. Like they couldn't add the scene from the book where they stumble upon an infants remains. That was depressing enough to just read about it. Seeing it? I'd likely have broken down. But the movie captured the bleak and hopelessness of the novel perfectly. Vigo and the kid, there interactions where masterfully done. And seeing the landscape as envisioned by the director was superb. It's one thing to read about the horridness of the situation, but to see it gives new definition.

And the score? Goddamn. I own the sound track to that movie and often listen to it when I'm writing something bleak to help set the tone.

Any movie that moves the author to tears during the screening is top notch in my book.

Again, it's extremely moving to see man try to maintain his dignity and humanity in the face of true horror. It's thought provoking as hits you at a subconscious level. Those are the stories that will remain relevant hundreds of years from now.
Hello and welcome to Storyteller! Yeah roleplay has definitely declined recently at least it felt like that for me when I was looking for a site to join but luckily I found this site =)! I did however enjoy roleplaying on WoW for a while it was interesting to say the least =)! I hope you will come to enjoy the site and if you have any questions or need any help please feel free to pm me!