Alice Academy ; (IC)

Regarding Dorms and Roommates (please pick, should we have...

  • 1) Mixed dorms like colleges?

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • 2) Gender Seperated? Boys dorms, Girls Dorms?

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • 1) Roommates? (Randomly Chosen)

    Votes: 10 83.3%
  • 2) No Roommates.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Alishar rushed out and to his dorm running like a ************ "PLEASURE MEETING ALL THE NEWBIES! " He rushed into his dorm room sure it was his because it was the first door he could open with his keys.

Nagato- shrugs. " oh we'll fun's over" he walked back to his room rather calmly.
Leo's eyebrow arched. "Uh, well, I guess I'll see you guys later. I'm heading for my dorm."
He walked over to it, anxious to see who his roommate would be. Plus, he had to find this "Anna" girl, whoever that was.
He heard his phone beep and took it out. He saw some of the roommates,​
Here are the generated roommates...

Group 1 :
  1. Felix Lacroix
  2. Hana Azumi
  3. Anna Razum
Group 2 :
  1. Miyuki Akiyama
  2. Miwa Tai Shi
  3. Kenji Yukihara
Group 3 :
  1. Leonardo Schnee Sombre
  2. Hotaru Oshiro
  3. Nagato Yamamoto

Group 4 :
  1. Victoria Leona Grimes
  2. Stewart E. McGuire
  3. Shae Draconia

Group 5 :
  1. Chojin Jackson
  2. Kuroshika Hamada
  3. Alistar
Leo smiled. He was with Hotaru! This was gonna be-
"WOAH!" Leo screamed. He tripped and fell on his face.​
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✞Felix Lacroix
Hearing the announcement Felix began to guide Hana by hand to the dormitories apparently he was lucky since he got both Hana and Anna as roomates looking down at his phone.
Here are the generated roommates...

Group 1 :
  1. Felix Lacroix
  2. Hana Azumi
  3. Anna Razum
Group 2 :
  1. Miyuki Akiyama
  2. Miwa Tai Shi
  3. Kenji Yukihara
Group 3 :
  1. Leonardo Schnee Sombre
  2. Hotaru Oshiro
  3. Nagato Yamamoto

Group 4 :
  1. Victoria Leona Grimes
  2. Stewart E. McGuire
  3. Shae Draconia

Group 5 :
  1. Chojin Jackson
  2. Kuroshika Hamada
  3. Alistar
he can finally give this thing
to Anna 'Sensei really is pressuring me. It looked like a choker connected to some earphones but Felix knew full well what it was.
Anna looked up from her sketch pad. So far she had a picture of an elf, sitting on top of a long. She needed to shade it, as well as add a bit more detail to the elf's clothes and stump, but she got a satisfying amount done.

Hearing the announcement made Anna sigh. It was that time. She might be dreading this moment more than anything. Shell be finding out who her new "roommates" will be. Tormentors is the word she'd like to use. She knew quite well how mean kids could be.

No point delaying the inevitable. She was off.
Stewart watched as Miwa had a head start. One... Two... Three!

He then bolted after her. Using his Alice, he increased his leg muscles, allowing him to push off the ground harder. This allowed him to move faster, and he quickly caught up with her. As he did so he turned his Alice off, and he kept pace with her. He wasn't going to try and win this, but if he fell behind then he'd deal with her smugness.

So off to the dorms they went.
Seeing Anna of coming to there dorm knowing he was in range of her alice he 'spoke' to her 'Hello Miss Anna i guess were gonna be roomates it's nice to meet you the girl next to me is Hana she can't speak so your probably the only one who can talk to her without paper please be good to her' Felix thought politely as he greeted his new roomate. Before bowing.
Miwa's phone went "BEEP!" When she looked, she saw some of the trios of roommates.​
Here are the generated roommates...

