Fanfiction The Law of Shiki Tohno

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Endearing Misanthrope
The Convergence Series GM
The fifth chapter in The Life of Shiki Tohno, written out originally in a 1x1 fashion.


Things could change so fast, faster than most people could realize what they had missed.

Even if he had perhaps tried his best to maintain a normal life, a normal life that he had very well earned after what he had been through in his thus far short life, even Minato Arisato could feel that life was slowly changing within Misaki Town. One by one, pieces were falling out of order in town.

For one, lately, Ciel had been far busier with work concerning the Holy Church. With the recent activity of the Night of Wallachia that had plagued Misaki Town during the Fiamma Incident, not only did this increase the productivity of the Sons of Roa, some sort of disorganized group of vampires that Ciel never elaborated much upon, but it also gave her cause to hunt down any of the illusions that lingered, created by Wallachia's TATARI phenomena, that never really went away. With that being said, it was suffice to say that she had her work cut out for her lately, and that resulted in her coming home later than usual, usually in the very early morning. What was more, more notably, recently in the past two days or so, she had seemed notably distracted by something, often seen zoning out into her own little world at times, thinking about God knows what.

In fact, this morning, Ciel was nowhere to be found in the apartment, though when Minato would walk into a kitchen, a note would be found on the refrigerator, telling him that she would, as promised, meet him outside the school grounds at the end of the day, just as she did every day when she'd walk with him to class during normal days. There was little to do about that, so the day went by... relatively normal.

Today wasn't a very notable day, except for perhaps the fact that it was the beginning of the weekend. And for the fact that this was approximately the third day in a row that a certain young man named Shiki Tohno had been absent from class. Of course, not many people took note. Shiki never did make a particular impression in class. Like many of the other young men, he simply hung out with his own friends and minded his own business, though admittedly, Shiki's personal life was subject to much debate to the classmates that didn't know him.

One such rumor was that he lived in the supposedly haunted mansion up the hill at the edge of town, taken care of by an exceedingly cute younger sister, the latter part being part of a testimony by an anonymous tip, AKA, Shiki's friend Arihiko Inui. Other strange rumors included him being related to some sort of ancient royalty, another including him being part-European, another including him being part of the reason for Satsuki Yumizuka mysteriously "transferring of the country" shortly after it had been revealed that they were dating, and so on. It was a wonder why he wasn't constantly hounded by his classmates.

After all, who didn't remember the "Incident of the Blonde Beauty" from a year ago?


The striking beauty of the mysterious European looking lady that called for Shiki in the middle of class remains one of the hottest debate topics to this day.

In any case, like most other, the day just flew by with not much of importance happening. The dismissal bell rang like it did every day, and with that, students rushed out of their rooms, eager to reach their clubrooms or straight home where they could finally relax for the weekend.


Outside the school grounds, as promised that early morning, Minato Arisato would be able to find Ciel waiting for him, standing against the gate, bag in her hands. However, upon closer inspection, Minato would be able to see that she had a rather pensive, distracted look in her eye, almost as though she wouldn't be able to notice Minato unless he'd get really close, or something to that degree.



One could wonder what she was thinking about?

Minato sighed as he sat through the last few minutes of class, having awoken only a little bit before from his daily afternoon nap. I really should start getting more sleep at night... Not like it really mattered, most of the teachers didn't really care if he slept during class or not. His grades were well ahead of most of the other students, and he was always prompt with answers when awoken, so his habits were simply tolerated by the staff or at worse earned him an admonishment. Not that he really cared either way.

No, what he cared about right now was the strange things he had started to notice. For one thing, Ciel had begun to grow more and more distant, especially after he had thought all the trouble with the supernatural would be over after the previous incident. In fact, if anything, the incident's closure had only increased the rampant need for the assassin to remain away from long periods of time, leaving him to worry and the gap between them to widen further. Even when she was home, she seemed to be off in some other place. Sometimes, it felt like he wasn't even a thought in her mind beyond the occasional note explaining her absence.

Then there was Shiki, the guy who had survived three of the incidents and was probably never going to be normal.

Minato couldn't help but take note of his acquaintance's sudden disappearance from the classroom. A single day missed? Nothing too special, he was probably just ill and would recover soon. Two days? That was stranger, though perhaps there was something important within his family at the moment. Three days? Now he was worried.

The only reason that he could think for the change was that his friend had become involved in the recent string of supernatural happenings that Ciel was swamped with handling. Then again, if Ciel could usually come home at some point (even if it was well after he finally went to bed), then that means Shiki should have been able to as well...

The ringing of the last bell that signaled his escape broke his train of thought and he snapped to attention, examining the board and jotting down the assignment on it. The math could be taken care of easily when he got home, which hopefully meant he would have time to spin with Ciel. If she isn't called away again... He packed away his books and notebooks into his bag with a sigh and quickly slipped through the crowd, ignoring the few calls of his name that he heard from the few friends he had made in Misaki. It was fine, they understood that sometimes he just wanted to head on home.


Just like her note promised, Minato found the girl waiting just outside the school gates, on time as always. However, he also noticed the far-off look in her eyes. Usually, she was more attentive than what she was at that moment, and it was rather odd to see her so distracted.

"Everything alright?"

The question, uttered as he took his place at her side for their walk, broke what would have become an awkward silence as they made their way through the small town. At least, he hoped it would.

Upon asking the question, Ciel would suddenly blink in surprise, having snapped out of whatever reality she had been in. Her blue eyes initially wide with surprise, she'd quickly clear her throat and put a smile on her face when Minato would come into her sights, holding her bag tighter now that she was back.


"O-Oh, goodness, it seems that I was daydreaming deeper than I had expected," the young woman said bashfully, an embarrassed laugh being let out, "Sorry I couldn't accompany you to class this morning, Minato-kun. I... had some matters to take care of."

Perhaps for some, it was difficult to say whether or not she was hiding something, if those so-called "matters" were actually that important, or what. Sometimes, not even Ciel herself exactly knew. For better or for worse, she was deceivingly good at keeping secrets. Not a notion that one would expect from everybody's responsible upperclassman.

"In any case, shall we be heading home now?" She asked, seemingly eager to move on.

There she goes, hiding the truth again. It wasn't hard for the teen to pick up on her subtle lies and half-truths nor to keep his expression from betraying his disappointment. Being a habit he had picked up years ago, he could easily feign an amused smile as she laughed, nodding his head as she explained herself, "It's fine, you've got a job you have to do and sometimes you can't help the time it calls you away at. No problem." For now, he wouldn't pry anymore.


"Yeah, home sounds good right right about now," Not that he had anything to do there. Usually, dinner was a subdued affair between them and the task easily and quickly finished, which would hopefully leave them some time to spend together before she was inevitably pulled away by her job.

God, he hated having a girlfriend who worked the night shift.

Making sure his backpack was secure, he didn't give her a chance to protest as he took wrapped his hand around hers as they began to walk together. It seemed like all he wanted these days was to be close to her, as if that was all that mattered now. Then again, he had seen her almost die right before his eyes, both their bodies beginning to disintegrate during the final battle of the last incident, so excuse him for being a little protective and clingy.

"I'm thinking curry tonight might do us both some good, what do you think?"

"Mhm... curry. That sounds good, yes," Ciel nodded, a content smile on her face. However, it wasn't enough. Though she was pleased as ever by the thought of having her favorite food to eat, there were subtle differences from her usual reactions today. Under normal circumstances, her eyes would have gone wider, and her general expression would have been much brighter. It was getting more and more evident that something else was on her mind at the moment.

As the two of them walked together uphill, Ciel's emotional distance only grew more and more. Roughly three times out of five, if Minato were to try to talk to her further about anything, it would take Ciel a moment to respond or even acknowledge him. When one thought about it, there were a great many possibilities of what could be on her mind.

Even with the dreaded Murder Games seemingly no longer involved with this world, things were still busy as ever. The Association and the Church went back to being at odds with each other, and as mentioned before, the Fiamma Incident resulting in a rise of activity from the creatures of the night. Who knows, maybe Shiki's recent days off was connected to all this as well?

But of course, that'd all just be conjecture right now.


Generally, the route from school to back home involved walking past some crossroads, where they'd have to turn left to get to Ciel's home from there. However, today, as soon as they'd reach those crossroads, Ciel would suddenly stop, clutching her bag tighter than ever. She looked down at the ground briefly, as though contemplating something, before looking up, gazing straight at Minato.

"Hey... Minato-kun? I'm sorry to have to do this on such short notice, but is it alright if you head home without me? I just remembered that I... have some matters to attend to about work. Is it alright if we split paths from here? I'll... try my best to be back by dinnertime."

Minato had known something was wrong and he wasn't surprised that something really did come up. Something always did these days, with it always being their time together that suffered for it. The Church always seemed to want Ciel handling the dangerous assignments, fighting the monsters in the night and punishing the Mages who went too in their search for power, and he was always left behind to worry and hope she wasn't hurt. He knew that she was strong enough for most threats and could easily find help if she needed.

It just sucked that he was always being left behind.

Slowly, his hand released its hold begrudgingly and he turned away to walk home, "Yeah, it's fine. I'll have dinner ready when you get back." He doubted she would be home at any reasonable hour tonight. Her work always held her back, with this not being the first night he had to make a second plate only for the seat at the table to remain empty and for the food to grow cold. It was honestly quite pathetic to think he would wait so long for nothing.

Maybe he wouldn't worry about that second place at the table or the curry and just order some take-out.

ith little more than a simple nod, Ciel turned around, beginning to walk the other way. She stopped for a brief moment, her face continuing to gaze away from Minato's, as though she wanted to say something more. With that, she'd let out a "Hey, Minato-kun..."

And then a brief silence. Like maybe she was debating what to say, whether to say it or not, before seemingly making a judgment a few seconds later, following up with "... I love you... and, take care of yourself, alright? I'll be back before you know it."

And with that, she took off.

As Minato reluctantly continued his way home by itself, one could argue that it didn't feel much different from walking home with Ciel today. The silence was still there. The only sound that was mostly missing was the additional footsteps. Though for some reason, Minato would still be able to feel... another presence nearby. The feeling of eyes watching him. The feeling of--


"Heeeeeey, Shiiiikiiiii! You're baaaack!"

Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, the voice of what appeared to be a young woman called out, seemingly to Minato (as if he'd look around, Shiki himself seemed to be nowhere in sight), before the blue-haired young man would finally find himself being... in gentle terms, tackle-hugged by the woman in question, who seemed to be giddy enough from the belief that the boy she was hugging was a certain Shiki that she was giggling like a schoolgirl.

