Trolling Around (Zul'Zae'Ju'Jin and Silence)

Aiden took his time walking to the backyard. He knew that there wasn't any particular hurry since the woman would have to cast the spell. The other reason for staying in the back of the line meant that he could enjoy watching Xen'tu's reaction to this. It was very nice of Zae'ju to give him a heads up of what to expect from the other troll. Almost as soon as it had become evident that they were going to be traveling through the portal Xen'tu started to protest. Lurking forward Aiden caught a glance of the troll's look of dismay. It was almost funny to see how Xen'tu protested and seemed to shy away from having to use a portal. Though it wasn't likely Xen'tu understood everything he said, Aiden had gotten pretty good at using his body language and facial expressions to say what he otherwise couldn't.

Limping toward the middle Aiden glanced back at Xen'tu. "If I go in ahead of you I can always watch your facial expression as you come out the other end." Chuckling a little he pointed toward the troublesome portal. Perhaps just a little rivalry would keep the troll going and at least half way cooperative. Aiden nodded to Zae'ju and he stepped into the portal. At least he had the papers with the seal. It should protect him and he really liked the idea of seeing Xen'tu's face when he came through the portal next.

On the other side it was a little less than smooth landing. Aiden wobbled on his feet before he finally tipped over. Now he was sitting on his rump and he stared at opening to watch for the other two to come through. He tried to look like he was just relaxing for the moment when the first of the trolls came through and the grin on his face got wider yet. "You having a good time yet?" Raising one eyebrow slightly he chuckled and forced himself to his feet. Anytime now the last one of the brother's should be coming through. Once they were all three on the other side Aiden nodded to Zae'ju. "Well you'd best lead the way." He could only hope it wouldn't be too far. All that Aiden wanted was to lay down and go back to sleep. Maybe a little food and some brandy would be nice to go with the sleep.
Xen'tu was not happy.

Not even remotely and he glared at his brother, his left eye twitching sporadically as the portal formed. Zae'ju glanced back at him and the bluey haired troll launched into Zandali. "Ya promised mon, dis nut cool! No, ai be refusin', ya can't make me!" Xen'ti folded his arms and arched his back inwards and instantly regretted it when muscle and tissue protested the stretching. He winced and gingerly held himself again, shifting irritability where he stood. What was the human was seeing his reaction and he felt even more humiliated because of that knowledge. It was leverage. It felt like a betrayal for his brother knew damned well how he didn't like portals.

The human stepped forth once the portal was complete and spoke. Zae'ju snickered as Xen'tu glared in return, "Better nut let me catch ya at et, boy," he snapped in return as Zae'ju nodded to Aiden. They watched the man disappear to the other side before Zae'ju pulled Xen't before him and pushed him gently onwards before the brothers materialised on the other side. The Draenei smiled before she waved her fingers again and the spell shut the wormhole through the twisting nether down.

Xen'tu peered at Aiden as they joined him and he sneered with pointed teeth, "Suck it up," he walked on already knowing where they were going to go. Zae'ju appeared and rolled a bare shoulder before he grinned at his friend. One he considered askin for all that he had done. "Ai'll say. You'd only get lost an' drop into a pit, knowin' ya luck," he replied before waving Aiden on lazily with a hand as he lead the way in Xen'tu's wake. He called out in Zandali and Xen'tu paused before he nodded and replied in kind before disappearing through the trees.

"Dun worreh, 'e gonna swing by in da mornin'. Xen's got some stuff ta get, Rose namely," he snickered knowing what Rose was but was as content as his brother to let it be a surprise to the man. He lead the way, the trees growing fewer in number before they reached a coastal village with long beach surrounding it. "Keep close, mon," he advised gently as they grew nearer to the troll village. A sentry walked up to them followed by a quick conversation in their native tongue. The sentry's eyes widened and looked at Aiden for a moment, staring, before he nodded and returned to his post. Zae'ju chuckled before he lead the way to a hut closest to the beach. He paused at the doorway and then looked at Aiden for a moment before he lifted the flap to let him through.

A voice soudned from inside as the pair entered, "Zae Zae?" the woman's voice was deep and rich, accented before she paused, seeing Aiden for the first time. Her hair was a bright pink colour with a thick braid running down the centre of her head with loose hair falling about her shoulders. She turned once Zae'ju was in sight but her stern gaze on the human in the room did not falter. As she turned, she revealed a small bundle in her arms. Zae'ju joined her and smiled at her before they brought their foreheads together in what was clearly a display of love and affection.

"Dis be da one ai told ya 'bout. ' be who saved me,"

She blinked at Aiden and then smiled as she looked him over, "Ai imagined 'im ta be taller."
The walking had Aiden breaking out into another sweat and he gave Zae'ju a questioning gaze as the other split off. In some ways it was a relief. "Eh, I'm not so sad to see him go." Pausing mid stride he winced and held onto his side. While he was busy ensuring that he wasn't about ready to fall apart Zae'ju seemed to insist that he hurry. "Ai, doin meh best." Sometimes it was fun to try and slur his words to imitate the troll accent.

It would have been tempting to lean on the troll for some added balance and to eliminate part of effort of walking. That, however, was not an option considering how close they were to the village and Aiden intended to maintain some respect. Holding his head high he continued toward the walls. He'd been places worse than this with Zae'ju and the seals were almost a 100% guarantee that would be granted safe passage. Nobody dared to come between both the Horde and the Alliance. Taking his letter out of the small satchel on his side Aiden held it out so the guard could see and he walked into the village with Zae'ju after the troll had shared a few words with the guard. Somehow it seemed that the guard was genuinely surprised and that wasn't entirely impossible to imagine. The circumstance they were currently in happened to be quite unusual.

Carefully Aiden limped through the village. If he cared about what trolls thought of him it might have been a bit embarrassing. However, all things considered this wasn't all bad. With the trolls staring after them Aiden figured they would assume he was an easy man to kill. Made any work in the future easier if his opponent underestimated him.

After what felt like forever of passing little huts Zae'ju came to stop at the very last one before the shore. "Nice place you got for yourself here." Giving a small nod of approval he stepped into the house and it all felt dark after he'd been outside for a long while.

A tall female came into the room and Aiden made a slight bow out of respect. It seemed she had no idea who he was and he just grinned. Sometimes it was fun to let others finally figure it out. Then she gave that one comment that never made sense. "I'm tall for a human." What folks expected he wasn't quite sure. Did they somehow think that he was going to be the size of a giant? Glancing at the little one in her arms he smirked. "Almost looks like Zae'ju when he was little." That cute fat face was dear and perhaps when trolls looked best.

Still he was human and he knew that trolls were not generally trusting of his kind to hold a little one. It was doubtful he could hold the little one anyway with his injuries unless he was sitting down. Then to make it worse, Aiden was a troll hunter and there wasn't a sane troll mother that would want him near their little ones.
Zae'ju glanced at Aiden for a moment but he did seem to lessen his pace just a little. Couldn't be easy and the sun was warm on their backs. He nodded and smiled, "Still needs work," he giggled still finding the imitation of his people's accent rather amusing. It was kinda cute too. The sentry peered towards the seal when it was presented and he nodded back, the eyes were wary and suspicious but with the seal in place, he could do nothing for it. Zae'ju's presence eased matters as well for it went assumed that the human was under him.