Group 1 :
  1. Felix Lacroix
  2. Hana Azumi
  3. Anna Razum
Group 2 :
  1. Miyuki Akiyama
  2. Miwa Tai Shi
  3. Kenji Yukihara
Group 3 :
  1. Leonardo Schnee Sombre
  2. Hotaru Oshiro
  3. Nagato Yamamoto

Group 4 :
  1. Victoria Leona Grimes
  2. Stewart E. McGuire
  3. Shae Draconia

Group 5 :
  1. Chojin Jackson
  2. Kuroshika Hamada
  3. Alistar
Miwa stopped where she was. She was with Miyuki! "YAY! Stewart, look-"
Miwa's face became dark, and her lips curved into a frown. She... was also... with KENJI!
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she shrieked, loud enough for the whole academy to hear. She was now covered in a black aura by her Alice. Miwa sulked to her dorm, wishing she was dead.
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☥ Grimes! ☥
Grimes had been watching the exchange between the people around her, still sitting on the ground and eating another energy bar. It was kind of entertaining, but she was starting to get tired again. It was way too early for her to be expected to stay awake for any significant period of time.

She perked up when she heard an announcement over the loudspeakers. Apparently it was time to meet her roommates. She got up, grabbing her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder. She waved and gave a lazy goodbye to the others still around and went about locating the dorms.

After an embarrassing amount of squinting at the map and mumbling to herself, Grimes was startled by two strangers racing past her. Perfect; they were probably going to the dorms, so she tried her best to follow them.


Walking briskly, Shae dug into her pocket and pulled out her phone which chimed. She looked at the roommate roster and arched a brow. "Stewart McGuire and Victoria Grimes." She muttered to herself before looking up from her phone. The dormitories came into view and Shae glanced once more at her phone. She smirked softly when she saw who Miwa was with. Guess I shouldn't have put that out there into the universe. She thought before chuckling to herself. Her features returned to their normal, stoic look as she continued, nearing the dorms.
A message went out to all 15 students (our characters) phones. It read: Due to a few changes, we have decided a new dorm method. The lists you recieved were right. You and 14 other students are trying out this new method. Hopefully, this intermingling will create a better educational environment.

Have a good day.

(Insert school symbol here)
ϟ Kenji Yukihara ϟ
Hearing the announcement, Kenji stood up straight from the window and placed his hands in his pockets. "Well I guess we'all both figure out who we are staying with." He spoke with a chuckle, his lips frowning into and slight line however at the mention of Miwa. "Don't jinx me now, Miss Draconia." He added, rubbing the back of his head, the idea causing him to shiver. Hey, maybe he'll get lucky enough to roommate with Miyuki; food everyday! The thought made his mouth water. At Shae's words however he snapped back into reality, "Ah, see ya around Shae." He spoke, giving the girl a lazy smile as he watched her leave with her things. After a moment or two of being along, he uttered a sigh and linked his fingers behind his head, finally convincing himself to walk to his dorm.
Soon enough he reached the dormitories, and read the list of names that were grouped together. "Ah! Miyuki! Yes.." he muttered to himself, imagining all the sweets and such, and the sweet, shy little Miyuki herself. His dreamland was crashed however, as he noticed the second name. "MIWA?!" he placed his hands over his face. "God, please kill me now." He muttered. Sulking he approached his dorm, key in hand. Unable to convince himself to enter he pressed his head against the wall besides the door sulking. A dark cloud looming over him.

