
Serina nods a little at Maelith's words. "Yes. I'm sure they will use you if they can." She ignores the discomfort of movement in the chair a little. "I guess we better get back to brain storming." She smiles a little and looks around her place then nods to the window that lead to the fire escape. "That's the window there that would take you out to the fire escape." She looks back at Maelith. "I think it would be a good idea to find out exactly how he died and track down the one that did the actual killing. May be the only way to prove I didn't do it. Though the only reason they think I did is because of my weird hair." she rolls her eyes and then shakes her head. "Logic for you."
She smirks slightly as she folds her hands over her stomach, "Let's. What do you have new to tell me?" She asked as she looked her over noticing that movement was a bit strained for Serina, "Hope that heals soon as a trip to see these people may be needed."
She smiles a little and shrugs a bit. "I will be fine." She smiles faintly. "Something else I'm good at is healing rather fast. It will be healed in about a day or two." She shrugs again and nods. "Let me make a call. I might be able to set up a meeting with some of the guards. They had high respect for my parents so maybe they won't jump the gun too." She smiles a little.

Looking for her cell phone, she pulled it out and dialed a number. "Hey, yes I know." She rolls her eyes. "I know. I'm aware of that. I've been home." She listens for a moment more then tenses "What? That isn't possible. How can that be possible?" She shakes her head and nods "Look can we meet up?" She listens again for a moment and nods a bit. "Alright. I'll be there and I will have company with me. She can attest to my location the time of his death." She hangs up and sits down.

Her eyes turn to Maelith. "We have a meeting in half hour. That was the head guard. Apparently there are those who saw the attack." She shakes her head and runs her fingers through her long hair, taking it from the braid as she did. "They are claiming they saw a white dragon kill the boss. As in an actually mythical dragon. So hence why they all are pointing fingers at me." She grumbles then says "I'm nicknamed White dragon in the underbelly....well one of my names."
Maelith hummed softly as she nodding her understanding to needing to wait for the other to make some calls. She needed to get her hands on some paper and a pen so she could be of better use to every one. It wasn't like she had the ability to remember every thing she heard. Tapping her chin she mentally assested things as she knew them to be as of now.

Serina was apart of an underground network of assassins that worked by a moral code to keep every one in line. Some one just killed the head of the group. People think it was Serina that killed said person. As this was the case it was easy to think that the would be assassin Serina dispatched in her house after she and Maelith had met was out to kill Serina.

The side of the converstation she heard made her arch her brow and study the other while they chatted into the phone in her hand. When she got off the phone and told her the news she seemed a little surprised, "Dragons..." She smiled softly, "I will have to see this for myself. How was he said to be killed?" She knew a dragon who had the ability to change into human form. They were rare and normally kept to themselves.
She shakes her head. "He said that the witnesses saw a human form standing over the body that was completely covered in the black gear of one of our own and the boss's body on the ground in a pool of blood." She braids her hair back again then moves to stand up. She walks over to the chair with her jacket and pulls it on, getting it adjusted and comfortable for her.

"Then they said the form turned into a large white dragon." She pauses a little and shakes her head. "Even if that was the case, why kill the boss? Unless he did stumble across something he shouldn't have in the research I gave him which would explain why they framed me...." She rubs her head a little. "That sounds farfetched though doesn't it." She says to Maelith then shakes her head. "He said he had a sample of hair and something else that he'll show us when we go to meet him."

"If it is a dragon and we are dealing with something of the sort...I'm not going to lie, I've never come across such beings in my life. I know humans and how they react and how to stop them but a dragon....that's something else entirely." She regards Maelith a moment. "Do you know something else?"
Standing she tilts her head, "I happen to know some one who might be of use to us. It might behard as hell to get ahold of them though," Damien was a strange dragon. He kept to himself, kept off the radar mostly because it kept people from pointing out his obnoxiously red hair. She pulled her phone and navigated to the text page and sent a message hoping the hot head hadn't melted his phone again.

