Bitty [1x1 Yui & romamaro)


Well-Known Member
Magnus Fletcher sat in his modest wooden home, dividing his attention between eating his breakfast of bread, cheese, and water, and sharpening an arrow head with a blade. Today, like every second day, was a hunting day. The previous day, a selling day, had raked him in a pretty penny with the selling of a fine bearskin. If he wanted, he could have taken the day off, but what was a day if it wasn't productive?

The dropped the final sharpened arrow into the pile with the rest and finished his breakfast, eager to get out to the wild. Before he even swallowed the last mouthful, he was standing. He dusted off his brown tunic of breadcrumbs and gathered his fifty or so arrows into his arms, shuffling over to his equipment wall. From there, he picked out a yew wood bow and a large quiver, slipping the arrows into it's body and slinging it over his back. He stopped to check he had his knives safely on his belt - there was an extensive collection - and once his boots were tied, he was out of his home and away down the path.

On the way to the forest, Magnus spotted many familiar faces, despite it only being around six in the morning. Being one of the most successful hunters the town had ever seen, he was popular enough. He said good morning to most every person he saw, these people including the butcher, a fellow hunter, a seamstress, and a decorator, all of whom were also colleagues of his. Because of where he had had his home built, it was only a five minute walk to the forest.

The edge of the forest was just as always; dark, ominous, and filled with the promise of good money to the right man. Magnus smiled at the sight of it. After ten years of nearly daily hunting, it was comforting to see his place of near endless wealth. Without a second more thought, he walked right in.

As soon as he was a decent distance in, the only thing he could think of was the animals that were around him, somewhere, just unseen. He let himself go silent, and a few seconds later, he heard a rustling in the trees above him. Slow, steady, he knocked an arrow on the string. His gaze drifted upwards to the treetops, and there it was. A fat pigeon, ready for the spit. Still with that smirk on his face, he aimed, and let loose.

The pigeon fell to the ground with an almighty thump, and with that sound other birds flew from the trees. Magnus let out a quick 'aha!' before rushing over to his kill. He grabbed it by the feel and lifted it up into the air, pulling the arrow from it's neck. It was a clean enough shot, and it was a good looking bird. He stuffed it into the small bag across his chest and then continued on through the forest, ears pricked for every and any little sign of life.
He could soon hear a low pitiful groan of pain. Upon looking for where it came from, he came across what was no rodent or little animal, no not at all. On the ground, curled up and in visible pain, was a tiny, palm-sized person. A girl. If that wasn't strange enough, connected to her back was a pair of pretty, delicate wings .. or what were once pretty and delicate. They'd been mangled by something, bent at awkward angles, and he could see her trembling, terrified. Her silvery hair was a mess, and a pair of mismatched eyes were what connected with his. One was lilac, and the other shone pink. Her dress, elegant by the looks of it, was full of tears and a few holes.
Magnus froze at the sound, listening to hear it again. There is was! He turned his body slowly, anticipating an easy kill. He could tell that the moan was coming from somewhere behind the bushes. He pushed himself straight up into standing, pulling a knife out of his belt as he did. Without fully seeing the creature just yet, he lifted his knife to finish it off. Eventually, his eyes fell on the odd little person. In confusion, his knife slipped from his grasp and tumbled into the bushes. He didn't seem to care about it all too much, just staring in bewilderment at the little person.

"What in the name of the Lord?" He mumbled, reaching down. He slipped his hands under the body of the little woman and lifted her up. Until this moment, he hadn't noticed the wings. Now that he felt their delicate smoothness on his rough palm, he jumped and nearly dropped the girl altogether. He bent his head closer in to get a look at the wings, then gasped. "Did I do that?" He whispered.
The little woman look at him at him with wide eyes. She couldn't tell what it was for her vision was blurry, but something was standing over her. It was tall. Very tall. But then again, everything was to her. It scared her. The little woman tried to get away, but she then realized she was now laying in the man's hand and had to stop. It didn't matter anyway, as the moment she moved, pain erupted throughout her. She coughed. She had no choice but to lay there, her body trembling with fear.

"Please...don't hurt me..." She chocked out.
Magnus' eyes widened. He wasn't expecting the thing to be able to talk! The more he looked at her, the stranger she became. Her hair was silver - not grey, silver - and her eyes were not only odd colours, but entirely different from each other. Maybe was dreaming, or maybe his bread had been filled with ill will. In any case, she had spoken, so he was obliged to speak back.

"Gosh, I did do that, didn't I?" He whispered. He looked around, as if there would be another little woman who could help. From what he could see, there wasn't. He looked back down at the silver haired little woman, all battered and ruined, though very very odd, and felt the bubble of guilt in his chest grow. How was he going to leave her here? He took a deep breath. "H-how can I help you?" He whispered.
The woman didn't reply. Her eyes felt heavy and her breathing was shallow. She tried to speak again but nothing came out of her mouth and instead, he eyes closed and she went silent. She was still for a while and didn't move. Luckily though, it soon became clear that she had only fallen unconscious, but she was likely to be dead soon if she was left here.
Magnus watched the little woman's life seemingly start to flicker out, face cramping into worry and distress. He watched her chest rise and fall, and knew what he had to do. He spun on his heel and cupped his hands over the little woman to hide her from anyone watching, and started to rush out of the forest, avoiding tripping with all of his might.

