The worst genie ever

… NoT gRAnTED, aNd PlUs I don't hAvE hAiR.

i WiSh fOr everyone Apart fRoM mE aNd Papyrus to DiE aNd STAy ThAt WaY.
Granted! Lila no longer talks in ransom note. That doesn't stop em from typing like that though!

I wish the genie would follow the rules of this game and grant every wish.
As it should be! Granted! The Sun is now switched off and the solar system is frozen over.

I wish Pokémon were real!
Granted! You are now pink, and taste of bubblegum! Besides that you look exactly the same because idk how else to make you any cuter.

I wish for a robot doggo.
Granted! Someone pours a bucket of water over the doggo, making it malfunction and die.

I wish for Katsu to be turned into a kitten. (That way she can be cuter!)
Granted! But (sorry danganronpa thh spoilers lel) Mukoro kills her instead

I wish for a pet swan who is really nice to me but fights anyone I want
Granted! Everyone is even more stupid than they already are and the human race is entirely wiped out within minutes

I wish for someone to close my window because I'm too lazy
Granted! Satan himself crawls into your room and shuts the window after him before proceeding to eat your soul. (You be living the dream)

I wish for a bucket of water so that I can pour it over my head
(Satan's my best bro, thanks. he can have my soul anytime)
Granted! But it gets your socks wet :(

I wish for my headache to go away (I should prolly stop listening to PON PON PON)