The Vampire's Apprentice

"Thanks," Norville said with a grateful sigh. "Mum will kill me if she finds out, but I was, you know, kind of worried." He blushed and gave her a sheepish smile. "I should have known better."
Kitty chuckled and shut the door behind him. "Pretty much everything is gone... but, hey, that's what happens when werewolves break into your house looking for a vampire. Gives us a chance to remodel the furniture, at least."
"Did I say that out loud?" Kitty asked, half-serious, as she went to retrieve a secondary chair. "What did you expect? Just vampires exist? Or maybe I was bluffing." She gave a wry grin. "Never can be too sure, these days."
"Eh, fair enough," Norville shrugged, already over the surprise. He hobbled over to the chair and awkwardly worked himself down until he could sit. "Ah, much better! Thanks for the chair." He looked around with interest. "Looks like you have a blank slate. What are you going to do with the place?"
"How come? Got any cake left? Or cookies? Hi, Sam." He gave the dog a slightly puzzled look as Sam came over with the cloth, but the young man just accepted it like he did most things and patted the dog.
He brightened at that. "Mmm, that sounds delicious! I'll take it." He paused and looked around. "So. Vampire and werewolf brawl, huh?"
She plucked a container out and found a small spoon to go with it, offering it to Norville before sitting down again. "Yep."
"Huh," was his reply as he tried to spoon the sauce with one hand without the benefit of the other hand holding the container still. It was an interesting exercise for him. "That must have been..." the soft sound of plastic scraping as the container slid away from him. "That must have..." Now it went the other way. "That must have been intense. We're you scared?"
Norville happily shoveled a big spoonful into his mouth and swallowed before answering. "I'll bet! Were they in people form or dog form? I've always wondered if the wolf part of the wolf form is more like the upright type or the on all fours type." He took another spoonful.
"They seemed pretty people-esk, but that is a good question. That, and, like, does it only happen on full moons?" She agreed. "I'll have to ask if I ever see one again."
He was peering into the container, trying to figure out how to get the last of the applesauce out. He ended up digging wildly with his spoon to see what he could come up with. "So do were's and vamps really hate each other? Or is that all media hype?" He pulled up the spoon with a fair amount of the stuff and grinned triumphantly before it, too, disappeared into his mouth.
"From what I've been able to gather, some do and some don't. Most stay away from the other, but a few apparently are best of friends." She took the empty container and tossed it.
"Cool. Rational doggies." He looked down at Sam, who was slobbering on his foot. "Do you think you're related to any of them? And is that theirs? Did you steal their pants? Good boy!"
Sam grinned up at him, his stumpy tail wiggling joyfully.
"I thought incorrigibility was a bad thing?" Norville asked. He winced as he started to stand. "I need to get back home."
"Not always." Kitty went to get the door for him. "Thanks for stopping by. It's nice to see you walking around again." She smiled.