The Things That Stir In The Night [1x1]

Clement's ghost turned his head to look at the demon, watching her carefully with squint, bloodshot eyes. "Leave, Connor," he said, voice raised and stern but not quite a shout. He didn't look away from the creature, in case it made her focus change to a more edible target. Slowly, he got to his feet, his legs clearly darkening to black down towards his ankles.

He cleared his throat, but it didn't make his voice any less raspy. "Come on, then," he shouted at the demon, lifting a finger and beckoning Janine closer to him. When she came at him, he didn't even bothering moving, knowing that it would just go right through him. Unfortunately, Clement wasn't a poltergeist, so all he could do was stare at his attacker. He made wild erratic movements with his arms, acting as if he would really attack at any second.

Kimiko glanced at Clement and gagged. She hated gore with a passion, and illness was a difficult image for her. Trying not to look at him again, she used two more of her legs to tug Connor up into the tree. Before anyone could get another word in, she was gone again, sprinting off towards the academy once more.

Due to the speed she was going at, it only took Kimiko around five minutes to get to the large gates. She lay Eva down on the ground and let Connor stand on his own, then turning to the gates. "Let us in!" She tried to shout but her voice came out quiet, wrapping her hands around the gates and tugging hard, though they didn't even rattle. "C'mon, c'mon!" Her voice seemed to get a little louder, and she took in a great breath as if she was about to shout, but then the gates popped open. Then at the gates was not Ms Marsh, but an odd, yet powerful resident of the academy.

Their names were Al - like Alfred - and Fi - like Fiona. They were conjoined twins gone horribly and scientifically wrong. They were joined at the neck and shared a body, a body that had four arms, four legs, and the muscle mass of two olympic weightlifters. Their heights were also joined together, so they stood at just under eleven feet. Apart from that, they were quite nice and looked normal from the neck up. Al was a handsome boy with dark eyes and light hair, and Fi was a pretty girl with looks that matched her brothers.

Fi gasped at the sight of Eva, all bloodied up and horrible. Al seemed more unfazed, forcing their joined body towards the group. "What happened?" He asked, already scooping Eva up.
Kimiko shook her head. "We were attacked-"
"Does that really matter, Al?!" Fi snapped. "Are you two alright?" She asked Connor and Kimiko. With one of her massive hands, she picked up Connor and Kimiko each, not caring to ask for permission.
"We're okay," Kimiko said quietly, squirming a little under Fi's perfect nails. "Just get to the infirmary, quick." She whispered.
Al and Fi nodded at the same time. In a flash, they were running, full speed towards the infirmary tower.
Janine growled when her hand went through the teen ghost - though she wasn't very surprised when she knew he was a ghost. She was about to charge vainly once more when she figured it would be a waste of time, and backed away. Besides, the fact that he looked like he died of sickness made a part of her shy away a bit, as if she was wary of the possibility of being sick. Sure predators went after the sick and weak, but Janine just hunted the weak. This ghost was dead. It wasn't like she could eat him.

"A ghost.... Interesting.... You inhabit this doll...? Hmmm," Janine muttered as she looked at the torn body. She touched some pieces with her feet, feeling their texture before stepping away.
"While you are interesting, your friends would be more fun to play with," Janine said as she turned around to face the direction of the other group members. She sniffed the air and growled, her hands tapping her thigh as she thought on it. "Shame.... They're gone already. I suppose there's next time," Janine said as she turned around and went back the way she came. "Next time ghost.... Next time. And I won't be so talkative then," Janine announced as she passed Clement. She walked off and went deeper into the woods, soon to disappear in the forest.


At the gate, Connor was semi focused on the conversation, as he was staring out into the forest. He hadn't seem Leah since she left to deliver the little girl. He expected to have seen her by now, but it had been too long. When he was picked up, he yelped and looked up, seeing Fiona lifting him up. "Wait! What about Leah? Isn't she out there? We need to go back! Connor exclaimed. Suddenly, a shadowy crow landed on his head, looking down with a small peck on his head. "Connor! Kimiko! You guys are alright!" The crow squawked as it looked to her friends. The crow looked to Kimiko and landed on her head as well, looking down at Connor with ruffled feathers.

"Where were you?"

