Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Lutetia City: Audrieu

as written by Krysis and Knosis

The night had barely begun, the last crimson rays of the day's dying sun grasping over buildings as if it were trying to cling onto the claim of the sky when Alek found himself pushing into the nearest bar he had been able to find.

It was a typical hole-in-the-wall pub. It smelled of old wood, smoke, spilt booze and vomit with the hint of old dried blood from those occasional brawls. Just like home, he thought.

He was surprised the stool held his weight as he took a seat at the bar, his golden hues glowing as he gazed across the multiple names that lined the wall. He barely noticed that he had made the bar keep nervous just by simply deciding to stay. He had become use to the fact he intimidated people.

Pierette stumbled in, coughing and wheezing a bit as she struggled to catch her breath. Usually, she didn't let people see her like that, but she was desperate for a drink to thin the crap in her throat. Tall and thin, with ragged punk-style clothes and a wild dye job, she fit just fine in a dive bar. Grim determination burned on her narrow features as she forced herself to the bar and asked for her usual favorite. Thankfully, it was easy to say "Whiskey.", even when the voice didn't want to get above a whisper.

The tender likely gave her a distrustful look until she pulled out a wad of bills and peeled one off for him, since she looked like she might not have a cent to her name. Despite being clean and smelling nice (her perfume had notes of burning leaves to it), there was just something disreputable about Perilous Pierette.

Alek's attention had been called to the sick-sounding individual as soon as she had come in. Even from where he sat, he could hear the wheeze as clearly as if she sat beside him, could feel the struggle for breath, and smell the sickness on her.

"I'll have one too." His voice was deep and accented. The barkeep nearly jumped at the request and merely nodded. He continued to gaze at the woman, considering. He finally decided to speak. "For one so small and frail, and either a wealthy benefactor or you like to dress down.. You'd think you'd find a doctor to help you instead of coming to a place to find the bottom of a bottle." He said.

He then was silent for a moment before adding, "How long?" He asked. It was a blunt way to start a conversation. But he had been alone for so long, he cared little for the casual dance of being polite.

"No cure. No conventional cure, at least." Pierette grinned at Alek, a fierce baring of her teeth more than a friendly expression until the latest spasm passed. She'd toss back the whiskey before admitting, "About three years. Better than the first estimate. It was an accident and they didn't think I'd live more than six months, but I beat that crap. Now they call it emphysema."

She looked at Alek consideringly, then blinked in surprise as she came to a conclusion rapidly that she just had not expected. A second drink was ordered as she moved to sit next to Alek, rather than having two seats between them and having to raise their voices to be heard. That way, she could just murmur to Alek, without letting the tender in on the conversation. "Wealthy benefactors can do alot for a girl, but money doesn't fix everything. The one I work for knew I was sick before I told him about it too. He could hear it."

The man's eyes followed her as she moved closer. He listened, although he hadn't needed her to shout or even talk normal to hear her. He tossed back his own glass of whiskey and grunted disappointedly. "Three more.." He said , placing the glass back down with a 'clink'. The bar keep nodded again and ran to the back to grab a new bottle.

The man had moved his gaze to the nearly empty bar, still seemingly lost in thought. He knew it was a question she was asking.

"Three years to live with someone and a purpose is better than an eternity alone." He answered.

She gave a dismissive gesture, "It certainly is more fun. On my own, I was just--" Perilous hesitated as she realized what she was about to say. She took a moment to roll the thought around in her head and check it for veracity before giving a slow nod and finishing the sentance. "I was just running. Sensation to sensation, high after high, but really just running away from thinking about it."

She gave a sceptical look at the three drinks in front of her new aquaintence, then heaved her purse onto her lap so she could check her various supplies. Her second drink remained on the bar as she was waiting to see if she would start coughing again before she needed it. She suspected something that would soon make alcohol less desirable in her near future, though she was going to wait and be certain before telling anyone about it. For the present, that also meant winnowing her supplies and decreasing other temptations as well.

"Are you looking to get shit-faced, or just mildly fucked up?" Pierette asked practically, two bottles of pills in her hands, though one was label 'aspirin' and the other was 'antacids'.

The chuckle that escaped his chest seemed almost genuine. "I can sympathize." He stated. "I did the same, though." He said. "I didn't want to face reality of what had happened. But what I am, is hard to drown out sorrows and pity myself." His brow raised in question at the two bottles.

"I don't think anyone would want me completely out of control of myself. You especially." He explained. "I just need to get the voices in here to quiet down long enough to think clearly."

Pierette gave her devilishly mischievous smile at his warning. "My employer is also very impressive and considering how often I tease him-- Well, they call me 'Perilous Pierette' for a reason." She'd open the bottle labeled antacids though and slide him two pills before taking a second glance at his size and adding a third. They were slightly yellow and would crumble if squeezed, but Pierette could testify to how well they quieted thoughts and lent calm even to extreme situations.

"You'll be doing me a favor if you take those off my hands. I'm not supposed to use those anymore and the market value has plummeted lately." Perhaps, if this stranger was what she thought he was, being nice to him might gain her another ally. One that would even impress Nox. Hopefully.

Alek tenderly picked up the three pills with the tips of his fingers, glancing at them before crushing them and putting the dust into his whiskey glass. Swirling it around so that the bigger fragments could dissolve, he looked back at Pierette again, thoughtful. "My name is Alek."

He slowly drained the liquid this time. He placed the glass down slowly and stood up with the remaining two glasses and motioned for her to follow him to one of the booths away from the bar. He sat one glass of whiskey towards the end of the table as he scooted in and patted down the seat next to him for her to join him on the same booth.

"I have become use to cowering fools and nervous wrecks within my presence, but that man is slowly annoying me with his constant grinding of his teeth." He stated once she was close enough to hear. His golden hues lit up slightly as he looked up at her. "You, however, haven't seemed afraid of me since I spoke to you when you've very obviously guessed what I am." He leaned on the palm of his hand, facing her directly.
as written by Krysis and Knosis

Pierette followed him fearlessly, though she was surprised that he wanted her next to him instead of across the table. With a shrug, she'd sit with Alek though, and grin at him. "Of course I know what you are. You're death. My dearest friend and constant enemy. Which sort of death you are precisely, I'm not sure though. Sorry. Still inexperienced in spotting the cues and I don't have any boosts to perception that would make it easier."

"It is nice to meet you, Alek, no matter how things turn out." She offered her hand to him, mostly for an excuse to see if his skin felt different than the average human's grip. Pierette was starting to get the vibe, the feeling, that if she had wandered into Alek's field of gravity instead of Nox's, she might have ended up-- Well, it was far too soon to draw conclusions.

Alek took her hand. His hand was cool, unnaturally so, but not unpleasant. She would be able to tell he had more strength than he gave into his grasp, although practice had taught him to hold back.

"Yes, well. Most face death begging for more time. Although I am no threat to you or him for the moment, most feel intimidated at my very presence."

"So tell me, Pierette.." He continued after a moment's pause. "Who's your benefactor, and if he is like me.. Why does he not gift you with the curse of eternity? It would seem, an intelligent and resourceful girl like you, a night child would at least ensure your existence for more than a few years."

Before she could answer, Alek's eyes rolled closed slowly and a hint of a smile threatened at the corner of his lips. The drugs were hitting. Slowly, but surely. "Yes, those do hit the spot.." He murmured.

"I am more useful to him able to go out in the daytime, and I am in no hurry. I made peace with my fate years ago. Besides, I've seen what happens if things go wrong and that's not something I want to risk." Pierette answered easily, and gave a happy smile as she tried not to laugh at how Alek reacted to the pills.

"Also, forever doesn't interest me. How do you fill it up? With a short time left, I found myself scrambling to make sure I didn't miss anything, but with eternity? There is no urgency, no rush. Of course, my master feels differently, and I suspect you do as well, but for me-- I guess I am an adreniline junkie. Always flirting with a deadline." Perilous joked very mildly, since she wasn't sure how Alek would feel about humor in this situation. She didn't give up the name though. After Jamie showed up, she had become aware that her beloved Nox was not universally admired.

He peeked through a half lidded eye, his golden hues radiantly glowing like a low lit flame. He was relaxing quite a bit, partially due to the concoction that the girl had provided him, but because of the girl herself.

"Vampires are as different to each other as they are different to humans." He stated. "I can walk in the sun without penalty. And so can my one child." He stated.

"As for eternity.." His eye fell closed again. "You find things to fill it. As a man, I once wished to spend eternity with the woman I loved. But I ended up without her in the end. So I have found ways to fill in the void of time. You can still find the adrenaline rush you desire. Vampires cannot die like humans, but we can still die."

He leaned close to her, his lips brushing close to her ear as he took in her scent. "No more sickness.. No more suffering.. No more frailness of health and body..." He gently reached for her hand, though she could pull it from him if she wanted and gently placed it on his chest, over where his heart was.

She would feel the gentle pulse of a heart beat. "Vampires are not the same." He pulled back from her, letting his arm hang over the back of the booth and resting his head against the wall.

