Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Lutetia City: Audrieu

Alysa cringed a little at Aoife’s words, knowing that while she meant the best, it probably would not be taken as such. Her fingers ran through her hair as she stretched out her body, hating how tense she was at that moment. The Scion was most definitely in need of a massage, that was for sure. Maybe after the meeting, she would sneak away and get one at the nearby massage place. Returning her attention back to the situation at hand, she tuned back in time for Rowan to tell the druid to get out.

“Damn it.” Alysa muttered, jaw clenching in slight annoyance. What was it about her that appeared to be a constant failure in the eyes of Rowan? It was incredibly damning to her self-esteem, more than she wanted to admit. Shaking her head, she tugged her cell phone out again and turned the sound back on, peering at the last text she had received from her boss.

“You said you wanted fresh meat. I brought you fresh meat. Granted, the last one I brought went insane and we had to kill her and the male I bit disappeared… but still.” Alysa cringed again, realizing those two things weren’t really helping her out any. Sighing, she just nodded at Rowan. “I understand. I’ll try not to miss any more calls and will do the job as ordered.”
Aoife chuckled softly and lifted her hands above her shoulders.

"Oi'll leave, if tha's what ya want, but Oi figured a proud old alpha like yerself might have wanted to try to be an ally. Oi'd even offered the lass here formal druid's trainin', if she had the knack fer it." The woman shrugged and grabbed for her jacket, reaching within herself at the same time.

She knew that using her own reserves was always more inherently dangerous, because once it ran out, she'd be tapping her life force instead, but it was more capable and responsive. Just as she grabbed the neck of her jacket, Aoife let the energy she'd gathered release, shedding it through her skin.

For a brief moment, the scent of fresh pine needles overwhelmed everything else in the room, fading as the druid's skin began to glow. Dim at first, it grew in intensity, wisps streaming off her body like flames. Beneath the more flashy effects, her muscles grew subtlety larger, and she gave a relaxed sigh.

"After all, as much as your kind has had a bad reputation, there's always a chance to fix it back up." Aoife's voice bore no trace of her accent, save for the barest hints at the edges of her words.
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There was a flash in Rowan's eyes at Alysa's response. Just a simple glance that faded as fast as it had come. He turned to fully address the druid, coming to his full height and his eyes glowing slightly. He was quite intimidating, although he seemed relaxed still. It was the cautious calm before the storm that Rowan was well known for. Rowan had always been ruthless, unforgiving as a leader to anyone who crossed him. And the druid was gaining Rowan's attention in the wrong way.

"Our reputation is none of your concern. Now.." He moved closer to Aoife, slowly putting himself between the misguided pup and her new found friend. "I'm not usually one who repeats himself, but seeing you're new to this place.. Clean your ears out, I will not ask again. Get the fuck out of my sight." He turned to Alysa. "You. Stay. We are going to 'talk'."
Alysa basked in the scent of pine, loving how it reminded her of nature and of a simpler time. She made a mental note to go out running through the forest the moment she got the chance, but that seemed as if it wouldn't be any time this century at the rate her foot kept being shoved into her mouth. Cringing yet again at Aoife's words, the Scion did not expect the meeting to go this way. Perhaps if she would have answered her phone, Rowan would have been in a better mood. Or maybe she should have told the druid not to say the things that had been said. Either way, it didn't matter and it took every ounce of her self-control to keep from backing away from her boss the moment he stepped between her and Aoife. She said nothing, but did shoot the female an apologetic look and mouthed that she was sorry. The expression disappeared and her mouth shut the second Rowan looked back at her and she could only nod, not trusting herself to open her mouth again. Something told the redhead that she was going to get her ass beaten again.
Gabriel's mood, as he came to the safe-house at the end of the trail, was a mixture of relief to be among family, confusion at what he'd come across, and irritation, that someone had managed to so monumentally fuck up.

A short while ago, he'd walked out of prison, released on exemplary behavior. With no immediate needs to attend to, he'd stuck his hands in the pockets of his jeans and started walking across the city for the casino, pausing only long enough at a small shop to pick up a pack of his particular brand of smokes, unfiltered clove cigarettes with a whiff of pine about them, and a matchbook. Lost to an inner peace at coming home, his surprise on finding the affair that had become of the casino was most unwelcome, even as he nonchalantly passed on the far side of the street, the reek of a large amount of recent spent gunpowder still heavy in the still air.

Once out of sight, he had ducked into the alleyways, searching about for traces of the Scions that managed to get away, spending a fair amount of time identifying trails before settling on the one that seemed to have the most passing, meandering his way along it until after several hours of walking, saw the familiar place where he had assumed correctly that his pack had fled to.

Casting a simple glamour on his fresh cigarette to obscure the sight of the smoke, he lazily sauntered in, letting the scent of his habit waft ahead to announce his presence.