"I was going to you guys when I smelled blood somewhere. Then I saw Clement as a ghost! When Kimiko took you away, I just followed. What happened to him?" Leah asked with concern.

Connor sighed. "He got attacked by that older demon girl. And Eva got the worst of it," Connor mumbled as he looked in her direction. Leah gasped and blinked in surprise, seeing all the blood and disheveled hair all over her face. She whimpered lightly as the twins ran to the infirmary, hoping that she'd be alright.

Infirmary Tower
A couple of hours later...

Eva would be laying on the nursery bed with proper bandages and wraps covering the proper areas of her body, and goat nurses often checked on the young mermaid to make sure her vitals were stable. The infirmary room itself was fairly large, holding thirty hospital beds and the necessary equipment for each bed. There were several inflicted teens in the infirmary, but Connor, Leah, and the others were sitting next to Eva. Leah sighed and fiddled with her fingers, while Connor kept silent and dwelled in his thoughts. He knew that Eva was strong and would make it, but the sheer fact that she was attacked as such was appalling. He mentally questioned whether the girl could be saved.
The infirmary seemed deathly silent. In a normal hospital, there would be the beeping of heart monitors, but the goat nurses seemed to have some sort of direct link to their patients, so it was unneeded. There was no normal hospital sounds in the room, just a sort of eerie silence and the sound of people breathing.

Eva, though she looked better, still looked in quite a state. Her Hawaiian-esque skintone had paled considerably, now a sickly yellow-white-blue. The nurses had had to shave her head so that they could pour some sort of potion directly onto the cut, so her curled golden blonde hair was gone and her head was covered all with bandages that were still bleeding through somewhat. Her face was grazed and cut a little, but they were all manageable and would be gone in a few days with the way that the academy's healthcare was. What wouldn't be gone was the scars.

She now had an impressive repertoire. Her scalp would be permanently marked along where she usually parted her hair. She had deep, ugly purple scars down her lower back, and to her that would mean no more crop tops. For the moment, that was all that the goat nurses could predict, but anything else could turn up at any moment. That was the extent of the damage that had been done.

Eva didn't stir, and didn't show any signs of doing so soon. She didn't even move when the hospital door flung open with an almighty clatter and crash. Behind the door was the rest of the Little girls. The eldest, Victoria, ran in first, whipping her head around in search of her sister. Victoria looked frighteningly like Eva, though she was one year younger at sixteen. She had the same blonde hair, same eyes, same clear complexion and beautiful skin. The main difference was that Victoria was smaller than even the youngest of the sisters, standing at 4'9".

The small sisters eyes fell upon Eva. She didn't seem to recognise her at first, before her head whipped right back around. She shrieked in horror. "Eva!" She wailed. Kimiko was sat in one of the chairs by the bedside, looking a little afraid of Victoria. Without even a word being exchanged, Kimiko fearfully stood up and skittered off to a corner, letting Victoria sit down. The sister grabbed Eva's hand, running her finger down her sisters' hand. "Eva..."

One of the three girls that followed after Victoria was a bit of an odd one out. She looked very, very average, but in comparison to her sisters she was decidedly ugly. She had greasy, frizzy, mousy brown hair in an odd bob with micro bangs. Her eyes were small, dark brown, and hidden behind huge thick glasses. She was covered in acne and her face looked oddly screwed up. Her skin was sickly pale. She wore an oversized jumper and a long skirt that reached the floor. She was such a far call from her sisters that there was a rumour spreading that she wasn't even related to the other mermaids. Even still, she had the same abilities as them.

The odd mermaid put a hand on Victoria's shoulder. "Calm down, Vic-"
"Shut up! Just shut up, Myrtle!" Victoria practically screamed, making Myrtle stumble backwards slightly in shock. Victoria instantly turned back to Eva, mumbling under her breath while she kept on stroking her hand.
Connor and Leah sat in the silence that coated the infirmary room like a thick blanket. Leah often looked to Kimiko to see how she was holding up, and saw the arachnid female sit in her seat with worry covering her face. Leah didn't realize how bad the wounds were until they were bandaged, which admittedly made Leah sad as well. From what Connor had described, the girl - or at least her demon - was vicious and violent, smiling with a hiss of pleasure when she looked to Eva's bleeding body.
It gave Leah shivers just thinking about it, wondering what they could do to help the girl. After all if she was possessed not everything was her fault. But perhaps now wasn't the time to be wondering on helping a feral teen when her friend was here on a nursery bed.