Pierette nodded thoughtfully, though she was startled when Alek leaned so close that she could feel his breath on her slender neck. She had given up wearing so many earrings as she used to, mostly because the plastic bits had seemed so low class, and the lack made her feel more vunerable than she was used to.

When he drew her hand against his chest, she had instinctively balled up her fingers before realizing his intent and letting her hand relax. Even when he let go, she let her palm rest against his chest until he pulled away, rather soothed by that pulse. "Thank you, Alek."

Perilous gave herself a little shake to try to get her mind back on track before she explained herself a little, "It seems like most of the vampires I have met have been rather unusual. No one tells me anything, but I gather there is a conflict. One where the lines are blurred because of the secrets that are kept from us humans. That makes it difficult to know when to ask questions, or even when to pretend ignorance."

A faint smile crept up on his lips. Without his brooding, it would seem he could be quite handsome. "I was once a man, although my memories from that time are faded and so far away now. I can understand the questions. Don't be afraid to ask them of me, should you wish."

He tilted his head slightly. "Besides, I would hate for us to run out of things to talk about. You have been quite a rare bud, Pierette. I do not often relax around anyone, but you seemed to have broken through a couple of barriers tonight that I thought impenetrable."

She laughed at that, then nudged his empty glass, "That might have been partly those pills.
Most people get more tense around me, instead of less. Well, those that know me, at least. Apparently, I am a bad influence." Pierette gave a wide-eyed stare and looked really innocent for about three seconds before she smiled devilishly again.

"But you are right, I have questions. First of which being: How many sides are there in this conflict?" She sipped at her drink then, to sooth the tickle in her throat that tended to show up when she worried.

The man chuckled at the woman's antics. She was charming and fun to be around. But he could feel when worry crept up on her when she asked the question. He seemed slightly disappointed and let the tone of his chuckle carry it. "You love him, eh?" Alek looked up at the ceiling in thought. "Well. Lets see... In this war, there are the church, the werewolves, the necromancers, then the individual houses themselves as their own faction... There are probably other things, but the war is as old as time is, it seems."

"But the vampires themselves are the more dangerous of the others. Werewolves tend to be loyal to each other, the church keeps to their morals and necromancers to their code. Vampires.. Don't have such restrictions."

"Love? I--" Pierette frowned in confusion at that thought, then she smiled and shook her head. "He gave me a home, and a place. He gave me hope. He trusts me. I value those things more than my life."

"This lack of restriction is what worries me. We've already had some random vampires just come up and attack. This is why I fear to speak my master's name. You might be his enemy, and I have placed myself in your hands. It would be foolish to risk it." She leaned back in the booth then, smiling wistfully.

Alek to the glass in his hand and twisted it silently. "I have many enemies. You could have easily done the same, should your master be my enemy." He counter argued.

He seemed to hesitate, lost in thought. "If it is any ease to your worries, I am not aligned against any vampire house in Lutetia." His eyes darkened slightly, and for the first time since they started talking, Pierette could feel the cold radiating from Alek. It was as though someone had replaced the man who'd been sitting next to her. "No.. No, my target isn't any vampire in the city. I can swear to that."

But in a blink, he seemed back to the Alek he had been before, taking a swallow from the glass again. He gave her a smile. "Besides, do I look like the sort to get involved in politics?" With his long leather coat and muddied leather boots, he seemed more of a rogue than anyone who would associate with the normal vampire crowd on a regular basis.

"Ah, but I am so fragile, you are in no danger from me." She pointed out, not seeming to mind the cold at all. After all, she was used to dealing with Nox. "So someone outside of the city has earned your ire? Perhaps they fled your anger?"

Perilous smiled when he returned to his calmer state, amused at the quick change. She could change her expression just as quickly, but that was because she was too used to actting a part. "I'm not exactly the sort that looks like I am involved in politics either, and yet I find that my life depends on knowing who to trust."

She stared at the fluid in her glass, swishing it thoughtfully before she asked, "May I ask if the name Caeruleum has any strong connotations for you?"

"No. They are still here, unfortunately. But I will deal with them in due time." He gave her a look up and down before chuckling again. "To be honest? I see you playing in the politics more than you think. You try to make yourself unseen and unworthy of attention. You may not be the head of the beast, but you are definitely the eyes and ears." He leaned forward again, although not as close. "Don't sell yourself short, just cause you have convinced yourself you're worthless. Others may think differently."

He shrugged at the name. "I may have heard it mentioned a time or two. But nothing for them or against them. Just informative." He said.

"My master could use more allies, and it seems like you might want some help too. Perhaps your purposes could be united?" Pierette asked thoughtfully, sliding a little closer to Alek and lowering her voice a little further to whisper to him, "That is, if you don't mind at least meeting with my lord Nox Caeruleum."

She held her breath then, her heart thundering madly at the risk she took. It was not fear, but excitement that had her pulse racing. Of course, there was also the thought that Nox might be pissed and that she was risking her life twice over. What a rush.

Alek gazed at her for a long moment. He could hear her pulse race in her veins. What she didn't realize was that adrenaline rush she craved more than anything was somewhat of an intoxicating scent for Alek.

The inward debate of whether to take her now began. As she moved closer, he found himself leaning in further, his hand on the back of the booth digging into the leather. He fought to not to lean in and take her neck in his other hand..

"If you ask it of me, I will meet with him." He said. "It will give me a chance to meet with you again."

Pierette gave a shivery little sound at the sound of the leather groaning in Alek's grip, then she laughed in delight, "Oh, I ask it, Alek. I would like the chance to meet with you again as well." She lightly pressed her palms against his chest as she leaned back slowly, in an effort to make sure he realized she was trying to disengage and not tease.

"I will have to ask my lord how he wishes to accomplish this meeting. After all, I am at his service, and may not act without his blessing." Perhaps that was too formal a way to put it, but it served to keep Perilous from doing something rash. She was pretty sure that if she let things go further down the route they had been on, Nox's anger would be the sort that would shake the city. Or rather, obliterate one erring little maid.

The man reluctantly backed away. As the scent of her adrenaline rush died down and he shook his head slightly. He seemed conflicted about something, and the note of his distaste of his thoughts grew clear on his face. He leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes again.

"Very well." He stated nearly tonelessly. "I guess this means little Perilous Pierette won't be keeping me company for a little while longer then?"
as written by Krysis, Emperor_Jester, and Knosis

Perilous gave a mischievious smile, "I wish I could. If it were a question of just spending time, or even a little physical pleasure, I would gladly stay all night. However, I get the impression that you are hungry." She gave a shudder at the thought, hugging herself and giving a happy little sound.

"While I wouldn't mind, my lord would be very upset. He seems to think that my blood is only for him." Pierette reached as if she would dare to put her hand on Alek's cheek, but thought better of putting her wrist so close to his mouth and gave a shrug instead. "I never minded pain, and the risk-- Ooo, it just makes me tingle all over."

The man peeked through a half lidded eye at her again, returning her mischievious smile. "I can hunger for you without being hungry." He chuckled. He had caught her intended gesture. He took her hand again and kissed it before taking her wrist and kissed it as well, as if to prove a point.

He released it, unharmed. "But, only if you ask it of me." He grinned.

Pierette gave a shiver when he caught her hand, and moaned when he kissed her wrist, then gave Alek a sad look. "See, if you keep that up, I will be asking all sorts of things and then I will be in terrible trouble."

"Maybe I should just go on and call my master and find out just how far I can go to get your favor." Perilous hated it, but she slid out of the booth if Alek let her, intending to slide off to the ladies' room in order to use her extra cellphone, the one Nox had given her.

Alek watched her leave, finally releasing the leather on the other side. 'Oh how far I have fallen..' He thought as he sighed, letting his head 'thunk' against the wall. He would wait for her return at least.

Pierette checked to make sure that no one could listen in on her first before locking the door and taking a seat on the edge of the sink in the ladies' room. Her heart was racing again as she finally had a reason to actually call Nox, instead of him calling her for whatever errand he had decided he needed done. It felt wicked and presumptionous to actually call the only number on the 'burn phone' he had given her.

The Caer patron was in good spirits, in the middle of a casual stroll back from the fashion show. He was in an ecstatic mood, and had decided to celebrate. What better way than a slaughter? Nox turned away from his meal when he heard the unoriginal, mass-produced ringtone echoing from his nearby coat. Cleaning his hands on asphlat wasn't exactly his first choice, but he'd eventually answer, his voice chipper and light-hearted.

"Why hello, Perilous. What do you need?"

Pierette had almost given up when Nox finally answered. And then he was happy, so she breathed a sigh of relief. "Hello, my lord. I have an interesting situation. I have found a possible ally."

Her free hand would fiddle with the sink knobs, nervous about what she was saying and what she was about to ask.

His grin would quickly die on his face, and on the other side of the phone, his voice grew far beyond cold. "Have you told some one about me?"

"Your name is already known, my lord. Jamie is proof of that. I didn't tell him anything he didn't already know--" She stopped then, then groaned and leaned back against the mirror over the sink. "Except that I work for you. I didn't think that would be important though. I haven't been back home for days, so it is unlikely that anyone could use me to find you."

She had honestly not considered that it might be a problem.

