Alice Academy ; (IC)

Regarding Dorms and Roommates (please pick, should we have...

  • 1) Mixed dorms like colleges?

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • 2) Gender Seperated? Boys dorms, Girls Dorms?

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • 1) Roommates? (Randomly Chosen)

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • 2) No Roommates.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Anna blinked again. The blonde hair boy, Felix as she learned, was shocking her. He seemed to know her,

She blinked again. " I-Uhh you... Hello." She turned red from embarrassment and she avoided eye contact.

When Hana 'spoke', she didn't even look
at her, due to her embarrassment. "I-I won't think down on you..."

Anna blinked. Did she say mute?!? She looked up and saw the sketch pad. She already messed up! Now she knows too! Or will know. This was not good.

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Felix Lacroix
Hearing there introduction Felix got up and started unpacking his items many containers of medicine as well as bandages could be seen being brought out of his bag as he placed them in the cupboards. picking up the choker Felix showed it to Anna "You shouldn't worry too much Miss Anna that's why Sensei gave me this little o'l thing. This is called a AAD or Alice Assistance Device, it functions like a scope for a gun adjusting the range of some Alice's powers Sensei said you need training to use your Alice this thing will help funnel your telepathy into a line instead of a circle until you can manually do it without assistance, though don't rely on it too much it's still not as accurate as an Alice that is trained. For how to use it you connect the two earphone like pieces to the back of your head then wear the choker the choker it will activate by tapping the red button you can use the nob to adjust the range" Felix explained before putting it down on the table "now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go change in the comfort room" He said bringing his bag along. Before closing the door the boy let out a smirk before saying "~No Peeking ~" and closing the door behind him.
Was Miwa mad at herself, or was she high-fiving herself? She felt like poop, but she also felt like the queen of the world!
Miwa stuffed her head into her pillow and groaned. Was she too harsh on Miyuki? That she could answer clearly. Yes.
Miwa wanted to go and chase after Miyuki, but she told herself not to. To do so wold be beating a dead horse, and she was sure that Miyuki already felt crummy. She didn't need a friend who only scolds her and tells her that she's an idiot.
Miwa sneaked a glance at Kenji. There was no way that she was going to apologize to him. He'd ticked her off so much, Miwa was pretty sure that if she did, she'd puke right after. But Miwa was right! There was no way that this would work!
Miwa started to devise a plan. She was going to comfort Miyuki... later. There wasn't a chance that she'd be able to do it now. But how would she do it? Letter? Note? Face-to-face?
Miwa groaned and punched the wall, leaving a dent in it. Her life was unbelievable. She'd just done nothing good to her friend; she was really just a frenemy, nothing more.
Miwa punched the wall again.​
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Alishar walked by the door. He was suppose to have roommate but they hadn't arrived yet? Or maybe he'd lucked up and gotten two people who were no longer comming to school. Yea right. He aired by the door to give a greeting to his Room mates. He had claimed the bed closest to the wall and had set stuff inbtween the wall and the bed.

Nagato was siting in bed reading watching the dents in the wall. He lightly tapped on the wall from the other side before saying. " HEY I DONT MIND YOU DENTING STUFF BUT PLEASE GO UP THE WALL AND NOT DOWN!" Yelling so to be clearly heard.