"Hi hi! Where have you been all this time? And why is your hair brighter? Did you dye it?! Eeeeeh, I'm not sure if I like this new look, Shikiii!"

The mysterious blonde beauty of Misaki Town found her prey.


A tight, air-stealing hug wasn't the fate he thought of when he imagined the possible confrontation. Especially not when it was from a giggling and attractive blonde who looked out of place in Japan. Why do I always attract the strange ones? "P-Please l-let go of me! I'm not this Shiki person, miss!"

Wait, Shiki?

Shocked realization showed on his face as he made the connection, "W-Wait, you mean Shiki as in Tohno-kun? From the local highschool?"


"E-Eh?" The woman suddenly blinked in surprise when Minato would respond, getting off him upon seemingly realizing that the young man before her was not, in fact, the Shiki that she had been looking for. Oddly enough, there didn't seem to be a shred of embarrassment for her own part on her face, but more just wholly genuine surprise that it wasn't who she was looking for, like she had been bamboozled by a master trickster or something of the sort.

That was what she was like.

"Oh, boo... I thought you were Shiki... Yeah, that's who I mean. But who are you though? You seem familiar..." She said, pursing her lips as she'd place her hands on her hips, leaning in rather close to Minato with the intent of getting a closer look.

"Hmm... blue hair. Around Shiki's age, it looks like... Aha, you wouldn't happen to know a Ciel, would ya?"

"Uh... I'm guessing you're one of Ciel-chan's friends then?" He leaned back a bit, trying to keep from letting the strange woman touch him. Man, she's leaning in like Ciel does when she's upset or suspicious of something... The feeling that he was about to be scolded scratched at the back of his neck the entire time the blonde's eyes remained glued on him, and he couldn't help but want to escape somehow.

An idea popped into his head that could help him get away or at least escape the glare, "Hey, you know I need to get home, right? I need to get dinner ready for when Ciel comes home, but you can come along if you want..." Please say no, please say no, please say no.


"Yep, yep! We're the best of friends! Ahahaha! A friend of hers is a friend of mine!" She said, letting out some sort of giddy laughter as she repeatedly pat Minato on the back.


Well, "pat" would imply that it was a friendly gesture of a hand hitting one's back, but with each loud pomf pomf pomf that would be able to be heard every time the whimsical woman's hand would hit Minato, one could swear up and down to Heaven that she had the power to create dents in brick walls if she was serious, judging from the so-called pats alone.

One had to wonder how much she and Ciel were exactly "friends."

"If you're Ciel's friend, you must be... Minato, right? I'm Arcueid. Arcueid Brunestud. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Again, one had to wonder...

"In any case, food does sound good right now! But instead of that dull Indian food or whatever, lemme treat you, dear friend of Shiki and Ciel! After all, we have a lot to talk about," she said, before forcefully grabbing Minato by the hand with a surprising amount of strength in her grip, not seeming to give him a choice as the woman who introduced herself as Arcueid dragged him around rather easily like he were a rag doll, taking him off-track and back into town.

"Yeah... We've got a real lot to talk about."

"Hey, what the heck?" Now Minato knew something was up. No normal woman could hit with that much power behind each strike, and now he was being dragged off by the woman randomly? Something was clearly up with this Arcueid woman... Plus, why did he feel like he had heard that name somewhere? Like it was one that Ciel or Shiki had talked about before...

As he continued to be dragged through the streets, he dug his heels into the ground, trying with all his might to stop the woman, "Dammit, let me go!" He needed to get away, before whatever this woman was decided to get messy with him. He might even have to resort to using his Evoker again...

I'm not dying here, not after last time. He no longer cared for anyone saw as he swung his bag off his shoulder and managed to unzip the pocket that held his old tool, slipping his hand in to grasp the cold metal, "Last chance, let me go!"
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. This is me being subtle about what I want to get, after all," Arcueid said, staying calm despite seemingly detecting what Minato was up to. He was perfectly free to try what he wanted though. However, though he might claim it was the last thing on his mind, the more Arcueid dragged him around, the more populated their position became as they would reach the middle of town.

It seemed that Arcueid was actually serious about taking him out to eat somewhere... Particularly somewhere where she wanted to eat.


"Tell me, Minato... What exactly is your relationship to Shiki and Ciel, hmm?" She asked curiously, onlookers giving the two of them strange looks as Arcueid would pass by everyone without a care in the world.

Minato couldn't exactly counter her her warning. Where they were, someone was likely to get hurt if he started a fight with her that he could very well lose, and he didn't much enjoy the thought of being guilty doing something like that. That left him with little other choice than to follow along with her desires.

That didn't mean he couldn't grumble the entire way and while he answered her question.

"Shiki's a... friend of mine, who've I've occasionally helped in certain situations. Ciel-chan... She's the most precious person in my life, and I wouldn't ever want to be apart from her. Can I go home now, please? She's going to be expecting me, and if you actually know her, then you know that you shouldn't keep her waiting..."

"All the better to make her mad then if she's supposed to be expecting you home soon!" Arcueid responded, as though excited by the thought of such a thing, "Besides, if she were to hear about what I had to talk to you about, then I'm sure she'd understand! But it's something I'd much rather talk to you about over a meal! You like burgers, right? That's where Shiki took me on our first date! Just make sure not to call it a date if you ever bring it up with him! He gets really mad when you do! Ehehe!"

Once again, without even waiting for a response from Minato, like she truly had a one-track mind, Arcueid would drag Minato into what seemed to be a burger joint. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any students from the school, or anyone Minato would otherwise recognize in the place, so there wasn't necessarily going to be a lot of attention attracted other than the mystified stares at the other customers who were wondering what was up with the brightly dressed, brightly expressed woman.

"Besides, it'll only take just a second! The talk, at least. What happens afterwards... Well..."

Moving her hand to his shoulder where she'd transfer her inhuman grip to, she'd drag him to a nearby table, where the waiter, a man so old he didn't even seem to care about the odd combination before him, would silently hand the two of them menus before Minato could possibly object. Still, Arcueid remained friendly with Minato... which in itself was odd when one thought about it.

"Hey, hey, do you like sweets? This place has a surprising amount of desserts like cakes around here! It's almost like it could double as an ice cream shop! Anyway, what are you gonna get?"

Miato couldn't help but gulp as he was dragged in front of the crowd at the burger joint. This wasn't like his friends who he could speak with easily or his classmates who he had no qualms of speaking in front of. Years of relative isolation had left him nervous with so many unfamiliar eyes being upon him unnecessarily, and for a moment, it felt as though he was about to choke under their gaze. Thankfully, once they sat, a few of the eyes began to turn away from Arcueid and by extension him and he could hide behind the offered menu with ease.

Though the words of the woman sitting across him ruined the ease he was regaining. Was she really a friend of Shiki's? If so, why didn't she know where he was? Was she possibly one of the creatures that Ciel was meant to hunt down? All these questions led to an even larger one as he sat there, pretending to read the menu. What the hell does she want with me?

"Just a burger and fries would be fine. No drink." He needed to get away from her, but for now, he would just have to play it safe.


Suddenly, on top of all the crazy happenings, a black cat with a ribbon on it, seemingly out of nowhere, leapt into Arcueid's arms, the woman having expected the arrival of the cat and easily enough catching it like it was nothing. As though there was nothing strange about the cat coming out of nowhere, Arcueid would also give her order.

"I'll have the usual! And a piece of chocolate cake for the cat here!"

"Uhh... Mmm... Ma'am, we don't allow felines here."

"Oh, it'll be fine. It will be fine."

For just a small second, Minato was able to see a brief golden gleam in the woman's eyes, in contrast to their usual red color, before just as quickly changing back to normal. And then... With a slow nod, the waiter silently took back the menus and walked off.

Minato frowned at the question, not at ease because of the cat's glare, "It's hard not to notice. The last couple of times I've been in trouble, he involved somehow and we helped each other during those times. If something has happened to him... Then I have no doubt that I will need to help my friend soon."

"... Tell me, what the hell do you actually want with him?" A little blunt, but he needed information, something to go on in case he had to run and find Ciel. If the assassin needed to deal with this woman, then everything bit of information he could gleam from the stranger would go a long ways to helping his lover, "After dragging me through the streets and forcing me to answer your questions, I feel like it's only fair if you tell me that."

She wouldn't attack him here, not in front of everyone. If she did, she would have to kill the others as well. If that happened, then the Church would come running and Ciel be the most vocal on not extending any sort of mercy to her. Especially since she's some sort of mage or worse, a beast...

A frown came upon Arcueid's expression when Minato would pose the question, as though it were an odd one to hear. In turn, the cat would also tilt its head curiously, but maintained its current position. Before long, the strange woman would give her answer after thinking of how to respond to such an inquiry.

"What do I want with him? I just want him to come back. Misaki Town is his home, after all, and when he just up and leaves, seemingly without saying a word to me, Ciel, or any other people he might know about... I'd say it's probable cause for alarm, wouldn't you agree?" She would respond nonchalantly.

The waiter quickly came back, deliver the food as promised, and left, moving like the wind, burgers and the like in front of Arcueid and Minato, as well as a slice of chocolate cake in front of the cat, who eyed the treat hungrily, but didn't make a move just yet.


"You don't trust me, do you? Rest assured, if I had any intent of bringing harm to you, you'd already be dead, but then I'd have Ciel on my back, and I guess I'd have to kill her too, which would be a pain considering how strong she is for a human. The same goes for Shiki. Considering how much we know each other, as Ciel herself can attest if you would still doubt me, if I meant him any harm, he'd already be long dead as well. I'm not being antagonistic. That's just the truth," she spoke, the smile remaining on her face as though there was nothing wrong at all with what she might be saying or implying.

"That brings us back to what I wanted to talk about... If you were able to locate and bring Shiki back home, would you take up that journey if, or when, presented to you?"

Minato nodded as she explained the obvious about Shiki's disappearance. It was honestly rather odd that most of the school seemed to not have noticed, with most of the teachers not even mentioning his absence. It didn't even seem like the local rumor mill had realized the change, which was especially odd given their usual habit of forming new tales about the teen.

"Kill one of the Church's top killers and her boy toy, yeah, that would go over well," For some reason, her smile was putting him at ease, at least at ease enough to be able to make quips of his own. Sure, he was absolutely certain that she could kill him, but that didn't mean he couldn't go out with one final joke, "What do you want to bet me that they would get someone named Van Helsing to lead the hunt? I feel like the Church would love that."