{Miyuki & Hana's replies in the process}
Miwa was bummed out. She had Kenji, of all people. KENJI! Why couldn't it have been Stewart?
When she was going into their room, she noticed Kenji was already leaning on the door. Apparently, he'd gotten the bad news, too.
Memories were flooding her mind. All those times he had gotten in her way, stopped her from doing what she could've done; the times that he'd almost made a good impression on her and made it so that school had seemed boring-
Miwa's palm was filled with darkness, which was blazing like a fire. It grew larger, and larger, and larger. She was going to throw it at Kenji, but she turned her palm into a fist. This was nothing to assault him for.
She dashed over to Kenji and jumped on his shoulders. "You little- Unbelievable- Slacking- ARGH!"
She started shaking him. "That's one! That's two! That's three! AND ONE MORE FOR YOUR MAMA!"​
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✿ Hana Azumi ✿
Hana couldn't help but smile happyily as her friend, and senpai Leo ruffled her hair. Nodding quickly to tell him she hadn't been abusing her Alice. And Although she would usually protest and comment that she wasn't a kid when he would ruffle or pat her head, she would allow this to make up for leaving him during the ceremonies due to her weak self. At the sight of Leo being stern with Felix to take of her, Hana's cheeks burned red. "I can take care of myself you know! Leo!" Curse her inability to speak. Her attention was then turned back to Felix, who decided he was going to go ahead and leave for the dorms. "..!" Hana quickly waved goodbye to her good friend Leo, before quickly catching up to Felix. She managed to convince herself to not reach for the boy's hand as the reached the dorms and read the names. They would be living together, as well as with a girl named Anna! Maybe she was nice. Having her hand grabbed again, Hana smiled without noticing.
Nagato finally made it to the dorm. He saw the names. " coolio. * he heads that way. He didn't really care just as long as they didn't give them all one bed.
Anna checked her phone when it went off. Reading the message made her eyes widen. This was what was happening? How... odd.

Though it could be worse. She didn't know who her roommates were, but she hoped they didn't know who she was.

As she walked up the stairs of the dorm, she jumped in surprise as she heard thoughts, addressing her specifically, loud and clear. She spun around and saw a younger boy and girl.

The boy was bowing to her. Anna was taken back. "I-Uhh- Well Hello? I'm Anna I guess and uhh..."

She looked away, getting flustered.


Stewart looked confused as Miwa stopped and checked her phone. Speaking if, his phone just went off. Checking it, he blinked in shock. Different indeed. Only time would tell what this will result in.

And he wondered what kind of people he was paired up with.

That train of thought was unfortunately broken as he heard Miwa. He looked up and saw her curse Kenji. She then took off. He put his hand up, but by the time he did she was off and going at said boy.

He sighed and looked away. Oh Miwa. He wasn't going to get into that.

He checked the list again. Still odd, but he'd probably get used to it. Not sure how much he liked being the only guy in his room, but not much he could do.

He then sent GRIMEZ a message.

King_McG: Nice. I'm thinking a good Ole fashion round of TF2. Haven't done that in a while.

Stewart also noticed the coincidence that GRIMEZ was very similar to the last name of one of his new roommates...

