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Meceliss looked at Vader for a moment. As if she was trying to determine if he was going to be a threat or not. Or perhaps to see what his next moves are going to be. Regardless, she didn't say a word. Mizelia took note of this and placed a hand on Meceliss' shoulder. "You don't trust him." Mizelia said as she stated the obvious.
"Of course I don't. Even if I have worked with Sith, they are not the most trustworthy people. And that's an understatement in most of the cases." Meceliss simply answered.
"Maybe so, but as in those moments. Killing us is not for his selfinterest." Mizelia said "Perhaps it helps to talk." She then proposed to Meceliss. "Who knows, perhaps we'll get more insight on the current situation Vader finds himself in."
"You... do what you want. I'm going to talk with a few others." Meceliss said and the two split up.

Mizelia approached the Sith Lord and offered a respectful bow with her head to the armored indevidual. "Greetings, Lord Vader. May I have a moment of your time, please?" Mizelia asked the Sith Lord. She didn't acted hostile to him at all. Her tone was calm, maybe unusually calm for a Jedi who is about to try to make a conversation with Vader.

Meceliss on the other hand walked towards the group with Starscream. Listening to them. "I have seen enough drama in my life if I may be honest." Meceliss commented as she looked at the fighting as well.
@Crow @Atomic Knight @Kaykay @Raynar Saassin @Takumi @Siege @ThatAverageGuy

This was surprising, the Jedi came willingly to grovel at his feet. Did she not know or understand the position she was in?


"...Speak." Even so he was curious to hear what the Jedi had to tell him.​

Even as those she had first reached out to in this trying time strayed away to feed the chaos of the room, whether inadvertently or not, Samus remained still and diligent in her silent vigil. Biding her time, she refused to occupy herself with activities, scheme up an escape, or even intervene in anyone's half-baked plans when they inevitably went south. Instead, Samus opted to keep her eye on Elliot, but covertly so; her helmet barely twisting an inch left or right as the boy walked the shuttle bay. The hunter watched and listened closely as Elliot spoke out - his words commanding attention, but powered by a desperate anger, like that of a cornered dog's bark. Samus' feet began to shuffle in her stance and the hand supporting her arm-cannon briefly faltered with every new addition to his peanut gallery.

... We all didn't expect the worst, and look what happened! They were willing to talk with us! But you ... expected the worst ...

... cease this senseless conflict. Both of you are falling victim to the primitiveness of your minds ...

... There's only one person at fault for your own unhappiness. It's all your fault ...

all your fault

your fault.

At last compelled to stir from her watch, Samus made off directly towards Elliot with her weapon at ease. Laser-focused, it was as though no-one existed but Elliot and herself in this moment of action, giving everyone she brushed past naught a side-glance. Her purposeful strides making short work of the trip, Samus was quick to come before Elliot.

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"I would like to listen to your experiences, if what you wish for is to be understood," Her eyes could be seen through her green visor as she leaned in to speak more softly than usual, as well as to place a firm hand on Elliot's shoulder - perhaps too firm for the sentiment.

@Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Otto

@Lucky @Alex Azure @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Jeremi @Crow @MelodyMeister @ThatAverageGuy @Raptor Jesus

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"Yes! It's a girl!" Gumi smiled as Rin asked a yes question, but the smile turned to confusion as Viktor posed his question. ", are they a robot? No."

(Starscream, Rin, Viktor: 1/20)​
Viktor mentally cringed. "Ugh. Clearly you have not been listening to my talks of the Glorious Evolution. I meant: does the individual lack metal in their physiology?"

To be fair, if the cyborg wasn't so condescending, and didn't use odd terms, maybe this wouldn't have happened.​
@MelodyMeister @Yun Lee @Crow @Atomic Knight @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Lucky @Alex Azure @ThatAverageGuy

Viktor mentally cringed. "Ugh. Clearly you have not been listening to my talks of the Glorious Evolution. I meant: does the individual lack metal in their physiology?"

To be fair, if the cyborg wasn't so condescending, and didn't use odd terms, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
“Pfft, dude! If she said the character wasn’t a robot, then cyborgs count right as well, I’m sure! You should go with basic questions first!”
Replying to Viktor in a playfully mad kind of way, Rin couldn’t understand what he was on about. She smirked and turned back to Gumi.
“Right! Is the character under 18 or looks as such?”
@Otto @Yun Lee
Starscream briefly mistakes one of Kumagawa's screws for Chibi-Robo. Happening to be near Vert, he crosses his arms as he watches Kumagawa & Elliot's verbal battle.


"Well, would you look at that, a little viewpoint one-on-one. I suppose a few flapping mouths would suffice for some entertaining moments, depending on the direction this goes, and I believe that the current direction is rather engrossing."