At the final question though, he stopped with the jokes and fell silent as he searched her expression for any hint of deception. Something about this was setting off warnings in his mind that this would get him killed somehow, but it wasn't as though it seemed he could nor wanted to walk away from the discussion, "Well, he is my friend, and I'm sure it would cheer up Ciel a bit. That begs a question though, if I can do it, why can't you? There has to be some sort of reason that you can't if you came to me instead of Ciel or doing it yourself, but I know it's not because I can fare better in a fight. So why?"

"Well, because I don't have the time to, of course. As much as I care for Shiki, I'm sad to say that my duties as the White Princess of the True Ancestors prevent me from taking much free time to go out of town to go find him," Arcueid spoke, brushing aside some stray hair, "Like that dreadful Church woman, I've been busy with hunting down the Sons of Roa. I'm sure Ciel's mentioned them to you a couple of times, but if not, all you really need to know is that they're just more troublesome than dangerous, but work is work."

As a few other customers, mostly ones that had been sitting behind Arcueid and Minato, would finish up and leave the restaurant, the red-eyed blonde, keeping her eyes on Minato, would speak again.

"Coast is clear, Len. You can enjoy your cake now."


Arising in the cat's place was a young, strange-looking girl with pointy ears. It wouldn't take very long to put two and two together that, like how Arcueid wasn't exactly a normal person, this "Len" wasn't a normal cat. She gave Minato a short look, before taking a nearby fork and quietly munching on the slice of cake, all the while Arcueid would talk again.

"It's the same reason Ciel doesn't just skip town and go out to find Shiki. We have our hands full at the moment, and by the time we finish up, he'd probably be in a different continent, knowing how unpredictable he is," she said, before breaking into a brief pause, "Actually, with all that killing game business, he could be in a whole different dimension for all I know. That's why we need to find him fast, using someone who has a lot of time on their hands. Tell me... Do you like cats by any chance?"

Seeing as the explanation was taking a bit, Minato began to dig in a little. Getting some ketchup ready, he soon had the fries to munch on, listening intently as he did so. Not even the cat changing forms caught him off-guard. It's not the weirdest thing anyways. The Reaper's Game had that giant squid monster if I remember right.

"So that's why, huh... I guess I can't argue with that, though you're going to have to explain to Ciel why I'm not home," Pausing for a moment to take a bite of the burger now, he swallowed before continuing, "Though I doubt it's a game. After Fiamma and Kotomine's demises, those things should be more or less over to my knowledge..."

"And cats are fine, though I'm more of a dog person..."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure she'll understand."

In other words; nah, I don't feel like telling Ciel about it.

"In any case, though you've probably never even heard of her before now, Len here happens to be Shiki's familiar, so the two of them, for better or for worse, share a special bond together. No matter where Shiki goes, Len will always be able to track him down. But as cute as she is, she's a little troublesome when she's by herself, so we can't have her go off to find him by herself."



Munch munch.

Meanwhile, Len just silently ate her cake, not seeming to pay much attention to the conversation in front of her at the moment. Not really one for talking, this one.

"And that's why we need someone to accompany her to find him. Should you accept this proposition, I'm placing her in your hands for the time being. She'll point you where you need to go, and in return, you'll have to keep her on track... Keep her from spending all her time at ogling at whatever sweets stores you might pass by on the way. Lots of teamwork involved, hmm? That's the basic gist of it all."


Munch munch munch.


Munch munch munch.

Swallowing another bite of his fries, Minato nodded as he listened, occasionally eyeing the little girl that he would need to guide and in a way take care of. It didn't seem like it would be all that difficult. How much trouble could one kid get up to? "Don't worry, I'll stop by the store and buy one of those child leashes the Americans love. If she gets too far, I can just tug on it and pull her back."

"Anyways, can we leave today, right after I get some stuff at home? I have a feeling that if we hurry, we can get this done before the weekend is over."

"Of course. The sooner the better. If... or I guess the more appropriate word is when, you come back, you should tell Ciel all about your adventure if you can't find me. And that'll be a likely scenario since, as I said, I'm often busy. I guess with that, our business is down for now. Seems like an open and close case, right?"

Meanwhile, Len just gave a panicked look at the thought of being put on a leash.


"Seems like it. Just remember though, if she gets mad at me for skipping out on dinner, I'm going to point her in your direction. Once she's done with me, she'll know who to strangle next," Finally finishing his fries off and leaving his burger behind half-eaten, Minato began to stand from the table. Every moment they wasted here meant that Shiki got further away, which meant it would take longer to catch up and bring him back, something that the blue-haired teen didn't feel was going to make the eventual confrontation with Ciel any easier.

He stared down at Len, waiting on her to finish up, "Don't worry, I'm not actually going to put you on a leash. It'll be easier to just reward you for good behavior in the long run."

Len simply shook her head to one side when Minato would speak to her in a rather dismissive fashion. Though she didn't make a sound, one could almost imagine her making a "Hmph!" noise as she did so, as though she was going to keep wary of any leashes that would come her way in the future, while Arcueid only gave a small giggle.


"Alright, then. If we're done here, then you can go on. It was a pleasure to meet you, Minato. You're not nearly as troublesome as Ciel," she said. Whether that was supposed to be a joke or not, it was hard to tell, "In any case, I'll be staying here to finish the food. I'll confess that I don't have any actual need to consume human food like this, and I suppose you can imagine what it's like having to finish eating something when you're not hungry, hmm?"

"Your choice, not mine, Miss Arcueid," If this was an attempt to guilt-trip the teen for something, it was a fairly weak one. Ciel's attempts to do so in order to enjoy delicious curry every night had failed no matter how persistent, and the vampire princess was nowhere near the nun's level of purposely pitiful, "I'll have Shiki back in a few days. Hopefully he isn't on another one of those emotional trips and that's why he's doing this..."

Now that he had seen Shiki in the past being as depressive as he could be when moping, he both understood why people got annoyed at his own moments like that and why people didn't like it when Shiki did it. It was a pain to deal with, and if you said the wrong thing, either you're were back at square one or worse, the person would lash out at you. Sometimes both.

God, both him and Shiki could be pains in the asses. Why did people put up with them?

"Come on, Len, I need to get home and pack. If you're good, I'm pretty sure I've got some chocolate there or something."



Although not responding aloud, she gave Minato a stare for a few seconds, and then a nod. Before long, she slid underneath the table again all of a sudden, re-emerging in her cat form as she'd sit atop the table, looking up at the young man, perhaps because her cat form would attract less attention than her other one.

Without making a sound, as expected, Len looked at Minato expectedly, ready to go.


With Len's true form now hidden, Minato led the way out of the restaurant, giving Arcueid a final wave as he held the door open for his feline companion. The streets had begun to clear in the late afternoon period before the shopping district's nightlife rush, the town's residents making their decision to take part or remain secluded in their homes in the meantime. He was thankful for the momentary lull as it made easier to walk the distance to home he now inhabited with Ciel due to her kindness.

He had never much minded the decor of the home one way or another, considering it mostly an afterthought, and thus, he didn't bother grabbing anything of sentimental value to take with him. Instead, he headed straight for the bedroom, pausing for a moment while he began to shut the door on Len, "Wait here a minute. I need to change so that no one realizes from afar who we are." He left who he was worried about spotting them unsaid, but the implication was clear that he expected Shiki to want to run from them.

The school jacket and dress shirt were thrown aside in favor of his simpler white with blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans replaced his slacks, and a few spare sets of clothes were thrown haphazardly into a duffle bag before a sheathed and well-used sword were thrown in with them. It would be enough for a few days along with the money from his old nighttime profession.

Stepping back out and paying Len little mind, he searched for a moment before finding the last things he needed, a notebook and a pen.

"Len, check the cabinet in the kitchen, there should be some chocolate in there," His writing flowed as he wrote out a note for Ciel to find, the explanation crisp and to the point along with the message that he would have his phone. That would have to satisfy her for the next few days.

A thought occurred to him as he tore the piece of paper out of the notebook and left it on one of the tables. He had no idea where Shiki even was.

"Len, where exactly is Shiki right now?"


Briefly morphing back into her human(oid) form, Len would almost excitedly open the cabinets for this chocolate that Minato talked about, eyes practically shining a little with determination.

Cats were often simple-minded like that, in a certain young man's experience, at least.

When the question of Shiki's exact whereabouts would be poised, she would think for a moment. Once again, without uttering a single word, she walked over to a nearby window and pointed in its direction. South. Perhaps she meant south of Misaki Town in general, considering how long Shiki had been gone. If there was any specific location she could name, Len was either unable, or perhaps rather unwilling, to say aloud.


Crap, I forgot that she doesn't seem to want to talk... Noting the relative direction as south, he walked over to the familiar and handed her the notebook and pen, "If you can, just write it out for me, okay? South isn't exactly the easiest thing to go on, and I don't want us to end up in a forest or swamp if we don't have to." Leaving without any warning was one thing, but coming back and looking like a disheveled vagrant? Ciel would wring his neck before she was done with him.

His eyes peeked into the cabinets, easily spotting the candy bars that he had brought up earlier. Grabbing a few and putting them into his bag, he smiled as he held the last one down to Len, "You guide me the right way every time I ask, and I'll make sure you get another bar each time, alright?" Hopefully, he wasn't about to make a deal that would cause him to lose all his hard-earned pocket cash, because it was about all they had.

It wasn't easy to wrangle a bank into giving you a large sum of your money on the weekends, especially when you were still a high-schooler.


Len looked at the candy bar curiously for a brief moment, before nodding silently, affirming that she had understood Minato's words, before silently opening it and taking a bite, seeming to enjoy the sweet treat. She could be described as childish in that regard, though most people who saw her would much sooner describe her as a demon rather than a child, given her usual appearance, after all. Again, perhaps that was why she generally preferred her cat form.

After a few bites, she would stuff the bar into her coat pocket, before taking the notebook and pen. Looking down at it, she began to write in it, seemingly intelligent enough to at least be able to write out the Japanese language, before quickly giving it back to Minato.

"Just follow me."

With that being said, like a chipper girl (albeit with a completely deadpan face), she began to skip out of the home, quickly finishing up the rest of her candy, and then morphing back into a cat as soon as she'd reach the outside, briefly looking back at the young man and giving him a call in the form of a soft "Meow."


I wonder if she realizes how weird it is for a girl to have such an impassive look?

