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Akande and Moira joined the group outside last, a bit after. The geneticist cleared her throat as she listened to the others. "It appears that everyone else is headed to meet the Riders, Akande. Perhaps you would be better off somewhere else...the factory, for instance?"

Akande nodded. "Good idea, Moira. I think I'll do just that." He looked around the group. "Is anyone else going to be joining me?"

@Jeremi @Ver @Everyone​
The majority of the cars in the area were either burnt to their frames or crushed to unrecognizable shapes. There was however one car that seemed to still be in working shape.


A VW Beetle. While after a quick inspection it was clear the engine was dead, perhaps it could be used by Megatron for his plans.​

"The why is we're going to crush them by toppling a building on them. And the what is pissing the Riders off to get them to follow us." It was clear that Ashley for the time being wasn't keen to strategize at huge lengths. "We have long walk ahead of us still if you really want to talk we can do that while walking."

Then Bossk spoke up- "Hrrn, I know a place through the side streets that we can use with out being out in the open, but large enough where even your frame will fit."

"Standing around like this does not make us easier targets than we already are,"
Dhaos replied. "I'm joining the main plan as well, I hope you others soon come to a decision."



Megatron looks at the bumblebee-like vehicle.

His expression shows shock as he remembers something from a not-too-distant past.


"You took my voice. You will never rob anyone of anything ever again."

Megatron shakes his head, shaking the very last moment of the Cybertronian War off for the time being.

"In desperate times, this will work."

He starts to look at the Beetle.

"My current altmode is nigh-useless without its ability to fly and my Fusion Cannon being nonfunctional, but under the circumstances that we are to acquire our most basic abilities back... I should not lose my ability to connect with the sky. To think that the only time I would use this technique would be on this... scout-like vehicle."

Megatron assumes a meditative stance in front of the vehicle's bumper and closes his eyes, seeming to breathe in and out, before opening his eyes as a flash of light scans the Beetle. If successful, he would gain a third form that he would immediately transform into - a replica of the very vehicle he just scanned.

@Ottonomous Ghost @will30358 @Ver
@Yun Lee @Jeremi
"A little incognito detour, eh? Lead the way then, Boss Bossk," Larxene said, twirling her hair briefly in her finger as she spoke, idly making a pun out of Bossk's name in the meanwhile. Her expression was clearly that of a bored one at the moment; the sooner they would be able to cut to the chase and get some action, the better, really.

Not even fazed all that much by whatever Megatron was doing over there, the vixen let out a sigh. "If you'll feel so inclined, that is..." She remarked again to the alien.

@Crow @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @Jeremi @will30358 @MainPlan
Chapter 2 - The Riders

They had waited long enough and the majority were set on following the plan. “I think we’ve sat around long enough. Everyone. We’re heading out. But before that, Bossk...” On cue the large lizard man removed a piece of paper from his pouch and sprawled it out on one of the larger tables.


It looked to be a map of some sort of where they were. “Yeah sorry about that, it’s pretty shit. Only one we could find was in a brochure so obviously not everything’s up to scale, but Bossk here as made some improvements.” She pointed to the other side of the map where police station had been written in read. “That’s where we’ll find the Riders. Probably think having the police station as their HQ is cute.”

“Weren’t you going to try and make that our HQ?” Matt asked sheepishly only to be met by a glare from Ashley that quickly shut him up.

“So, we just make a beeline for the station and bring them to…” Akande paused. “Er, where are the buildings where the traps are, Bossk?”

Bossk pointed to the north west area of the map. “Like the boss said, maps only really good a basic look of the area, but I’ve started to learn this city like the back of my own hand. I’ll get you where you need to be don’t worry.”

“Speaking of us,” Dhaos replied looking around at the group. “Right now we are quite many in our group, it will be hard to get through the city without being detected.”

“As it turns out, we may have a solution,” Moira said, pointing to an area near the Tower on the map, then a building surrounded by forest up st the top. “There’s a shopping district right well as a factory up here. The former may have supplies, and the latter is either filled with weapons or a possible hideout for the Others. Some of us can investigate both places and stock up on supplies. Such a large group requires more resources than we had on hand.”

“Considering the distance,” Dhaos spoke aloud. “How will we know to regroup?”

“When you hear a loud ass explosion and smoke filling the air,”
Ashley responded with a triumphant smirk.

“I see...but will we be able to navigate this city without...Bossk was it?”

“He’s not the only one who’s been out there,” Nadine spoke aloud. “Most of us from the team can get by. Well...except for Matt.” She pointed over to Matt who seemed to be ready to defend himself.

“H-Hey! Someone needed to be here and look after the fort you know? Besides not like any of you could have managed to pull off the stuff I did here.”