A couple minutes later, he was out of the forest. He started to sprint now, reassured by the flat ground. The five minute walk was shortened to a two minute one with the speed he moved at, and he rushed into his home without care. He hurried to his dinner table and finally, uncupped his hands to look at the little lady. He winced at the state of her, and lay her down on the clean dinner table surface. He stared at the little woman, honestly lost on what to do. Her wings looked like the most of the damage. Were they torn?

This was maddening. He was about to try and fix a little person's wings.

Even still, the wings didn't look torn. Magnus slipped his quiver off his back and picked out one of the slightly shorter ones. Cautiously, he snapped off the head and the fletching, leaving them on the table. He looked at the leftover stick, and then snapped it in two, then snapped those parts in two. The pieces of wood were now around the size of the wings. He turned to his wall of bows and rushed over. There was a cheap, ugly looking one that he tugged off the wall. He drew another one of his knives - damn, he'd dropped his good one, he'd have to go back and get it - and went to work at sawing off the string. It came loose, then he cut it in two again. He rushed back to the table.

Together with the string and the bits of wood, he started to straighten out the wings in such a way that they stood up straight. He then placed the wooden sticks against them and tied them up with the string. When he was finished, the wings were nearly perfectly straight, with only a few creases to be seen.

Magnus turned his attention to the dress. There was no way he was going to undress the little lady; he was a man of good morals! Feeling like he could do nothing else, he collected a wooden mug filled with semi-cold water and added a pinch of sugar, setting it down on the table for the little lady to refresh herself when she woke up again.
After, about an hour or so, the woman's eyes fluttered open slowly. The large trees were gone and so was the lush green grass and the sounds of animals. She could see clearly now too She found herself staring at a rather tall man-- so much so it frightened her. She must be in his house. Despite the gentle look on his face, the little woman shrieked and tried to run, only to slip and fall. Her wings were still upright though.

After that little mishap, she pulled herself back up. "Oww..." She mumbled. She tried to fly next, but her wings still in pain from before so she quickly stopped trying that the moment she began. The woman gave up on getting away and nervously looked at the man. "Um... excuse me..." She said.
Magnus hadn't left the home since he'd tried to fix the little woman's wings. In the hour, he had plucked the pigeon clean of it's feathers and had wrapped it up in cloth to keep it from the bugs. It sat on the other end of the kitchen table, well out of the way of the unconscious woman. When she finally woke up, he was facing away, staring out of the window, looking out to the forest. He jumped at the sound of her tripping, and whipped his head around. He watched the little woman, quelling a chuckle as he made sure she was okay.

He smiled politely. "I made you some sugar water, if you want it," he leant over and lifted up the wooden mug, and screwed up his face. "Ah, it's warm anyways," he said with a shake of his head, pushing it away. He looked back at the lady. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Uh...a little bit," the woman replied. The little woman tilted her head to the side a little as she observed him and the house for a little. "...Do you live here?" She asked.
Magnus chuckled and glanced around the modest little home. "Why, of course I do," he said with a smile. "It's not much, but it's mine." He glanced at the woman, and sighed. "Sorry for this, but..." he turned in his seat and looked at the woman in the eyes, "what are you?"
The woman was quiet for a bit, seemingly afraid to answer. After a moment, she gave in and spoke. "My name is Harmonia," She said. "And I'm...a fairy..."
Magnus blinked a few times, then laughed. "You're joking." He said, placing both hands on the table. He looked the little lady up and down. Well, what else could she be? "Fairies aren't real. They' kids books."
Harmonia frowned at him and then walked up to him. She closed her eyes for, seemingly concentrating on something. "Hm...the tone of your heart says you're in denial," the so-called fairy said moments after a an almost mischievous smirk.
Magnus blinked a few times, then raised an eyebrow. "The tone of my...heart." He repeated. There was a long pause. "Do you mean the tone of my voice?" He asked.
She shook her head. "Nope. You see, I'm a fairy of music, and my kind have the ability to hear someone's tone. What it sounds like determines how one could actually be feeling inside. Didn't you say you read stuff about us in kid's book?"
Magnus stared blankly, then shook his head. "I mean, all fairies do in books is steal your shoes and fix them before anyone realises. Or make traps for chipmunks, or something."
Harmonia stared at him blankly for a bit. Was that really it? Real or not, there had to be more things mentioned. "Well... that's some of things fairies do, but not the majority..." She said.
Magnus snickered. "Really now?" He put hands down on the table. "What do most of the fairies do, then?" He asked, voice hinting at a challenge.
"I would like to show you, but I don't have the energy to right now," Harmonia said. "So I guess I'll tell you."