When the door slammed open, both Leah and Connor turned their heads to see Eva's younger sisters come in, with the oldest of the group busting through the doors like there was a fire on the other side of the doors. She blinked when Kimiko scrambled to a far corner and let Victoria sit. She frowned for multiple reasons, but the foremost reason was Kimiko's submissiveness. However, Leah supposed she would've done the same thing, so there was no judgement from her. In fact, when the first two sisters came in, Leah and Connor shuffled around in their chairs, as if they were wary of the sister's presences.
They knew of the mermaids' generally strong bond with each other, and they knew that it would be more unwise to try and pull them away from the bed. Once the doors opened once more, both teens turned their heads to see the middle sister Diana speed walk in with haste. Diana was privy with her capris pants and shirt sleeve shirts, and her hair was nearly always in a nice golden brown bun. Fortunately, the girl, being the third middle child, was also keen on keeping it like such, and didn't really want to act so wild despite the apparent situation. It wasn't that she was so entirely vain that she refused to get her hair messy or even a thread out of line, it was that she tried to not show too much emotion, knowing that her body language would get from its current calmed state to aggressive and frantic. And even then, there were signs of the aggression and worry leaking out of her demeanor.

Seeing Diana, Leah nudged Connor and began to stand up, moving herself out of the way. She looked to Connor and sighed, stepping a bit out of the way for Diana to sit. She didn't say anything, as she was confident in Victoria to do all the talking. After she sat down, Connor took a brief glance toward her, then looked over to Eva and Victoria with a solemn look.
About a minute later, Diana's ears wiggled a little and a smirk graced her face, puzzling Connor as he tried to keep a straight face.
"You might want to get up," Diana suggested.

Connor looked confused for a moment. "Get up for who?"

"For Shyanna," Diana responded.

Connor blinked in confusion until he felt a cold presence behind him. He slowly looked behind him to see a shorter girl with a fang slightly showing from under her lip, her hair donning sea green streaks matching the cream colored shirt and light blue jeans she wore. The girl's eyes were cold and calculating, as if she was examining Connor's weaknesses or something. Connor jumped and backed up a bit from his chair, his hands shifting his shades higher on his nose.

"Oh I apologize, I didn't see you there," Connor politely stated.

The girl seemed to scoff and sneer at the older boy. "Huh. Yeah. And you didn't see the one who did Eva like this quick enough either," Shyanna said with a low voice as she sat down next to the smirking Diana.

"And you guys say that I'm crazy," Diana muttered with amusement.
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Kimiko watched the whole situation pan out, standing like a frightened doe ready to sprint at any time. She was, and always had been, petrified of the sisters. It was known that before they had gotten into the academy, Kimiko and a few of the sisters had had at least one interaction that hadn't ended well for Kimiko. At the presence of all five of the girls, she looked like she was going to fade away. "I'm...going to go." She whispered to Leah, and then in a second she was gone, jumping out of the open window and catching herself with spider silk and starting to descend the tower as fast as she could manage. The reason she was escaping in such a way was obvious; the mermaid girls wouldn't be able to follow her like that.

Myrtle huffed at Kimiko's shape getting smaller and smaller out the window. "Coward." She muttered. There weren't any more seats left over for the ugly duckling, so she sat on the edge of the bed with her arms crossed and her feet grazing the ground. She turned her poisonous glare to Connor and Leah. "What the hell are you two still doing here? Go away. She doesn't need you," her words didn't sound genuine, and it was really clear that she was saying what Victoria would be saying if she had the ability to do much more than mutter to their sister, who was practically in a coma for all that it was worth.