"You disappoint me, but you are allowed a mistake. You are only human. But know I am displeased." There'd be a rather disturbingly wet series of crunches over the phone. "Now. Tell me about this potential comrade."

"His name is Alek, and there is a feeling to him of great age." Pierette answered listlessly, already depressed that she disappointed Nox. "If even I can feel the power off of him, he must be very strong indeed. He claims to be neutral in the current climate, but I think he would be willing to help you. He seems to like me quite a bit, but that might be an act."

"Be very careful, Perilous. I'd hate to lose you." There was a pause, and the sound of ruffling, heavy clothing. "I will not lie to you. I hate the position you've put me in. You've exposed me, ever so slightly, and yourself. Though now its too late. Find out what you can from him. Who he is. What he can do. I am in need of soldiers and people who can..." A burp. "Excuse me. Some one who can do a lot of damage, and has no qualms about killing anyone I say. And I want you home soon."

"He knew just because I recognized him as being what he is that I had to know another like unto himself. It was too late to run away the moment I realized his nature." Pierette murmured thoughtfully, not really trying to defend herself but more thinking outloud.

She inhaled deeply and shook her head to get her thoughts in order again before asking more briskly, "How far do you want me to go to find out about him? I am worried that if I stay near this Alek too long-- well, there might be things he'll want."

A sharp snap of his voice, the phone straining, turning his rage into static, but keeping his words crystal clear. "You belong to me, Perilous." A moment to gather himself. "Do what needs to be done. Do not feed him. Try to contain your lust. If you do mate with him, make sure he..." No other way to put it than bluntly.

"Make sure this Alek pulls out."

"Of course I belong to you, Nox. Why else would I ask how you want to use me? I'll do my best, my lord. If it comes to it, I will walk away from him rather than disobey your wishes." Perilous had to smile at Nox's rage, finding his posessive side actually very reassuring.

"Shall I hold out the bait of a meeting to try to get him to behave? Or would that be overstepping too far?" Honestly, she wished she could just rewind the evening and maybe go to a different bar, but if the two males would join forces-- well, it would be glorious.

"As I said, do what you must. I still trust you for now, but you've hurt your standing. Don't worry. You still stand about her in my eyes." More sounds of feeding, and something like a large, thin balloon of water splashing on his end of the line.

"I will meet with him, in time. If he truly wishes to see me, I will grant an audience. Make sure he knows who I am. What I am. You say he's old, but something inside me begs the question which of us is older. Sometimes it is hard for the elders to cowtow to the youthful, even in our dead world. If he is over four centuries, he is beyond me in age. Find out for me. The rest I leave to you."

"He can walk in daylight, and has a child. I found out that much already." She hesitated, then slid off the sink to her feet, "And if I don't show up before dawn, I'm very sorry. There is only one way that would happen. If it does, you might want to get rid of that phone. It is the only link I can think of that someone else could trace."

"If you don't come home, I'll come find you. No one steals from me, Perilous. Stay safe, and I'll expect a report next I see you." And then Nox would hang up, leaving her to her thoughts.

"Good night, Master." She whispered to the empty hiss of the disconnected line, worried more after talking to Nox instead of how she had thought she would be cheered or calmed by talking to him. That was why her smile was tremulous and sad as she walked back out to where she had left Alek.

Alek remained where he'd been left, his eyes closed. It had been difficult, but he had caught some of the conversation, at least on her end.

He only peeked to look at her when she grew close to the booth again. "You've questions for me for your master, then." He said quietly. "And he's not happy with you." Disappointment was clear on his face. "Very well.. Grab me another whiskey from Grindy there and we'll get started on the questionair."

Pierette gave Alek a tired smile and nodded before fetching the drink he wanted. She would set the glass in front of him but stayed standing at first to see if he gave any indication of where he wanted her to sit.

"I was having too much fun to be thinking about what I should have done." She admitted quietly as she lowered her gaze, ashamed that she had let herself get carried away.

He took the drink and downed it immediately. He gestured for her to sit beside him once again, though he straightened and turned towards the table.

"Do not blame yourself. I should have not provoked you so." He looked at her, his eyes softening. "Please cheer up. I will answer your questions freely."

Perilous sat next to Alek without protest, rather glad that he wanted her close actually. Sure, it meant he could crush her conveniently, but having the table between them wouldn't have stopped him anyway. "Umm. I am supposed to ask how old you are. I mean, you don't have to be specific or anything if you don't want to, just if you are over four centuries."

He looked to the ceiling as if he had to think on the subject to remember. "I was born on first winter month.." He murmured before adding. "Roughly 635 years ago." He tilted his head slightly. "So yes, I'm older than 4 centuries."

Pierette was secretly pleased that she had been right about Alek being older than Nox, but it was troublesome for the two to work together. "My master is a little younger, but would you find that a problem? He has very specific plans for what he needs to do, but in those plans, you would probably be able to more easily do what you wish. I think you said something about revenge earlier, Alek?"

She pulled out a notepad so she could write down details, though she hesitated about actually using it, since it might not please Alek to have anything writen about himself.

"If our goals align, I do not care his age." Alek answered, his expression grim. "Not revenge. But yes, I do have a mission to do." He looked at her from the corner of his eye. "I plan to destroy the church." He waited to see her reaction, but he didn't seem to care about the notepad.

Pierette actually had a strong reaction to destroying the church. She caught her breath and gripped the edge of the table. She was not sure if she was excited or troubled at the thought, and it took her a moment to get her pen and write that down. "He hasn't told me yet what he wants specifically to do to the church, but I think that destroying it is very likely."

Her handwriting was so unsteady it was hard to read, until she realized the problem and rewrote it. "Umm. Is there anything in particular you want to save in the city? I mean, Nox has plans for everything, so if you want to keep something, that might be important."

Alek shook his head. "There is nothing I wish to save. At least for my sake." He said quietly. He grew very quiet after that.

She laughed a little and shrugged, "You're easier to work with than I am. I kinda want to keep my family safe at least. Other than that, I don't care if the city burns. Or freezes, as the case might be."

"Any strange powers I should note? And what about your child? Should I know anything about them? Please feel free to tell me that something is none of my business." Perilous touched his shoulder, a little worried about how quiet he was getting.

"I don't know about strange powers, as none of us are 'normal'.." He smirked. "My daughter.. Well I haven't had contact with her in some time. But I know she follows me." He looked at her with a questioning look.

"You're too good to be true, Alek." Pierette smiled faintly as she rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. Then she sighed and shook her head, "I wish-- Well, that doesn't matter. He wants soldiers, people that will do what he asks."

Of course, Pierette thinks Nox needs people that he doesn't have to direct, generals instead of pawns, but she has learned that it was impossible to tell him that.

Alek shrugged slightly. "Sure." He answered simply, looking away. "If his goal is aligned with mine, I will follow his orders." He looked back towards the girl. "But as soon as our goals are no longer aligned, I will leave."

"That makes perfect sense." Perilous smiled encouragingly, though she lost the smile soon when he still seemed unhappy with her. "I'm sorry that I upset you, Alek. I really was having fun, at least until-- I'm sorry."

"It isn't your fault." He slowly sat up and sighed, leaning back far enough so his back arched over the booth slightly. "You belong to someone else, and I shouldn't have asked such. You also had no reason to trust me." He gave a rueful smile. "Who knows, I probably would have kept you until dawn anyway and then your master would have come looking for you. Doubt it would be a good situation to meet your master."

Pierette shivered at the thought, then grinned at Alek, "That would be bad. He would be very pissed. I enjoy poking him, but that would be too much. Someone would get more permenantly hurt than I am interested in."

She'd kiss his cheek if he let her that close, "Maybe some other time? When I don't have a curfew?"

Alek allowed it, but caressed her cheek. "No, I do not think there will be another time. If I come under your master's army, I think he'd appreciate it less." He pulled his hand away.

"Should you need to find me, I'll most likely be here every evening until I am called from you or my other ally."

"Other ally?" She froze in place, still where she had gotten up on one knee to reach Alek. "That would be an important thing to know. May I ask 'who'?"

"Lady Sanina." He stated.

"Is it okay if I tell Nox about her?" Perilous sat back then, folding her hands on her lap as she watched Alek.

He shrugged. "I've nothing to hide."

She shrugged and wrote down the name, then slid out of the booth entirely. "Alright. I'll see you soon, Alek. If I miss you, I'll just try the next night, so please don't feel like you have to be here every night."

He let out a sad laugh. "I don't come here every night for your sake." He held up the glass as if to prove his point. "I'd like to thank you for the fix you gave me, but I'm afraid it's already worn off."

She laughed and pulled out the bottle to leave it for him. "Go crazy with them then, Alek. Good night. And I will see you soon."

He took the bottle and shoved it into his pocket. "Very well then. Good night little one."
as written by Krysis, Emperor_Jester, and Knosis

The bar was an absolute disaster. Disgustingly run down. The paint was peeling. Lords, did they even care about their appearance? And this is where Pierette had told him to meet this man? his lady Sanina's life? The thought of it caused Nox to grit his teeth, hard, before a long, aggitated sigh.