"Let's go so we know if we are being set up," She explained, "Your people have yet to prove to be friendly."
Serina shrugs a little at the comment about her saying her people weren't friendly. "Yeah...we aren't exactly good in social settings." She smirks a little. "You should see us at parties. Gets interesting real fast." She smiles then nods. "Any help will be appreciated because I'm not sure exactly how to prove to them I'm not a dragon or at least unable to change into one."

Heading out the door she leads Maelith through the store once more and outside. Once they were outside she starts to lead the way to the location where they would meet at. It was a familiar place and one that was a usual for stuff like this. If it was a set up, she would know instantly as soon as the place came into sight. The guy she spoke with though, usually always had her back.

The building they reached looked like it had been left for construction years ago and then left alone by the construction crews in the past year. Once there, she looks to Maelith. "Don't let them get to you. They can be testy but also don't let them walk all over you. It's a hard balance but I think you can do it." She smiles a bit then leads the way inside. Once in the building, it was easy to find a rather common route used and she followed it. It all seemed in order. If it was a trap they would have sprung it already because at the meeting location there was no way to spring a trap. That was how they had designed it so there could be no problems.

Once at the spot, she stops and looks around a little. They were a few minutes early and that was fine by her.
Nodding she followed the other to the location. It made her pause for a moment as she looked over the half constructed buiding. It clearly wasn't occupied which made her happy. As they moved into place she pulled her phone out of her pocket as it buzzed. The simple text that greeted her made her smile before she glanced at the female, "Proof might be here before you realize it. And I will keep that in mind. People don't bother me easily."

She sent a reply to Damien that he should find the antique shop on Marque Ave and wait on the shop steps for her. She might be a bit. Her gaze danced over the place again as she wondered where the person they were meeting was.
It was a moment more before there was the sound of movement. "You know Serina, even as a child you were a headache." A tall muscular man stepped from the shadows. His eyes a dark brown that made them look black, which glanced over Maelith as if sizing the other woman up a little then he looks back towards Serina.

Serina rolled her eyes at the older man. His clothing was a deep green color that made him more of a shadow than anything. " I'm not that big of a headache." She shrugs then sighs "Though I'm sure this isn't helping." She watches him a little then nods. "You said you had some evidence from the site?"

He nods and moves forward. Just as she said, he wasn't much for social settings and didn't bother with introducing himself. He pulls out a small white piece of metal. Or at least it looked like metal at first. When he dropped it into her hand, she realized it was a scale. Her eyes widen and she looks to him. "Who saw it?" She asks.

"Two main Watchers. They were both clear of substance and were of sound mind. They saw a dragon. As white as your hair." He said regarding her. "I have known you since birth Serina. If you could do such a thing as turn into a dragon, everyone would know about it. They are just freaked out. Keep to the shadows and let this blow over. Do not try and do what I think you are going to try and do, especially if the boss did pick a fight with something mythical."

She shakes her head. "I will not hide and I will not be hunt just because I have white hair." she grumbles.

The look the man gave her though suggested something else. "We both know it's not just your hair that has them convinced." He turns his eyes on the other woman now. He regards her again but spoke to Serina. "Why is she with you? She is a civilian at best."
Gritting her teeth she shivered slightly. It was an annoyance that he was able to sneak up on her. She took a gentle breath as she took him in. He was attractive in that black cat sort of way. As he glanced her over then began chatting with Serina Maelith tilted her head trying to determine if he would seek her danger. Her gun likely wouldn't be any use unless she got in a head shot she determined. When he pulled out the scale she moved closer, "Can I see that?" She asked softly as she pointed at the object. She knew well that dragon scales were hard as diamond and couldn't be pulled off easily.

If what she was seeing was indeed a scale and she was sure it was the owner was in pain and likely very angry, "Was it in his hand?" She asked clearly not caring what the man thought of her, "I'm Maelith," Her name was shadow in Gaelic. The scale was indeed white like Serina's hair, but unlike the female's hair it held no grey. So likely not her's.
Serina gave the male a sharp look and he seemed to almost pout but then sighs and nods. "Yes, found in his right hand." He regards the woman carefully for a moment as he realized that this woman that Serina had brought with her may actually know about dragons and not just be someone who could say where Serina was at the time of the death.