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"Hmm... I have to agree with you on that one." Vert responded, noticing Starscream next to her as he made that comment. "Normally I'd jump in and lend my assistance, but it would seem that even that has no pause here. Whatever happens here seems to be occurrence to what's going on up there with those four assigned diplomats."

She then noticed however that a certain Yellow Spartan was sleeping on the ground. She couldn't help but shoot a look as she questioned it. "Hmm. To think that your companion there, Sarge, would be one to just laze around without so much as a care in the world."

@Crow @Raptor Jesus

Viktor sighed. "Your statement is contradictory and illogical, so no, I do not understand." And with that, he dismissed the strange boy.

It seemed that all of these rejections were starting to fatigue him.​

Insulting someone and then complimenting them after? Sarge certainly had a strange way of communicating. "...You too, have engineered an automaton? I find that to be impossible, considering your stupidity," scoffed Viktor. "Speak 'Spanish'? I have never heard of such a language."

"Is the individual an inferior construct?"
“I’ve made several! Lopez is even installed with a ten megaton bomb and a machine that can control the weather! Heh heh, that robot is quite the troublemaker.”

Sarge would pause when he was asked what Spanish was, caught a bit off guard by the question. “Spanish! Y’know? Espanol and all that.”

Sarge only scoffed when Vert pointed out Grif’s laziness. “Yeah, well get used to it. Grif’s about as lazy as a baked potato filled with sour cream and butter!”

@Otto @Raynar Saassin
❝ Long hair? ❞ Flower spoke up, seemingly barging into the game that Gumi started. Until now, she's been oddly quiet. Hard to tell if she was just trying to readjust to all these events happening or that she's been that bored that she hasn't spoken a word for so long.

@Yun Lee @MelodyMeister @Otto
Sarge only scoffed when Vert pointed out Grif’s laziness. “Yeah, well get used to it. Grif’s about as lazy as a baked potato filled with sour cream and butter!”

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind when we're all in trouble." Vert responded with a scoff before overhearing Titus.

"I don't understand. Are we seeking a traitor among our ranks by asking these questions? A heretic? An alien?"

Titus instinctively raised his bolter and scanned the room for signs of panic among it's inhabitants, with an inquisitive glare.


"They cannot hide forever, whoever this female is."

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"Hmm..." Vert muttered as she looked towards him. "They're just simply passing the time while we wait for those upstairs to come back to us. A simple game cannot hurt much, can it now?~" She exclaimed in a reassuring and gentle tone. "So... Who exactly are you? You certainly look like you've come from a place full of war, have you not?"

@Raptor Jesus @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"A. . .game?"

The warrior sounded more intrigued than he did angry or irritated. Within the Ultramarines, the word 'game' translates to a rarely-used metaphor for battle strategems and chapter tactics, or bloody sparring matches between battle-brothers to fine-tune their combat skills and develop their resistances to pain and injury. To Titus, actual, human games were things played by tiny, undisciplined children and snobbish nobles who behave much like children anyway.

The captain silently elected to observe, planning his chainsword into the floor and staring at the group, expecting them to start fighting.


"This seems foolish. How can you spar in clothing?"
"A game with an equal advantage to us all in terms of potential answers to be guessed? Fair enough, it appears my chances are higher than I have previously assumed," Starscream responds.

"Swindle, care to hop in?" Starscream turns to Chibi-Robo.

"It seems you misunderstand, Titus," Starscream turns to see the new spectator, "there is absolutely no combat prowess involved in our little game. Just things these chaps over here consider fun times."
"Hmm... might be something to do to get through the waiting." Meceliss said before looking at Titus. "They're no combat involved in this." Meceliss said to him before pondering to herself. "Does anyone play Pazaak?" The Mirialan asked.
"I don't understand. Are we seeking a traitor among our ranks by asking these questions? A heretic? An alien?"

Titus instinctively raised his bolter and scanned the room for signs of panic among it's inhabitants, with an inquisitive glare.


"They cannot hide forever, whoever this female is."
The Mirialan shoots the man a glare for a moment "It's not about finding traitors. I believe it's to get to know each other. And what's your problem with non-humans?"

This was surprising, the Jedi came willingly to grovel at his feet. Did she not know or understand the position she was in?


"...Speak." Even so he was curious to hear what the Jedi had to tell him.
The Jedi nodded. "My name is Mizelia. From what I heard, you should be well known in the known Galaxy. Yet, I have never heard of you before. Care to tell me a bit about yourself? Taking we will be stuck here for an unknown amount of time. And should this not end up as most confrontations between Jedi and Sith. This might be helpful for both of us." Mizelia said to the Sith Lord. Her tone was still calm. Showing even some curiosity towards the Sith Lord. And as Vader thought, she apparently did not seem to know what position or situation she was in. Yet, this Jedi did not seem to have hostile intentions either.
"I don't understand. Are we seeking a traitor among our ranks by asking these questions? A heretic? An alien?"