He'd enter the bar, and immediately realize his was far overdressed. Perhaps his best jacket and suit had been far out of place, but this was an important meeting. Dress to impress. Looking like a vagabond wouldn't impress anyone. Immediately he'd pulse his aura, the one that triggered instinctual fear in mortals and identify him to his own kind. To those who could see auras, like animancers and those in touch with the mystic elements of the world, the Caer patron would appear a swirling vortex of black, white, and sky blue, cold as death and as beautiful as winter.

Now'd, the four century old enemy of Lutetia would wait, ignoring the pale, shaking bartender trying to get his attention.

Alek stood outside the bar as he felt the aura pulse from within. The vampire narrowed his golden hues on the busted door. It had been his understanding that Pierette would have come to fetch him. So it would come quite a surprise that such a vampire would come to him instead of the other way around.

He entered much as he always had. The already pale and frightened bartender looked as though he was going to faint at the sight of Alek. He immediately poured out four glasses of whiskey and disappeared into the stock room in the back. Alek ignored the other vampire for a moment, sitting on the stool where the glasses had been left.

"Didn't expect you to show up here." He said, barely above a whipser.

"A meeting of this import demands my attendance. Perilous should be along shortly, unless she is late or held up. The girl is prone to naps after overmedicating, though she is getting better about it." Nox would tsk. Perhaps he should've ordered his wine before the barkeep fled, though he doubted anything in this sort of place would meet his standards.

"I'll move to a booth now. Follow in your own time. I'm a very busy individual, Alek, and I hope I have not already wasted my time." Perhaps he was coming off as cold, or even snooty, but this was Nox, and he could not hide himself around his own kind.

The Caer would slide in on his side, after making sure scoot the table out enough so that his large frame would fit, tapping three fine kept nails against the shoddy table's surface.

Alek merely shrugged, grabbing two of the glasses and moving over to the table in question. He gently placed the glasses on the table and sat down on the booth across from Nox. "Forgive me, but I need I wasn't expecting for you to come here. Else I would have suggested a better meeting ground." He looked up to Nox.

"As much as I have no offense of rustic, run down places like this.. I am sure it is not to your taste."

"It is not, but that hardly matters. Still, I'd rather not be here longer than I have to." Nox would take in the man for a moment, assesing him. A tsk and then a low hum. "Tell me. How is it that you know the Lady Sanina Lessard?" There was the minorest undertone of hostility there, almost protectiveness,

To those with keen eyes, every tap of a nail on the long-neglected furniture would created a tiny, quickly evaporating ring of frost.

Alek raised a brow. He noted the hostility and merely shrugged it off. "She sought me out." He said calmly. "She helped me find my way again." Alek took the glass in his hand and twisted it in his fingers idlely.

The slightest of pauses before Nox would untense, at least somewhat, his tone returning to its haughty but semi-merry tune. "I see. Well then, that eases some of my worries. I am not above admitting my fondness for the Lessard woman. She sought me out as well, though for what purpose I will not say. My business is my own, and more than half of it is seperate from my plans with her."

He'd steeple his fingers, narrowing his eyes. "Perilous told me of your hatred for the church. I would like to hear what your gripe with those hypocrits is."

Perilous was a little behind, mostly because she drove her own car rather than let herself be carried. She had things to do after the meeting after all, and Nox was always so busy. Balancing what her master expected and what actually fit the place they were going had been a challenge. She had ended up in a dark blue tank top with straps that crisscrossed her torso from her old clothes, and new black slacks and boots and still felt way too overdressed.

Plus she had been sick soon after waking up, which was troubling. She had to claim it was a hangover, though she hadn't had more than one drink in the previous twelve hours. Despite her worry, she donned a cocky grin as she walked into the crummy bar, glad to see the place was still standing at least. The look on Nox's face made her wish she had heard what he said before she stepped inside.
as written by Krysis, Emperor_Jester, and Knosis

Alek took a pill bottle from his jacket pocket and popped the cap of it off, producing 3 pills from inside. He crushed the three and pinched the dust into the glass of whiskey. He swirled it inside before answering.

"My issues with the hypocrits are that of my own. But I will say I will kill them all." He stated quietly. "Their time has come to an end. And for the crimes they have committed, they shall be punished." He smirked slightly. "I do not know your qualms against them, but surely I have a feeling you agree."

He paused, his eyes grew unfocused as he heard the new arrival enter. He grew tense and took a swallow from his glass.

"My reasons are an open book when it comes to them. They took my family away from me. That one act as sealed their fate in my eyes." A look to Pierette as Nox noticed her enter. His eyes went soft when he saw her, but only for the briefest of moments.

"It is good to see you finally decided to join us. Take a seat, on whichever side you prefer." Each word was carefully weighed out, each syllable carrying its own, unique message. This would be another test for her, and her award could be salvation or damnation.

Pierette hesitated, seeing that Alek had a drink but Nox did not. So she made a brief detour to grab a bottle from the untended bar, knowing at a glance what the best that was to be offered. Only then did she approach, grinning at the two. "Wow. What an amazing sight. Hi Alek."

She'd squeeze his shoulder in a friendly way, but slide into the booth next to Nox. After all, the Caer was her master, and she knew where her best interest laid. "So, you haven't destroyed him yet. That is a good sign, right?"

The Caer would take the bottle as soon as it was offered, musing aloud as he read, and ultimately, approved it for his own tastes. "I am not sure I easily could, Perilous. He is far more powerful than I expected, considering he is not from my line."

He said nothing to the pair of them for a time, as he felt he was just an object being appraised. He took another swallow from his glass, but Pierette could tell he was not relaxing as he had previously with her.

"I have survived many years and many wars. I am willing to make a pact with you, as long as it does not supercede my pact with the lady Sanina." He gazed at Pierrette for a moment. "I have a feeling you need soliders. Fighters. I am such a man. I do not care for political wars, nor do I have any interest in power to be gained in this area. I merely wish to kill what I wish to kill, as I have done for most of my life. If you will allow me to qwench my bloodlust.. You will have my loyalty."

"That's high praise from you, my lord." Pierette observed with a wink for Nox as she snuggled against his side. She had only brought the bottle and a single glass, and did not seem to want a drink for herself.

Alek's demeanor was making her a little sad though, sorry that he was so careful this time. It was her own fault to be sure, but still rather depressing.

Nox would re-examine the bottle as Alek explained his side of the situation, pouring and swirling the spiced liquor curiously as the other undead finished. "I have no qualms with bloodlust or even senseless killing. My family, myself especially, have our repution only because of how we built it."

A single hand would slowly caress Pierette's cheek, rather affectionately before taking his first sip. The minor grin that spread on his face would be the clue or notice the human would get for doing a good job. Another small sip, licking his lips. "Ah. Not to worry though. Nothing will take precidence over our mutual lady. I made my pact with her before any others." A sharp chuckle. "Though I must admit I have been lacking in my most recent mission, though that is a tale for another time. If it is another war with the Church you seek, and if you merely wish for the violence itself, then we will be...perfect together, I believe."

Alek's eyes remained on the woman as Nox spoke on. The smell had lingered in the air since she had brushed passed him earlier. He had been relieved to see she had not taken the drink for herself. "Very well." Alek said quietly. "Then consider me an ally. And let me offer a congratulations." He said. "You've got quite a resourceful lady with you. Perhaps your child was his reason for not turning you into a night child yet." He mentioned to Pierette. "Perhaps you should take better care of her for now?"

Pierette went pale and her heart raced as she realized what Alek was hinting at. That was something she had feared would come to pass, and had hoped that the symptoms were just her imagination. So the human woman gave the two vampires a blank look, despite her pulse betraying her as she said something along the lines of "Huh?"

Nox would slowly blink before turn his gaze towards Pierette, a strange light in his eyes. It was equal parts fury, annoyance, It was hidden, but it was there. "I see. I...suspected as such, but I neglected giving it my full attention. I believe you are right, Alek."

For the moment, the talk of the alliance was put on hold for the nosferatu. Unlike with Aurelie, the feeling in his long dead heart was...warm. Genuinely affectionate. Despite his best efforts to contain it, a broad, almost goofy grin spread across the Caer's face, a deep purr rumbling from inside him.

As the Caer looked away to Pierette, Alek's own eyes tightened to that of a slight sadness. He drained the glass of whiskey to hide it as such. Memories flooded of a time long gone in which he had been the man on the other side of the table. Pierette had reminded him of his own wife, an age ago.

He slowly stood up from the booth. "Pardon me a moment then." He said, his tone hollow. He walked over to the bar to grab the other two glasses filled with the amber drink as well as the half full bottle.
as written by Krysis, Emperor_Jester, and Knosis

Pierette deeply appreciated the false sense of privacy when Alek left the table, and slumped wearily against Nox's side. That vibrating purr made it worth the effort for a moment, but then she groaned and straightened up. "I didn't want to say anything until I was absolutely sure. I've had false alarms before." Which was a lie, but she didn't think Nox needed to know the full sordid history of her love life.