“Yeah yeah, you’re a really special part of the group,” Ashley replied waving him off.

“We did spend a fair amount of time out and about before falling back here,”
Moira added. “Though not entirely explored, the city is somewhat familiar. Besides, we had to collect supplies somehow.”

“Well, I certainly trust you all to get us where we need to go,” Akande said merrily. “And once we get to the police station, I suppose we figure out from there how to get them to the trap?”

“Indeed. In the meantime, if there are no further questions...perhaps it is time to head out.”

“Oh trust me,” Ashley assured Akande. “Getting them to follow us is not going to be hard. But you’re right I think it’s finally time for us to do this.” Ushering everyone into the elevator the group returned back to the ground floor and lead by Bossk found an area where they could leave the tower without setting off any traps.

Once outside though they were met by a desolate wasteland. Once upon a time the city had no doubt been beautiful, but for one reason or another it now laid in ruin. Cracked pavement and ruined cars among other debris was strewn across the streets. “Alright we got the game plan. One team heads to the mall, another to the factory and a third one will head and get the main plan into action. I want to be at ground zero when we kill those fuckers and Bossk has the detonator, everyone else is free game. So make up your mind because the longer we stand out here in the open the quicker something will kill us. Let’s go.”

@Yun Lee as Akande Ogundimu/Doomfist
@Gummi Bunnies as Akira "Nishiki" Nishikiyama
@ShadowCoyote0 as Albert Wesker
@Crimson Spartan as Ashe Bradley
@will30358 as Candi Cottonswirl
@York as Cinder Fall
@dark as Colonel Radec
@Takumi as Dagran
@Jeremi as Dhaos
@Xelian as Envy
@Minerva as Esdeath
@Siege as Hela
@Atomic Knight as Isa
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Izuru Kamukura
@Ver as Larxene
@Crow as Megatron
@Space_Candy as Nathan Prescott
@Ottonomous Ghost as Pyke
@Lucky as RK-900
@RebornRainbow as Sally Boyle
@Kaykay as Sera Himeura
@Sark as Thaal Sinestro​
While most people seem to be interested in the main plan, there was still the secondary objectives in place. Supplies and weapons. Right now, Taral could use some weapons. After some thinking, Taral chooses to join the team to the factory.


Megatron looks at the bumblebee-like vehicle.

His expression shows shock as he remembers something from a not-too-distant past.


"You took my voice. You will never rob anyone of anything ever again."

Megatron shakes his head, shaking the very last moment of the Cybertronian War off for the time being.

"In desperate times, this will work."

He starts to look at the Beetle.

"My current altmode is nigh-useless without its ability to fly and my Fusion Cannon being nonfunctional, but under the circumstances that we are to acquire our most basic abilities back... I should not lose my ability to connect with the sky. To think that the only time I would use this technique would be on this... scout-like vehicle."

Megatron assumes a meditative stance in front of the vehicle's bumper and closes his eyes, seeming to breathe in and out, before opening his eyes as a flash of light scans the Beetle. If successful, he would gain a third form that he would immediately transform into - a replica of the very vehicle he just scanned.

@Ottonomous Ghost @will30358 @Ver
@Yun Lee @Jeremi

*Beep beep*

In front of them the once imposing robot was now a robot in disguise in the shape of a VW Beetle. Megatron could feel that this form severely limited him, but as long as there was solid ground under his feet he should be able to travel along in his new form.

"A little incognito detour, eh? Lead the way then, Boss Bossk," Larxene said, twirling her hair briefly in her finger as she spoke, idly making a pun out of Bossk's name in the meanwhile. Her expression was clearly that of a bored one at the moment; the sooner they would be able to cut to the chase and get some action, the better, really.

Not even fazed all that much by whatever Megatron was doing over there, the vixen let out a sigh. "If you'll feel so inclined, that is..." She remarked again to the alien.

@Crow @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @Jeremi @will30358 @MainPlan

Bossk only gave Larxene the briefest of glances before motioning everyone heading towards the main plan to follow him. "It's weirder to find a bigger shit hole then the place you came from but here we are." Ashley tried to get some conversation going as the groups split up to go whichever way they decided.

It didn't take long for them to split into an alley large enough to let Megatron in car form to follow. "It's quite a long trek so keep your eyes up. We can't after all be sure that they actually are at their HQ." Bossk lead them through the alley as the city seemed to become even more desolate the further they came.

@Crow @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @Ver @will30358 @MainPlan

❝ ... suppose I'll head over to the factory. ❞ Nishiki figured to go along with this for now. A part of him felt a gut feeling with not being able to readily contribute to the main plain, as much as he personally didn't want to admit that to himself. On a better note, there might be something worth while from going to the factory with some few others.