Arriving in the main room, he took a heavy drag that finished the smoke, dropping it to the floor to crush underfoot. The wolf was tall, just over six feet, and had the weight to make his height all the more intimidating, his frame solid, arms below the ends of his plain t-shirt thick with coiled muscle. A roughly chiseled face somehow managed to convey both glare and smirk, shocking blue eyes set amidst the most unremarkable countenance. A thin scar etched across the left eye, and his hair was lazily swept back, dark brown streaked with grey.

"The fuck happen while I was away? And more to the point, who's arse is my foot going up for letting it happen?"
"Considering its your kind that have slandered the good name of we Druids, I'd say your reputation is very much of my concern, Mister Rowan. By the spirits, ye've even got a tree for a name. Come to terms with it, and with me, cause I'll not be gonna anywhere anytime soon." She smiled and bowed, filling every movement with sarcastic intent, before spinning and walking out.

Only to very roughly and, more importantly, unintentionally, run into Gabriel. She paused for a moment, confused and out of sorts with having not heard him come in, but she recovered quickly, rising to a sudden burst of anger that had been prodded into a blaze by the magic surging through her body. The normally rational woman made a noise of disgust and went to shove Gabriel out of her way, expecting her enhanced body to overcome any simply brute strength in his body. As she moved her hand, swinging her arm, the glow around her became more prominent.
Gabriel glanced downwards slightly, eyebrows raising slightly as the woman bumped into him. He almost scoffed as the woman raised her arm with the obvious destination of his chest, but quickly sidestepped as nose and eyes recognized the touch of magic. Turning with the step, he gestured with his arm mockingly.

"The way is open, little spitfire. You could just ask."

The man didn't even try to hide the smirk on his face.
Rowan had not noticed the scent that wafted in the air, his anger peeking at the druid's mockery and had started for her. He was not going to stand for someone, whom he had just met and abruptly started making demands and questioning the position of the leader of the pack, HIS pack, walk out of here unscathed. Magic user or not, Rowan shed his jacket and was in the process of pulling his shirt off to give Aoife exactly what her words had bought her.

The other male voice caught Rowan's attention almost immediately, his eyes glowing bright blue as he was near to shifting. Rowan hesitated only slightly. "She dies, Gabriel." He barked his order before ripping the rest of his shirt off and began to shift.
Gabriel's voice had sparked recognition in more than one pair of ears, as one of the doors further upstairs had swung open shortly after his arrival. By the time Aoife started to leave, Jason was stepping out into the same hallway into which she'd emerged. The younger werewolf's hair was mussed from having recently roused himself from slumber, and wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and some bloodstained bandages that he was in the process of removing as he made his way down the stairs. Whatever injuries the bandages had covered seemed to be fully healed.

He came to a halt upon seeing Gabriel, forming a grin of recognition that promptly faded as Aoife made to shove past him and he caught Rowan's words from the other room.

"Suppose that's one way to limber up after a long nap," he muttered, snorting and stepping fully into the hall to block the druid's path with his broad frame. "Don't know who you are or what you did, lady, but sucks to be you."

A pause, and he jerked his head at Gabriel in acknowledgement with a smirk. "Welcome back by the way, old timer."
“Oh fuck.” Alysa’s voice was barely above a whisper, eyes wide at Aoife’s words. The meeting was going quickly going downhill and she could only begin to imagine what Rowan was going to do to her for bringing the Druid to him. She watched as her not-friend walked out or rather stormed out of the room, knowing she would probably never see her again, which really was a disappointment. About to call out for her to wait outside, the teen smelled an old familiar scent and swore a second time.

Why today…? Her thoughts were internalized and she tensed up as the Druid and Gabriel encountered each other. Running her fingers through her crimson locks, she swore a third-time sensing Jason also converging upon the group. Why the hell was her luck so shitty? Snapping her eyes open at Rowan’s words, she gasped loudly.

“Wait! She’s just upset about things. She doesn’t mean anything! She doesn’t understand how things work! Please don’t kill her.” The minute the words were out, Alysa snapped her hand over her mouth and backed away from the shifting Rowan, eyes widening even more at her idiocy.
Aoife looked up at Jason, her vivid green eyes flashing amber for the briefest of moments. She seemed to register that he was there, but otherwise take no note of what he'd said. What was important is that she had stopped to take a moment and look at him. For a moment, she seemed to have an interest in getting past him, but it passed like lightning.

"It would appear I've got to go the other way then." She lifted her chin slightly, then turned and stalked back into the room, intent on going through it, one way or another. Seeing Rowan in the midst of his shift, she lifted both arms across her chest, then snapped them to her sides. With the motion, both of her forearms wreathed themselves in pale blue flames, flickering to red at their very tips. There was a scent of ozone in the air as small arcs of electricity flashed between her flexing fingers, and the heat from the fires around her bare-skinned arms was palpable and intense at such short distances.