Whether or not his companion knew didn't matter as he would still follow her. He shoved the notebook and pen into his bag before walking ahead, always making sure he kept an eye on the cat. I wonder if she likes to have her ears scratched like a cat... Note to self, attempt to give Ln ear scratches to test this theory.

Maintaining her cat form, Len would lead Minato wherever her intended destination was. Some could describe the beginning of the journey as somewhat... abrupt. Just a think that an hour or two ago, there was little to no talk about some Shiki Tohno Rescue Mission or whatever, and suddenly, it would seem that Minato had his hands full for the weekend. Here he was, falling a cat to God knows where.

Teenage boys always seemed to have it rough in Japan.

Leading Minato to the edge of town, relatively little people on the streets now at this time of day, most of them relaxing in their homes or perhaps working at a part-time job now, Len would lead Minato around the corner where she seemed to be confident that no one was watching, before changing back into her humanoid form.


She silently stared at Minato for a small, brief moment, before surprisingly enough, she would finally speak, her soft, meek voice being perhaps exactly as expected from a girl with her appearance.

"How heavy are you?"

Minato gave her a sideways glance with a single eye, confused by the question. What did his weight have to do with their hunt? Was she going to carry him or something? "About 63 kilograms, probably under Shiki's weight... You're planning to eat me, are you? I wouldn't make a very fulling or tasty meal, just so you know."



Seemingly not very humored by Minato's remark, Len would turn around and hunch forward a little in front of him, looking back at him and shaking her head once to the side, seeming to signify that... she really did intend to carry Minato. One might wonder what the point of that would be, and how silly that would look; a girl no taller than 4'4 carrying a teenaged boy on her back.

But as one might expect from a cat, she was probably going to be stubborn about this, no matter what.

Minato sighed as his partner ignored his joke, not even giving him a real response. He was already starting to miss home and Ciel's company compared to this. At least she would have swatted me or said something... He carefully climbed onto her back, making sure not to make her feel uncomfortable. Then again, the situation was probably uncomfortable for her no matter what he did.

Not like he felt any shame in getting a free ride to their destination.

Taking a small breath, Len held Minato up with her arms. Though the gesture was naturally quite awkward, she kept a surprisingly stable grip on him, though as a demon familiar, perhaps that would be to be expected that she was stronger than the average little girl.


With that, at superhuman speeds, Len would suddenly take off once Minato was secured on her back, running like the wind. Gusts of wind would repeatedly hit the young man's face a number of times, though it wasn't too bad. At least she wasn't breaking the sound barrier, though whether it was because she just was not capable of that, unlike the other creatures within this world, or out of thoughtfulness on Minato's part, was left up in the air.

Fortunately, as they were at the edge of town at this point, Len counted on nobody seeing her display her powers like that. Even if she was below the speed of sound, it was still difficult to gauge how fast she was exactly going. If she was going below 700 miles per hour, then perhaps she was going 400? Perhaps even around 600? Who knew?

Several minutes passed. Minato eventually stopped seeing the town from over the horizon as the two of them traveled from Misaki Town to what felt like the middle of nowhere.

Several more minutes passed. Even trees ceased to be visible in Minato's line of sight. At this point, the only thing visible was the road, the sidewalk which they were moving on, and endless fields of grass further out.

Several more minutes passed, and--


Suddenly, out of nowhere, Minato would suddenly find himself stumbling onto his feet again, as though he had been lightly thrown forward. If he would look back, he would see that Len seemed to have tripped on nothing, the familiar lying face-first on the ground.




As Len would eventually get up, her eyes trembling as though she was struggling to fight back coming tears, she would cover her forehead with her hands, the spot having taken the brunt of the fall. Though Minato didn't see any sort of bruise, it was still evident that Len seemed to be mildly hurt.

Like an ogre, she was the kind of creature who perhaps wouldn't be killed by a bullet, or even grievously injured, but would at least still come out of that experience with a bad feeling.


"Owww..." Stumbling quickly led into a face plant as Minato had just been about to fall asleep for a quick nap when the trip came. Thankfully, as he pushed himself up and looked down at the ground, he didn't feel nor see any sort of blood dripping onto the cold earth. That meant he wouldn't need waste a heal on himself at least.

Though that didn't mean Len wouldn't need one though. Picking his bag off the ground and making sure his Evoker and sword were in good shape, Minato sighed as he checked on the girl, his hand beginning to glow with the magical power of Dia, "Here, let me handle this. I don't need to summon anyone to use this spell..." Pressing his hand to her forehead, he inhaled and released a deep breath with eyes closed as his magic healed whatever damage there was. He then reopened his eyes with a concerned look, "Feel better now, Len?"


Len nodded silently in response to Minato's question, seemingly grateful for his gesture. Still, it seemed like she wasn't up for fast running again, at least not for a small while.

Looking up, the two of them would be able to detect a nearby vending machine and bench, to which Len would stroll towards the former of the two excitedly, hoping that there would be a good snack...

... only to find that someone had beat her to the punch.

As quickly as it had appeared, Len's wide-eyed excitement would be replaced by even more dejection, as it would turn out upon closer inspection that the vending machine had been tampered with earlier. The glass on the front of it had been shattered, as though it were hit with something sturdy, and every single one snack was missing from inside. Evidently, whoever broke this vending machine was really hungry.

Still, hanging on one of the remaining shards of glass, a piece of blue cloth was able to be found. Blue was the color of the Misaki Town school uniform jacket, and it wasn't too difficult to piece two and two together...


"Shiki's been here, and recently too if no one's found the machine like this yet."

It was a good find, making the best of the sudden break. They now knew they were getting close, Len's senses having been correct, and soon, they would catch up to their target. Soon, their hunt would be over.


"Here, Len, you've earned it," Pulling another chocolate bar out of his bag, he handed it off to the girl with a pleased smile. She had been a good partner in the hunt, nothing like Arcueid had made her out to be, "Once you're ready, lets get moving again. We can't let this chance get away from us, okay?"

Len only nodded gratefully, before taking the candy offered to her. She ate the bar in silence rather quickly, understanding that they had little time to spare for a break, especially if they appeared to be this close to his general location. He couldn't have gone far, Len agreed. But it only begged the question... What drove him to go out of town this far? Even Len couldn't tell, and though it might be hard to ascertain from her facial expression, she was just as curious and mystified as Minato.

But that was why they were there; to find out the answers to those questions.

Swiftly finishing the bar, Len would get up and start walking down the road again without even waiting for Minato, expecting him to have been ready and follow her at a moment's notice.

As the road continued to simply be a straight line without any sign of stopping, Len continued to walk down it, and several trees would be seen in the distance, indicating that they were near the edge of a forest. Initially, it was easy to pay that factor little to no mind, but something would quickly catch Len's eye to make her wander to the edge of the road, examining the off-road grass.


Upon further inspection, not only was the ground in the grass rather muddy, but more importantly, there appeared to be... footprints within the mud. They were definitely getting closer now, no doubt about it.


Minato rubbed the back of his head as he released an exasperated sigh at the discovery. The forest looked to be a rather thick maze of bushes, trees, and leaves, only made worse by the oncoming darkness. If Shiki had gone within it, they certainly in for a difficult search. "There's no helping it. We'll have to just hope we don't get lost in there."

"Len, how far away is he?" Having gone around her to take the first few steps into what now essentially a jungle that blinded his vision, the teen turned to look back at the familiar, keeping a hand out in front of him in case of a tree...

Only for a branch to smack him across the face when he looked back again, "... maybe you should take the lead again. You seem to know what you're doing."


Giving a nod to Minato and putting on a determined look on her face now that the trail had become red hot, Len would dash forward, following the footsteps in the mud that steadily became dry dirt the further and further they'd travel forward, resulting in the footsteps slowly becoming harder and more difficult to make out until the trail would entirely disappear.

However, this would do little to deter Len from anything as she continued to move, occasionally beckoning for Minato to keep close. It seemed that she was putting her spiritual bond / connection to Shiki to good use. In no time, the two of them were fairly deep in the woods. Hopefully, by the time they need to get out, they wouldn't have too much trouble, though thought could be put in that later.


After a few minutes, Len would suddenly come to a stop upon coming across a peculiar sight; a strange campsite. A tree had been downed, and judging from the nice little campfire in front of Minato and Len that was still going strong, one could assume that parts of the tree had been used to make that fire.

More than that, there were kabobs near the fire, pieces of unidentified meat on it, along with a few bags. If the bags were to be checked, it would appear that the only items that were able to be found were spare clothes, a wallet, a cell phone, and... a lot of snacks, ranging from chips and candy to soda.

... And a shard of glass or two.

This certainly didn't bode well for their chances. Though the tree being downed was strange given the fact that he was fairly certain that Shiki wasn't that strong, what was particularly worrying to Minato were the bags they had discovered. "He left his bags and a fire going... Why would Shiki do that?" The glass had been a telling sign that the possesions were his friends, but they gave no clue as to why he left them behind.

"Len, can you sense anything else out here, something other than Shiki?" Something was very wrong with this situation. Shiki wasn't stupid enough to just leave his supplies behind, or he wouldn't have survived in the games as many times as he had. Something had forced him to leave them, something that left him little time to get away.

With a nod, Len stepped forward, standing there for a brief moment, as though making use of her senses to see if there was something else around. Once she was done, she would shake her head, as though stating that she wasn't able to sense anything or anyone definite in the nearby area. Silence overtook the area for a brief moment, save for the soft crackling of the fire, as Len seemed to continue to look around, as though trying to determine where to go next, before she would stop moving dead in her tracks, not moving a muscle as something seemed to spook her, as evident from her alarmed eyes and her ears twitching ever so slightly.

A footstep was heard in the distance, crushing some leaves. Then another. And then another. And with that, the noise gradually grew louder as the source of the footsteps drew closer.

Gasping softly, Len would scurry behind Minato, hugging his arm like a scared cat, no pun intended, and meekly poking her head out to see who the source was.

Past the trees and shadows, a pair of eyes glowed brightly in the darkness. A glow that no natural eyes could make.


Soon enough, the figure's heavy breathing could be heard, trudging through the woods with an almost deliberately menacing demeanor. Len couldn't make heads or tails of the presence; the fact that she was unable to detect it despite it seeming to be so close by could only mean that it had some sort of presence-concealing ability.

And then... once it would make its way out of the woods and into the clearing, the site of the campfire, it would turn out to be...


"Huh? Len? Arisato-kun? What are the two of you doing here?" A certain Shiki Tohno asked, holding his trusty knife in one hand and what appeared to be a rabbit, likely deceased, in the other.

As oblivious as ever.