Victoria held up Eva's hand to the light, examining the cuts and scrapes and growing bruises. She made a noise like a pained mouse and held her sister's hand to her cheek, whimpering very softly. "We're gonna kill her." She announced quietly to the other sisters. "We'll kill her. The girl that did this to E."
Myrtle leant in. "How're we meant to do that?" She asked rudely. "Look at Eva! And she's stronger than all of us!" She pointed to the bandages around Eva's head, and Victoria slapped her hand down.
"All four of us together? We could do it easy." Victoria whispered back.
When Kimiko finally retreated, Leah nodded quietly, realizing that she couldn't take the growing amount of angry sisters filling in the area. And while her method of retreat was strange to a normal standpoint but normal for someone like her, Leah wished she could leave with her; she still could technically fly. She was still wary of Shyanna, as her presence was intimidating and challenging, which was somewhat surprising considering that she was younger and that she wasn't normally like that..... But then again, she did show such behavior on previous occasion.
Connor showed the same wariness, and stepped a few feet away from the sisters with arms crossed. He watched until Myrtle snapped at them and told them to leave, which made Connor oblige with haste. "Come on Leah. Let's give them some space," Connor whispered as he walked around the bed and strived towards the door. Leah stared at the group of sisters a bit longer before shifting into a shadow and slithering to the door beside Connor, shifting back to her human form just before she got to the door. They both left with sighs, wanting to stay and support Eva, but unwilling to greet the wrath of the sisters.

And yet, they didn't even know how much their rage would get to them.

Diana walked to the foot of the bed and nodded, her hands clenching as she listened to Victoria. When distressed, Diana was as close as she could match with Victoria, but only by a small margin was she overpassed the older sibling. So naturally Diana was on the revenge idea with Victoria when she mentioned it. "Yes! She hurt and humiliated Eva... She defiled her beauty! Nobody should have their beauty marred by a vicious display of savagery," Diana said as a few fangs slid out of her gums. This tended to happen when Diana grew highly emotional.
Shyanna nodded her head but tapped Diana on the arm. Her voice was low and had a somewhat mix of demanding and soothing tone if voice. "Calm yourself Diana. This not the time or place to show your fangs," she said with a shake of her head. She then looked to Myrtle. "Four against one is always better than one on one...." Shyanna then paused and looked to Victoria with a thoughtful look on her face. "However, as much as I'm on board, Myrtle has a point. The girl is more stronger than us. And if its true that she did in both Eva and that oversized doll, then we might lose the moment we try anything," the female said as she crossed her arms.
Victoria reached out and ran a finger across Eva's sharp jawline. "What about the boys that've got crushes on her? Or on me? Or on one of you two?" She asked, nodding towards Shyanna and Diana, and deliberately leaving Myrtle out. The sisters, with their looks, obviously attracted some admirers. It was only natural. "The most desperate ones would do anything for us!" She pointed out. She put Eva's hand back down in her lap and stood up. "What about that nature boy in your maths class, Shyanna? Or, Diana, that serial killer in your PE class?" She placed a hand to her chest. "There's plenty boys in my class I could get to follow us. We could be an army! We just have to promise some kisses, some dates, y'know?"

Myrtle shook her head. "Vic, I don't think anyone here wants to become a prostitute!" She hissed.
Victoria fixed her younger sister with a glare. "Like you're not desperate for some action, you wh***! I'm going to do anything to get revenge on this monster!" She hissed right back.
At Victoria's mentioning of the boy in her PE class, Diana slightly swooned in her seat. She was referring to the strong and muscular Darrel. He had cruel parents when he was younger, so he was abused for a long time. When he finally gained the courage, he killed his parents without remorse, and then began to kill other abusive adults and bullies from all over his state. That was nearly two years ago, and since then he was a lot better -- he didn't kill any bullies at the academy when he saw their works, and had instead told the teachers whenever possible. Diana had been so proud of Darrel for those little but important accomplishments.
Diana nodded her head at Victoria's suggestion until Shyanna looked up. She was going to say something until Myrtle and Victoria began going at it, making the two younger girls blink in surprise. "Calm down Vic. While what you say is true, I am not quite confident on the boy army idea.... I mean...." Shyanna paused and fiddled with her fingers, unsure of whether to say her thoughts. She was the youngest but was fairly smart considering her age at 14. She did use her feminine charms to woo some boys, but she always managed to keep herself from just flat out taking advantage of them. There were some boys that she wanted to appeal to without her lools getting in the way.