Trolls paused in their lives to watch him with varying expressions upon their faces. They muttered in Zandali and shook their heads before they continued about their business and conversations. It was very odd for a human to brought this far deep into troll territory and still be alive to see it. Zae'ju kept to a slow pace though he was clearly itching to be back home. He was a little worried that 'Qaska would be against the trip but orders were orders and he had to go. the sea air was a reminder of what he now lived to fight for and protect. He smiled and nodded, "T'anks, 'Qaska chose da spot, we made et togedda," he grinned proudly.

The woman, Vo'qaska, watched Aiden like a hawk, eyes dark and studious in their reading before she carefully shifted the bundle in her arms and gestured at a small stool, "Zae make exaggerations," she said for a moment before she lightly shrugged and turned to her mate. She passed the bundle to him and then to look at Aiden as Zae'ju held his son. A small giggle could be heard as he grinned at him, wiggling a finger at the tiny face. Zae'ju glanced when Vo'qaska spoke in Zandali and replied in kind before moving to sit down on the mat making it easier for the baby in his hold to be seen. "You have child of ya own?" she asked warily, her use of common clear and concise.

Zae'ju grinned as Vo'qaska retrieved a pot of water, a cup and a pouch. She poured some of the pouches contents into a cup of water before handing it out to Aiden, "Drink."

"Dis be Vo'qaska," Zae'ju said in final introductions and then gave Aiden a broad grin, "An' dis lil' one," he sat the child up a little better. Zae'ju's head was low enough for the child to try and play with the trinket attached to the troll's outward reaching tusk.

"His name is Ay'din," Vo'qaska finished with a smile smirking as Zae'ju blushed a little but the troll nodded nonetheless letting Aiden work it out for himself. "Ai take et you shall be staying wit' us a little while, hm?" she asked Aiden but Zae'ju answered in Zandali causing the woman to frown. She nodded eventually before she looked Aiden over again. "Stay the night in the least. It's what ai owe for the one who saved my mate," she smiled at Aiden.

"We got da time ta, ya need ta rest up a bit more. Ai t'ink ai got ya movin' too fast," Zae'ju spoke, looking sheepish as he looked at his friend.

"So, ai can trust dat Zae Zae didn't do dis ta ya, hm?" she asked bluntly as Zae'ju kept his son occupied.
Even as they were talking Aiden started to lean against one of the walls. He wanted some kind of support. Normally he would have tried to be a little more polite, but his energy was fading fast. Part of him was glad that Xen'tu wasn't here to see this. It was better if the other troll thought he was still in better shape than this. While his guts weren't ready to spill out Aiden was still weak. Peering at the baby troll a smirk came to his face.

The female asked if he had any of his own and Aiden cocked his head to side. He didn't really want to answer her. "No babies." It was the closest he could get to telling her the truth without admitting that he had a family. A village full of trolls was hardly the place to be talking about his family. Glancing at Zae'ju he caught his friend's gaze. When the female returned with the cup the troll hunter accepted it from her and migrated to the bench that was now empty. In some ways the giant mug felt odd in his hands. Obviously it was designed for a troll's hand with the 3 massive digits rather than the five phalanges of men.

"You and Zae'ju are the only trolls to know this and I expect you will not speak of what I tell you to others." It was not right to lie to the family of his friend. "I have a woman and a child of my own." Settling onto the bench a little better he sipped at the drink. The taste was mostly bitter and he nearly shuddered with each gulp. Aiden grinned at the mention of the child's name. "Huh. He might turn out to look better than me eh?"

Of course troll parents would prefer that their children didn't look human so it made a semi good joke. At least Aiden figured it sounded good since he was the one that was currently the odd man out. He didn't find trolls all that attractive and neither did they find him good looking. Taking another gulp he glanced at Vo'qaska and then back to Zae'ju. It seemed that his friend had answered for them and he just nodded in agreement. Aiden smirked at Zae'ju. "Well that's alright. I wouldn't have moved any further than here today. Was about ready to ask you to carry me." Chuckling a little he took another large gulp of the drink from Zae'ju's woman. She started to ask him more questions again and Aiden shook his head. "Not from Zae'ju. Should have seen the other guy." Busting out laughing he couldn't help himself. "I really hate that other guy and he happens to be a partner in this trip."

Giving the cup a slight circle motion Aiden peered into it. He loathed to think that there was more to go. It tasted horrible and yet he was feeling pretty good and tired. Chugging the last of it he leaned back toward the wall and stared at the baby. "You're daddy better let me know when you get older and I'll make sure you get a pendant that ensures no troll hunter will ever bother you." He could give the boy a small penchant that listed him as a troll hunter informant and they wouldn't dare lay a hand on him. If the lad kept it for times of need he would be alright.

Gingerly getting to his feet Aiden handed the cup to Vo'qaska. "Thank you." He didn't dare say it was very good because it wasn't. However, it was only polite to thank a host for a drink. Finding a place on the mat near Zae'ju and the baby Aiden laid down. It was impossible not to fall asleep where he was at. Eventually he rolled to his side and curled against the wall. A drool spot gradually formed on the sleeve of his shirt where he rested his head and then the snoring started.
Zae'ju smiled and perhaps a little goofy since his little one was sending one back up at him. It was infectious. He glanced towards Aiden as his mate asked about little ones of his own and his mouth twitched knowing how sensitive the man was on the subject in unknown areas. He understood the reasoning especially now he had one of his own. He shifted Ay'din again, resting the bundle of chubby kid against his torso and lap, humming lightly. He caught the man's look and smiled with encouragement nodding. Vo'qaska was a mother and as one would understand family came first. He doubted his mate would be that cruel as to talk about such to others especially when it could have implications for the safety of their own blood. Troll society was just as complicated and prejudiced as others if not more so.

Vo'qaska smiled about her tusks and nodded as she glanced to the child in her mate's arms, "Da one who give my mate 'is trinket, na?" she replied softly with a grin. She had often wondered about it and knew it had great sentimental value to her mate. It looked well on him. "Den ai be glad fo' da trinket be whut brought us togedda, dat ya shud know," she replied before she chuckled.

Zae'ju snorted and giggled as he tried to picture Aiden as a troll but couldn't quite reach a picture that didn't leave him in hysterics. the child bounced a little in the troll's laughter earning a bemused look from Vo'qaska. She smirked, "Ai bet 'e'll look everybit 'is fatha. J'st wit red hair," she grinned.

"Not'ing wrong wit' ma whiteness, ta," Zae'ju mumbled but he didn't stop giggling.

At least the human understood his limits, she mused with a nod of approval as she watched and listened to the human before her. She had rarely seen them, often keeping to troll owned spaces but he was the first she had spoken with. Humans came with a lot of stereotypes and she was glad that this one seemed to break them. She had yet to meet the Theoden or Tibbie Zae'ju occasionally referred to. He had so very few friends. It was good to meet one of that few.

Zae'ju glanced up and frowned, "Ai feel honohed ya wud let me, considerin'," he replied.

Vo'qaska's expression deepened as she tilted her head wondering just who this other guy was. "Who..."
"Ma brudda," Zae'ju piped in as he returned to making faces at his son again who seemed to like it.
"Gud then. Ya brudda, 'e be a nasteh piece o' work, ya shud nut take 'im wit' you. Et wud nut go well," she shook her head, clearly she was not Xen'tu number one fan.

Both parents stopped to look at Aiden as the man spoke to the little one in his father's arm. The child stared back not really understanding what the human was saying but he giggled all the same finding something about it funny. Zae'ju smiled and nodded, "Dat wud be appreciated, mon. Deeply,"
"Indeed" his mate nodded as well with a smile before she accepted the mug. "Easeh on dem pins, mon." she said softly as he moved.Both Vo'waska and Zae'ju watched him move and lie down. Zae'ju grinned when he heard the other begin to snore. "Da painkillah wasn't dat strong," she muttered and Zae'ju grinned.
"Ef ya be troll. 'e nut." he chuckled and he rose, passing Ay'din back to her before he searched for a blanket. Finding one, he returned and covered the man with it, tucking it in slightly knowing it could get quite cold otherwise.

