The Vampire's Apprentice

"Well..." He fidgeted more. "You said something about how redecorating the house with more stuff... wouldn't matter... are you leaving?" The last phrase was blurted out with such force it was as if he'd physically flung them out.
Kitty examined him for a moment. "Yes," she answered finally. "Yes, we are. You've still got a couple months, though, so it's not like we'll be disappearing into thin air all of a sudden."
He tried to put a brave face on things, but it was obvious Norville was disappointed. "Oh... You know, you'll be the first neighbor to leave us rather than us leaving. It's a weird thought." He gave her a smile. "Any idea where you are going yet?"
"N-not that I can remember. I think it was discussed once, but it's fuzzy." She pressed a fist into her other hand. "I didn't expect moving to be so difficult, but then, I hadn't met you guys at the time...."
He reached out and gently patted her knee, the knee being the easiest thing for him to reach. "Hey, it'll be fun! You'll get to travel who knows where," he lowered his voice, "with a vampire. Now that's pretty groovy. And you can still write, right?"
"Sure I can." Kitty grinned. "It'll be interesting, at least. Gotta learn to drive, then work on driving alone, head through a couple o' states.... Definitely gonna send you post cards."
"You'd better send me pictures, too," Norville told her. "I'd offer to help out with the learning to drive thing, but, you know, they kind of frown on one-handed driving." His grin had regained much of its previous relaxed proportions.
"I'd say you're better to leave your Mum's wits alone and stay off the wheel for a bit." She advised. "Who'd miss me when we moved if you were gone?"
"I'd say yes," Norville nodded. "Mum's going to miss you, too, even though she probably won't say it, and EJ will totally miss your cookies!"
"Well...!" Kitty argued as though there was a slim chance. It was all in good fun. "Maybe you'd like to ingrain it into your memory?"
"I'm pretty sure," She thought about it. "You might have to get your tongue in there; make sure it tastes right." Kitty nodded solemnly in approval.
He looked down at the book he'd rested on his leg. "Have you read this one?" he asked, indicating the book. "I just started."
It was Homeland by R. A. Salvatore.
"Hmm...." Kitty examined the book for a moment. "I don't think I have. Maybe I have. Who knows, these days." She shrugged. "So many books, not enough memory to contain them all."