@Yun Lee
Akande and Moira joined the group outside last, a bit after. The geneticist cleared her throat as she listened to the others. "It appears that everyone else is headed to meet the Riders, Akande. Perhaps you would be better off somewhere else...the factory, for instance?"

Akande nodded. "Good idea, Moira. I think I'll do just that." He looked around the group. "Is anyone else going to be joining me?"

@Jeremi @Ver @Everyone​


" I'll go with you two!... I may not be all that strong but I hope I can be of use..." Ashe would speak to Akande deciding to join up with those heading to the factory.
@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @FactorySquad
"Well then...let's be on our way." Without further ado, Moira took charge of the factory group, leading them off further into the city. All around them were signs of decay and ruin, both old and fairly recent. It was clear this city had served its purpose as a battleground effectively.

"Stay on your guard, everyone," Moira warned, stepping over a small pile of debris. "We have no knowledge of where the other teams may be at this time."

"But you do know that there is weaponry at this factory, right?" Akande asked.

"It's an educated guess, if I'm to be perfectly honest. None of us made it that far while in the city, so whatever may lay ahead is completely unknown. But at the same time, it's one of our only chances to get some sort of advantage in this little game, if there truly is something of worth there."

@Crimson Spartan @Donder172 @Gummi Bunnies @Factory


❝ I'd prefer it if we didn't lug ourselves back empty-handed. ❞ Nishiki shot a brief comment as he walked along with the group towards the factory. If this turned out to be a bust for weaponry, then this decision to go here in the first place would become a waste of time.

@Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan @Donder172

"Ah...understood..." Ashe spoke in reference to staying on guard. At this point while it didn't show Ashe was focusing more on his senses in the hopes to quickly detect if something happened. His steps while keeping pace were careful as if he were expecting to see a trap at any point while they were heading to the factory.

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Donder172 @Factory
It wasn't long before the small group made it to the edge of the city, where a few dense bushes served as the border into the nearby forest.

"Going by the map, the factory is just a bit further ahead." Moira vanished into a violet haze, then quickly materialized on the other side of the bushes. "Try to make as little noise as possible. You never know who may be listening."

@Crimson Spartan @Donder172 @Gummi Bunnies @Factory​

"Maybe we should call out to them in case they're too shy to come play with us," Larxene chuckled at the prospect of them walking into a trap. A trap to counter their own, even. Their plan was far from infallible of course, and things would be trouble if some, if not all of them, were missing from their base of operations, but hey, at least the walk would be a good way to stretch her legs if nothing else, right?

Still, she kept silent, keeping on guard just in case her jest turned out to be reality. Even though her powers might have been sapped just a bit compared to how they normally were, Larxene still fancied herself able to put up more than a good fight if push came to shove.

@Crow @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @will30358 @MainPlan

"Maybe we should call out to them in case they're too shy to come play with us," Larxene chuckled at the prospect of them walking into a trap. A trap to counter their own, even. Their plan was far from infallible of course, and things would be trouble if some, if not all of them, were missing from their base of operations, but hey, at least the walk would be a good way to stretch her legs if nothing else, right?

Still, she kept silent, keeping on guard just in case her jest turned out to be reality. Even though her powers might have been sapped just a bit compared to how they normally were, Larxene still fancied herself able to put up more than a good fight if push came to shove.

@Crow @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @will30358 @MainPlan

"We'll do that when we get to the police station."
The trek through the side alley's was going on with out much of a hitch, but that came to an end after awhile.

"The last place to stay hidden,"
Bossk said as he made his way to the opening. From what he and the others could tell the street seemed quiet and empty, except for the ruined scenes they had seen through the city already. "Keep to the sides, if we are spotted we'll have no place to escape." He pointed to the end of the street. "Behind that corner we'll find the station."

Dhaos spoke up. "But that is the least of our problems, correct?"

"We still got to get them to follow us to where we stashed the bombs, and that's still quite awhile away from here. Once we have them on our ass we're gonna have to run for it."

@Ver @Crow @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @will30358 @MainPlan
@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @ShadowCoyote0 @Crimson Spartan @will30358 @York @dark @Takumi @Jeremi @Xelian @Minerva @Siege @Atomic Knight @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Ver @Crow @Space_Candy @Ottonomous Ghost @Lucky @RebornRainbow @Kaykay @Sark @everyone

As the group made their way outside, Pyke's eyes narrowed as he took in the unusual, futuristic sights. Despite the general infastructure being far ahead of his time, there was a nice feeling of familiarity from the rot and damage of the place. Bilgewater, his home, was a very messy and outlandish island, so he couldn't help but compare the two.