Titus instinctively raised his bolter and scanned the room for signs of panic among it's inhabitants, with an inquisitive glare.

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"They cannot hide forever, whoever this female is."

@MelodyMeister @Otto @Crow @Atomic Knight @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Lucky @Alex Azure @ThatAverageGuy
“God, are you always this dramatic?” Grif said as he leaned up, unable to sleep still due to all the talking. “It’s a game. You’re supposed you find out who the annoying girl is thinking of by asking her questions. Haven’t you ever been to a party? Or something that’s, y’know, fun?”

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind when we're all in trouble." Vert responded with a scoff before overhearing Titus.

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"Hmm..." Vert muttered as she looked towards him. "They're just simply passing the time while we wait for those upstairs to come back to us. A simple game cannot hurt much, can it now?~" She exclaimed in a reassuring and gentle tone. "So... Who exactly are you? You certainly look like you've come from a place full of war, have you not?"

@Raptor Jesus @CrunchyCHEEZIT
“Hey, now don’t you think about going and shootin’ Grif! That’s my job!” Sarge exclaimed rather defensively.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raynar Saassin

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind when we're all in trouble." Vert responded with a scoff before overhearing Titus.

View attachment 2626

"Hmm..." Vert muttered as she looked towards him. "They're just simply passing the time while we wait for those upstairs to come back to us. A simple game cannot hurt much, can it now?~" She exclaimed in a reassuring and gentle tone. "So... Who exactly are you? You certainly look like you've come from a place full of war, have you not?"

@Raptor Jesus @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Much to the surprise of Titus himself, he seemed to visually relax at the sound of Vert's voice. Lowering his bolter, he'd sneer and holster the large rifle on his belt. "Games for children. But, there is not much else to be doing in this place, is there?"

Upon Vert's question, the space marine looked as if he hesitated to answer. Or, rather, he felt as if he did not need to answer her question because the answer was obvious just from looking at the man. A giant among men, clad in highly-advanced power armor sanctified in the hymns and cants of the Machine Cult and passed down for millennia among the upper echelons of the Ultramarines. An icon of the Emperor's angels of death, the Adeptus Astartes - the Space Marines. His eyes were steely and barren from generations of death, destruction and bloody battle upon the many war-torn worlds of the Imperium of Man. Yet, his voice sounded like it only barely phased him, for it is his purpose to fight and kill in the name of Mankind.

Above all else, he looked so very tired. Not physically tired for fatigued - for that is physiologically impossible for him due to his implants - but truly tired. Weary and tattered from a centuries of war.

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"I am Captain Titus, of the UItramarines 2nd Company," Titus stood tall and spoke officially, but the facade faded when he glanced down at Vert and solemnly nodded. "War and battle in the Emperors name, yes. It is my duty."

@Raynar Saassin
Much to the surprise of Titus himself, he seemed to visually relax at the sound of Vert's voice. Lowering his bolter, he'd sneer and holster the large rifle on his belt. "Games for children. But, there is not much else to be doing in this place, is there?"

Upon Vert's question, the space marine looked as if he hesitated to answer. Or, rather, he felt as if he did not need to answer her question because the answer was obvious just from looking at the man. A giant among men, clad in highly-advanced power armor sanctified in the hymns and cants of the Machine Cult and passed down for millennia among the upper echelons of the Ultramarines. An icon of the Emperor's angels of death, the Adeptus Astartes - the Space Marines. His eyes were steely and barren from generations of death, destruction and bloody battle upon the many war-torn worlds of the Imperium of Man. Yet, his voice sounded like it only barely phased him, for it is his purpose to fight and kill in the name of Mankind.

Above all else, he looked so very tired. Not physically tired for fatigued - for that is physiologically impossible for him due to his implants - but truly tired. Weary and tattered from a centuries of war.


"I am Captain Titus, of the UItramarines 2nd Company," Titus stood tall and spoke officially, but the facade faded when he glanced down at Vert and solemnly nodded. "War and battle in the Emperors name, yes. It is my duty."

"Hmm... I can see why you're not so well with things like this. You're mostly used to doing your line of work in your Universe, correct?" Vert responded. "I am the same, except a bit more relaxed in that I have the help of my staff in order to help me run my nation. Sometimes I do take many "breaks" and play Video Games but I do have my nation's interests at heart, always~"


❝ I'm only playing along because there's nothing else to do here. Being bored as all hell sucks. ❞ Flower was blunt and frank with her response. She didn't know why some people were perceiving the question game as something actually serious.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Raynar Saassin @Raptor Jesus @MelodyMeister @Yun Lee
“Finally, someone who makes fucking sense around here.” Grif muttered in reply to flower.