"And yes, yes, if it is really there, it is your's. I haven't been able to even get-- er-- excited? Over a human since you showed me what you like to do. You've ruined me. Completely. Hope you're happy." Perilous narrowed her eyes at Nox then, nudging at his side rather forcefully with her fist, but she knew he probably barely felt it.

Nox would laugh, his gaze following Alek for the briefest of moments, just long enough to make sure he wasn't moving into any of the Caer's blindspots, though this didn't last long, eagerly snapping his eyes back to his maid and mate.

Her attempt at force brought another, even more joyous smile to his thin, pale lips. Sometimes he couldn't help but think how adorable Perilous could be. "I'm sorry, if that truly is the case. Though I wish you had told me sooner. If I had known, I wouldn't have been so harsh these past few days. And I'll be more diligent with your treatments now." Nox would explain, refering to her consumption of the Caer's tar-like blood.

Alek returned at that point to the table, placing the glasses on the table, keeping his gaze low.

"Back to business, however, I'm glad we've come to an understanding, Alek. I welcome you to the house of Caeruleum whenever you wish it. My doors are open to all who swear their power to me." A lick of his lips, pupils flashing into paper thin slits. "And you do swear it, as long as I keep my end of the bargain, correct?"

There was a heavy, almost foreboding tone to his question, even as his hand reached across the table, stopping halfway, expecting a hand shake to take place. It was only now that Alek may truly realize what kind of individual Nox truly was. Unless someone had seen war, and plenty of it, they wouldn't recognize the immediate danger the Caer's clawed hand represented. It was perfectly equidistant from each and every typical vital that a vampire could have. Neck, heart, brain. Perfectly spaced. And though it seemed a casual gesture, each fiber and sinew in the limb was taught like a spring, despite seeming so very slack.

Almost dead, even.

For the first time Alek truly looked at the younger vampire, his own eyes mimicking that of his potential employer. Alek wouldn't answer Nox at first, but merely study the man as much as the Caer had studied him in this short exposure. The gesture genuinely annoyed the elder, as he truly knew the risk and noted the hint of the threat the younger had placed into the tense air.

"Should you have come from my time, you would know my word is more binding than that of any physical means of confirmation. Even Lady Sanina appreciated this fact." He stated calmly, though his voice a bit more forceful due to his irritation. He placed one hand on the table and the other reached to grasp the other man's own. "As long as you do keep your end of the deal and do not supercede the Lady's wishes, I will be your ally." The grasp would be firm around the Caer's own.

"But let me be clear in saying, I will be loyal to you, and I will carry out your orders. I will carry your name to glory in this god forsaken city and where ever else in this dark world until the end of time if I must." The air around would begin to grow very cold. "But should you betray me.. There will be no amount of power to hide behind, no amount of allies you can count on.. I will end you."

Pierette frowned at the two but kept her thoughts to herself for the moment. The chill radiating from both undead was rather uncomfortable, so she slid out of the booth. It had the added benefit of giving them space to do whatever without her in the way.

While she was up, she might as well get something to drink, though the gleaming amber fluids were off limits for the moment. While they did vampire things, she would go hunting for a soda or some juice, grumbling about the necessity the whole time. Of course, her self control was not endless, and if given more than a few minutes, the leash on her normal behaviors would start to fray as she stared at the paradise behind the bar.

His Perilous wouldn't go without a distraction for long. Nox's eyes would take on a cold, brutish, manic look as he squeezed his soldier's hand in return. "I understand. I apologize if my gesture was unkind." The voice was barely a whisper before chaos exploded around the bar. Beautiful chaos.

The other patrons would stiffen, and Pierette would notice the bottles on the racks freezing over with frost instantly...before a man fell from his stool, shattering against the floor, like thin, brittle glass.

The next customer would fall. All around them, the other patron's would splinter into cold, red shards of frozen sanguine and flesh. Without contact. Without moving. Without taking his hand from Alek's. The barkeep would be safe. Nox imagined Alek would like to keep him at least. The mortal drinking companions...

They were useful as a show of power. Perhaps this would help assure the other male that Nox did indeed deserve his reputation. The Caer wasn't looking to impress him, merely...let him know that neither of them were not without their special talents.
as written by Krysis, Emperor_Jester, and Knosis

Alek's eyes flickered as he released the energy he had been storing, his skin becoming unnaturally warm for a vampire. He shook Nox's hand, chaos making a pact with destruction. Steam released in the air around the vampire as the warmth shrouded him, and even his breaths came in mists now. It would seem, except for the deathly pale complection and the dark aura that hovered around him as a predator, Alek was still human.

Alek's eyes softened slightly, and he seemed to relax some. He released the other's hand and took his glass of whiskey, which had been frozen over, and began to warm it again. "Then we are in agreement then." Alek said, his golden hues brightening slightly. He had made no notion he had taken notice of Nox's show of power, but Nox could already tell this man never let anything go amiss in his surroundings. Alek had been truthful that he had been a creature of war since before he had been sired. Death was no stranger to him. "Would it be easier for me to live with you? If so, I only request for a few days to take care of a few things before I do."

Pierette reached for one of the bottles when it changed color, one finger extended to tap at the glass, but the movement was arrested at the sound of the first man that fell. The skinny woman snarled and dropped to one knee behind the bar, one hand diving into her purse for a weapon... until she realized it wasn't gunfire. The frozen body exploding on impact had fooled her briefly.

It was only then that the cold registered on the dyed female, and she leaned against the wood as she struggled for calm. Oh yes, she would be yelling at Nox later for scaring her like that. Not because she didn't like the rush (because she did like it quite a bit), but because she was having bladder symptoms already, and the indignity of having to change her pants just because he wanted to make a point.

Nox had started to respond to Alek's question before Perilous began to scramble around like a startled squirrel, and suddenly he couldn't keep himself from laughing. It was a hilarious sight, seeing any human react to fear, but with Pierette, it was even funnier. His secretary always seemed to try her hardest to convince the Caer nothing could phase her, and on the are occasion where he managed to surprise a reaction from was a treat.

"Living with me will not be necessary, however, my doors are open to you. I have plenty of room, and plenty of time, so take as long as you need to get ready." He'd wait for Pierette to rejoin the two of them before continuing. "I actually already have a goal in mind for you, a mission if you will. Are you aware of the Church's many vaults...?"

Alek nodded silently. "I am aware they exist. Locations are unknown to me." He folded his arms across his chest. "I could persuade a member of the church for the answers if need be." His tone suggested that the persuasion meant a swift death instead of a slow one.

"What about them, though?"

It wasn't that Pierette was difficult to scare so much as that she was usually on something that smoothed out her reactions. She hadn't even smoked a joint for two days and her nerves were on edge from worrying about-- Well, what Alek had just confirmed for her a few minutes previous.

Rather than rejoining them immediately, the human gave the vampires a scathing look before stalking off towards the bathroom. Though she hesitated before reaching that door and grinned impishly before pulling the chair out from under another frozen body. They were already dead, so splashing them on the ground wasn't exactly murder... but it sure felt like it. Perhaps that was why she was giggling as she vanished to take care of certain things.

Growing tired of waiting, even slightly, Nox would continue, somehow concerned and annoyed all at once. "Well then..." A pause to finish the remainder of his glass before pouring another. Some sort of spiced rum. As cold as it had gotten in his hand, it was almost like a syrup or spice-forward ice wine. It was very pleasing to the Caer.

"The Church stole something from my ancestral home when they put it to the sword all those years ago. Something very...very valuable. My father's blade. I suspect, should they still have it, it'd be in one of their little holes full of stolen treasures. Moreso, I expect its guarded by the Inquisitors, not the Paladins. So finding it may prove far more...tasking that I anticipate, if thats the case." A swirl of the dark amber liquid, eyes never leaving the rim of the glass.

"I need that sword. There are many reasons why...Far more than I can count...But the most important one being that its my birthright. I am the head of my house now. Seraphim's Grace belongs in my hands." The way Nox spoke of this seemingly fabled weapon would speak volumes. The right weapon in the right warriors hand...nothing could be more vital for an oncoming war.

The man frowned and rubbed the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. "To me, that sounds like a job for someone who's more fine tuned to the shadows than I am." Alek suggested. "But should you wish this mission on me, I shall see what I can do. My suggestion is to get a hands on a particularly young inquisitor, or perhaps an inquisitor apprentice. Although not fully converted, the apprentices typically learn things that most wouldn't think they do. They often have eagerly awaiting ears to learn, but those eagerly awaiting ears don't shut off whilst not in study.." He sighed.

"I can attempt to do this, but help would be appreciated. Although I may have been unknown to you, I am not an unknown man to this city." He gazed into the open. "And the task can be completed faster should there be more eyes and ears open for the opportunity." He scowled slightly. "I guess I will get one of those.. cellphones.." He muttered slightly to himself of an assortment of things.

Perilous was still drying her hands as she returned, though the paper towel would get stuffed in her pocket as she approached. She had a troubled look though, and hesitated about getting too close to Nox, since her arms were bare and the air was cold even a few steps away. "Gentlemen, may I suggest a change in venue? The bartender is still alive, and sooner or later he is going to call for help. While what he would call probably wouldn't be a match for either of you, it would be annoying to be continually interrupted."