Giving Len a pat on the head to calm her and flex the arm she had clamped down on to get the blood flowing once again, Minato shrugged at Shiki's question with a bored expression, "Hi, Shiki-kun, great to see you too. What am I doing out here? Oh, you know, just helping your familiar track down some mopey guy who ran off without a word to his family and friends instead of getting to spend a weekend with Ciel. Really just the usual stuff."

He dropped the sarcastic tune after that, walking back to the fire and taking a seat on one of the few remaining dry patches of dirt in the forest, "Anyways... Your vampire friend sent me to find you because her and Ciel are busy. Can you please come back now? I don't really take you as a person that the whole traveling-to-find-enlightment thing working out for..."


Shiki frowned as Minato would speak, casually speaking of the situation that he found himself in with Len. Sitting across from the two of them, the warm campfire separating the three of them, the young man would take a moment to process Minato's words, his face occasionally grimacing a little whilst thinking about the mentioned vampire friend. All the while this was happening, strangely enough, the eerie sensation that he was being watched would never leave Minato, as though there really was something else out there, not that Shiki seemed to notice or care, at least at the moment anyway.


Len narrowed her eyes at Shiki as she sat down quietly next to Minato. Now that he was finally here... She figured they should drag him back to Misaki Town, but knowing him, there was probably some big deep reason why he wasn't back already, and the familiar would prepare to listen to what he had to say in justification.

"Tch... Arcueid always has to butt into everything, doesn't she?" Shiki sighed, lightly rubbing his head in exasperation. Truth be told, he really had to expect this, especially after the manner he had left Misaki Town in, but even so... What a pain. So Minato and Len had been sent to find him. Humph. Having a familiar really could be a pain when you wanted to be alone.


Briefly pinching the bridge of his nose, Shiki would look up at Minato, putting down his knife to the side, and the dead rabbit to another, before finally thinking up how to respond to that kind of demand.

"I can't come back. Not yet anyway. There's something I still have to do."

The way he spoke held a tone of determination buried beneath reluctance. There was something he definitely wanted to do. Needed to do, even. Even if it wasn't going to be the most pleasant thing to do. With that, he would suddenly give a small laugh, staring at the fire with a strange expression of peace on his face.

"Y'know... Sensei always taught me that life was sacred. I can't believe how easily that notion can be forgotten, especially when you partake in a Murder Game or two, hmm?" Shiki asked, grabbing a nearby branch that he seemed to be using as a makeshift fire poker, poking some of the wood in the fire, "I think the main reason why I still remember that teaching of hers is because of these eyes I have," he would continue, gesturing towards his eyes. The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception held back only by his specialized glasses, "Everything I see... It's always death. Even after ten years, it's still frightening to see the death of everything. The crumbling foundation of people, things... It makes me remember just how fragile one's life can be. I mean... Look at all this."

"We use the lives of others for the benefit of our own. I guess you could say that's just how nature intends for life to exist, but in the rare moments that I stop to think about it... I still feel bad. I do things that make me feel like an ass, like saying "Thank you" after I put down this rabbit to use as dinner, doing a small little prayer after stealing some of the bark from the fallen tree... Truth be told, that tree was already like that when I got here, so I guess I'm only... half to blame?" He shrugged, the low crackling of the red hot fire being the only sound in these woods to accompany the voice of Shiki.

"In any case, I guess the point that I'm trying to make is... It's precisely because of how fragile life can be that we often take it for granted. People live empty lives, never knowing who they truly are... what they want out of it... That's a pretty depressing way to live and die, y'know? That's exactly what my family made me realize... I'm exactly the kind of person whom traveling-to-find-enlightenment would benefit. After all, life's always full of things to discover. No matter how much you find out about yourself, there's always another thing around the corner."

"And that applies to me as well. The thing I'm always reaching out to is different. Once upon a time, what I wanted to take into my hand was the security of those I cared for, and nothing else. And then it changed to the desire to fight for the sake of those I could never protect. And now, it's... Well, that's the thing. I don't really know what it is next, but... I know if I travel just a little further, I'll be able to find out what the next meaning to this life will be. That's why I can't come back home just yet."

"I still need to find myself. All this time trying to find what Mikasa would have wanted to protect her smile in my head... Trying to find the Arch Demon to defeat him and save the multiverse... Trying to find something further to fight, to fight for, and never did the thought occur to me even once that perhaps the one thing I need to find is what my constant purpose will always be at the end of the day. Until then... I can't come back."


"So you're just going to keep walking the land, not wanting to come back home... Until you find some new purpose out there, that you don't even know has an existence yet or ever will... And you don't care what possible consequences that might have beyond you finding something to live for?" Was this really the path Shiki planned to follow for what may be the rest of his life? The path of running away in the name of finding some hidden truth?

"Shiki... I'm sorry, I really am, but I know the path you're going to walk. All alone, unable to connect with anyone, all in the name of something unachievable. For me, it was trying to forget what happened the night my parents died... And for you, it's trying to find this new purpose of yours. Whatever is supposed to come next in your life, it's not this. It's not the path that could so easily consume an entire decade of your existence."


"Because the honest truth of that path, Shiki, is that it doesn't give you resolution. All you're doing to yourself by taking this path, all you're doing to your sister, your friends... You're just causing all of us a bunch of suffering and grief, for something that you probably won't find out there but back home..."

"You're leaving behind everyone you love and care about... Cutting yourself off from everything you know... For what? Some nameless idea? Something that is quite likely to not even be here? That's not right, Shiki. Honestly, it's kind of a dick move, leaving without a word for us and now saying you're not coming back when your loved ones are obviously hurting."

"And, honestly, if you love life so much and feel awful for using other peoples' lives..."

"It's kind of ironic that you would just up and disappear, leaving us with the painful memories and nothing to go on beyond worrying for you... If you die out here, without coming back, is that really what you want as your last impression on your friends and family? The act of abandoning us to agonize over your fate and being unable to ever find you again?"


Unzipping his bag and pulling out his sword, Minato ended the conversation with an order, "Pick up your blade and keep watch. There's something sizing us up... And if it attacks, it'll give you time to think about what I said." His eyes scoured the darkened woods that laid beyond the safety net of the fire's light, his instincts as a leader and fighter coming back to his mind, "Can Len fight at all, or are we on our own out here?"


"... Hmm."

Shiki gave a small frown when Minato would lightly scold him for his actions. It wasn't exactly a frown out of contempt, or disappointment, or anything of the sort. If anything, it was almost like an empty frown that simply came into existence because... It wanted to. Silly as that might sound on paper, of course.

Shiki couldn't expect Minato to fully understand what he was getting at. After all, not even Shiki himself could really put his feelings into words that well, which was why his monologue ended up as long as it did in the first place. That was why he couldn't bring himself to hold it against Minato for his words. What was more, it wasn't like the blue-haired teen was exactly wrong either, but even so...

However, before Shiki would be able to respond to that, it would seem that Minato would be alarmed by something else. What a pain. There was always something in the woods, eh? Maybe Shiki should have taken up some survival classes or something, but he liked to imagine he was always able to handle himself pretty well. Getting onto a knee, his hand placed on his knife's hilt, he stared in the direction that Minato was, as would Len meanwhile.

"Yeah, she can hold her own. She's actually way stronger than she looks, so I think we'll be good."
With that being said, the presence of whatever was watching would come closer and closer, a heavy aura like when Shiki, obscured by the shadows of the trees at the time, was approaching the camp site. Shiki and Len remained frozen like statues, ready for whatever was to come, and then... It did come.

A small bunny, no different from the dead one that Shiki had brought to the camp site, showed up in town.



With her feline instincts taking over, Len would quickly try to dash over to it, like a predator to its prey, before comically enough, Shiki would dash forward just in time and hold Len back, wrapping his arms around her body like a girl with a teddy bear, holding her back.


"Dammit, Len! I have a rabbit right here! We don't need another one!" Shiki exclaimed, continuing to restrain her as she attempted to reach out to the rabbit, who would naturally run off, frightened by Len's sudden display. When it would disappear as quickly as it had appeared, Len would stop fighting, looking down with a dejected expression on her face.

"Eugh... Can never be too careful in these parts, huh?"


Minato sighed as the threat was revealed to be the harmless creature that disappeared just as quickly. The poor thing had been probably been scared senseless because of Len, and he couldn't help but feel pity for it. Here they were, ready to have killed it, Shiki already having killed one of its brethren, and it had only wished to see who they were.

"Yes... Though it was quite a cute thing. If not a good meal, then perhaps it would have been a good pet."

Sometimes, his mind went to the weirdest of places.

"Anyways, do you think that a single rabbit will be enough to fill you and Len? I have a feeling she'll steal the entire meal..."

"Well, I didn't think you two were going to pop up today, so this was originally just for me... But I also want to avoid taking any more life. It's one thing to take another for the sake of one's own survival, but we wouldn't want to get carried away with it, right? We have to keep in mind the sacrifices others make for us, or else we become so self-indulgent that we take it all for granted, and lose sight of the importance of life. Case in point, this rabbit that I already have here. That tree over there that would become used for this fire, even if it was already downed before I got here," Shiki spoke, before taking a pause, the look on his face seemingly becoming a little more distant out of the blue, a melancholic smile appearing on his features.


"And of course, the sacrifices that other people make for the ones they care about. You're right, Arisato-kun... It's not fair of me to just leave without so much as saying goodbye, but... I know that if I did, they'd try to stop me. And I can't let even those that I love do that," Shiki spoke, taking a small breath, Len giving him something of an annoyed look as he'd continue talking, "And you're right. Maybe this is all a useless gesture... Saying that I'm leaving to go find something, when I don't even know what I'm supposed to be looking for, or if it even exists."

And then a seamless transition from a distant look to a determined look.


"But even so... I won't know if I don't look. And I'd rather at least try to find what it is that I'm looking for instead of living my life, never knowing what it was that was missing."


Len simply looked at the ground, her hands in her lap as she registered Shiki's words. As always, it was less than easy to determine what she was exactly thinking with how little she was actively contributing to the conversation, but as her glare towards Shiki was substantially less intense than before, one could at least get a general idea.

Still, reaching over, Shiki would give Len a pat on the head, treating her like a real cat, a soft smile once again appearing on his face.

"But I do know one thing. The memory of me leaving... I'll make absolutely sure that that won't be the last memory that those I care for will have of me. I will return eventually. I don't know when, or how, but I will. I may be lower than dirt, but I'm not quite a deliberate villain, y'know? I'm almost offended you think I'd never come back without a word."