Time passed and it was soon the morn of the next day. The sun's rays soon were high enough to warm the hut and the doorflap was hitched open so it could bring a little light into the space. Zae'ju moved towards their sleeping guest holding his son in one lanky arm. He carefully reached out and shook the man's shoulder. "Rise and shine, mon," he sat on his haunches as he waited for the man to wake before dropping his hand from the shoulder. Vo'qaska was not anywhere to be seen.
The hunter woke the next morning with a nearly rough shaking on his bad shoulder. "Ugh..." Peeling his tired eyes open he glanced at Zae'ju and gave a growl. "That hurt." Aiden hadn't been about to sleep on his shoulder, but it was debatable if that would have been a good idea after the troll shook him so viciously to wake him. Perhaps it wasn't quite vicious, but it felt that way. Clearing his throat a little Aiden sat up. His side felt some better and so did his chest. He still didn't feel much like travelling, but they had a mission to accomplish and it wouldn't wait. These sort of circumstances didn't allow for a man to be ill or injured. Besides the fact that they wanted Zae'ju and Xen'tu for the mission was unfortunate. It would be a poor excuse indeed to tell the king that he was unable to complete the mission because he was injured by one of the trolls he had been instructed to work with.

Only a few days before he had wished that he killed Xen'tu and now he was just wishing that his injuries weren't quite so troublesome. Sitting up he found himself facing a happy gurgling troll baby. Momentarily Aiden couldn't help feeling almost sorry. He had only once killed a number of troll babies and it was something he had always regretted. On occasion he tried to justify it by his reasoning that one day they would have grown up to be vicious adults that would kill people.

Since that day Aiden had done his best to only find himself in contact with adult trolls. He refused to make raids on the towns. There was something evil about killing the little ones no matter their kind. After a short moment he held his good arm out to Zae'ju. "I'll hold the little one while you get your stuff eh?" Seemed that troll babies weighed a sight more than human babies. Still the lad wasn't so heavy that Aiden couldn't bare the weight on his lap. The tiny troll fist took hold of one of his fingers and squeezed tightly as the baby leaned in closer to study his face. Aiden grunted softly when the kid placed his other hand on the bandaged chest. Letting go of Aiden's fingers the baby reached up and gently slapped Aiden's cheek as he thought a tusk should be there. Chuckling a little he reached up and held onto the baby's hand. "No tusks here buddy." With a little bounce the baby squeaked loudly and he busted out giggling. Apparently the troll hunter's face held a comical nature and it was laugh worthy. Nothing quite like a baby's laughter to lighten the heart. Aiden sat the baby Ay'den on his legs and then studied his tiny little fingers. "Hmm...You're a fine little troll you know that? Your red hair." Letting go of the baby Ay'den's hand he reached for the boy's hair and spiked it. "Uh huh. Just like your father."

About that time Zae'ju came back for the baby and the woman of the house came back in. Momentarily Aiden thought that he saw disapproval or perhaps worry on the troll woman's face. "Holding the lad while Zae'ju gets himself ready to go. Have all my things right here." Setting a hand on the weapons next to himself he grinned. Of course now that the baby saw all the weapons he wanted them. "No no." Aiden pushed the little guy to sit upright again. "Whenever you're ready."

He'd barely got the baby returned to its parents and Aiden was thinking about their job. "Where was it we were heading first?" It was an area that he hadn't really been to. Even if he was a troll hunter it didn't mean that he was crazy enough to go deep into troll country. Only thing that he remembered hearing about the country was that it was full of pests. Mostly bugs and flies. He groaned a little. "I would rather a toad for a companion than your brother." Even after a decent night of sleep and relatively low levels of pain he had to admit that he still felt less than charitable about Xen'tu and chances were the troll felt the same.
Zae'ju blinked and then mentally stabbed himself, "Sorreh," he winced heavily with a grimace. It was easy to forget how fragile humans actually were despite their resilience to pain. He sniffed and reached for the jug of water and then for the cup before he poured the liquid into the cup. He held it out to Aiden as the babe in his arms watched the human with big eyes and gurgled happily. Seemed his son found the man fascinating but then he had yet to be exposed to the outside world beyond the village. He knew that would change when the boy grew old enough to run and hunt. Zae'ju watched Aiden for a moment before he smiled, shifting closer. Vo'qaska had been wary of letting a human hold their son but Zae'ju had argued for it. The boy was named in the man's honour. In the end his mate had relented in the knowledge that Aiden was not a stranger to young ones.

The troll grinned before he lifted his son into Aiden's good arm helping with the boy's position before Zae'ju chuckled and ruffled his boy's matt of hair. The kid giggled before becoming fixated on Aiden. "Heh, 'e look gud on ya, mon," Zae'ju grinned and ruffled Aiden's too much to the amusement of his son before he rose and went to get changed, scratching a bare chest as he went. He could hear the boy giggling away and he smiled. He was loathe to leave him alone whilst he went travelling to help potentially save the world again with his human friend and his hotheaded brother. He just hoped his brother was troll enough to keep his word and not do a runner.

Strapping his shoulder-guards into place, he picked up his quiver and strapped it to his thigh and picked up his bow on the way back in. He leaned it against the doorway as Vo'qaska returned. He pulled her in close for a hug and she reciprocated just as fiercely. Seemed troll women were rather strong for Zae'ju's feet momentarily left the ground and he gave a surprised yelp. Course, that got the kid's attention and he laughed. Vo'qaska looked towards their son and tilted her head before she shook her head, moving over to the youngster and Aiden.

"Et is strange for me... but Zae'ju was right, mon. Only be right you did, 'e be named aftah you aftah all," she smiled before taking her son back into her arms and chattered sweet nothings in the boy's face. Zae'ju moved over once Vo'qaska gave the men room as she bounced Ay'din against her hip gently. Zae'ju smirked and nodded, it never did take the man long to get his mind on the mission. It was good. Zae'ju offered a hand up, "Astranaar in Ashenvale. Night Elf lands, mon. So, best hope da Sentinels dun forget da sketches and kill me or ma brudda before our mission be completed, yeah?" he grinned knowing how much Aiden thought of his brother.

Vo'qaska glanced towards Aiden and she chuckled deeply, "That could be arranged," earning a looked from her mate. "Whut, your brother is a nuisance. You know dat, so does dis one et seems," she giggled joined by Ay'din who blew a raspberry. The sound caught Zae'ju and he chuckled, moving over to them and he peered at Aiden's attempt with the boy's hair. He snorted and ruffled it back to a collective mess before a shout was heard from outside. More shouts rose and Vo'qaska's name was called for. "Whut now?" she muttered and transferred their son back to her mate before she headed outside to see what was going on.

Zae'ju rested his son against his chest, the boy amusing himself with the trinket on his father's tusk again. The sounds of protest followed by Vo'qaska's stern words told him exactly who was creating the ruckus and he grinned at Aiden toothily. Sure enough, Vo'qaska returned dragging Xen'tu behind her by the ear. Zae'ju winced on his brother's behalf not because he didn't deserve it but because Aiden was full witness to this. Vo'qaska was speaking in rapid fire Zandali at him and gesturing eloquently with her hands. Xen'tu snarled and replied in kind before he saw Aiden. He glared and spoke again still glaring at his brother's pet.