She was also worried that Nox might remember her sister, and how many young proselytes Pierette had contact with. Some of whom she would rather not feed to either of the lovely monsters before her. "Shall I see about finding a cellphone for Mr. Alek? I'm sure I have an extra burner in my car, unless you want something a bit more flashy."
as written by Krysis, Emperor_Jester, and Knosis

"No, a burner will do. Go and fetch it before we leave. Which will indeed be shorty." Nox nodded along, paying attention to Alek's words. He wasn't wrong, but Nox had not yet made an alliance with a shadow stalker. Most of the families who had such members had a grudge or two against the Caer, to put it mildly.

"While I appreciate and value your advice on the subject, Alek...subtly is not needed for this. I suspect the safe house its being kept in is not inside the church proper. Do what needs to be done. Whatever it takes. I will be sending along some help, should it prove difficult to hide." Though now he had more to think about. This war could not be won by brute force alone. He wasn't that naive. His father had waged a seventeen year long war by abusing all aspects of conflict. It was time to start building a more...varied pool of soldiers.

It was time to make more Caer. Both noble and common.

"You will do well under me, Alek. I reward those who follow me, as much as I can anyway. I was worried and disgusted when Pierette told me how you two met. The...circumstances and actions said and done at the time. But I feel now, having met you, that you understand me, somewhat. Together, I think, we can tear this city apart..."

A dark, sinister grin spread across Alek's lips and his eyes lit with enthusiasm. "I'm afraid there isn't much you can give me for reward. The things I would ask for, are impossible to obtain anymore." He slowly stood up, "I only wish to watch this city burn. Only then can this city be reborn." Alek's eyes shifted to the room in which the bar tender hid still.

The man chuckled darkly. "I think its time to leave then. I shall meet you outside for the burner phone, little one." He addressed Perlious. "I must see to some.. Business first. I will meet you outside."

Pierette licked her lips and gave a little sound of disappointment that she was being shooed away, but then she shrugged and headed out. The frozen and thawing gore on the floor crunched under her new boots as she carelessly walked upon it on her way out to her car, though she would pause to wipe her feet on the doormat before trailing the mess outside. It was just habit for her to avoid the mortal cops as much as possible.

While she was waiting, she'd also walk around on the gravel or pavement (the burner phone for Alek ready to go in her pocket) as she looked to see how easy it would be to set the place on fire and reduce the evidence of their activity. Naturally, she wouldn't want to destroy the work of art Nox had made by freezing the place so quickly, but... Perilous was well aware of how fragile her posistion was.

Nox would follow shortly after, first making sure to grab the remainder of his bottle. Outside, in the pale light of the city and the moon, his white attire seemed to glow with an eerie light. "Let us wait for our companion, my dear. I have an idea what his 'business' is." The nosferatu would explain, siddling up beside his maid, a long, cold arm draping itself gently across her shoulders.

"Tell me...what do you think of him? Spare me no mind. I want you to speak honestly. You sought out this talent, you've spent the most time with Alek. Please. Share your thoughts." His icy hand would squeeze her shoulder, as if to remind her of something.

Alek waited until the pair of them was outside before slowly crossing the bar room, his boots thudding heavily on the wooden floor. He could hear the man's heart quicken its pace, and his grin grew sadistic. He began to hum a quiet tune to himself, an old hymn that spoke of the end times. His eyes glowed in the darkness, the golden amber reminded most of a flame. Some had compared it to the flames of hell itself.

The old man was hiding in the corner of his storage room, shivering in both cold and fear. There was not a single thing left of his sanity as soon as he looked upon Alek. Alek squatted down next to the man, his arms resting lazily on his knees as he watched the pathetic human began to plead and beg. Words which he had long before grown deaf to. "I wonder." Alek said, interrupting the spew of prayers the man had started to say. "If your lord will hear your prayers and open the gates for you. Or if this is truly the end times, and the devil himself is ruling over this world." Alek seemed slightly curious for a moment. "But.. I suppose it is none of my business any longer. Death cares little should you join those behind the gates of eternal paradise or the suffer the eternal flames of hell." He sighed.

"And your time is up."

Outside, they would hear a scream of agony for the briefest of moments before it fell silent and unnoticed into the nights air. Nox would hear the crackling of flames take light from the inside.

"Of course. Even I have an inkling of what he is up to. No witnesses need to survive to tell that you have a powerful ally. I kinda wanted to watch, and get a better idea of what our lovely Alek does, but some men get performance anxiety with an audience." Perilous grinned and winked up at Nox, snuggling close to his side and pressing her cheek against the back of his hand. "Besides, I had things to do out here."

She frowned as she thought of how she could explain what she thought of Alek. "The moment I saw him, I felt like I knew him. Like we're very similiar somehow. Maybe broken in nearly the same way, and coping in the same way too, by embracing the violence and nihlism instead of shunning it. It took me a few moments to realize that he was not just a human in love with death, but an avatar of destruction."

The human blushed then and murmured, "I wanted him, I can't deny it. Like recognizing like, I suppose. So I hoped you'd want him nearby until I could figure it out... but now he is cold to me too. Probably because I told him that you come first. Always and forever, my darling Master."

"You choose your words well, and believe me, I appreciate your devotion. Normally I'd allow you to spread your wings, or legs, to whoever you wished but now..." A pull to his chest, a hand on her stomach, cold and hard. "I need to keep you safe. I will not restrict your freedoms but...there is much we will have to discuss. And do your best to keep this a secret from the others in the house."

Leaving her side at the sound of flames, Nox's eyes would widen suddenly, gritting his teeth. he loathed it when it wasn't needed. And it was needed now, to eliminate all possible evidence. However, it was a tool of life. Heat, light, wild movement, passion. They did not mesh well with the ideal of the Caeruleum, who believed in the cold death, the stillness, the silence of it all.

"Once we give him the phone, I will be returning home. Will you join me, or do you have more matters to attend to?"
as written by Krysis, Emperor_Jester, and Knosis

Pierette gave a contented sigh as she leaned back against Nox, tilting her head to see if she could get a glimpse of what Alek was up to with a different angle. She'd fold her hands around Nox's press on her stomach, glad that someone was happy about it at least. "I was going to go talk to a few people, but-- Now there is no need. Now, it is better to not have temptation to misbehave. Also, I am not going to feel rushed about settling scores anymore. I know I have at least a few months to deal with them. So I guess I can just head home after this. Maybe read up on a few things."

The flames were starting to become visible from the windows as Alek came from the door, his golden eyes locking onto Nox. He was still humming that hymn to himself as he walked silently over to the pair. He turned to admire his work, and then he spoke as though he had read Nox's very thoughts. "Fire is wild, untamable. And because of that, flame brings destruction. Such a destruction, that people have described hell's punishment of the damn to the flames." He looked back to Nox.

"I suggest that we finish our meeting rather quickly. The alarms in the building were chewed through by rats, but people seeing the flames will still report their house is on fire."

"...I couldn't agree more." How wrong he was. Nox knew Hell. He'd seen it. All Caer saw hell...It was frozen desolation. At its core, the final layer of damnation was an icy prison, nothing more. "We will return to the manor. Perilous, give him the phone and the address. You may add your number to the device as well, if you wish it."

A gaze to the east, the horizon. It wouldn't be long now. Another six hours and the accursed ball of flame would rise in the sky once more, some what limiting his movements once again. To be rid of it forever...wouldn't that be a dream? Once the two were done, Nox would begin to move towards his mate's vehicle. It...needed some work.

Nox did not approve.

Saying that Perilous Pierette's car needed some bodywork was an understatment. She had gotten the tough older car for two reasons. The steel frame made it difficult to total, and the hatchback area was big enough that she could sleep in it comfortably. She had lived in the vehicle for years before being claimed by Nox. However, despite the appearance, it ran very well. She knew how to take care of it. Well, under the hood at least. The interior was strewn with the debris of her life that had not yet made it into 'her' room in the manor.

She handed the phone over to Alek, "You've got my number and my lord's in there, but that's it. I'd recommend finding a teenager to help you customize things if you are in the mood for it. Umm. Call me anytime, I rarely sleep and moving around in the daytime is what I'm here for."

The man took the phone from Pierette, and his eyes soften slightly. Oh how she reminded him of her. It looked as though he wanted to caress her cheek as he had the day before but restrained himself at the last moment and placed his hand on her shoulder. He hardened himself again and looked away. "I have done what you have asked. Now do as I ask and stay out of my sight. As much as nessesary at least." His request seemed cold, but there was a hint of something in his tone, something that seemed foreign for a monster like him.

Emotionless, he pulled away and began to walk the opposite direction. The sun did not bring him fear as it did for Nox, and he had much work to do. But Pierette could see the agony he carried with him as he walked away. The pain of a memory of a man long gone.

Pierette was both honored and astonished that Alek had shown her such an emotion. Her smile at his back was cynical though, since she knew herself and how she was likely to use him if he let her. Poor thing.