"Heh, just make that the next memory isn't us finding you with your ass kicked," Minato sighed after a weak chuckle, understanding the message that Shiki was projecting. They weren't getting him to come back, no matter what reasoning they used, so it was better to just let him wander for a bit longer, "Really though, make sure that you come back alive. If your vampire friend ends up killing me because of you, Buddha won't appreciate me showing up to rough you up in Nirvana or Heaven or whatever actually comes after this life."

For a few seconds, he fell silent once again, staring at the blazing fire with a worried expression. He wondered what Ciel would say when he came back after going missing and worrying her when she already had Shiki and her duties to worry about. Maybe I should see if one of the guys at school will let me stay over for a few nights. Would be better than the couch and her anger...

"Anyways... I guess since we're not taking you back, we should going to tell Arcueid the bad news," He pushed himself up, stretching his tired muscles, "Though since Len's your familiar, I guess you might want to keep her with you. I should be able to get home on my own."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Shiki said, adjusting his glasses and returning the chuckle in question. Indeed, losing to anyone was not something he intended on doing, much less to himself.

"And don't worry, Arcueid isn't really that kind of person. She wouldn't do anything to make me mad. Not so much because she's scared of me, but because she cares so much for me. Between you and me, it's pretty damn annoying, but I'd be lying if I said she didn't have her cute moments too, I suppose," he said, crossing his arms.

"Either way, it's pretty late by now, and if you were to leave now by yourself, you might exhaust yourself before you get very far," the young man would say, gesturing towards the sky. Sure enough, the sun had fallen, leaving a darker sky and many stars in its wake, "No harm in staying over, right? Like two little kids at a sleepover."

Upon mentioning Len, the familiar herself would perk up her ears at the notion of staying with Shiki, though her expression gave a different idea of how she was feeling.


She scooted closer to Shiki until she sat an equal distance from him as Minato, before turning to face the blue-haired teen, giving him a look as if to silently say "Is it really alright?" or something to that effect.

"Well.... Only if you agree to write a note for the women in our lives so they know I wasn't just goofing off," The teen had a satisfied expression as he sat back down and laid back, pleased with his weird comment. At Len's seemingly scared or begging stare, he cocked a brow and shrugged, "It's up to you, Len. I wasn't told I needed to bring you back, only that I needed to bring back Shiki, and since I couldn't do that... I can just say that I felt he would be safer with you at his side."

"... Hm."

With a small, soft breath, Len would nod after Minato spoke, affirming that she would decide to stay with Shiki. Meanwhile, the young man would purse his lips, before nodding back at Len, before giving a soft, sheepish laugh.


"My, how troubling. But I suppose if you insist, Len, I'll let you come along with me. You already went through all this trouble for me anyway, didn't you? There there," Shiki said, lightly scratching the back of Len's ear, causing them to twitch as she looked down, her eyes tightly closed shut, as though the sensation was greatly stimulating, reacting like a normal cat or dog would. It would seem that Minato's earlier thought of how she'd react to having the back of her scratched was confirmed.

After that, he would look up at the night sky, and then back at Minato.

"It's not exactly the most comfortable place to sleep, but I suppose we may as well get our rest. Early is better. That's when it'll be easiest for me to find breakfast," he spoke, before taking a breath, exhaling deeply as he would begin to lay down on the ground, his arms holding up the back of his head. Shiki had personally never gone camping before, so he had to say, as this was technically his first experience... He hated it.

"Hmph, maybe I'll get vampire princess to fix your card so you don't have to do this anymore..." Sharing in the unspoken hatred for camping without any real equipment, Minato fell silent as he shuffled into a somewhat less uncomfortable position and closed his eyes. It was going to be a long, restless night of sleeping, and he'd prefer to go ahead and get it over with.

And he could have been in his bed back home with Ciel. Shiki owed him a few favors for dealing with this.


Looking up at the night sky, thousands of twinkling stars visible, Shiki would yawn softly, before making a small "Tch" sound in response to Minato's response, while Len would nonchalantly morph into her cat form and comfortably head to sleep there, seeming to almost use the warmth of her own fur as a makeshift blanket, a small, low purr visible from her as she seemed to be much more comfy where she was than Minato and Shiki on the other hand.

"The thought's appreciated. Though Arcueid isn't really a fixer-upper type. That must be at least part of the reason she sent Len after me," Shiki mused briefly. Briefly stretching his arms, the young man would close his eyes with that, attempting to go to sleep.


Back home, it had been said within the Tohno household that Shiki was a very heavy sleeper, to the point that his maid Hisui would occasionally find herself unable to wake him up in the morning for class, no matter how much she would try to shake him awake, and eventually, she'd just leave him to wake up by himself, even if it meant he'd end up panicking out of his bed, jumping into his clothes, and dashing out of the mansion with a clumsily placed piece of toast in his mouth.

That being said, one would think that Shiki would still be out like a log, especially considering it was early morning. The sun was just rising, and the chirping of the early birds would cause Len's sensitive ears to twitch, the cat opening her eyes and instinctively looking in the direction of where she had last seen Shiki, only to widen her eyes in surprise when it would turn out that he was not there, as Len was one of the few people who knew about the boy's sleeping habits. Looks like he really did keep his promise about making sure to get up early to get breakfast, judging from the fact that the fire was still active, and his bags were still there.


"... Hm."

Her tail wagging slowly and curiously, Len would quietly approach Shiki's bag, nimble as the cat she resembled, seemingly with the intention of having an early morning snack before breakfast. Before long, however, she would stop dead in her tracks when a peculiar noise would be heard by her in the distance.

Footsteps that were not Shiki's. She felt a feeling similar to this upon sensing the mysterious aura from the night before, and though she wasn't sure before, there was no doubt in her mind now.

With that, she would dash over to Minato, attempting to shake him awake in quite the urgent manner, a worried look plastered all over her face.

Stirring from his sleep, Minato groaned as Len panicked and woke him from his sleep. He had once been a light sleeper, back before his time within Tartarus and before meeting Ciel, yet now he had grown to love his peaceful rests in the quiet life he had found in Misaki Town. Especially when he had just been sent on a wild chase across the countryside for a missing friend.

"What...?" Groggily, he looked up at Len, recognizing none of the terror within her expression. However, after a moment to fully awaken, his hand grabbed at his blade and found it, "Tch, we've got trouble?"

Within a moment, he had both blade unsheathed and Evoker primed for a fight as he stood ready for a fight. His eyes searched through the shadows of the trees, his mouth going dry as he couldn't sense what was coming, "Len, where's it coming from?"

Len pointed her finger right in the direction right in front of Minato, hiding behind him. In the distance, the rustling of trees could be heard while birds could be seen suddenly flying off into the sky, as though drawn away by whatever was deep in the woods. Whatever was out there, it was much more dangerous than a mere rabbit like last night.

The air became somewhat tense as Len and Minato would be able to sense the presence steadily growing closer and closer as time went on, before it would feel like it, whatever or whoever it was, was practically right in front of them. Just at the edge between light and darkness, cast upon by the shadows of the trees, Minato would just barely be able to make out what seemed to be... a muscular man with unusual clothing.



And now that he was here, he suddenly let out an air that seemed... familiar to Minato.

"It has been quite a while. Hasn't it, young man?"

"So it has been, Kouma Kishima."

Minato certainly recognized the man, the one he, Frank Castle, and a tactician by the name of Robin once met in a forest much like this one. That didn't mean Minato trusted him at all in the here and now, no matter what their previous acquaintanceship might have been. This man had been the one to destroy Shiki's birth family years before, eradicating all but the boy himself, and with Shiki missing at the moment, it left little to the imagination.

"So then, what exactly are you doing here? Are you the reason Shiki's missing this morning?"


Stepping out of the shadows, exposing the rest of his body to the morning sun, the man, or rather, the sentient copy of the real man named Kouma Kishima, with his signature blank, cryptic expression, simply stared emptily at Minato, slowly shaking his head at the younger man's inquiry.

"No. He and I have not met this morning, and for the brief time that I have left on this Earth, I intend for it to stay that way," he spoke, Len still remaining cautious of him in the meantime, not even daring to hiss at him, "Tell me... What might you and the boy be doing in such a place like this?"

"He got lost, I was sent to find him," It seemed the atmosphere wouldn't become any less tense no matter how long the discussion went on. The man across from Minato still held the same cold, lifeless expression that he had during their first encounter, and it only unnerved the high schooler even more now than it did then, "So, why are you here? Shouldn't you be gone now with Fiamma being gone and all?"


Continuing to stare emptily, the individual who adopted the name of "Kouma Kishima" did not give a reply at first, the notion only making Len more cautious and heavily wary of the man. However, in due time, he would open his mouth once again, letting the words flow out as his unwavering eye continued to just endlessly stare.

"It is said that when a person's body dies, their consciousness remains intact for a few moments longer. Some could say that it is a similar case here. Perhaps I continue to remain in this world because I simply will myself to," he spoke, his body remaining still as a statue, "Or... Another possibility; my existence has not been fulfilled. It is also said that spirits remain in the world of the living because their wish has not been fulfilled. That was the case with Satsuki Yumizuka. She was the Nanaya's first lover, whom he had loved and lost before ever getting involved in those Murder Games," Kouma said, his tone lacking any sense of emotion as usual.

"However, the "true" Kouma Kishima never had aspirations of his own, except to disappear and let his cursed bloodline die off with him forever. He believed he would have been content with never interacting with the outside world again. And yet, a contradiction in his thinking existed; he would have liked to meet the young man again whom he spared when he was but a child, as he believed that they would meet again. But that would raise the question... Is the meeting truly fated to be? Or is it something that would be better off never becoming fulfilled?"


"... To be honest... It's best you go ahead and face the meeting, though I'll be keeping an eye on you."

It might have been odd for others to be so resigned to something that might be called fate. However, Minato knew better than to fight against the force of inevitability, "Running away from it won't resolve the issue, perhaps leaving you trapped in an endless existence of wandering aimlessly. Besides, it might help him to face his past involving you. Recently, Shiki has been... struggling with his identity and what he should live for. Some sort of enlightenment may come from speaking with you, helping you both or at the very least crossing off one reason for why you still linger here."

"I suggest you wait here for now if you wish to go along with the idea. He's sure to return here with supplies of some sort."


"... Hmm."

Kishima pondered Minato's words for a brief moment, fully stepping into the light of the sun above and the fire below. As it became easier to see him, the white coat planted in a flimsy manner on his shoulders becoming more and more visible, previously obscured by the shadows he had been engulfed in, the man continued to make no change in his facial expression. His face truly was like a mask, hiding whatever he might have been thinking deftly.