"Well.... I think we should gather as much information on the girl as we can. I don't want to take too much advantage of the boys.... I have a thing going and I don't want to ruin it," Shyanna added with a small waiver in her voice. There was a bit of a lie in that last sentence, but she hoped it would pass over by the conflict inside Victoria.
Diana blinked and looked to Victoria for her response; not that she needed an opinion of Victoria's for everything, but she wanted to see what she would say before Diana herself said anything.
Victoria looked at Shyanna in horror, like she'd just broken some sacred girl code, which she had. She reached over and grabbed her younger sister's wrist tightly, looking her right in the eyes with a betrayed look. "You can't just get a boyfriend and not tell us, Shyanna," she said sternly, lifting her arm up a little to put her in and odd, uncomfortable position.

Myrtle put a hand on top of Victoria's arm, trying to pull her away. "Easy, Vic!" She said, loud enough that the others in the hospital rooms could her. "I'm sure she just doesn't like the plan. Right, Shy?" The look she gave Shyanna through her thick glasses was full of 'agree with me, agree with me'. It was obvious why she didn't like the idea; not only did it lower the girls' standards, she couldn't help out with it. "I like the idea of gathering the information. It can't be that hard."

Victoria screwed up her face and let go of Shyanna's wrist. "How the hell are we going to do that?" She spat. "What, are we just gonna go up to Ms. Marsh and ask? 'Oh, miss, we're gonna go and kill the girl that nearly killed our sister, wanna give us some info?'" She mocked.
Myrtle pouted and crossed her arms. "Better than being prostitutes."
((Oh silly Myrtle.. The word is 'Protestant' XDDDD))

Shyanna winced when Victoria grabbed her wrist, gasping when she was pulled to an uncomfortable position. Perhaps using that boyfriend excuse wasn't the smartest idea, but it WS the best thing she could come up with at the moment.

'At least she fell for it,' Shyanna thought as she strained to say something. She was thankful when Myrtle intercepted and corrected Victoria's thought process, nodding her head in agreement to her correction. Rubbing her wrists, Shyanna listened on to Victoria.

"I think that we should listen in on the group's conversation. The 'Elite' students must still be shaken by the encounter... There's good chance that they will be," Shyanna suggested.
"What, those idiots?" Victoria pointed out the window in the direction that Kimiko had gone. "They're useless! They won't know a thing!" As she spoke, she walked over to the window and slammed it shut. "The only way we're going to get anything done is if we use our own skills and get it done ourselves!"

Suddenly, there's a pair of clicking fingers in her vision. "Hey, hey, dumbass." Eva said sharply. "You're all loud as sh*t, you know that, right?" Victoria stared down at her sister, wordless and a little scared. "Look, if you're wanting info on someone, Ms. Marsh's got files on her office. She makes a new one every time she finds someone. Pretty stalkerish, right?"

Eva lifted her hand to her head to shake out her hair like she would usually do. When her hand hit bandage, she froze up. "What..."

The sudden ruckus of her horrified shouting attracted the attention of a nearby nurse, who rushed over and shoved Eva roughly into lying down. After five minutes of trying to calm her down, Eva finally settled. She looked up at her sisters, fixing them with an intense stare. "Kill the bitch. Kill her."

A pause fell over the group. "If you don't kill her, you're all dead to me." She spat the words like venom, and when she was finished, she put her head back down on the pillow and closed her eyes, one hand still on her head. When Victoria tried to speak to her, she didn't say anything. When Victoria touched her hand, Eva snapped, leaving Vic with a nasty bite mark.
Shyanna and Diana sighed when Victoria exclaimed that the group wouldn't be able to help, flinching when she slammed the window shut. Shyanna was going to say something again when Eva snapped her fingers to get their attention, making her and Diana gasp in surprise and relief.

Shyanna nodded when Eva said that Ms. Marsh had info on their subject, a plan somewhat already being devised in her head as she looked to the doors Connor and Leah exited from.
Suddenly, screams shocked Shyanna out of her thoughts, and the two youngest siblings watched in shock as nurses struggled to calm their oldest sister. They realized that Eva had just now noticed her lack of hair, and they look on with worry as she was finally calmed.