It seemed the comment was a comment too far for Vo'qaska as she looked from Xen'tu to Aiden and then back at Zae'ju with a questioning look that the white-haired troll seemed to understand the meaning of. Zae'ju shrugged in return and the woman's head snapped her attention back on Xen'tu before she began a chant. Xen'tu grinned viciously clearly thinking Vo'qaska was about to curse the pinkskin not realising the truth of her words. Zae'ju stepped back back away from his brother as he watched.
Vo'qaska left rather suddenly and Aiden wasn't sure what to think of it. He had noticed she lifted Zae'ju right off the ground. He'd have to tease the troll about that later. Plenty of room for it. The bemused expression began to fade as he heard the other troll voice. As much as he detested Xen'tu he had already become familiar with the sound of the troll's voice. Xen'tu was a miserable ugly lout that insisted on making everyone else miserable too. He was the kind of troll that Aiden typically took pleasure in killing. Perhaps the only exception he would make for Xen'tu was that he happened to be Zae'ju's brother.

Ignoring the sound as best he could Aiden set the cup aside and he picked the rest of his gear up off the floor. About time he had strapped the belt on and had his sword and scabbard adjusted Xen'tu was drug into the house by his ear. While it was amusing Aiden knew he had to travel with Xen'tu so it was best to pretend that this wasn't happening. Simply ignoring as best he could he pretended as if there wasn't anyone else in the small house while he checked over his gear again to ensure that he had it all and he was prepared. Another sharp comment was heard, though in Zandali and Aiden looked up. Xen'tu was already proving himself to be a pain to work with and they hadn't even got close to leaving. It could be a very long trip if he had to put up with the other troll. Might not get the rest he needed either. That made Aiden slightly nervous. If he didn't at least get sleep it was very possible he would get sick. The injuries didn't heal overnight or in a few days like they did with trolls. Sometimes it was weeks and if you rough on yourself months.

That grin that had come to Xen'tu's face was hardly comforting. Aiden couldn't begin to imagine what Vo'qaska was saying. Glancing at Zae'ju he tried to determine if this was something he should be worried about. There wasn't any kind of indication on Zae'ju's face that would give him reason to be nervous. Looking over at the other troll he frowned.

Suddenly it was as if Xen'tu began to shink. His head got smaller and smaller as did the rest of him. After just a few moments he was deduced to nothing more than a little toad with a crest of greenish hair. "Ho!" Jumping in surprise Aiden stared at the miniature figure. "Wow..." It was impossible to hide everything he felt at this moment. For the time he had a healthy respect for Zae'ju's wife, there was some relief, and a growing smirk. The toad bounced with a seeming fury at their feet and Aiden leaned over to look at him. "Huh...I guess he's a toad."

Looking at Zae'ju the man shrugged. "I'll just stick him in my pocket when we leave and maybe we can get him turned back when you find another wizard or somebody that can put him back." Wasn't as though Zae'ju had pockets on his kilt and Aiden rubbed his face trying not to grin every time he looked at the toad. Then he grew concerned momentarily. "He uh...Is he still hurt? I'll have to be gentle with him anyway, but I just want to make sure that the injuries will heal or that they aren't bothering him to much. Then does he even know what we're saying if he's a toad?" There were so many minor concerns with Xen'tu's new form even though it was so far proving to be far more beneficial than detrimental. Nodding a little he listened to the instructions from Zae'ju's wife and he leaned over to catch Xen'tu who appeared to be unwilling to be captured.

It took a few moments of crawling around to catch him and when he did Aiden flopped the toad into his pocket. "You jump out of there and I know its gonna hurt. I'll take you out tonight when its time to eat flies." Even as he finished the sentence Aiden had to hold back his laughter. He didn't want to get turned into a toad too. Helping Zae'ju gather up Xen'tu's clothing and gear, Aiden carried a little extra of the load and he smiled at Vo'qaska. "Thank you. I think I will always remember you and your kindness to me."
Zae'ju tilted his head as he listened to the hubbub outside as he held his son who was trying to play with the trinket again. Seemed this was one of the kid's favourite things to do when he was with his daddy and he grew quite pouty when the trinket was kept away from reach. He sniffled but was quickly distracted by the sight and sound of his mother bringing his uncle in as Xen'tu were the youngster in the room. The boy stared with saucer eyes listening to the adult conversation and yet understood very little of what was going on.

Zae'ju smirked as he watched brother realise Vo'qaska's meaning and he could her the gargled protest before the change in vocal chords no longer enabled the troll to speak. Ay'din shifted and watched before a fat toad sat where Xen'tu previously stood surrounded by the troll's effects. Swords had clattered to the ground and the toad tried to hide beneath one of the large pauldrons after his angry pout. There was a singular 'ribbit' of indignation echoed within the metal. Zae'ju grinned and chuckled, "Ai always wondahed whut e'd look like when hexed,"

"Now ya know," Vo'qaska nodded, "A nut bad lookin' toad. Nut a bad hex at all ai agree," she said softly as she leaned into Zae'ju's side, admiring her handiwork. Both trolls watched Aiden and Zae'ju nodded with agreement. It was a kind of poetic justice the pair should stick together. He knew that Xen'tu would know that unless he was lucky enough to find a mage or other hexxer to remove the hex, getting back into his state without such would not be a chummy lifestyle. His brother was hotheaded and reckless but under all the armour there did lie intelligence. It just took longer for it to be used.

Vo'qaska shook her head at the human, "No, onleh 'is pride be 'urt. Hey now, least ya'll have a mount ef she'll let cha." Zae'ju snorted and cleared his throat clearly finding her words to be funny for some reason and earned a dry look from his mate who took back their son, cuddling him against her. "He can understand you. Doubt you'll get a word of common or Zandali out of him for a while yet however," she smirked. Zae'ju watched as Aiden went to retrieve his amphibian brother and was trying to hold his laughter in check and was failing miserably.

"Ai might make a harness fo' 'im so 'e can't hop away quick," he grinned ignoring the elbow from his mate in his side as he chortled. He then helped collected Xen'tu possessions, the weight of swords was something he was not used to but Xen'tu's armour was lighter and easier for Aiden to manage with.

Vo'qaska looked at Aiden and smiled, "Ya saved my mate, Aiden and ya be da reason we met. Fo' dat, ai be t'anking you. Ef ya evah be allowed back, our hut be ya's," Zae'ju smiled and nodded with agreement. " 'ere, take dese fo' da road, yeah?" she breathed and held out the pouch from which she had poured herbs the night prior out to him. "Ai t'ink ya be needin' dem more den ai," she said firmly. Ay'din giggled and reached out at Aiden as well, babbling nonsensically at him as much as his mother's hold would allow him to. The woman chuckled and did not stop any interaction between the pair.

Once he was done, Zae'ju embraced her and his son before their forehead came together. They spoke in quiet Zandali before Zae'ju looked at Ay'din and grinned, ruffling the boy's hair and tickled his side before he was ready to go. "So, readeh ta meet Rose?" he grinned at him. He lead the way round the hut to the stable pets where amongst Raptors and the occasional hawkstrider or wolf, stood a Direhorn as red as blood with a saddle made from wood, leather and bone. The beast was quadrupedal with a frilled head, three horns on its beaked face and bore a club tail. The creature was a few heads higher than Zae'ju's own height.