"What to live for... I see. So that is how it has been with the young Nanaya. Though I suppose I shall refrain from calling him that. Kiri Nanaya, his father, is a name that he would like to forget. Yes... It is just like him to want to carve a name for himself, rather than be tied to who he was born to be... A killer for the Nanaya..." The man spoke, crossing his arms briefly, before giving Len a brief look, "Demon, you see it in his dreams, don't you? His struggle to retain who he currently is, even if the boy he is right now is a fake persona manifested by Makihisa Tohno, yes?"


After a moment of hesitation, Len simply nodded silently, verbally affirming Kishima's words. The exchange gave Minato little context of who was who, but he could take a guess if he really wanted to.

Before long, Kouma would then proceed to turn to Minato, uncrossing his arms with that. "And what of you, boy? Do you have anything in your own life figured out?"

"How do you mean?" He tilted his head to the side, evidently confused in some way by the inquiry, "If you mean something like what I want to do with my life and what I want it to mean, then it's very simple... Well, it is in a way. I want to live for my friends... Friends like Shiki and the people I've met at our school... I want to live for Ciel as well and to not abandon them by dying again. It's weird, but I just want to be able to keep my bonds with them strong and to be able to see them happy."

"As for what I want to do as work... No idea at the moment," He waved off the implied question, as if not really bothered by it, "Though I'm sure I'll find something soon."

"I see... In essence, you simply want to maintain a peaceful life, free of conflict if it is able to be helped. And most of the time... It is able to be helped, isn't it? This tranquil aspect of your life... To be content with it and desiring to keep things like that..."

Though his facial expression had grown no more gentle than it usually was, it was evident that there seemed to be a hint of understanding in Kishima's voice, as though he also yearned for that kind of sentiment.

"However... Even if it is against the wishes of whoever had sent you here, perhaps you should have considered that... A peaceful life is something that others can not live with, the young Nanaya being a core example, though I suppose you've already been convinced to accept him as he is for the time being," he continued, his words implying that he had been watching as early as the previous night, before his one visible eye would suddenly seem to look past Minato, like something or someone was behind him, "I suppose you have a better way with words than I do. Don't you, Nanaya?"


"You really like using that name that you weren't supposed to say, huh?" Shiki would ask, having been standing behind Minato for quite some time now, using his subconscious Nanaya training to hide his presence, though it didn't seem like he was able to evade Kouma's senses for very long, if at all.

Setting what seemed to be some more dead rabbits onto the ground, Shiki stepped forward, a few steps behind Minato.

"Arisato-kun... I'd suggest you take a step back. That man is dangerous, you know."

Kouma made no move in response, standing absolutely still. The way he was standing left him completely open and vulnerable should Shiki choose to abruptly attack, and he said nothing to defend himself verbally as well for whatever reason.

Minato sighed as he did he was asked, not at all surprised by Shiki's sudden appearance. He had grown used to the teen's ability to disappear and reappear whenever he wished by this point, and it wouldn't keep him from remaining on his toes, "Be careful yourself, Shiki. I'd rather not bring you home early and in a body bag."

"Well, even if that would be so, I don't intend to die with regrets. I don't mind dying, but there are things I have to do, so that's why I keep living," Shiki said idly, his hands moving to take off his glasses, his normally gray eyes shining a bright color as his Mystic Eyes would begin to activate, before Kishima would suddenly speak again.

"That is a flawed way of thinking, Nanaya. In fact, I would even say that way of thinking is what caused the downfall of your father all those years ago," the muscled man said, still not making a single move to defend himself should there be a fight, "In any case... While you may possess more power than Kiri Nanaya ever did, as well as the familiarity with death, you lack the resolve to find the path that you claim to already be traveling down."

"Oi, oi, are you deaf? You keep using the name that you're not allowed to mention, like you have a death wish, but I suppose we're both already dead in a sense anyway, no?"

"Claiming to be dead at such an age before picking a battle in which you could easily die for real. What would young Akiha think?"


With the mention of the name "Akiha," Shiki would suddenly stop in his tracks, as though the name resonated with him. Perhaps it was someone whom he was close to, as Minato wouldn't know anyone with that name, though he could make a guess. Still, for whatever reason, it seemed to instantly take away any desire Shiki had to attack Kishima right there, though his eyes remained wary of the man. Taking his hand off the glasses, Shiki would sit down in front of the fire, legs criss-crossed, continuing to stare at Kishima.

"Tell me, Arisato-kun, how do you happen to know this man?"

Oh great, he's getting angry again and losing control... Minato knew he should have been expecting this sort of outcome. Kishima had been the one to destroy Shiki's birth family, taking away any chance of him having a normal life as he came to live under the Tohno family.

"...I met him during the last game, after my death in it along with Robin Tact and Frank Castle," What did their meeting have to do with this was now one of Minato's questions, though that would most likely be answered soon. Seeing his friend calm down and take a seat, he joined in, sitting a few feet behind him out of concern for his own safety.

"...Kiri Nanaya... Your father then? And Akiha... Some sort of family?"


"I see."

His response to Minato's answer was short, somewhat curt even, but he was just curious anyway. As for the question that Minato would pose in return, his expression would harden a little bit, but he would give an answer nonetheless, nodding slightly at the mention of Kiri Nanaya.

"I only have fleeting memories of him, ever since my old man -- well, the one that would adopt me, Makihisa Tohno, anyway -- used some hypnosis magecraft on me to try to wipe away my childhood memories, but I can still remember that full moon... and how glad I was that the blood that got everywhere never came close to staining that beautiful moon."

Kouma would close his eyes, sitting down on the other side of the fire, legs criss-crossed as well. "Kiri Nanaya was a strange man. One that I found myself relating to, yet at the same time, he was perhaps the most enigmatic man I had ever met. There was once a time where he cared for nothing at all, so he killed, not because he was bored and he desired to do so, but because that was the nature of the clan of assassins; the Nanaya. But when you were born, child, he had discovered something new. A new feeling. The desire to protect. So that was why he had decided to abandon the Nanaya," he explained, "Seeing the innocence in your eyes, eyes that have since been tainted with death, he wanted you to forge a path different than he did. He wanted you to live your own life, not as a Nanaya assassin, but as an individual."

"And then you killed him... Along with the entire Nanaya clan, before Makihisa had decided to take me in. I know the rest," Shiki nodded, crossing his arms.

"As for Akiha, Arisato-kun... Yeah, I suppose you could say she's my little sister. Not by blood or anything, but we were raised as siblings, and we care for each other as such," he would then continue, moving onto the next subject, "Even though she's younger than me, she tries quite hard to try to act like the older one, as the head of the Tohno family or something," Shiki would say, a small smile slightly tugging at the corners of his lips as he fondly remembered his adoptive sister, "Looking back... I think it was actually a little endearing how strict she was. She also seemed to dislike Ciel-senpai for some reason."

"... Come to think of it, Arcueid doesn't like Ciel either. I wonder if it's the whole... vampires and Church thing."
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A smile played at Minato's lips as well, imagining the women in his and Shiki's lives arguing with each other, "Perhaps it's what I've been serving Ciel for dinner? Arcueid could smell the garlic that I like to add to the curry on occasion." His laugh died before it began, the Persona user not wishing to upset the delicate situation. Looking between the two who shared a past of misery and death, he couldn't help but wonder aloud, "It's strange, isn't it? Kishima destroyed the Nanaya family, sparing only you, Shiki, because of Akiha's father taking you in... But why? Why rescue you in that moment?"

"Kishima," His gaze settled upon the killer who had joined them, "Perhaps you could enlightenment as me as to why the head of the Tohno family took in the last of a family meant to be executed?"


"He was amused that the young child had the same first name as his own son, so he took him in," the copy of Kouma Kishima spoke with the most deadpan tone and expression ever.


"You think he's joking, but he's not. I can vouch for that after reading through the old man's old journals. His name was spelled differently though. With different kanji, that is. SHIKI Tohno was... crazy, even without the reincarnated spirit of an ancient vampire possessing him. It's a long story. Bottom line was... Makihisa Tohno was weird, basically."

Len just gave a tired look, probably judging these damned humans.


"Your dad seemed like a funny guy."

Well, that certainly made his opinion on Shiki's adopted father clear enough.

With that, Shiki would clear his throat, before continuing to talk again; "In any case... What business do you even have here, Kishima?"

"None. None at all," Kishima replied, standing up as abruptly as he had sat down, "I merely fulfilled the premonition that we would meet again. And so we have. Now, perhaps I can finally disappear from this world now that my reason for being has been fulfilled, even if I am not the real Kouma Kishima," he said calmly, turning around.


"Initially, Kouma Kishima had hoped that Shiki Nanaya would have grown to be a worthy opponent like Kiri Nanaya was, only to find that Shiki Nanaya... truly was no more. You are not the same child that I had spared long ago. You are now, for all intents and purposes, the real Shiki Tohno. That is who you are, and you must take pride in that, struggle as you might to be content with who you are until you... find yourself," he murmured, beginning to walk away, "Just know that your world is a jungle right now. And as such, you must follow the law of the jungle in turn. Else the jungle will overcome you before you ever find your answer."

"What... Where do you think you're going? Hey, what are you talking about?!" Shiki exclaimed, scrambling to his feet and attempting to follow Kishima, only to be stopped when Len would grab him by the arm. From Minato's view, he wouldn't really be able to tell if Len's grip was simply that strong, or if the simple gesture of grabbing him was enough by itself to stop him, but the effect was the same altogether.

"Just know this, Nanaya... Those around you may try their best to guide you, but ultimately, this is your road, and thus, you are the only one who can grasp what it is you seek. And as for you, Arisato... Continue maintaining the life in which you find comfort and solace. Even if not everything is exactly as you'd like it to be, it is all that you have. You should... treasure what you have. After all, fortune comes to those who wait."

"... Farewell. We will not meet again, either of you. Perhaps that will be for the best."

"Don't worry, Kishima. I wasn't planning on giving up on my life. I've gotten used to having to wait, so it's nothing new, old man... And who knows, maybe we'll meet again and not have to worry about any sort of trouble about meeting people whose families you've killed... Anyways, see ya later, old man."