Without another word, she got into the car with Nox and drove away, in the opposite direction. It was good to be headed home.
as written by Script and Sentry

A cool breeze rolled through the bedroom's open window, as Jason slumbered fitfully through the night, sprawled across his sizeable bed. Beside him, Felix was consigned to a much smaller patch of bed - but considering their relative sizes, the arrangement just about worked - most of the time. The covers trailed halfway off the foot of the bed and onto the floorboards, overlapping with their hastily discarded clothing.

As the clock ticked on, Jason tossed violently in his sleep. Despite the wind flowing in from the outside making the room practically frigid, sweat clung to every inch of his body. He occasionally let out a low grunt or murmur that sounded nothing short of panicked.

Jason had always had recurring nightmares, but they'd only become a problem in the last few weeks. Before they had been relatively infrequent, but now it seemed like they came almost every night. Few were the things that could leave Jason so much as fazed when he was awake, even in the face of extreme violence and plentiful death, but his face as he dreamed regularly formed expressions of abject terror or anguish. Tonight was no exception.

In his dream, he was small. A child, scrawny and weak. He walked aimlessly through dimly lit corridors, bare and formed of featureless stone and plaster. His vision was hazy, as though looking through mist. He was walking behind a woman, with long auburn hair. She had her back to him, but despite not seeing her face, her presence gave him an inexplicable sense of comfort.

Then the scene shifted. They were no longer in a corridor, but in a room. He winced as needles pricked at his skin, and looked down to see a mess of tubes pumping something into his body. His limbs went numb, and his knees buckled, as faceless figures in white coats milled around the room full of indistinct machinery that hummed menacingly.

The woman, too, was plugged into a tangle of tubing. But as he watched, the figures in white stepped towards her and gripped her by the arms. They began to pull her away, and she struggled helplessly against them. He cried out, trying to reach for her, but unable to lift his arms.

She turned, and for a brief moment, he caught a glimpse of her face. She was beautiful - her eyes a warm brown, and despite being damp with tears, they were strong. She smiled at him, mouthing something that he couldn't make out, and then she was gone, pulled into the haze.

Time seemed to pass, as the figures in white were suddenly gone, and he found himself seated in a chair. Another figure, a man in the same attire as the white-coats, but somehow clearly distinct from them, stepped forwards to look down at him. He couldn't make out the man's face, but he still felt his eyes on him, scouring him. The man said something, then waved a hand, and he was gone. The back of the chair disappeared, and Jason fell backwards with a cry. His head came to rest on cold steel, sensation returning to his body in time to register that he was strapped down with solid metal restraints.

He struggled, but couldn't budge them. As he lay there, something glowing red came into his sight. It hovered over him, forcing him to squint as the light grew more and more intense. And then it descended upon him, bringing with it agony. He screamed, but made no sound, as pain wracked every inch of his body. He writhed against his restraints, and felt them give slightly.

With a roar, he wrenched himself free of the table he was laid upon, scattering machinery as he regained his feet. Only blank walls faced him, but somehow he knew that the ones that had done this to him were behind one of the walls. He launched himself at it, slamming his fists into it again and again. He ignored the pain as reinforced glass shattered beneath his blows, and he pushed through into a room that contained only the man from before.

His face wasn't shrouded any more. It was a gnarled and twisted mask, scarred across the nose and mouth, and his expression contorted into a sneer as Jason staggered towards him...


A cool breeze rolled through the bedroom's open window, as Jason slumbered fitfully through the night, sprawled across his sizeable bed. Beside him, Felix was consigned to a much smaller patch of bed - but considering their relative sizes, the arrangement just about worked - most of the time. The covers trailed halfway off the foot of the bed and onto the floorboards, overlapping with their hastily discarded clothing.

As the clock ticked on, Jason tossed violently in his sleep. Despite the wind flowing in from the outside making the room practically frigid, sweat clung to every inch of his body. He occasionally let out a low grunt or murmur that sounded nothing short of panicked.

Jason had always had recurring nightmares, but they'd only become a problem in the last few weeks. Before they had been relatively infrequent, but now it seemed like they came almost every night. Few were the things that could leave Jason so much as fazed when he was awake, even in the face of extreme violence and plentiful death, but his face as he dreamed regularly formed expressions of abject terror or anguish. Tonight was no exception.

In his dream, he was small. A child, scrawny and weak. He walked aimlessly through dimly lit corridors, bare and formed of featureless stone and plaster. His vision was hazy, as though looking through mist. He was walking behind a woman, with long auburn hair. She had her back to him, but despite not seeing her face, her presence gave him an inexplicable sense of comfort.

Then the scene shifted. They were no longer in a corridor, but in a room. He winced as needles pricked at his skin, and looked down to see a mess of tubes pumping something into his body. His limbs went numb, and his knees buckled, as faceless figures in white coats milled around the room full of indistinct machinery that hummed menacingly.

The woman, too, was plugged into a tangle of tubing. But as he watched, the figures in white stepped towards her and gripped her by the arms. They began to pull her away, and she struggled helplessly against them. He cried out, trying to reach for her, but unable to lift his arms.

She turned, and for a brief moment, he caught a glimpse of her face. She was beautiful - her eyes a warm brown, and despite being damp with tears, they were strong. She smiled at him, mouthing something that he couldn't make out, and then she was gone, pulled into the haze.

Time seemed to pass, as the figures in white were suddenly gone, and he found himself seated in a chair. Another figure, a man in the same attire as the white-coats, but somehow clearly distinct from them, stepped forwards to look down at him. He couldn't make out the man's face, but he still felt his eyes on him, scouring him. The man said something, then waved a hand, and he was gone. The back of the chair disappeared, and Jason fell backwards with a cry. His head came to rest on cold steel, sensation returning to his body in time to register that he was strapped down with solid metal restraints.

He struggled, but couldn't budge them. As he lay there, something glowing red came into his sight. It hovered over him, forcing him to squint as the light grew more and more intense. And then it descended upon him, bringing with it agony. He screamed, but made no sound, as pain wracked every inch of his body. He writhed against his restraints, and felt them give slightly.

With a roar, he wrenched himself free of the table he was laid upon, scattering machinery as he regained his feet. Only blank walls faced him, but somehow he knew that the ones that had done this to him were behind one of the walls. He launched himself at it, slamming his fists into it again and again. He ignored the pain as reinforced glass shattered beneath his blows, and he pushed through into a room that contained only the man from before.

His face wasn't shrouded any more. It was a gnarled and twisted mask, scarred across the nose and mouth, and his expression contorted into a sneer as Jason staggered towards him...
as written by Ronin

Corso sat in a wicker rocking chair in the center of the room facing a splintered set of ajar french doors. Moonlight knifed across the sawdust floor and stabbed the edged of his boot as he rocked back-and-forth into its point. He sipped something dark from a crystal tumbler while music crackled from an old record player somewhere behind him. Every now and then he slipped his hand into his coat and clicked open a silver pocketwatch. Beside him, unconscious and tied upright to a smudged glass mirror, was a boy of six years.

He perked at a faint vibration in the air, the inaudible thrum of the Manies bells in Lemeux. Midnight. Corso rose and placed the tumbler on the floor next to his chair. Stepping in faint rhythm to the music, he drew a knife from his belt, cut the boy's cheek and held the metal under the wound till the edge was seeped in blood. The child stirred but did not wake.

Corso walked out the french doors and stood on the balcony. He was five stories up - rather high for a Lutetian building - in one of the many abandoned buildings in the Audrieu district. He'd been tracking Nox's hunting patterns for the last couple of weeks, trying to discern where and when the vampire would take his meal. Corso couldn't be sure that he would show up here tonight, but if he did... the scent of this blood ought to get his attention. He lifted the knife to the wall, tracing the Caer insignia into the stone. Finished, he cleaned his knife, returned to his chair and took up his drink.

He tapped his foot and hummed to the music as he waited.
as written by Emperor Jester

A scent in the air. It tingled the nostrils, the senses, of a sharp featured man dressed predominately in white, white so pure it was as if the giant was draped in snow, pure and untouched. But he was anything but. The creature that Corso sought was on the trail, drawn to the scent of a young boy for reasons he could not explain. Males were never his type of prey, and younger males never had the same delicate balance of flavors and screams that little girls did. It was a less exciting, less tasteful meal, on that Nox normally avoided.

But not tonight. He could not explain his desires, but as soon the sweet sanguine had touched the air, he was...drawn to it. It smelled sweet, so sweet the undead lord could taste it, feel it on his lips and tongue and fangs already. If the blood smelled this decadent than he cold only imagine, with sick twisted glee, what the flesh would taste like. How it would feel to tear strips of the child's still living tissue from its writhing body, how it would feel to let those wet, warm chunks and slivers slide down his gullet, feeding the beast within him. If he were physically capable, he was more than sure he'd be drooling.

And it wouldn't take him long to get there. Not with the rooftops and the night helping him travel rapidly and stay concealed. The Caer had not exactly been close, but he was anything but slow. And the hunger! It was getting more powerful by the second! Nox realized that this could be a trap, a magical lure placed to try and bring him out of hiding, but by who? Who would actually dare?