"Will make da trip back a little quickah. Sorreh, we dun 'ave 'orses or rams. Dis be Rose, Xen'tu's Diah'orn. Rarely goes anehwhere wit'out 'im but she be used ta me," he smirked as he grew closer to the beast called Rose. The Direhorn stamped a little but allowed his close proximity. "Her gait wud be more stable fo' ya ovah da gait of a Raptor, mon," he said, looking the man over again.
A slight frown came to Aiden's face. He couldn't begin to imagine what in the world the woman meant by all this talk of mounts. So far as the man was concerned there was going to be a lot of walking and he just figured he could pace himself. Maybe make it a little further than he did yesterday. It took the aid of Zae'ju to help him divide the load of the other's belongings. For the most part there wasn't too much more weight, but that was due to the fact that Zae'ju had taken the heaviest of the load. Aiden shrugged the armor over his good shoulder and he gingerly adjusted his sword and scabbard again so it wouldn't rub anyplace that was too sore.

While he was preparing to simply walk out the door the female started into another one of those speeches that felt awkwardly nice. Aiden never knew how to accept any kind of display of gratitude and especially not from a troll. "Mm." Nodding his head he gave a slight grin and then accepted the herbs. "Zae'ju will be glad. No more excuse for the brandy." He had a feeling his friend would find that particular fact to be most agreeable. "Thank you." With all that he'd almost forgot to thank the woman for her help. Even as Zae'ju mentioned Rose there was a distinct squirming and a small croak from Aiden's pocket where he'd dropped the toad. Jumping slightly he then slowly turned his head toward the pocket and he frowned. It was too bad if the toad was going to protest to Aiden seeing Rose. He didn't know who it was or what it was for all that, but he would find out soon enough.

Glancing up he noticed that the baby Ay'din was reaching for him and the man grinned. "Eh." Spiking the baby's hair he chuckled. "You just learn to be as crazy as your dad and you'll be fine." Stepping back Aiden made way for the troll to say his goodbyes to his family. It was always a little unsettling to know that it could be the last time and if they were requested by both sides there was a sinking feeling that perhaps it would be the end for real. Zae'ju ruffled the baby's red hair again and it made Aiden smile. There was almost a secret war going on between the two of them of how the baby's hair should look. As they walked out the door Aiden moved one hand to motion that Vo'qaska should spike the baby's hair.

Making their way down to the stables Aiden grew increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of Rose. Whatever she was going to be he wasn't sure he wanted to meet her. While he was walking he felt the toad start to shift in his pocket again and he had an urge to slap it, but that would kill Xen'tu at this point. Then the toad had managed to somehow bite him in the leg even through the material lining the pocket of his pants. "Owe!" This time Aiden reached into the pocket and he pulled on the toad's leg till he could feel it trying to scramble.

All of the silent battle stopped and he nearly fell into the empty stall behind himself when Zae'ju stopped at the Direhorn. "Uh." Nervously chuckling he shook his head. "No no no, I'm not riding that thing." Despite the injuries it was tempting to walk. A snort from the creature told Aiden all he wanted to know. "Zae'ju no." Planting his heels as firmly as he could Aiden held onto the post of the nearby stall with his one good arm. "No...I'm not." When the gate opened Aiden sprung into the empty stall and shut the door on himself. It was all the more protection he had from the beast and he wasn't going to get close to it. Nobody could pay him to get close to a Direhorn. "Keep that thing away from me. I'll walk to the underworld before I get on that!"
Vo'qaska chuckled knowing her mate's dislike for brandy and she nodded. She was sad to see them go but she knew that the Warchief's word was law for them just as much as it would be for AIden with his own chief. "Always welcome," she nodded, smiling toothily around her petite tusks. She could see movement in his clothes and smirked again knowing what it belonged to. Xen'tu's new reality would take him a while to get used to much less accept before the end. She watched him with her son and knew she had nothing to fear. Ay'din stared up at the other and babbled as his hair was shifted about and then went through the same with a much larger hand. She stood in the doorway and waved them off before she closed the doorflap content to be spending more quality time with her youngster.

Zae'ju glanced behind him as they walked and raised a brow of bemusement. It seemed Xen'tu doing his best to be annoying no matter what he was now. It was certainly ammunition for future arguments between them, that was for sure since there was no way Xen'tu could live this down any time soon. Especially once Ay'din was old enough to understand the stories being told to him. His smile broadened mercilessly at the thought and he grinned all the way to the pens.

He had no sooner placed a hand on Rose then Aiden had reacted to the idea of riding such a creature. Zae'ju turned and frowned, scratching his neck, "Et onleh a Diah'orn, she nut gonna 'arm ya," he replied but grew ever more perplexed when his friend shut himself into another stall. Xen'tu grew still in the pocket for a moment before trying to bite the leg again using the distraction his mount provided. It seemed Xen'tu found the human's dislike of the quadruped offensive even if Zae'ju knew Xen'tu would not have been keen on letting the man ride her anyway. Zae'ju snort and rested against a pillar forgetting about the swords hitched to his back. He stumbled slightly but recovered well.

"Walkin' gonna take us a while mon. We gotta get ta Booteh Bay back ta Ratchet and den t'rough da Barren. Ai dun recommend walkin' dat desert, especially during da day. More ground we can cover, da bettah..." he sighed and peered at Rose a moment, "Mebbe dey 'ave more human friendly mounts in Booteh or Ratchet, na?" He was not keen on walking through the Northern Barrens. It was filled with everything that was starving never-mind centaurs that would not think twice about killing either Horde or Alliance and they would have to avoid Wailing Caverns lest a remnant of the Druids of the Fang were still hankering about. Plus the fact that the Alliance had managed to set up two strongholds near to the route they were likely to take. It was a wasteland otherwise. A fast mount would cut the time it would take in half. The fact he was also without a companion right now was not helping matters. Essa was elsewhere.

He took another look at Aiden and then just burst out laughing. He just couldn't hold the sight of the man in any more, "Oh! Oh! Okay, but onleh cause dat face gonna split me in two... OH!" he cackled loudly surprising a hawkstrider nearly. The Ostrich-like creature squaked loudly, flapping huge wings that were clearly useless for flying. It took a while for Zae'ju to sober up and he pushed tears away from his face, "Aite, fine, but we be getting some in Ratchet when we get da chance, dun care how much ya fall on ya ass den," he nodded with his compromise. He really did not want to walk Barrens. This was taking a risk.

"Get ya butt out the stable before some idiot gets a cute idea," he muttered, "An' undahworld? Really?" he sniffed and giggled again. Xen'tu shifted in the pocket he had been trying to get out of and croaked in a way that almost sounded like 'I win' if it had been in a tongue they could understand.
Aiden could feel the toad begin to squirm in his pocket again and he tapped the creature lightly. It should have been enough to momentarily stun Xen'tu. It seemed that Zae'ju was just as determined to ride the beast as Aiden was to walk. He walked for good reason and if he had to choose to take a mount it would not be the Direhorn. Those things were foreign, massive, and quite uncomfortable looking to say the least. While he remained behind the stall door he could see a faint grin come to Zae'ju's face and then he started cackling like a troll.

While Aiden cautiously stepped out from the stall he'd locked himself in he could feel the toad adjusting its position again. He was hating walking around with a toad in his pocket. Zae'ju didn't help with his mockery for the underworld statement. It might have been one of the few times that Aiden had exaggerated and it was a fairly large exaggeration of the situation. "Aye, it is what I said." Limping toward the end of the large animal stables he nudged Zae'ju. "Stop it. I forgot after all this time how annoying it is to travel with trolls." Grumbling under his breath he shook his head slightly and he went to shove his hands into his pocket only to feel the strange texture of the toad skin. "Ugh..." Pulling his hand back out of his pocket he narrowed his eyes. "If that damn toad wasn't your brother I'd just toss him out and let the birds eat him."