The demand of revenge made Diana nod in determination, but the consequence of failure made her gasp in surprise, prompting her to look at Shyanna and her sisters with worry. Why would Eva say that? Did she mean it? She really didn't want to know.

The thing that set her off was when Victoria tried to touch Eva and result in her being bitten. She gasped and tried to pry Vic and Eva away from each other, but the nurses were quick in responding. They forced the four sisters away from the eldest one, as they deemed her still hostile and dangerous despite being bed-wetters, and quickly went to bandage Victoria's bite wound. Once it was wrapped, the nurses sent the four out of the infirmary, telling them to visit when they were certain Eva was emotionally stable for visitation.

Once sent out Shyanna and Diana were shocked at what had happened in the last five minutes, and stood in the hallway with worried expressions on their faces. "Well then.... We have our orders," Shyanna replied after a minute more of silence.
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Victoria cradled her hand close to her chest, muttering under her breath at the red liquid seeping through the bandages. She seemed shocked, apparently too shocked to speak properly, with eyes that seemed empty of emotion.

Myrtle folded her arms. "I suppose so." She didn't seem all too bothered about the threat of being disowned, maybe because she didn't like her eldest sister all too much. "We've got to get into Ms. Marsh's office."

That was more of a difficult task than it sounded. The school's main building was shaped like a square, with an empty courtyard in the middle. In the centre of this courtyard was a tall clocktower, and at the very top of that clocktower was Ms. Marsh's home and office. No windows, and the only way to get in was through a trapdoor in the roof, which was around five stories up. The group of girls didn't have anywhere near the necessary amount of skills needed for the task.

Myrtle relayed all of these thoughts out to her sisters. "There's no way we can do it, but I think we have to."
Diana and Shyanna nodded and sighed as they looked up to the top of the tower, trying to figure out what to do to get there. It was going to be a challenge to get up there, but if they needed the information, then it needed to be gotten.

But how to do it?

"That tall tower? We're going to need the power to fly for this nonsense," Diana said with a sigh as she began to walk down the hallway. Shortly as she said that, Diana felt a sort of presence on her hair. Immediately defensive, she tapped her head and turned with a small growl, glaring at the first person she saw: Myrtle.

"Honestly?! You know how I am with my hair!" Diana nearly shouted as she tapped her head with caution. Shyanna tapped her shoulder to interfere. "She didn't do that Diana," the sister said with a shake of her head.

"Huh? Then who did?"

The sensation of being touched on her head came again before a black cat came out of nowhere, sauntering between the sisters' legs as if it were on a leisurely stroll. Shyanna and Diana blinked and backed away a bit, confused as to how it got there. "What the...? Where did that come from?" Diana asked with a gesturing hand pointing at the black feline.
Myrtle raised her arms. "It wasn't me!" She hissed, having not yet noticed the tricky cat. She followed Diana's gesture and frowned. "Animals aren't allowed on school grounds." She grumbled.

Victoria's gaze lifted from her hand. She seemed to have picked up on what Myrtle had said, and grinned deviously. "Animals aren't allowed on school grounds," she repeated, before lunging at the cat with sharp nails and teeth out. Myrtle shrieked and lunged forwards herself, grabbing Victoria by the back of her shirt.
"Whoa! Vic, chill!" She shouted, pulling Myrtle back.

Victoria pointed accusingly at the feline. "Cats can't get through the school gates! It's a shapeshifter! If we can get them, they can help us into the tower!" She shouted, trying to batter her younger sister off of her.
The cat's tail flicked around lazily when Myrtle mentioned that animals weren't allowed in the school grounds. Its ears twitched when Victoria repeated The sentence and slightly turned its head to see Victoria attempt to lunge at it. With a hiss, the feline gracefully hopped beside Diana, black tail slightly wrapped around her calf as it looked up. Diana looked down with surprise and saw something that she had hardly paid attention to: a small pair of earrings that poked out of the black fur. Diana squinted her eyes and realized that she wasn't imagining it, and had taken a mental note of it as it meowed cutely. It looked up at the sister with black eyes and tilted its head, making Diana blink with confusion.