"Ye've asked me ta leave, and I'm tryin' to, but yer boys're in the way," she said, her accent more pronounced than before. "Now ye consign me ta death, so if 'tis you who wants a brawl, then a brawl ye'll get. I've needed to let loose the elements for some time now, and you seem as good as any others to take the punishment, Tree-wolf."

The druid dropped into an extremely low crouch, one hand pushing through the fire and lightning in her hand and around her wrist to touch the ground for balance, the other held behind her, as if gripping an invisible staff. She bowed her head and looked up at Rowan finished his shift from man to beast, and the air where a staff would be coalesced into a length of what appeared to be very solid fog.
A crooked grin showed on Gabriel's face as he jammed a hand in his pocket, pulling a couple of stones from it. "Good to be back, pup."

One of the benefits of having a few years to be relatively still was the time to think, to focus the body and mind. With no real need to work his craft in prison, the wolf had instead collected several stones from the prison yard, channeling power into small chunks of quartz, storing power in the magical equivalent of batteries for when he might need them. Of course, which such a substandard material, he'd only managed to charge five such stones.

But with such an opportunity before him, the sacrifice of two for the sake of minimal bloodshed seemed worth the while. Rowan was a workaholic sometimes, and it seemed whoever had been standing in for him had forgotten to remind their boss that he needed to relax from time to time. His free hand curled, fingers tracing a rapid series of motions through the air, while his mind focused on intent, reaching for the power he'd stowed away. Calmly he reached for the emotions he sought, projecting them into the spell, felt the energy flow seeth. As it boiled to crescendo, he quickly tossed a stone to his other hand, leveling two fingers at both Aoife and Rowan.

He released the spell, rapidly improvising what was normally a hex to incite rage into a charm that transformed rage into a far different burning need. If the full power of the stones backing the spell was enough to force its way through the veil of anger, it would change the intent behind it, no longer the need to punch and clash, to bite and tear, but instead the need for a far more intimate struggle of wills. He mentally lamented only for a moment at the loss, the woman's ass passing him by had been exquisite even in the sharp movements of an irate stride.

Not willing to bank on the spell he was already coming to think as 'Angry Lovers' Quarrel', he flicked the dust of the broken quartz from his hands in th same motion as shifting first one, then the second, into powerful claws, grinding his jaw as he shifted his teeth into fangs.
While Gabriel was working his hocus pocus nonsense, Jason pushed off of the wall and strode around to the doorway. He took in the scene within with a scowl, Aoife's aggressive stance and Rowan's just-finishing shift, and drew the only conclusion he felt he needed to. He didn't concern himself with what effect the spell might have had, or with Alysa's pleas. Instead, he lunged forwards, making to grab Aoife's wrist - or whatever part of her he could reach - twisting it and wrenching her upwards, potentially plucking her entirely off the ground with his close to seven foot bulk. The druidess might be surprised at the strength he exhibited, for even by werewolf standards, Jason was monstrously strong.

Whether or not his attempt to grab her succeeded, his next move was a simple one. Balling up his other hand, he swung it in a vicious sucker punch for the back of the woman's head. A faint ruby glow pulsed through the veins of his arms as he swung, putting enough force and speed behind the blow to crush bone.
Black fur had begun to sprout from the man's skin, ignoring everything the druid had said. There was only one thing on his mind, and that was to kill that woman.

Well, it was the only thing on his mind.

Suddenly the urge to rip her body to shreds shifted in the most awful sensation imaginable. It was still a lust, but that lust no longer called for her head on a platter, but for her entirely. It stopped the man mid-shift, and his bright blue eyes shot up to Gabriel. "You cunt." He snarled in his half shifted state. He tried to find the rage again, the need to kill the druid, trembling in the desire not to give into the whatever spell his former second hand decided to place on him. However, it would seem it was a losing battle as his body slowly began to shrink back to his human state.
When Aoife came back into the room, Alysa felt her heart in her throat, fearing the worst for her newfound friend. Things were getting tense and her back hit the wall just as the Druid’s forearms were wreathed in flames. This was not good, not good at all. Her eyes snapped between her boss and Aoife and she slid back into a corner, not wanting to get into the way. She was in deep enough shit as it was thanks to her mouth.

Let her go… please let her go… just go… go… Her words were chanted internally and she felt her body tensing up, the urge to shift and flee stronger than it had been in a very long time. Granted, she knew the nature of the beast shortly after becoming a member of the pack and she had been with them for a very long time, but deep down, she wasn’t the same as the rest of them and perhaps that was why she struggled so much. Frowning, Alysa bit on her bottom lip and thought about running, but knew better.