Now grinning devilishly, the Ripper was very excited since progress was being made. Of the three options given to him, he paid no mind to two of them. The only thing he was interested in was the main plan. Gathering resources sounded like it was less likely to see someone die.

"Let's go kill 'em," he said to Dagran before stepping forward to Megatron and addressing the alliance. He waved his right arm in the air and proclaimed, "Chum the Waters Crew, over here!"

Dagran simply nodded in response to Pyke's eagerness. He hoped that with so many heading to carry out the main plan so far that a good number would head to the other places.

"We'll do that when we get to the police station." The trek through the side alley's was going on with out much of a hitch, but that came to an end after awhile.

"The last place to stay hidden,"
Bossk said as he made his way to the opening. From what he and the others could tell the street seemed quiet and empty, except for the ruined scenes they had seen through the city already. "Keep to the sides, if we are spotted we'll have no place to escape." He pointed to the end of the street. "Behind that corner we'll find the station."

Dhaos spoke up. "But that is the least of our problems, correct?"

"We still got to get them to follow us to where we stashed the bombs, and that's still quite awhile away from here. Once we have them on our ass we're gonna have to run for it."

@Ver @Crow @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @will30358 @MainPlan

"Then so be it." Dagran spoke up. It seemed to have been something slightly overlooked, but there wasn't much that could be done about it.

@Jeremi @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @Ver @Crow @will30358 @Main Plan
Will Nines

Will looked over at her with a smile and was thankful that she had some bandages. He hadn't realized that the plant wouldn't work and he was happy when the wound would not be leaking or causing any more harm to his internal components that made him work.

" That is true, but it will stop my thirum from leaking and causing me to damage and lead closer to self-destruction," he replied. He headed all alone to the Mall.

Will Nines

Will looked over at her with a smile and was thankful that she had some bandages. He hadn't realized that the plant wouldn't work and he was happy when the wound would not be leaking or causing any more harm to his internal components that made him work.

" That is true, but it will stop my thirum from leaking and causing me to damage and lead closer to self-destruction," he replied. He headed all alone to the Mall.


Maybe you should have someone supervising,"
Nadine who was quickly followed by Matt joined Will in heading to the Mall. "You wont find much alone in there, especially since you've never been."

"Yeah that's why I came along too..." Matt replied chuckling to himself. It was quite obvious that he wanted as far away from any threat as possible.

It didn't take long for the trio to reach the mall that looked as rundown as everything else in this city. "We've gone through most of it, but I am sure there's more if we look."

@Lucky @Mall
❝ Figures. ❞ Nishiki grumbled in a low voice. Stuffing his hands into his pants pockets, he treaded his way through the bushes. Of course, he ended up having to push aside some of the bush branches with his left hand when it became clear that it needed a bit more effort to navigate past these. Oh how he wasn't a fan of this, but if it was going to be worth it in the end, he supposed that it would make up for this.

@Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan @Donder172
"Do any of us happen to have any getaway vehicles?" Candi asked, speaking up. "'Cuz I don't think we're fast enough to outrun angry drivers trying to ram into us, and I really don't want to get rammed into," Candi said, before quickly adding "Because I'm still recovering from the minecart incident. Yeah." Nice save, Candi! Oh, why thank you, Candi. "Or, even better, do any of us some some crazy teleportation or superspeed powers?"​
Will Nines

He was thankful that Nadine had decided to come with him as he honestly had no clue what to look for in a mall other than the limited knowledge he had gained from his previous models and going to the mall.

Will was also thankful since the special thing he had would have been a big problem if he went anywhere alone and a particular thing happened as well.

" There is always something more to look at. What have you found so far at the mall?" Will asked them. Knowing would be so helpful to not investigating the exact same thing.

"Do any of us happen to have any getaway vehicles?" Candi asked, speaking up. "'Cuz I don't think we're fast enough to outrun angry drivers trying to ram into us, and I really don't want to get rammed into," Candi said, before quickly adding "Because I'm still recovering from the minecart incident. Yeah." Nice save, Candi! Oh, why thank you, Candi. "Or, even better, do any of us some some crazy teleportation or superspeed powers?"​


"I am your getaway vehicle," Megatron adds, still in his newly-acquired beetle mode. "This scout-like altmode is capable of carrying five humans by design, six or seven if we squeeze, and should prove fast enough, but if faster exists... then I shall attempt to acquire that speed, for all our sakes.. Truth be told, it is not speed that is my forte, but gladiatorial combat."

@Jeremi @Ver @Crow @Ottonomous Ghost @Yun Lee @will30358 @MainPlan
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