The walk was feeling longer and longer. Aiden looked up from the trail often. He didn't even want to imagine how long it would take for them to get from here to Ratchet. On a good day it wouldn't take him real long on foot. At least not nearly as long as it was taking now. The idea of something else doing the walking for him was starting to sound better all the time. His side was going to hurt and chest ache regardless. If he rode the leg pain could be optional. With the increasing discomfort growing and not quite to the city gate he finally plopped down. "I'll wait while you go get that dumb Direhorn. Not gonna make it walking." As much as he hated to admit that little fact it was the truth and Aiden was already sore from walking the day before. It was far too early to be moving about at this pace. Almost the instant that Zae'ju had turned to go back to the stables there was an increase of activity from the toad.

Feeling entirely angered by the toad and the constant attempts at biting Aiden drew the toad out of his pocket. "You little shit." Holding Xen'tu by one leg he rubbed the toad around in the dirt despite all the protesting croaks. "You bite me again and I'll fill your mouth with dirt. Let you chew on rocks instead of flies tonight." Gimping over to a little bucket filled with water he dunked Xen'tu in it a few times. It wasn't the cleanest water, but it would be good enough for a toad. They weren't as likely to get sick from such things as a person or troll. "There." Forcing the toad back into his pocket he then sat down where he expected Zae'ju would return to and he waited.
He gave the Direhorn a little pat sorry to miss out on the chance to bring her with them. She was one of few things Xen'tu cared about and gave a heart to. Zae'ju so rarely saw Xen'tu without her but knew he would never place his favoured mount under harm's way. Laughter was still catching in his throat no matter how hard he tried to keep it at bay, even as Aiden finally came out of the stall. He moved and waited at the entrance for the other to catch up and grinned whenhe felt the other give him a nudge. Perhaps one of reproach. He snickered as they walked, "N'aww, ya love et realleh. Nevah a dull day wit' me around. Sun be shinin;, nut a cloud in da sky, mon. Ma company be gud, firs' rate," he grinned, clearly aware he was tooting his own horn to the full here.

Xen'tu shifted irritably when he felt his warty skin being touched again and tried to bite the hand before it was fully removed. When he failed, he opted for the leg again. Zae'ju glanced at the man's pocket and then peered towards three girls riding the thermals high in the sky some ways off. He thought about it for a few seconds and then held his side when the laughter exploded forth again. He shook his head, "Na mon. Ai nut sure dey wud like da taste o' 'ims," he grinned and earned a croak of reproach. Xen'tu was hearing every word and he was not a happy troll-toad. Reduced to being carted about in a smelly human pocket and all his brother could do was laugh about it.

They were nearing the edge of the village towards where trees began to increase in number. This time they found a small track that would lead to a main road towards the Cape. He had barely walked along the track before he noticed Aiden wasn't with him. He stopped and looked behind him. Aiden looked wretched and that had been another one of Zae'ju's concerns but hadn't felt it prudent to press the matter earlier. Xen'tu's beating was taking its toll already and they were not even in the barrens yet. He wrinkled his nose before he nodded. "Aite, ya keep an eye out," he stated before he jogged the way back to the stables to pick up Rose.

Xen'tu nibbled and nipped and was doing everything he could to be a pain in the human's side. He didn't want the smelly pinkskin to taint his beloved Rose. How dare his brother allow such a thing! He ribbited and grew infuriated when his stream of Zandali that he spoke in his mind came out as nothing more than a series of ribbits and croaks. fresh air slapped warted skin and his eyes blinked before he ribbited in surprise and protest when Aiden gave him a rough treatment. He tried to kick out with the powerful hind legs but to no avail. The idea of eating flies was utterly revolting. Sand and grit clustered around his mouth and eyes and he tried wiping it away though not with much success. He was very put out as he heard the familiar rumbles of his beloved Rose. He didn't get a chance to see here when his world returned to that smelly darkness despite thrusting legs every which way to stop him.

After a few moments, Rose appeared and she moved with a speed and grace that her appearance didn't give credence for. Zae'ju brought her to a halt in front of his friend and it seemed the troll had taken the time to attached Xen'tu's sword to the saddle. He dismounted and offered Aiden a hand up, "Let's get da weight of, hm?" he grinned, gesturing to the armour that was far too big for a human to bother with. He helped Aiden offload and attach Xen'tu armour to the saddle. Zae'ju peered up at the saddle. It was one seat but it had room for two to sit on it. "Ai gonna sit behind ya, dat way ya can rest ya back ef et get a little too much," Zae'ju nodded knowing the reins had enough reach. He mounted up and then pointed at where Aiden should place his feet to help mount up after him, offering a hand out to him. Xen'tu fidgeted again even when he felt a tap of rebuke.
Aiden had barely stuffed the troll-toad back into his pocket when he saw the Direhorn approach. It was much to his chagrin that he would be riding it after so vehemently protesting, but he hadn't a lot of choice. Nodding a little he carefully placed his good leg on the chunk of the saddle used as a foot rest. There was considerable strain put on his side when he stretched slightly to take hold of Zae'ju's hand and swing into the saddle. Resting his one hand on his sore leg he was barely getting comfortable enough and then the troll behind him started to jostle. Without thinking much Aiden moved his hand from his own leg to Zae'ju's and tapped him. "Easy on the moving around."

Despite his fears of the creature being big and horribly uncomfortable to ride it wasn't too bad. For the most part it was smooth and Aiden eventually found he was getting tired of sitting up straight. Gradually he moved his good arm out to brace against the back of the neck on the Direhorn and he held onto his side with the other hand. Being slouched was a little easier on his very sore side. There was only one slightly disturbing factor that he was beginning to notice. While the rest of him was feeling less fatigued with riding he could tell the insides of his legs were not used to riding and it was beginning to get uncomfortable. When they finally stopped for the day Aiden couldn't help feeling relieved. Zae'ju had to dismount first and Aiden winced as he attempted to move and eventually he rolled his eyes. "Don't think I could get off without falling." He was already tired of traveling and being tired and sore on top of it.

Wrapping one arm around Zae'ju's shoulders he took a sharp breath as the troll pulled him off the beast. "Agh." Almost flopping into the side of Zae'ju he worked to momentarily get his footing and then walked over to a little boulder that might make a half way decent place to rest. His legs felt weird after riding all day long like that. No doubt tomorrow morning he would feel it.

Once he was settled Aiden reached into his pocket and he pulled Xen'tu out. Setting him on the ground he figured it wouldn't matter all that much. Xen'tu could hop around as he wished and eat flies. What he hadn't really expected was that the toad would become quite devious and begin biting him while he was sleeping. Even better yet was that Xen'tu had figured to bite the injured leg would result in less harm to himself. Aiden didn't dare slap an already injured limb. Frustrated, tired, and sore Aiden finally got up and he caught the toad.

Various little ribbits sounded and he growled back. "I'm gonna put your ass on that Direhorn. You run around on her back and eat flies all night long." Thrusting the frog onto the Direhorn he figured would solve his problems. Aiden made a little tea for himself. Shuddering as he drank it down he eventually started to fall asleep.