It was with this confidence, and overwhelming desire to feed, that he soon arrived beneath the balcony, his aura so out of control with crazed hunger that it was...palpable, almost visible, to the naked eye of those who were only slightly attuned to such things. Dark, viscous, and cold, cold beyond anything a mortal could ever experience...
as written by Ronin

The necromantic tethers Corso maintained in the surrounding perimeter alerted him to Nox's presence before he arrived, the Caer's aura like a strong, potent scent on the wind. The necromancers remained in his chair, half-obscured by the dark, a slow smile curving his jaw. So it'd worked after all. This should be interesting.

Corso waited until Nox was fully inside the building before his hand lifted, raising his glass in greeting. His voice cut the drone of the static-sodden record player, tone cold and sharp, tinged in amusement. "Hail, Nox Caeruleum, son of Nito, third of his seed, Lord of the Caer." He rose, bowing at the waist, before gesturing to the unconscious boy strapped to the mirror.

"Can I offer you a drink?"
as written by Emperor Jester

The climb up had allowed Nox time to plot, time to scheme. The closer he got, the more the scent threatened to overwhelm his senses. It was purely intoxicating, disgustingly so. The railing of the balcony twisted and strained and groaned under his weight as he launched himself over the sides, rushing both the man and the young child, the source of the smell, his aura exploding outward exponentially greater than it had been mere seconds before. But he stopped, dead in his tracks, when two things burned bright in his mind. An instinctual warning.

He hadn't felt the other presence. No smell, no fear, nothing. And this male had known his name. More than his name. Had known his father's name. The fact he was the thirdboy of the Old House. Too many things.

The dread cold would vanish in an instant, as would the intense savagery and the palpable blood lust. His features would lose their viscous snarl, relaxing once again into a sharp, dignified state. The jaw would reset itself, cracking and popping audibly, and the Caer would stand to his full height, his head nearly scraping the ceiling. "How do you know my position of heritage?" There was a demanding edge to that question, accompanied with its fair share of raw power. And those eyes. How blue they were. How they shone.

"I expect an answer, but in the mean time, yes...please...a drink would be marvelous."
as written by Ronin

"I know your family, Nox," Corso replied, "knew them when they were but one of many vampiric houses subservient to the Law of Dusk. Knew them before your father dared for more. Dared to rise." He walked the length of the room, stopping before the record player as it finished the last of the song. He removed the needle and flipped the disc before starting it again. Another song issued from its speakers.

"I know your family because your family is important to this city," he continued, back still turned, "and I love this city. Lutetia. I make a point of knowing everything there is to know about the things I love." He turned back to the vampire. "To my memory there are only four things I love. Lutetia. Physiology. Good music." He lifted his glass in salute. "And Vrailin brandy." A short sip. He smiled.

"Please, help yourself," Corso gestured to the boy, "good blood, that one. Has a rare condition - Polycythemia. Overproduces hemoglobin reserves in the veins. Higher red-blood cell count. I'm told some vampires consider it a delicacy." He stepped forward. "If you like, I can wake him up."
as written by Emperor Jester

"Let him sleep. His life will be over soon, poor child. Some times I wish I could have my hunger made an exception for children, but it can't be helped. A shame really. They are blameless creatures. Most haven't had time to sin, to love, to truly laugh." A pause in his ramblings, eyes drawn to the heart beat of the boy. Watching the blood steadily pulse throughout his body. It was hard to not tear into the lad right then, but business before pleasure.

"When you say you knew my father, and my family, I assume you mean from a historical perspective. I can tell by looking at you that Father would've never let you in our walls. Spoken to you directly. My lord hardly ever spoke to his own wives and children, let alone strange men whose heart beat can't even be heard." Nox would look around for a brief moment, before finding something suitably clean to hang his jacket on, taking a seat where he could soon after. With crossed legs and his head resting in his left palm, the Caer would do his best to size this strange man up once more. It was a hard task.

"Never mind all that, however. You speak of loving this city. But I'm sure you must know by now, that this stinking, bloated metropolis is doomed. Winter is almost here, and they failed to wipe out my blood when they had their best chance, years ago. Even if it is just me, which as time goes on I doubt more and more, I alone will be enough to bring this squalled shit-hole to its knees. Or did you bring me here to...try and stop me? Convince me otherwise?" There was a tone of amusement to the last two questions, as if Nox genuinely thought the mere idea was entertainment gold.
as written by Ronin

"A historical perspective, to be sure," Corso nodded, "I was regrettably occupied outside city limits when your family first made its move against the city. Avoiding the Monastics and the Order of White." He made a face. "Even now, I must tread carefully. They're meddlesome peons, but persistent."

There was nothing particularly fascinating about Corso. Average height, average build. A handsome face, pale, beset with a stubbled jaw, long black locks and a pair of frost-grey eyes. He wore a long jacket. A symbol was tattooed onto his left hand.

"Stop you?" Corso raised a brow, "quite the contrary, patriarch. My proposition is much more beneficial for the both of us." The necromancer walked back the way he came and assumed the seat opposite Nox.

"You say you can reclaim the city by yourself. That's probably true." He nodded. "But how long does that take? Realistically speaking, I mean. You crush the Order's armies. Sure. But you still have a hundred knights scattered throughout the city and surrounding country. Bastion monasteries in the continent. Hidden armories. You subjugate the wolf packs, but what of their allies in Iveria? What of the Aanaran remnants? The cults? The animancers?" Corso shook his head. "You have many enemies ahead of you, Lord Caer. Perhaps you could defeat them all, in time, but time is exactly what they'll want once you've made your move. Time to rally. Time to lick their wounds. Time to study you and design weapons to fight you, just as they did with your father and siblings." He took a sip. "What you need is, as the westerners say, a blitzkrieg. A quick, intense plan of action which destroys resistance permanently."

A grin tugged at his mouth. "I can help you with that, if you're willing."
as written by Emperor Jester

"You speak as if you already know all my plans, like they won't work fast enough. You know nothing. This city is all that matters. Once I take it, the rest is out of my hands. I am a herald of the Endless Winter. I am not my Father, the one who began down this road and agreed to its terms. I am not the Creator, nor the Broker. I simply am." It bothered Nox, as it always did, to be reminded of what he already knew. To reminded of the weakness of his current position. Most of his allies, with few exceptions, were far below him in both resources and raw power. He knew where he stood in the grand scheme of things.

But the villain simply didn't care. It wasn't by chance or hard work that the Snow would rise. It was fate. It was destiny. It didn't matter when it happened, only that it would. And nothing could stop it.

Still, it would be rude to not hear this...upstart...out. "I'm curious. How so? What could you offer me, that I won't find elsewhere. What could you offer me that I simply could not take?"
as written by Ronin

"Perhaps I am merely one of the many conduits through which you may manifest your power, patriarch," Corso offered with a curious head tilt, "perhaps it was fated that we should meet today. That I may offer you my services - small as they are - in the name of your vision." He swirled his glass. "What I offer you isn't something that can be taken or found, Lord Caer, because it hasn't been created yet. It's in here." He tapped his temple. "A plan. A weapon. I have the schematics, the archetype, but a wielder?" He shook his head. "Someone powerful enough to harness the sort of energy I seek to manipulate? It would obliterate a mortal - break the bodies of even the supernatural paragons. It would take a god to manage it."

He leaned forward in his seat. "But if they could, they would find a power undreamed of. The power to destroy the Monastic Order in a single night." He mused, an absent grin cracking his jaw. "The power to do ... anything."
as written by Emperor Jester

Nox's eyes would narrow, very very slowly. So he was one of 'those' it seemed. Another, just like all the rest. Why is it, that in the glory days, Lutetia was full of such interesting folk, but ever since his return, more than half of them all seemed so droll. So pointless. So utterly...interchangeable. When had all the power players in this crumbling ruin of a metropolis because so predictable? Only Sanina had managed to truly capture his attention, in the sense of a true partner in plots. And in other ways, but that was less exceptional.

"I want you to listen very closely to what I'm about to explain. If you make me repeat myself, then not only is this meeting over, but so is your unnaturally scented life. Is that clear enough for me to continue? I hope so, because if I have to listen to another crawling worm come to me with promises of power, telling me that they're the answers to my problems and dilemmas, then I don't know what I'll do. Probably just stop caring entirely and decide to kill every living and dead entity in this city. Tonight. Because I could. Is that understood? I don't need power to wipe out that accursed monument to hypocrisy. I don't need to concern myself how much time I give the doomed to prepare. I am a Caer, and a predator does not concern itself with the fear, hate, worry, or skepticism of lesser mortal beings." Each word was spat with such convicted loathing, practically sizzling with hateful venom as soon as they left his mouth.

"The fact of the matter is that I need time. I need to wait. There are many things I must do before I make a real move on the Wick. There are answers I must find, clues left by my Father. There are visions that puzzle my mind, and must be solved. My heir must be born, so I have a trueborn descendant to take my place when it is...time. Do not waste my time by trying to get me to play my hand. Nothing you could offer me would tempt me to make such foolish decisions."

This time, there was no smile. Just brilliant blue eyes that seemed to tear and rip with but a gaze, and a thin lipped snarl.