Today was just full of interesting things.
♛ Miyuki Akiyama ♛
After hearing the announcement, Miyuki couldn't help but become more and more curious.. and worried on what that crashing sound was. Had it something to do with why classes were delayed? She wanted to know.. but she knew she couldn't.. not alone. With a sigh, Miyuki hurried herself to the dormitories. Apparently they were trying a new system, a co-ed dorm with three roommates. She wondered if she had anyone she knew.. making her way through a crowd of students, she managed to get to the front reading the large names of groups of people assigned to dorms... until.. "Ah! Miwa-chan and Ken-kun!" She exclaimed happyily to herself. they were people she knew, she felt relieved. Maybe this new system wouldn't be so bad after all! Or so she thought... just as she was put in a happy mood to be with people she knew, it was completely ruined when she noticed a few people standing infront of her dorm, watching something.. or someone. "Kenji?! Miwa!? What're you two doing!" She shouted, pushing her way through the crowd. Miwa was on Kenji's shoulders, her usual dark aura that was with her because of her Alice, was all around her, as she fought and screamed at Kenji. Kenji was fighting for his dear life to get her off, shouting curses as Miwa managed to leave some scratches on him. That was that.. this was going to far! What if a teacher were to come and see this!? "That enough!" She cried, her Alice slicking the floor and going towards the troublesome duo, it went around the area where Kenji was walking causing him to slip and fall on his stomach, Miwa still on his back. "Ow! Miyuki!? What was that for?! She was the one that attack me!" Cried the fiery red-head. "You two, come with with me." Spoke the silver haired girl coldly. The room around them seemed to chill, the students that gathered around ran off, not wanting to face he ice queen's wrath. She grabbed the two by the ears and pulled them into the dorm they were sharing, her hands ice cold. Closing the door behind them, she released their ears and crossed her arms. "What were you guys doing?" She questioned, all sign of kindness and shyness gone from her face. "What if one of the teachers saw you fighting like that?" She scolded. Her ice cold expression softened. "We're suppose to be roommates, why are we fighting?" "She started it." Stated Kenji, pointing at his partner in crime.
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Miwa was ticked. Kenji was blaming her?! Maybe she had started the fight, but one of them was doomed to start it anyway. "Want a reason, Akiyama? KENJI, THAT'S A REASON! You honestly expect us to be all lollipops and rainbows? You're delusional if you think that! Plain stupid!" Miwa, though not having the same Alice as the Ice Queen here, could go from friendly to Stewart to fighting with her roommates in seconds. Miwa stamped her foot into the ground. "No way. No way. No way that this is happening."
Miwa charged her fist with darkness and punched the door down, opening the entrance to the room. "Crap. They'll pay for that." Miwa turned to Kenji. "This'll have to do. Unbelievable, but it'll have to do. By the gods this is crazy." She filled her palm with negative, chaotic energy. "Don't get in my way, or else you're going straight to hell."
She stormed off (though there wasn't much space) and jumped on her bed. "Dang it."
That's when she felt her Alice let loose. She was in an orb of hate, chaos, and negativity, but she didn't care. The whole room was beginning to get darker; she didn't care. She had just yelled at her best frenemy; that didn't change the fact that she didn't give a dang.
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Chojin wake up as he saw that he was the only one left he got out of bed and walk to the other dorms "can you guys shut UP" he cried out to them.
✞Felix Lacroix
"Hahaha, don't worry about it Miss Anna let's talk more in the dorm" Getting the dorm key out of his pocket he opened the door and walked in ushering the two girls in sitting on the bed farther away from the two other beds closer to each other he began to talk "So I'm Felix Lacroix I'm 12 years old and a two star I like my Sister, Reading, Chess, Violin, Helping and Sweets i also
Dislike Lies, Spicy foods, and Bitter foods. I also work at the clinic for training so most days ill be there instead of class." Finishing his introduction he smiled and waited for the two to respond.
♛ Miyuki Akiyama ♛
Stupid. Delusional. Maybe the words kept looming an ugly dark cloud over her head.. "Maybe she's right.." muttered the girl, as she lowered her eyes. Miyuki's mixed emotions had finally tooken control as more ice began to spread around her. Noticing this, Miyuki jumped and quickly apologized. "M-Miyuki, you're alright. You know Miwa didn't mean it.. she just needs time to calm down, that's-" before their red haired friend could finish, Miyuki turned and left their shared dorm. "Yadaa... girls are such a pain at times.." muttered Kenji to himself quietly, rubbing the back of his head. With a sigh, Kenji decided to take a seat in his room and let things calm down, Miyuki would get over it quickly, she always did... or.. at least he hoped so. She looked more hurt than usual. He knew that he and Miwa always fought, and Miyuki usually always had to play the bad guy.. but.. he never seen her act like that.
Meanwhile with Miyuki, she had decided to go the dorms rooftop to relax herself, and get her Alice under control..
✿ Hana Azumi ✿
Once entered into their dorm, Hana released Felix's hand and sat on one of the other beds. Seeing it was time to get to know one another, Hana wrote in her sketchbook quickly. "Hello, My name is Hana Azumi. I'm twelve years old and I'm.. mute. But don't think lowly of me, I can still answer any questions you have and be a great help for you!"