When morning came he felt Zae'ju shake him awake a little more gently than the day before. "Alright." Sitting up Aiden gathered his stuff and he frowned as he sat got to his feet. "Oh..." His legs felt sore from the ride and he almost waddled along as he attempted to help break camp. Having to stretch to get onto the Direhorn he stared at the little toad and he sighed. "If I untuck my shirt you can sit underneath it so you don't burn up and then you don't have to sit in my pocket eh? First time you bite I'll shove your whole toad body back in that pocket."
Zae'ju settled into the saddle. It was just as foreign to him in terms of what he was used to riding as it was for Aiden. It was broader with foot rests since the guidance one normally gave with legs was not an issue considering Rose's broad back. It was all by the gentle steering of the Direhorn's reins. Fortunately, it seemed Rose had been well trained. He got as comfortable as could before he helped the other up to join him. Once he thought Aiden had enough time to get settled, he got Rose going and the Direhorn launched into a gentle stride that soon became a half trot. It was smooth and graceful. Zae'ju couldn't fault his brother's choice for a mount and suspected Xen'tu would have no qualms about suing her battle if the need arose. The metre long horns alone could do serious damage. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Aiden's hand still his leg. It was not what Zae'ju knew to be normal for his friend. He grinned, "T'ink da girth need's a little tightening," he replied.

They got most of the way slowing down only twice, once to navigate along a narrow track along a cliff face and the second time where they found a small but decent spot for them to stay the night. That was change once they near the Barrens, Zae'ju knew. During the day it got too hot even for trolls and orcs to travel when the sun reached its highest point. It would be easier travelling between the dusk and dawns but that too presented dangers they would need to keep an eye out for. Zae'u would worry about it then, perhaps be able to get Aiden to learn how to steer Rose. That would be handy if they were attacked. There was not much reach for a human warrior on Rose to be able to do much.

He passed the reins over Aiden's head resting them on Rose's spiked frill before he shifted a little awkwardly around his friend to be able to hop off first. Given his friend's lack of riding skills he didn't doubted other places were smarting where they hadn't before. "Den ai guess ya be fallin'. Ai got ya," he grinned, as he extended to his full height and half pulled the man off, stumbling back slightly as the man came into his side. He let go once he was sure Aiden had it covered before he checked the girth of the saddle. Sure enough it was a little too loose. He quickly sorted it before he began setting up camp content for Aiden to just rest. Zae'ju had already resigned to the part since his erstwhile brother was not exactly capable of helping him either.

Xen'tu hadn't been able to squirm around too much on the back on Rose where he was stowed and he was miserable to the point of being nasty just for the pure sake of it. He was hungry too but was trying to holding it off. He was put down and he hopped a little bit around just to mark his freedom. He peered at Aiden and hopped closer after waiting for the man to fall asleep. He didn't care what his brother was up to. He was pretty sure Aiden had something to do with why he was hexed and he wasn't about to let the man forget that. He nipped, slow at first but got more feisty in the nipping as the night wore on. Anything to be a pest. He was rather enjoying this sport now but like with all good things, it came to an end when Aiden woken and caught him before he could hop away. Toads were sluggish apparently. His feet found the red hide of Rose and he gave a ribbit, she was colossal compared with him. He ribbited and croaked his protest unwilling to test if he could survive the jump down.

He saw his brother nearby resting against a tree but there seemed to be no sympathy or the likelihood of food from him either. Morning came with a myriad of insect life and as hard as he tried to resist, he failed several times. Zae' woke and stretched before he moved to check Rose over. He saw Xen'tu and grinned, "Fun night, den?" Xen'tu turned his back on his brother earning a snort of laughter. He went to wake Aiden though remembered this time to be gentler. "Time ta get up, " he told him before he went to gather the gear up. Another perk to having such a large creature was their ability to carry heavier loads.

Zae'ju wached Aiden mount and grinned before he went to sort out one final need.

Xen'tu half turned enabling him to see Aiden before the eye blinked over itself. It seemed a while before he eventually turned, clearly wary and suspicious of the offer but there was one thing that made the offer very appealing. Already he could feel the sun's rays and it was not that comfortable. The choice between shade and burning up was mute. He gave a low croak and hopped forwards before he had crawl. He didn't really want to be picked up again nor did he fancy being returned to that smelly pocket. Zae'ju returned and climbed up into the seat behind Aiden. He leaned forward only so far as to reach the rein and bring it over Aiden's head like he had the night before. "Dun tell me he's agreeing wit' cha fo' once?" Zae'ju chuckled as he settled into the seat and got Rose on the road again
At least some of the soreness was abated due to the drink. Aiden felt a little more lively to start the day and he imagined that his legs would become a little more sore yet. His but hurt and he could have sworn it felt like someone was trying to rip him in half. With the broad back of the creature the man's legs stuck out nearly straight and he winced when he untucked his shirt for the toad. It was a lousy little critter to deal with and Aiden hardly enjoyed the thought of spending time with it. However, it was Xen'tu and that meant that he would have to deal with the toad for now. "Fine, burn. "Grumbling at the obstinate toad he waited for it to make up its mind. If Xen'tu died because of his own stupid pride it wasn't going to be any of Aiden's fault.

About time that Xen'tu edged a bit closer to Aiden Zae'ju was preparing to mount Rose. They were all ready and Aiden ducked so that Zae'ju could have control of the reins. Glancing back at Zae'ju the hunter grunted. "Yeah well I don't trust him. Nasty little bastard bit all along that leg last night." Just to prove his point of misery Aiden grabbed his leg and adjusted how he was sitting on the beast so that he could show Zae'ju without falling off. "Just look at that!" Pushing his boot down and pulling his pant leg up there wasn't much to see except a few bloodied spots on the bandage. However, it was obvious that it had been fairly recent and fresh blood. Could have just as easily been from walking on his leg when he shouldn't have been, but Aiden was convinced it was the toad bites. Adjusting the leg of the pant again and then pulling his boot over it Aiden squirmed on the seat to get comfortable.

The occasional nudge from the toad made him nervous. As the day went Aiden did begin to recognize that most of the nudging was Xen'tu attempting to stay out of the sun. It still put the troll-toad uncomfortably close to Aiden and he had half a mind to shove the toad into his pocket anyway. A deal was a deal though. Part way through the day Aiden began to drift off to sleep.

Gradually his head tilted forward and he started to fall. The sensation of falling woke him abruptly and he put a hand out to catch himself. Only a few moments later he slid to one side with his shoulder resting against Zae'ju. Again Aiden started to drift forward before he woke up. Having interrupted sleep and almost no food over the last few days along with the constant ache from the injuries he was barely able to keep himself upright. When evening hit Aiden pushed the toad out of his way and he slid down the side of Rose. There was some pressure on his chest while he dismounted and it hurt, but not enough to complain about. Thankfully that part had begun to heal and close up well enough he wasn't bleeding everywhere. Ignoring the croaking pleas from Xen'tu he left him on top Rose again. This time Aiden was going to be sleeping by himself and all night long.

Aiden shifted several times before he was comfortable enough to fall asleep. Eventually he was woke up again and it barely felt like anytime had passed. "Already?" Sitting up a little he noticed the plate of food being thrust toward him. "Oh."
Xen'tu was highly unused to spending life in toad form. The urge to eat flies not withstanding, the sun's rising heat was starting to become an issue. The road was not completely covered by canopy and shards of light pierced through. He ribbited in argument as the man grouched back at him in return. What did the pinkskin hope for? A fine tuned speech? The lack of being able to communicate was irksome and he couldn't throw glares how he liked. All he could do was crawl and hop and make toad sounds. It was very humiliating and he disliked that very much.