Shae had stepped into the building and witnessed the whole ordeal between Kenji, Miwa, and Miyuki. After it seemed everything calmed at least a fraction down, she stepped over to the door of their dorm and knocked on the wall, seeing as the door was now busted. She leaned on the door frame, arms crossed, as she looked at Miwa. She had a little time to spare before going to her dorm. "Well, that's one way to start the year off." She said to one of her only friends.
Hotaru began to walk in the direction of the dormitories, before feeling her phone buzz in her backpack pocket. With help from the spiders, she retrieved her phone and looked down at the room lists. Her face lit up and her whole body seemed to shine at the group of names. While she didn't know the Nagoto person, she certainly knew Leo! She whipped her head up, looking for her new friend, but couldn't see him. A little dampened, she kept walking, until she saw a familiar looking boy, sprawled out on the ground. Realising it was Leo, she hurried over and placed a hand on his arm. "Are you alright?!" She asked. "Did another rock land on you?" She presumed, pulling him up to his feet with both her hands.
Leo saw that Hotaru was there. "Oh! Hello, Hotaru-sama! D-D-Did you get the news?"
Leo got up and dusted himself off. "And yes, I'm fine. I just tripped looking at the names. Do you happen to know who this 'Nagoto' guy is? He isn't the person who can make copies, is he?"​
Miwa frowned at Shae, her eyes dark and her look fierce. "Oh, shut up! We're not all lucky enough to get Stewart, y'know!"
Miwa got up and started sitting on her bed. "This is ridiculous. What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with 'Victoria' and Stewart?"​
Hotaru smiled and nodded. "Of course I did!" She said, holding up her phone as if to prove it. She looked back at the list and at the name Nagato. "No, I don't think that's him," she said, sighing a little. She hoped it wasn't. From what they'd experienced already, she wasn't all too fond of him. She looked off in the direction of the dorms. "Well, we might as well go see if the other guy's there," she said, beginning to walk towards the dorms.
Arching a brow, Shae looked around as if she wasn't sure who Miwa was talking to before looking back to her. "My, I know it's not me you're talking to in such a way." Shae said. Her tone was calm enough but there was a hidden threat in her words. "Don't take your frustration with yourself out on me. I'm not the one who hurt Miyuki's feelings." Shaking her head back and forth, Shae pushed herself away from the wall. "Also, careful of the wall, you're probably already gonna get in trouble for the door." She half waved at Kenji before leaving, heading toward her dorm.
Miwa wanted to explode. The worst part? Shae was right. Miwa shouldn't've taken out her anger on her friend... and she knew that Shae was not one to mess with.
Miwa was about to punch the wall again, but she remembered Shae's words and quit.
"Dang it." Miwa didn't know what to do. This whole outburst was plain... wow.
Miwa sighed. Not the time to feel bad for people. She had a year to ace, and classes were going to start soon. She was not going to stay at her rank because of some silly drama. And she wasn't going to let people get in her way. She got her backpack, got a book titled Understanding Alices, and started reading. She had to be ahead of everyone else.
Leo nodded. "Yeah, Hotaru-sama. I mean, it's an opportunity to make another friend... and hopefully not an enemy. I don't like fighting."
Leo followed the girl to their dorm. He had his new friend with him, yes, but a new fellow could either make his life better... or make it much, much worse.​
Hotaru laughed a little. "Nobody does," she pointed out as they entered the dorm room. Her eyes quickly came upon the person she assumed was Nagato, reading a book. She smiled at him, spiders coming out of hiding to get a look at him. The same spider from way before crawled back onto her face. Hotaru winced a little, but didn't do anything yet since she didn't know if the boy would be scared or not yet. "Hey, are you Nagato?" She asked.
Nagato closes his book hearing his new roommates. He smilies pleasantly but it was covered by the mask he wore. " Why yes I am. Pleasure to finally meet you to!" He gracefully crossed the room. And extended both his right and left hand to both of them. Not wanting to have to pick whose hand he shook. He looked at Hotaru. " All I ask is that I don't wake up covered in spiders. I don't want to be mean but I'm an aggressive sleeper as is, but more importantly it stims from a tramautic experince when I was young. Anyway as long as I'm aware there there you should be good." He smilies again loosing his serious tone. " hope to have a wonderful school year with you. Oh watch your head the walls already dented."
Hotaru took his left hand and shook it once, not wanting to maintain contact for too long in case some spiders got fond of him. She nodded. "I'll try and keep them away," she said. She was about to add a 'but there might be a few that don't listen', but decided against it. "I'll keep them to my bed area. That'll be enough for them," she said. She walked over to a different bed that was in the corner of the room and perched on the end. She spoke briefly to the spiders, and they scurried off of her, flitting across the bed covers and finding places, all across the walls and in the ceiling space above it. She slipped her bag off her shoulders and started to unpack, pulling out a tiny freezer box. "I'm Hotaru, and that's Leo. Well, Leonardo," she said, stashing the box under her bed. "I'm just gonna warn you now, I use face masks at night," she said, sitting down on her bed.
Leo smiled. If this wasn't Doppelganger Guy, he was happy. "Well, happy to meet you, Nagoto-sama. It's just going to be wonderful."
Leo got on his bed. Hopefully, this would be a pleasant year.​
Nagato smilied happily.
" Thank you both of you!" Now he just hoped no one asked about his Alice he hated Lying to people. He responded to Hotaru." perfectly fine I use them to." He laughs at the joke as when night came they'd find out that the mask stayed on most of the time. With little exceptions to the rule. He jumped back onto the bed. He chuckled as he thought about how terrified Alishar would have been about the spiders. Didn't matter now though he wondered who Ali had been stuck with.

Alishar/ Alistar since it's been spread around now. Was at the dorm door leaning next to it. He still hadn't seen his Roomies. So he just stared into the distance lost in thought.
Hotaru laughed. "What, you got acne too?" She asked with a chuckle, hand drifting to her face. She scratched at a spot as she looked curiously at the mask. "Is that a restraint?" She asked, pointing to the mask in question. She couldn't think of a reason that anyone would just wear a mask, unless it was a restraint and it had something to do with his face. She shuffled around on the bed, lying on her back with her chin on her hands.
Nagato again smilied. "That's a possibility although if it is I am quite unaware of it. Of course I mayhapse be somewhat of a non conformist. Of course I'll leave that mystery to your imagination. There could be something rather interesting you could say about it after all. Anyway whose up for some cartoons?" He pulls out the three seasons of Kidnaper classroom,the first season of attack on Giant , and all 10 seasons of Chibito. " of course I have some good books to go around to, or Band of Misfits that we can all watch."
Leo Sombre
Leo scratched his head. "Yeah, w-what is that mask for, Nagoto-sama? You'rre not a thief or anything, are you?" Leo thought of a great question. "Do bad things happen because of your Alice?"​
Nagato looks at Leo for a moment. He thought of a response. Then he thought of something super cryptic to say to give him a good challenge. " All right here's an excellent way to put it, the way my Alice works when there is nothing to restrain it... hmm.... Makes very weird and sometimes impossible realities open up. Or sometimes reality blends with fiction you could say." He smirked at his cleverness as of left it mostly open to interpretation without him having to demonstrate it himself.