Departing I'm Done


New Member
Alright, here's the deal: I joined this website over two weeks ago, my first post being on the 31st of December since that's where the rules told me I was supposed to post for the approval process. I still cannot post anywhere that I want to because I joined this website to rp, not to chat with random people online. *Gasp* Big shocker there, I know. I get that it was right after the holidays when I joined, but it's now mid January and I still can't rp. And yes, I've seen another post like this and what people are telling them is to "interact wherever you can" but I can't. The purpose of this website is to rp for god's sake. No one that wants to rp even looks at the other threads. And I keep seeing rps I actually WANT to do, BUT because I can't post on their thread that I want to do it SINCE I'M NOT APPROVED I DON'T HAVE A WAY TO TELL ANYONE THAT I WANT TO RP THAT THEY'LL SEE. Whether or not anyone believes it, I AM done. I will check this over today and tomorrow, maybe onto Tuesday if I'm in a good mood, but if nothing is done about it, I will not be a part of this community. What's the point of it if I join for what it advertises but CAN'T ACTUALLY DO THAT?
Oooh. Hang on for a few minutes. I'm sure somebody is looking at it. By the way give a yell. If your into one on ones I'll be more than happy to see if there is something we can work on together.
Well sorry if I don't really want to wait a few minutes since I've been waiting 15 days already. I'd be alright to rp with you, in fact, none of this is towards other members because they have nothing to do with this. My thing is that I've posted my situation in the forums I can advertising my own rp, but no one sees them because if they're looking for rp, they're not in those forums.
Did you read the help tab? It shows the protocol for becoming a full fledged member so that you can present your role plays in areas where members would see them.
Yes I have, and that post went up the same day I joined, people commented on it, I replied, and anything else I found interesting enough to comment on that I had rights to- none of which were rps- I commented on.
It seems the only posts that you've made are in your own introduction thread and in this thread. The posts before that were all made on the day you joined, and we haven't heard from you since.

Perhaps it's inconvenient to some to be going into the community forums (Main Lobby, Creative Forums, etc.) before you can go RP, but it's a process that's done to make sure people don't just dive headfirst into RP without knowing anybody else in the community or even knowing what you're getting into, per se. 15 days of practical inactivity means that nobody has heard from you besides one introduction. It took me less than a day to get approved, and I spent most of my time in the main lobby or in the chat. It was relatively painless for me, and I know for some others it was a little bit longer, but the key here is activity.

I'm really sorry that you're not getting what you wanted from this site, but we encourage you to give us a try. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work, and no grudges will be held for it.
I couldn't care less about knowing other people because that's not what I'm here for. *If I'm allowed to say this without making people mad* I know it makes me sound like a bitch, but I didn't join this to talk because honestly, I have my own life and so does everyone here. I can't even remember when I first started rping anymore because it was so long ago, all I know is that it was at least the summer before my first year of high school because I went to school and taught a few people what it was, so maybe they need a question that asks if you know what to expect in rps or not and then go from there. Rp for me is more of a "I don't want to talk to real people, I just want to write without doing it by myself because sometimes I'm not very creative" thing. I joined over my Christmas break, which I spent most of researching and getting supplies for a competition that is now two (ish) weeks away and I'm not even done with it yet, so sorry if I don't spend a ton of time in threads that I don't care about whatsoever. Honestly, I just decided to give it time because I figured it was right after the holidays and that people were busy and then I got slammed with school work the minute I got back. I don't want to talk to people, I want my character(s) to interact with theirs.
I understand why you're pained by this. I'm swamped with a lot of work and school myself. I won't tell you that you're wrong for what you're feeling, because it's how you feel. However, some of the other players here would prefer to know who they're roleplaying with before they jump into it with them.

Of course, this isn't my place, since I'm not a staff member. But, if you do decide to stay and post around a little bit in the Main Lobby, approval shouldn't take much longer than a day, and the RPs we have here are tons of fun. I'm sorry, but posting around is pretty much the one way to get approved, and it isn't (in my opinion) that huge of an obligation. We also have the chat at the bottom of the page if you're interested. I do genuinely hope you'll stick around!
Hello Regina and I am sorry to hear that you're having this issue. I know you do not wish to be super involved in the community as far as talking to people and we all understand that sometimes you just do not wish to talk to people. But like you already know the fastest way which was already mentioned to get approved is by posting in the Main Lobby. I joined around Dec. 30th and all I did was post an introduction and post on a couple of threads in the main lobby and about an hour later I was accepted. Some of those threads don't really require you to get to know people most of them are topics you can relate to or give answers to. The main reason we have this setup the way we do is because we do not want someone who just joins and jumps into a roleplay and then leaves all of a sudden for either forever or for a long time due to many reasons. Usually people who get involved with the community tend to stay a lot longer so that is why the account approval is set this way. I am sorry however that you been waiting a long time to get approved.

Once you get approved however you can post whatever you want and be able to jump into the roleplays you desire! And at that point you never again have to interact with people other than with your characters! Here is a couple of threads in the main lobby that might interest you and help get your account approved! Although I do hope to see you around the chat sometime and try to interact with the community at your own pace =)!

I see that you are indeed in school so maybe this will be an easy topic for you to post in to help get your account approved!

And we all have roleplay experience and if you wish to say anything about one of your roleplay stories or experiences you can post about it in here!

And I know everyone has seen a funny video one time or another in their life so you can share one you have liked in the past or even now!

I hope posting in any of these will help you get your account approved! And I do hope you will stay here with us and enjoy the fun times of roleplay! If you ever have any other questions or need any help feel free to send me a message and I would love to help you out!
Hey there. I just read over this and first let me say that I understand your frustration, but I'm going to answer this honestly and truthfully.

Not all websites offer the same services, or the same atmosphere, or the same policies and rules. There is no one website that is the perfect ideal for every single person. This is why there are many different options available. Everyone looks for something different.

That said, you're looking for a place where you can just roleplay and have no interest in community, but you have chosen a website that openly advertises that we put community foremost. This is our focus as a website and it has been outlined in our rules from day one that this is the case. The post on the help forum was later added for clarification, but the focus on community has always been present and outlined.

That this isn't what you are looking for is fine, but knowing this is what we are about and what we offer, and then getting upset that you aren't aproved because you haven't made any motions to engage with the community is going to accomplish little.

We fully understand not everyone values community interaction, and we don't begrudge them that. But there are other sites available that don't have any emphasis on community that are more than available for those individuals. Just like our site is available for people who do value community interaction.

I can't help but feel your frustrations stem from trying to force a square through a circle.

If you don't like what the site offers or what it asks of people joining, no one is forcing anyone to be here. Angry postings about it are not necessary.