The Soul Of Vegas

Posted my character, I'll get to posting tomorrow, probably. Thinking of having him chase after a shape shifting dragon who robbed a bank and took all the gold? I don't know exactly what the fantasy level is, though, so I'll go with whatever you want if you have a direction you want to take it.

I saw the post. That was amazing, loved the way you painted him through the eyes of the hoodlum. It was intense and creepy.

As far as chasing the shape-shifting dragon, I have no problem with that. I'm assuming you'd like someone to play the dragon? Or do you want to just NPC that character?I

I am going to put a general outline of the fantasy realm (s) up a bit later today
I already have in mid a few different ways characters from that realm acquire powers, magical abilities asode from the traditional study/train/exprience method. I think this method will work well to balance out charcters as well as work with the overall story.​
Great scene and introduction to both characters and a bit of how Alvaro operates.
I have had an idea for a character that would work well as a subordinate of Alvaro''s and she would fit perfeectly into this scene as the woman he summoned to question him but if you have already got something i mind for that I won't step on your toes.

The only question I have is whetehr he is peaking Japanese or something that sound s like it. If it is Japanese than it opens upother possibilities, so that is fine. I just wanted to be clear for the sake of the RP.
The focus would nostly be on chasing the dragon down. I had one idea that the dragon had been cheri's customer at one point, and he's now looking for her so they can look for the dragon.

At any rate, the dragon would be br maybe PC, maybe NPC, depends on how we roll with it. I need done way to alert Sult to the magical world, and I figure this coulddo it. Whether the dragon is a recurring character, or exits quickly is of no consequence. Maybe he could even work for Alvaro?
I was actually thinking of having Cheri seek shelter at aor around the scrapyard, os maybe that could work as a way to have her and Sult meet and then Sult can find out about the dragon being a client/former client.
Good morning! @Lore Weaver, thanks for the feedback mate. I would like to hear out that idea of yours because I haven’t thought of anything to do with the woman Alvaro summoned yet XD. The young knight is speaking in japanese in that scene. I just assumed that the world he came from was of japanese origin. By the way, can’t wait for the general outline of the fantasy realms. :D

Also, good morning to you @SedentaryCobra! On the matter of Sult working for Alvaro, that depends on how the rp goes. But if you want, then we could discuss a bit on how that could happen XD.
Honestly? I have no clue. Was thinking western, cause the thread's already made, but I could go anywhere. Maybe border of south and west, for ease of access to either, logistically speaking?
Western or border of south and west sound good. I am about to post a rather long post that gets Cheri very close to the scrapyard.
The initial thread about the fantasy realm (Syndor) is up. It's long, probbaly alot of typos and errors but it is late and I will edit Monday.
Alright, responded. Tried to be as plainly unsettling as possible, without being so painfully belligerent as to have no other resolution to the conflict.

Also, have you considered asking one of the admins for a space for a multi-thread rp? I feel like putting this stuff in it's own spot together would be really helpful.
By the way, I liked both of your posts :D. And I must warn you guys about something. This week is a busy week for me and I might be a bit delayed in developing characters and typing out posts. Thank you for understanding :D.
Thank you for the suggestion both of you.. I will ask about that, I ddi not know you could adk for something like that being new here and all.
Replied with something a bit shorter. A little bit of violence, so didn't make too much sense for a massive post for me.
By the way, I liked both of your posts :D. And I must warn you guys about something. This week is a busy week for me and I might be a bit delayed in developing characters and typing out posts. Thank you for understanding :D.
Real life comes before RP, so don't worry abouta busy schedule,. My schedule tends to fluctuate sp there will be weeks when I am not able to post as often as I am right now.
The above said, I did do a post for the South Quadrant that introduces the researcher and brings her into the meeting. Reply when you can, and don't worry about post length.