New User Hello

Sup Draco, welcome to the site;)
If ya have any questions don't be afraid to ask.
Hope ya enjoy your stay here.
Hello Draco, welcome to STC. Don't worry too much about sounding Awkward, I personally hate introductions myself though you've done well enough. If you need any help just ask me.

Of course you're here to RP so I'm curious, what are your favorite genres/settings and how long have you RPed thus far? New or old we welcome all types of RPers and are glad to have you. Do you read any books? Any other interests? That sorta stuff.

Either way, in case you need it here is a few links to help you around the site and again, if you need any form of help, all you need to do is ask. ^^

For starters, you can find the site rules here, just so you know the general rules of the site. Please be sure to read them if you haven’t already. Another important thing would most likely be both the ”Welcome Please Read Before Posting” and ”Account Approval Information” threads and “Our Comprehensive Website Guide” since they both are quite helpful in answering some questions you might have or questions that you might have in the near future as they both help you in getting to know the site’s functions, features and what we expect from our members. Another cool thing is that Story Tellers Circle is ALWAYS updating, so be sure to check out our Site Announcements Forums to know what new features and updates are happening directly after they happened. If you have any questions on anything or have great ideas for STC please check out our Help Desk Forum Section and, should there be no threads of your idea already posted, share us your ideas for the site or ask us about whatever issues you might have. For Rules or Help you can also click on the tabs at the top of the page should you ever need it. Otherwise, check out the ”Meet The Staff” thread, which lists all staff members that posted in the thread or check the Staff list within the ‘Members’ tab in order to know ALL the staff members. Each and every one of us are free whenever we’re online and we’ll always be glad to take a PM whenever asked for help.
Most people are at least a bit awkward at Introduction's, you're fine. :p
Besides, you're a Shadow Dragon! If things get too bad just burn down a village and then vanish.

Also, I tend to like asking newcomers some ice breaker questions, might help with the awkwardness.

1. What is your favourite RP Genre?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. What is the most effective way to slay a dragon?
thanks for the warm welcome
my favorite rp genre is medieval fantasy with some action
favorite books to read is the inheritance series by Christopher Paoloni, The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind, and the Xanth series by Piers Anthony.
I like to play guitar, cook, write, read, listen to music, rp, and play games ( mostly historical games like Samurai Warriors or Dynasty Warrioirs for example)
I'd say lure the dragon into a cave and drop the cave on it