Heroes: Recruiting

Okay Awesome! Here is what I have then :)

Name: Techna

Name: Solas Nua

Age: 18

Appearance: Techna wears a Rouge/Thief like outfit that is made with various amounts of stolen tech hidden within it. It looks similar to this outfit:
Click Here!

Appearance: Solas stands at about 5'5" and has long red hair that she usually has pulled into a single braid that falls down to her hip. She often has a bright green ribbon threaded through her braid. She has bright green eyes and pale skin. She has a small amount of pale freckles upon the bridge of her nose and on her shoulders, hips, and forearms. She often tends to cover them with makeup though as she isnt fond of her freckles.

Super Power: Can 'speak' to and command electronics. Technological Super Genius.

Equipment/Training: She always has a pair of animal-type robots that she uses for her personal missions or to protect her should anything happen. She usually has a large dog robot and generally a smaller bird-type robot.

She has only basic self-defense training for hand to hand combat. Most of this is something that triggers unconsciously for her so she doesn't tend to control her self-defense tactics and they tend to trigger when people touch her, otherwise she doesn't know much for self-defense.

Her hero suit has various tech taken from various sources, most of them stolen. She has tech within her cloak that is similar to batman's tech in his cloak as it spread out like wings and allows her to glide around rooftops. She has various disabling technology pieces within her belt, things like adhesive bombs, smoke bombs, and tracker bots. She doesn't carry anything more then a few daggers as offensive weapons in her suit as she isn't fond of actually hurting people.

Weakness: Solas isn't incredibly strong and can be easily overpowered by a physically more powerful foe. She can also have her powers backfire should the will of the machine or robot she tries to command is greater then her own. This happens most often with machines and robots with advanced AI or when a human mind is controlling the machine (Such as cyborgs and those with mechanical limbs and the like.)

Other Skills:

Solas doesnt have much of a background to speak of because she cant remember anything from before she was 13. She had been found unconscious in a park and had been taken to a hospital where it seemed they could not find any information on her. She had then been put into the system and then into a foster home. It wouldnt be until she started school that she realized that she was far smarter then anyone else her age and then soon after she found her ability to command technology.

When she was 15 she created her first robots and then a year later she would create her alter-ego Techna and begin to quietly steal various amounts of Tech from various sources so that she may upgrade her robots. Techna started small and for the most part stayed off the radar of anyone important, such as those super heros in the justice league. It wasn't until she got a bit cocky and began stealing from bigger names in the hero business that she finally got caught. While Techna was no villain, as she had never hurt anyone with her thieving, only incapacitated them, she was still technically a criminal and Cyborg had been the hero that had come after her.

Cyborg had seen Techna's potential and had offered her a spot in the YJL instead of taking her to jail. Solas wasnt much of the hero type, as she wasn't too keen on putting herself in danger for others but she didn't want to go to jail either (though she figured she would probably have no trouble getting out if she really tried.). So She agreed and took most of her technology and robots with her to the YJL, wondering how long she would actually stay and what technology she might be able to gain.
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