Blood Handy

She blinks slightly at him then nods and takes his hand. She gives him the location she needed to be at.
As soon as they got there, she set to work at the still gushing pipe. Her tool belt strapped around her waist now. The pipes had been completely smashed. An older looking male was by the pipe trying to stop the water.

"Mark! Why isn't the power off yet?!" She shouted at him.

The old man shakes his head. "He messed with that too. The grid can't get shut down. We have to stop the water."

She wanted to scream in aggravation. "Get the main shut down all the way back to the left 3yz. Should give us relief on pressure." She had moved to a second pipe while Mark got on the phone with water control.

The water starts to ease up. Not before a piece of the pipe splintered off from the pressure and dug into her side a little. She didn't notice the pain as she was focused on the job.

It took several long minutes but she managed to get the water stopped. " Im going to kill him."
All Ghirahim could do was watch in confusion and slight worry. Seeing her get injured though ticked him off a bit and he growled, going up next to her. "What the hell just happened!? You've gone an injured yourself! And just WHO are you talking about?"
She didn't look at him as she finished sealing up the pipe. Once she was sure the water was done flowing and would no longer reach the grid, she looks at him. "The master vampire for the city."

She moved to check a secondary pipe and nods to Mark. "It's all sealed. Call Daniel and get in a order for piping and a new shut off. Need to rebuild this section and close it back up."

Mark nodded and set to making the phone calls.

She glances at her side. She had a small scrape but she knew beneath the skin she had at least one broken rib and two fractures. The impact hadnt been good. The area was already bruising up.
"Tch, you humans sure can be vulnerable. If what he just damaged is so dangerous why do you have it in the first place?" He reached forward and gripped her arm, making her hold it up so he could inspect her side better. "I'd offer you a potion but I'm running short myself on resources. My minions failed to restock on time. . .Are there any human doctors around or will I have to mend to you myself?"
She grimaced when he moved her arm but didn't argue as she held her arm up so h3 could inspect the bruising area. "I can see my doctor."

She shakes her head. "This pipe handles the water for the entire city and that grid runs the electricity for the entire city. If the water had reached the grid, it could have set off an explosion or electrocuted the entire city."
"Why don't you guys use candles then? It's not that hard to light a fire."

He sighed, suddenly scooping her up. "Well, where's your doctor then? I'll take you there. Don't go romanticizing or anything human. I know I'm amazing and all, but I simply don't think I'm ready for anything serious~" Sheesh, bragger much?
She tried not to yelp in pain as he picked her up suddenly. " we use it because it is more efficiet." She grimaced and rested her head on his chest from the pain. " Do not worry male. I don't see you as a romantic type." She smiles faintly. No she didn't see him wanting anything to do with a weak human.

She nods a little and gave him the location of her doctor. She nods to Mark. "Keep me posted. Get the team on fixing this and set up a barrier on that grid. If any one finds him, I'll deal with him." She retorts at the look she got from Mark. It was a mix of concern and worry.
He smirked slightly before looking around. "You've any carriages around here? I can only teleport so much without fainting. It takes up a lot of energy you know, and I'm rather tired."
Mark blinks and looks at the male confused for a moment before, yelling at one of the crew that drove up. "Give me your keys."

The man handed them over and he looks to the male and nods. "Come on. I'll drive you."
Mark guided him to the truck and got them all in. She tried to not to make a sound still as he got them into the truck and began driving to the doctor.

She grimaced and bites her lip. "Stop freaking out. It's just some broken ribs. I'm fine."

Mark snorts. "You have a master vampire , the master vampire of the city wanting you and is determined to destroy the city if you don't say yes."

She glares at Mark. "Enough. I will never say yes to him. End of discussion."
Once in, he adjusted and looked at her concerned. "Wants you?" Ghirahim raised a brow. "You mean someone so powerful is offering you a chance to join him and you're denying him? But why? Do you have your mind set on someone better?"
She looks away slightly. "I don't make a habit of joining up with the thing that killed my father." She grimaced. "He has been trying to convince me that I need him and that he didn't kill my father. I saw him standing over my father's body when I found him."

Mark grits his teeth and shakes his head. "Told you to you to leave this city and get off grid so he could never found."

She glares at Mark. "I'm not running from my home because some egotistical blood suckers can't take the word no."

They finally reach the doctors.
"Ah. . .I see. . . .I understand then." He frowned, ear lowered a bit. "I know what it's like to lose parents." When they arrived he looked out the window and stared a moment. "Wow, this place looks really advanced. . ." Cautiously, he shifted so he could open the door and step out without hurting her.
She glanced at him as he mentioned losing his parents. She hadnt expected him to open up at all.

She didn't have time to ask him anything though as it was time to get out of the truck. It was difficult to not make a sound now as the pain had gotten worse. She grits her teeth tightly but still whimpered.

Mark had gotten out and was ready to lead him inside to the doctor.
Ghirahim looked off in the distance when glanced at, not really wanting to explain anything. Seeing Mark he followed curiously, earring waving lightly from the wind. "So this is where you come for medical aid?" His head turned several directions as he entered, eyes absorbing the new sights. "So how much do they charge?"
She had paled more from the pain but still managed to be able to talk. "They don't charge me as much I as try to get them too. Saved the city too often apparently."

Mark had gotten a nurse and they were now rushing over with the bed to get her looked at. "Lay her down gently. Looks like it may be an upper rib that broke. Any wrong movement could send that rib into her lung."
He grinned a bit. "I suppose I should take a lesson from that? Kindness seems to pay off in the end, at least for you. " Hearing the nurses words made him want to shiver. What a horrific thought. Carefully and slowly he set her on the bed. "I still have research to do, so you're not allowed to die, understand?" he asked, crossing his arms.