The redhead watched as Gabriel did something before Jason strode forward to grab at Aoife. Knowing better than to try and get in the way, she couldn’t help but hope that the druid was strong enough to win against the three of them, though that wasn’t a likely scenario. When Rowan called Gabriel a cunt before slowly returning to his human form, Alysa realized that a spell must’ve been done. There was still the issue of Jason and Gabriel though, which could go either way depending on what Rowan ordered. Either way, she wasn’t about to draw any attention to herself, attempting to be as invisible as possible in the corner she was crouched in.
Aoife shut her eyes, their color shifting from green to amber as she did so, then dropped her back hand and swung it around her, the staff dissipating into a burst of fog. The momentum of her swing, as augmented as her muscles were by the magic coursing through her, sent her into a forward roll, which brought her square in front of Rowan. She reopened her eyes, the irises a mix of green and amber as her magic retreated.

She grew less toned, the extra strength of her magic relaxing like a sigh. The elemental energy wrapping both her arms faded and flicked into nonexistence, and her breath was heavy, as if she'd just fought a hard battle. Within her, any and all aggression she'd felt was very rapidly shifting to something she'd not been expecting. She knew that battle could sometimes incite such feelings, but it was normally a thing for afterword. Standing there, no more than a few inches from Rowan, she looked up into his piercingly blue eyes, her own finally returning to their natural, vivid green.

"You an' Oi are gonna do it, aren't we?" He voice was quiet, only really loud enough for Rowan to hear, her eyes looking at his face desperately. Despite the feelings and emotions racing around her, a small part of her mind realized that this was anything but normal. That small part locked away the information for later, joining the rest of her in her desires. Without warning, she reached both hands up to the sides of Rowan's face, pulling him to her quickly to kiss him fully. She let go of him for a moment, then turned and looked back at the others.

"Oy! Can we get a little privacy here?"
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"Well, you did ask for her to die. Not my fault you didn't specify. It's probably been ages for you anyways, so enjoy it, thank me later."

The cavalier tone of his voice did nothing to disguise the laughter threatening to burst through his ear to ear grin. Snapping his fingers a couple times at the request for privacy, he pointed at the two other Scions, beckoning as his grin became even more wicked. "Alright pups, either you're too naïve for this scene, or it's been done to death before. Out, and then you can catch this old bastard up on how things have been so monumentally fucked up since I've been in the slammer."

Stepping back from the doorway, he gestured back down the hall, waiting for the younger wolves to follow.
Jason growled at Aofie's dodge of his swing, and was about to advance on her again when Gabriel spoke. His eye twitched slightly when the older wolf snapped his fingers, and he turned to face him with a snarl. "Don't snap your fingers at me old man, and don't give me orders. I'm not your pup, and you're not the second any more, don't think you can walk in and start acting like it." Jason's words were laced with warning aggression, his temper flaring at the audacity of the veteran wolf to order him around. He took orders from nobody except Rowan, and that wasn't about to change.

"Unless you want to challenge me for your place back, grandpa, I suggest you get your head around that fact." The towering young werewolf gave a dismissive snort, and turned back to Rowan and Aoife, awaiting a signal from Rowan himself as to whether he still wanted the druidess' head. After a moment, his eyes slid to Alysa. "And you don't move anywhere either until Rowan says you can leave," he snapped.
Rowan was still bent over, kneeling to the ground as the druid forced a kiss on him. Needless to say, it wasn't exactly welcome, but at that moment it also wasn't unwelcome. His thoughts were being redirected to one purpose, one insatiable need. He knew there would be a spat between the former and current second hands no matter what he decided.

"Get the fuck out of here, all of ya." He growled. "Jason, make sure Alysa does her fucking job. Keep your eyes on her and keep close. She and I still have her attitude to adjust.." He finished through gritted teeth.

The next moment, he made to grab the druid and throw her over his shoulder. "I have my own business to attend to." He grunted, casting a glare at Gabriel. The former second would gather Rowan wasn't done with him yet either.
Staring in shock when Aoife kissed Rowan, it finally dawned on Alysa what the purpose of the spell truly was. She wasn’t sure what would happen after it wore off, but figured as long as her friend didn’t die, it wouldn’t really matter. Her gaze shifted towards Gabriel when he told them all to leave, which was basically what the Druid had said too. Starting to slide to her feet, she cowered back down immediately at the anger radiating from Jason, gaze shifting away at his words, knowing better than to disobey him despite what Gabriel had said. Sure, he had been Rowan’s second once upon a time, but now that job belonged to Jason and that was how it would remain until the two fought for the position, which was likely to happen sooner than later.

“I…” Alysa started to say something before biting on her bottom lip, not finishing her thought. However, the minute Rowan told them all to get out, the redhead slid up to her feet and scampered out of the room, pausing at the doorway to snort a little before scooting on through, heading away from the room.

“Don’t need a fucking babysitter.” Her voice was no more than a whisper as she moved towards the door, wanting fresh air.