Shyanna watched as Victoria tried to snatch the cat, only for her to be held back by Myrtle. She blinked and sighed, then noticed the cat sitting beside Diana. She was about to say something, but then the cat had a sort of black wisp come off it's back, making her stop and replay the scene in her head. What was that? Now, the cat seemed to be back in a mischievous mode when it padded over to Victoria's shadow and poked a claw on her its head, then effectively poked various body parts from Myrtle. It dashed down the hallway and looked back, grinning before it left again.
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Myrtle struggled to keep a hold of her older sister, and earned herself a good few scratches and bites from it. Because of this squabble, neither of them really noticed the poking and prodding until the cat was a decent way away from them. Victoria was the first to notice, and she let go of one of Myrtle's greasy pigtails to look after the cat. She squinted at it. "Get back here..." she spat, not letting go of Myrtle's hair just yet.

Myrtle swatted at Victoria's hand, forcing her to let go. She backed away a few fast steps, holding the base of her scalp as she blinked away tears. "Not cool, Vic!" She barked, stroking at her distressed scalp.
"Shut up, Myrtle!" Victoria shouted, pointing at the cat. "Get that thing over here, right now!" She commanded, sacrificing the ugly sister for the sake of the eldest.

Myrtle looked from Victoria to the cat, to her other two sisters. She raised an eyebrow. "She's crazy." She stated blankly, pointing a thumb at Victoria.
Shyanna and Diana blinked and sighed as they watched their older siblings squabble and argue while tugging each other's hair. They watched as the cat left and looked to each other, thinking that perhaps getting the cat would be at their best interest.

They both nodded when Myrtle stated that Victoria was crazy. Diana smirked with a small nod. "That's true... But not as crazy as Eva...." Diana lowered her head and looked at the infirmary room where her eldest sister laid in a [hopefully] quiet rage. "We have to try and get the cat.... Whoever it is, they can help up get the things we need," the middle sister said with a surprising calmness to her words. She turned around and went down the direction the cat went, hoping it didn't go too far.

Shyanna nodded in agreement and followed, telling Victoria to stop being such a rage monster and move her legs, while simply beckoning Myrtle.
Myrtle couldn't help but snicker at what Diana said. "That is true," she admitted, a hand still on her aching scalp. She nodded along with what her sister said. "If it's just a normal cat, you owe me a cake from the cafeteria." She said to no one in particular as she started to walk after Diana.

Victoria fixed Shyanna with a steely glare. In response to what she saw as insubordination, she hit the younger sister on the back of the head, hard. "Don't tell me what to do," she growled and spat, but even still, she started to stomp away, even overtaking Diana in her haste to catch up with the cat.

Not too long later, they came across a T section. Down either of the corridors looked empty enough, apart from other students. No sign of a cat. "Look at that! Because you idiots were so slow, we've lost it!" She hissed at her sisters.
"Easy, Vic, chill for a second!" Myrtle snapped, looking down the corridor. Her eyes fell on a long black hair on the floor of the corridor pointing to the left. "Look. If you took a second to actually look around, maybe you could do something for once."
Victoria, once more, hit Myrtle on the back of the head for the insubordination.
Shyanna clenched her head when Victoria smacked her. Shyanna hated it when Victoria or Eva struck her or the other two sisters - they hit hard enough without being angry, so when they were angry or emotional, their power doubles, which unfortunately hurt very badly. She growled a little and glared at the back of the older sibling's head, rubbing the striked area as she began her walk to catch up to the others.

Of course, nobody saw anything once they were at the fork in the hallways. A bit frustrated yet not enough to let it show in her actions, Shyanna looked around for clues that might've suggested to where the cat could have gone.

At the mentioning of the black hair, she and Diana examined the strand, kneeling in order to see better. They talked amongst each other and sighed to each other in suspicion. Something was up with the cat, but Diana couldn't place whY it was.

"Could it be...? No.... It can't be," the middle child muttered undecidedly. She looked up to see Shyanna looking up with widened eyes, and tilted her head in confusion as to why she was acting as such. When asked why she was staring, Shyanna simply lifted an arm and pointed towards Victoria, and Diana followed the gaze with a straight face until she met Victoria's head.

On the top of her head, Diana saw a pitch black finch on the older sister's head, making her snicker as she tapped Myrtle.

"Myrtle... Look," Diana said in a barely contained snicker.