With a silent nod, the spirit who called himself "Kouma Kishima" disappeared into the forest, with Shiki only able to look on silently. He pondered Kishima's words silently, wondering what he had meant by that. By the time the man had entirely disappeared into the trees, his presence by then unable to be sensed by Shiki, Len would let go of her so-called master's arm, as the young man would stand there in silence for a few moments, sighing as he'd run a hand through his hair, as though attempting to process what was said to him.

"Today really has been a bad day..." Shiki murmured, placing a hand on his hip, "In any case, Arisato-kun... I guess it looks like this is where we'll be parting ways. I can't afford to stay in one spot, else I'll never come back home at this rate. You should probably head home too. Sorry that Len wants to stay by my side, but I guess it's for the best," he would say, idly putting out the campfire by kicking some dirt onto it.



Len's eyes would widen when he did so, tugging at Shiki's arm once again as she pointed to the dead rabbits on the ground, as though she really looked forward to having a meal. Catching onto this, Shiki grunted uncomfortably, taken aback by her sudden reaction.

"C-Calm down, Len! I have plenty of food in my bag! We'll be fine!" He exclaimed, and with that, Len would give a dejected sigh, her cat ears peering down in sadness.

"In any case... I guess we should be on our way, no?"

"Yeah, I guess so, and it's fine, Shiki-kun. She is your familiar, after all," Minato chuckled as he waved off his friend's apology. Picking himself up off the ground and brushing off some dirt off his pants, he hummed for a moment, staring at the depressed girl.

"... Well, I guess this won't hurt anything. Here, Shiki, for you and Len while you're on the road," He unzipped his bag and pulled out the remaining chocolate bars, handing them over to the teen with a sigh and something akin to a shove. One though went was placed in Len's hands with a smile before Minato turned away once again and began to walk, "Anyways, best I get home, Ciel's probably worried to death if she managed to get home in time to find me gone. Don't take too long out here, because I'd rather not learn what an angry vampire and sister are like."


"Aha, right. You take care out there too. Promise. I'll be back before you know it," Shiki said, giving a wave, before turning around and facing the opposite direction of Minato, beginning to walk and silently gesturing Len to come with, to which she would comply, the familiar briefly looking back and giving Minato a final wave as she would leave with Shiki.

And then, just like that.

They were gone now.



Thankfully, it wasn't too hard for Minato to navigate his way back out of the forest. Evidently, just going straight forward did not result in him unintentionally going around in circles, so within just a few minutes, the young man was able to get out of the woods and back onto the empty road. As always, with cars being somewhat of a rarity in this part of the country, it wasn't like these roads were often used anyway.

As it was still relatively early morning, the street lights were still on, and upon closer examination, it would appear that one such street light would have a peculiar individual perched on top of it.


With an intense gaze that stared in the direction of the trees in which Minato had emerged from, Ciel, dressed in her standard Executor attire, seemed unaware of her lover at first, until he would draw ever so closer to her direction. In no time, her head would jerk over to Minato's direction, and it was then that upon catching sight of him, her eyes would widen in surprise, her intense gaze replaced by a look of surprise, akin to that of a normal young woman's surprise.

"M-Minato-kun?! What are you--Whaaaagh!"


Evidently, it seemed that from her surprise, Ciel had accidentally fallen off the street light that she had been standing on, hitting the ground on her head. Thankfully, due to her hardy body, she managed to get up unscathed without so much as a bruise on her forehead, quickly attempting to play off that blunder as she'd scramble to her feet, putting away her Black Keys.


"Jeez, you startled me! What are you doing all the way out here, Minato-kun?"

Huh, so this is why she always takes forever getting home... He stood beneath the light post, staring up towards the assassin atop the pole. It seemed luck was on his side finding her out here; at least he would have company going home once she picked herself up.

"Oh, you know, just decided to take a walk since you were busy and all," Noticing the bruise forming on her forehead, his hand casually rose to the damaged skin with the light of a Dia spell, healing it as best he could, "You should be more careful, losing your balance like that... You're not losing your edge from not having anyone to really challenge you, are you? Or maybe it's all the curry you've been secretly enjoying when on duty?" The mirthful smirk parted slightly in a good-natured laugh at her expense before he shook his head.

"Anyways... If you're looking for Shiki-kun, he went the opposite direction of me and you should probably give up on that. That seems like the only reason you're here, so it's best you know that he really needs this journey," He waxed on with a hum, waiting to see what her response was. It would be best if he was ready for a slap, given that the woman really was a hard hitter when she was angry.

"N-No, it's not the... Well, actually, it might be the curry..." Ciel simply said to Minato's first remark somewhat bashfully. Her expression would soften up just a bit when Shiki would be mention, but Ciel otherwise made no move to go after him.

"I see... He's so close, hmm? Yet so far away... I imagine that if he so much as suspects that I'm on his trail, he'll either do something to incapacitate me or conceal his presence entirely," the young woman would sigh, putting her hands on her hips, "Arcueid told me that she had a faint idea of where Shiki might be, but I never thought that woman would..." She would grunt, as though the stunt Arcueid had pulled was some bad prank, "Even so, Minato-kun... Mind telling me why I shouldn't go after him right now then?"

"Well, first off, he might hurt you if you chase after him, and I don't want to have that worry on my mind, and second... Well, how to put this..."


"Me and him met an old friend in those woods, one who gave him some important advice. He said that the path Shiki plans to walk is one only he can decide the ending of, and if we interfere... It's one of those self-discovery journeys some people do, you know? Like, it's almost like his own pilgrimage, and it's something he needs to do, something that him and our old friend made me realize while I was out here..."

It was then a thought occurred to Minato, one regarding a certain vampire.


"Wait... You're telling me after tying my hands and forcing me out on this hunt by saying that her and you didn't have the time, the vampire princess not only managed to send you out here but felt it was necessary?"


"That's it, I'm carrying garlic and wooden stake with me from now on. She can come out here next time because I'm not getting pulled into her shenanigans again."

"Anyways, do you mind if we start heading back?" He offered his hand to her, hoping to entice her to walk along, "I just spent the night in the woods without any real results, and I really want to go home and get the weekend I have with a beautiful girl started even if it is a little too late..."

"Well, specifically, Arcueid had told me that there would be Sons of Roa around. You know, those vampires I had been working to hunt down lately," Ciel spoke, sighing, "And she even told me that Shiki might be in danger. To think that she would pull such a prank..."

Briefly pinching the bridge of her nose, as though she were just almost used to Arcueid's shenanigans, still wondering just what went on in that vampire's mind, Ciel would purse her lips for a brief moment, before nodding at Minato, a smile appearing on her lips.


"I'll... just take your word for it on Tohno-kun's whereabouts. After all, if it really can't be helped, then... I suppose I'll let him be. After all, he's saved me on more than a few occasions, and I'm supposed to be the Church's trump card," she spoke, before offering a hand to Minato, "Besides, admittedly it's quite amusing to see the little sister's distressed reaction to it all, even though I really shouldn't say that."


"In any case, are you ready to head back now then?"

"Yeah, I'm ready, Ciel-chan," Giving her hand a light squeeze to make sure she was really there as they walked, Minato couldn't hold back the small blush that brightened his cheeks after a long morning, "You know, even if I did have to spend an entire night sleeping in the woods, I can say it was worth it since I'm getting to spend some time with you and that cute smile of yours."

Returning that smile, Ciel gave a nod, beginning to walk with Minato back home, hand in hand. "Yes, perhaps it's time I took a break, at least for tonight, and be able to enjoy some dinner with you. It'll be my treat this time. How about that, Minato-kun?" She inquired, her free arm carelessly swaying back and forth in the cool air.

She was certainly going to need this break soon, for the next time she saw Arcueid, she was really going to get it...


Now that the night is over...

As the spirit of Kouma Kishima continued to wander through the forest, his being began to give way. With his reason for existing now gone, the young child that he had spared now nothing like he had envisioned, there was no more reason to keep on living in this world. Perhaps that was why the "real" Kouma Kishima, wherever he was, decided to keep hidden from the world, living out his life until he would die, taking his cursed bloodline with him.

Now that the dream is over...

As his body gradually turned to light like that of a crude pixie, the spirit could only wonder if the change that the boy had made was for the better. He knew that Kiri Nanaya had abandoned the clan in hopes that his son would be able to forge his own path in life, but it seemed that even without being a member of the Nanaya, death and violence followed the boy everywhere.

Now that the day is returned...

But even so, he could only speculate how the boy's choices in the future would affect his future.

After all, if he couldn't decide a way to live outside of sacrifices, sorrow, and death, then he would simply have to cease to exist. And with that, reap even more sorrow from those that cared for him.

That was the law of the jungle after all. The weak of spirit perish, and the strong live.

There is no more need of a demon such as Crimson Red Vermilion.

And with that, the demon had been vanquished by the day's sun. His body had disappeared, and with it, his consciousness. And thus, the faker of "Kouma Kishima" ceased to be forever.


"Come on, Len. We don't have time to waste. If we linger for any longer, then who knows what weird animals will attack us in this godforsaken forest?"


"Y'know, like... I dunno, bears?"


"Yes, I know bears don't live in Japanese forests, it was just a... Ugh, whatever. Come on already."

As for Shiki Tohno, he continued to wonder what Kishima's words meant. Somehow, it had seemed that the man had an inkling of knowledge on what Shiki was looking for, but seemed to relent that only he was allowed to find out for himself. After all, this was his life. He was the only person who was allowed to determine what happened in this life. This world.

If nothing else, he at least had a better idea of what he was looking for now. Ever since Yumizuka's first death, he would have lost the will to live entirely had he not forgotten about it through sheer force of will, and even then, he was still at square one; back when he had believed that dying was no big deal. That "just living was enough." Little did he know how he had misinterpreted Sensei's words all that time. It was precisely that life was precious that you had to preserve it as best that you can.

And so, ironically, after the death of his next lover, Mikasa, it seemed to have the opposite effect, rejuvenating him with a new sense of purpose in life. A reason to live, a reason to fight, a reason to exist. But now... even with the death of the Arch Demon, it had seemed that the Murder Games were destined to last after the fact. And so, Shiki promised that he would continue the path that he went down. So he had trained hard under Sensei's teachings, training in her strange martial arts, testing his physical limits, all that, in the event that if any other sort of evil would appear, he would be ready.

But... It was in those moments between fighting that he didn't know how to live. He lived to fight, but he didn't know how to live in the first place. Either because he had forgotten, or because he had finally realized he never knew in the first place.

So that was what he had to discover, whether he realized it or not.

He may have had an idea on why he continued to live, but he was not sure how he'd continue.

Little did he know that the answer would be waiting for him at the other end of the forest.​
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