"Hmhm. In case you haven't already noticed, I possess no firearm~ And that wasn't my intention, I assure you. I'd simply... startle them~"

@Raptor Jesus
“Heh heh, I like you a lot, soldier! Your mutual hatred for Grif and great taste in teams will make you an excellent partner in battle!”

Much to the surprise of Titus himself, he seemed to visually relax at the sound of Vert's voice. Lowering his bolter, he'd sneer and holster the large rifle on his belt. "Games for children. But, there is not much else to be doing in this place, is there?"

Upon Vert's question, the space marine looked as if he hesitated to answer. Or, rather, he felt as if he did not need to answer her question because the answer was obvious just from looking at the man. A giant among men, clad in highly-advanced power armor sanctified in the hymns and cants of the Machine Cult and passed down for millennia among the upper echelons of the Ultramarines. An icon of the Emperor's angels of death, the Adeptus Astartes - the Space Marines. His eyes were steely and barren from generations of death, destruction and bloody battle upon the many war-torn worlds of the Imperium of Man. Yet, his voice sounded like it only barely phased him, for it is his purpose to fight and kill in the name of Mankind.

Above all else, he looked so very tired. Not physically tired for fatigued - for that is physiologically impossible for him due to his implants - but truly tired. Weary and tattered from a centuries of war.

View attachment 2627

"I am Captain Titus, of the UItramarines 2nd Company," Titus stood tall and spoke officially, but the facade faded when he glanced down at Vert and solemnly nodded. "War and battle in the Emperors name, yes. It is my duty."

@Raynar Saassin

“Captain? Is uh... is that rank above Sargent?” Sarge asked in what sounded like a worried tone, something he had yet to display.

“What? You afraid that someone here might outrank you and steal your thunder?” Grif snickered.

“What?! O-of course not!” Sarge stammered. “I-I’m just making sure so that we’re all on the same page here, that’s all.”

@Gummi Bunnies @Raynar Saassin @CrunchyCHEEZIT

"Y'know... This is not what I had in mind while taking Ambassador Sarek, but I guess I'll take it. I mean, not like I really have much of a choice, huh?" The redhaired woman whom Stamets introduced as Ensign Tilly, seeming to force a cheery exterior, a notion that awkwardly combined with her uneasy laugh, mainly talking to Stamets, "You don't think like, he'll write a bad report about how we accidentally put him in danger with all this going on, will he? Seems like kind of a Vulcan thing to do, y'know? Like "oh, it was logical because to do so would be to keep the Federation in the dark needlessly" or something, but... um, uh, I guess I'm doing that thing again."

Giving a sheepish look at the four, Tilly awkwardly waved again. "Don't mind me. I just... talk a lot when I'm nervous. Not that you guys make me nervous or anything! It's just, y'know, it's just a weird situation for all of us. I'm sure you're nervous too though! It's just... uh, well, anyway..."

As the computer continued compiling data, Tilly looked over it alongside Stamets, comprehending it to the best of her ability and pursing her lips. "Mm... That's weird. Or, I guess, to be expected... They all have different vibrational wavelengths from each other, and us for that matter," she murmured to Stamets (but incidentally just loud enough for the others to hear), continuing look over the machine, "While they were on their way, Captain Saru said that the guy mentioned there was like five other people from his own world, so maybe they'd all have matching wavelengths? Not that it'd bring us any closer, I guess."

"By the way, am I the only one who finds it a little weird to call him Captain? I mean, Acting Captain doesn't roll off the tongue as well, but I mean, I guess after Lorca--You know what, never mind."

Once the scan finally finished compiling its data on the small group, Tilly looked up back at them. "Alright, that should be it for now. Beyond that, we need to ask you guys some questions about the circumstances and whatnot," she said, trying her best hand at coming off formal, even if her first try at it was met with mixed results, holding her hands together, "So, to start us off, do any of you remember what you were all doing before you came on board the Discovery? And more than that, you wouldn't happen to have anything on your person or in your world that would have drawn you to be whisked away, would you? Some sort of special piece of tech or something that might clue us in on why you were specifically taken here?"

@Minerva @Josh @Yun Lee @York @Atomic Knight
Wow. She talked a lot, huh? Tilly reminded Gakupo of Gumi with how she never seemed to stop talking. How was his little sister, anyway? Was she doing all right? As happy as he was to be out of there, he still did leave her in with all those psychos. But there were also decent folks in there as well, so hopefuply everything was going all right.

"Well, I was at a concert with the other girls from my world, and we were all in the breakroom when we suffered a power outage." Gakupo shut his eyes, trying to remember what happened. Ignoring his undignified screaming... "...The last thing I have saved back there is telling everyone to stay calm. Then...I woke up in the hangar." He opened his eyes. "Nothing else is in my memory. No kidnappers, nothing like that. I just...shut down."

@Ver @Atomic Knight @Josh @York @Minerva
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