Zae'ju grinned knowing how much Xen'tu would try to get on the man's nerves. Letting a human ride Rose was probably upsetting the warrior more than Xen'tu was likely ever going to admit much less suffering that knowledge in the form he was in. His mate had done a right little number on his brother and he knew it had been a long time coming. Vo'qaska had threatened it the first time she had met Xen'tu. He peered towards the leg, his tusks brushing against the man's head lightly as he did so given how far they extended from his face. He scowled and clicked his tongue in disapproval. He glanced back at Xen'tu and growled. He got a singular ribbit in response. The toad-troll was busy trying to rawl over Zae'ju leg to get to the promised shade in front of his brother.

Xen'tu croaked with relief when he reached his target and after a while of badgering, the pinkskin finally got the message. He knew the pinkskin didn't like the deal either but he was counting on the man being honorable in that he was true to his bond. He bargained there had to be some or his brother would be yet other one of the man's kills. He took a moment to settle before he lived to his part and for the moment did not squirm or struggle. It didn't mean that he wouldn't try anything later and he was already plotting ideas.

As they continued down the road towards the Cape the hotter it became and the more humid. Unlike the Barren's dry heat, Stranglethorn came with a wet one that invited all sorts of greenery and biting insects. Zae'ju glanced down and noted his friend was dozing off. When Aiden shifted the second time, the troll lifted the reins back over the man's head and steered with his arms around Aiden's chest just in case the other fell during his slumber. There was still a while to go before Zae'ju was willing to bring Rose to a halt. Least this way he could be sure the other wouldn't fall from his seat.

A few hours later he found another small clearing they could use and he left the reins on the frill of Rose before he helped Aiden as much as he could before he dismounted. he chuckled at the croaks of Xen'tu before he watched the man toddle to a spot to lie down in. He snorted before he looked at Xen'tu, "Dun look at me like dat, ya be bringing' dis on yaself. She promised ya didn't she?" he said as his brother gave him a slanted look. It took every fibre of Zae'ju's being to not fall about laughing as he set up a fire and eventually covered Aiden with a blanket in case the morning biting insects took to a free meal. Whilst Rose lay to sleep Xen'tu explored her back and then found his way down via her tail. When he sure his brother was sleeping too he hopped over to Aiden's frame and crawled on the man's head to sleep.

Zae'ju was the first to wake in the early hours of the next day and had already been out to hunt something down. It wasn't much when he returned, a few hoglets but he was quick to skin and gut them. He cut them them up and wrapped the excess meat into parcels. He attached these to Rose's armour before cooking strips for their breakfast. Movement shifted and he lifted his gaze to watch Xen'tu hop from Aiden's head and crawl back to Rose's back with conceded effort. Zae'ju snorted before he moved to wake the other and shove food under the man's nose.

"Yap," he nodded as he sat back to eat his own meal, staring at the congealed mucus stuck to one side of the man's head. He shook his head and snorted, "Slept well?" he grinned.
The hunter took the plate of food from Zae'ju and he frowned a little. His friend kept staring at the side of his head. Lifting one hand he cautiously started to feel the side of his head. Momentarily his heart started to pound when he felt the warm half baked slime on his head. It could have felt like blood and he had no idea how that happened. Slowly removing his hand he stared at the goop and it all made sense. Somewhat....How the toad got off the beast he didn't know, but Aiden didn't figure anything else would have left slime like that on his head.

Chuckling a little he rubbed the rest of it off his head and began to eat the meal in front of himself. There was time to get back at the toad. Aiden glanced over at Xen'tu a few times. The toad seemed to be watching as if he expected there should have been more of a reaction. It was better to let Xen'tu sit there and stew about the circumstance. This was far too enjoyable. Letting Xen'tu think that he had got away with something and then finding out when he thought he was safe that he didn't. There was nothing quite as thrilling as that element of surprise being applied. When he finished eating what Zae'ju had given him Aiden walked over to the edge of camp for a moment. Getting morning business over with was better now instead of dismounting only a few hours into the day.

Leaning over he grabbed a few pebbles from the ground and let the dirt sift between his fingers. While Zae'ju finished cleaning a few things up Aiden picked a small pebble out of one hand and then tossed it toward Xen'tu who hadn't move out the way fast enough. Even if Aiden missed he knew a tiny pebble wasn't anything that Rose would feel and she had proven to be a very laid back creature. In fact she didn't seem to care if he was next to her anymore or not. Probably got used to his smell or something like that. Aiden picked another pebble from his hand and pelted to the toad with it. "You can sit there and take it like a toad or run like a troll." He knew that either would be an insult and it wasn't likely that Xen'tu wanted to be pelted and neither was it going to be desirable to run from the pelting now. Chuckling a little he threw the last few at the toad. "Now, we can have the same deal as yesterday. No trouble from you and my pocket won't be your little prison." The smirk grew on his face. "That deal stands for any day we ride. You can go in my pocket if you cause trouble. I can promise you humiliation for every time you try something stupid during the night."

Marching away from the Direhorn Aiden made his way back to the camp and he helped with a few little things. Mostly he got to do the washing and he smirked at the toad that continued to watch them from its place. They would eventually come to an understanding and Aiden figured it shouldn't take too long. It would likely depend on how stubborn the troll insisted on being.
Zae'ju grinned when the other chuckled and knew the other knew who was responsible. There was very little else it could since Rose's size and rumbles would keep anything else away from them. He ate with a grin, his sharp teeth making light of the warm meal. He stretched and once he was done with his food, he made sure Rose was in good condition and then set about clearing up camp.

Xen'tu sat ready to pounce if Aiden raged over the mucus but he thought it looked good on the human. Perhaps if he bribed Vo enough, she could turn the human into a toad next. He didn't suppose she would. Not when his brother had named his babe after the pinkskin. Xen'tu had not been blind to that and for all the hate he could throw at the decision, he knew it was a right one.

He blinked when something hit him, and then again before more came and he ribbited loudly with protest. He hadn't cause the man pain! Just slept on his head and slimed him up a little! He croaked and sought shelter in Rose's tack but he didn't find a hole big enough for him. He looked back at Aiden and then regretted it as another hit square in the face. He croaked again and wiped his face sluggishly.

Zae'ju watched the interaction between his amphibian brother and Aiden and he giggled fully enjoying the scene before him/ There was no denying it was a little cruel to laugh on his brother's expense in the troll's current situation but considering the troll had brought the status upon himself and no loa had stopped the hex, there was not much need for pity to be shown. He just gave Xen'tu a very loud 'I told you so' look before the other turned and helped him tidy up. Zae'ju made sure it looked roughly like no one had been here before they got back on Rose for the next leg of the journey to Booty Bay.

The giant shark jaws that marked the entrance to the Goblin port soon rose into appearance as Rose climber the small slope and Zae'ju had to bring her to a halt. "Time ta walk, too tall to ride through," he explained. Goblins hadn't given much headroom with mounts in mind and once they were dismounted, he looked the reins round the frilled skull easily. Course, Xen'tu shifted as his resting spot moved and he crawled about in Aiden's hold as much as he could dare to. Booty Bay was as much as it was last time. Quite busy with merchant vessels and a much larger waiting vessel. Zae'ju paused a Goblin, asking when it was due to leave for Kalimdor.

"In half an hour, pal. Sure ya wanna take that monster?"

Zae'ju gave a glance at Rose and then frowned at the Goblin, "Sure do. Give enough coin, no mon be sayin' no." The Goblion laiughed and nodded, slapping his thigh, "That's the spirit I like to hear. Come on, I'll make headway for ya!"

True to the little man's word he hollered at the crowd to make way. Zae'ju followed on, leading the Direhorn in the Goblin's wake and he grinned at Aiden.