Serina looks to Maelith a little as she saw the look in the woman's eyes. "What do you think?" She asks curiously, finding herself valuing the words of a woman that she had only just met not to long ago.
"The scale is real but there's no way it is yours even if you could transform into a drake," She states, "Your looking for some one with very white hair. Serina's has grey as well."

She pointed at the point of the scale, "This could be an old scale or one that was loose for whatever reason as these aren't easy to pull loose though it depends on what kind of drake they are and where this scale was located on the body. If he had yanked it off without having permission she might decide to kill him but I have a feeling there was some trust between the two. Perhaps he hurt her in some way? Do you know of any one he might have had a relationship with outside of your group?"

Her knowledge came from her dragon friend who was waiting for them at the shop. Likely testy as hell by the time they got there.
The male regarded Maelith very carefully, his eyes narrowing a little. He glanced to Serina before he nods. "There was a rumor that he was seeing someone. His son would know more but as you can imagine he isn't exactly in the talking mood right now." He says then nods to Serina. "As soon as I hear more. I will contact you." He says and then seemed to disappear from sight as he walked back into the shadows.

Serina sighs and nods a little. "Great....not sure that was good news or bad news." She mutters then looks to Maelith. "Let's get back to the shop." She says and leads the way out of the building.
"Be aware there is some one waiting on your doorstep not that you would be able to kill him very easily," She warned the assassin as they headed back to the shop. Her mind was busy while they walked, "I'll be needing a note book and pen soon," She told her, "Also it might be best for you to stay at my place for a while. After all one person has tried to kill you already."

The testy man that sat on the top step of the shop was one that clearly gave off an air of being something deadly. His golden eyes glowed just as the cherry on the cigerette in his left hand held between his forefinger and middle. His choppy hair looked darker than it was. The blood red color drawing the eye almost instantly. His frame was slinder with broad shoulders clad in a black shirt with a white image with words and a pentagram. His jeans were tattered up and down the legs. He stood when he saw the women. At six foot two he was a large man. Damien's voice was a sharp deep tenor that made it clear he wasn't happy about being called on, "Oi, Mael this isn't cool. Who's the," He looked her over slowly, "Assassin?" He questioned but he could smell the blood from her wound.

"Serina meet Damien. Damien, Serina," Maelith smiled softly at the angry male, "Chill we have some things to chat about but not out here," She motioned for Serina to lead the way into the shop.
Serina blinked a bit when Maelith mentioned that they would have a guest waiting. The woman worked fast it seemed. This was becoming a very strange day indeed. She nods and lead the way home. Once there it was to meet this so called guest. She had been right about the not killing him easily. That much was evident in his eyes and the fact that with just looking at her, he already knew what she was.

Strange indeed. She nods and moves forward into the shop after unlocking it. She lead the way upstairs to the living quarters. She rummaged through a shelf for a moment then returned with a notebook and then pulled a pen from a draw and handed them to Maelith, trying to ignore the looks the male was giving her.
Maelith gave him a sour look as she walked up to him. The male towered over the female, "Be nice," She told him softly, "I need your help to make sure the killing stops. Will you help me or let it continue to happen?" His golden eyes stared down into her brown ones. It wasn't long before he was rubbing the back of his head and giving a nod

"Fine fine, I'll help but you are cooking for me as I will be crashing at your place," His gaze danced over to Serina, "Oi, I will help you but no trying to skin me and Mael is under my protection, got it?" The dragon was clearly trying to make it clear he wouldn't take any sneaky actions from her.
Serina arches a brow as she looks to the male and regarded his words. There was a time when she would have gladly gone toe to toe with the male, even if he was a dragon but she only shakes her head. "I will never harm her in any regard." She says and she meant every part of those words. Maelith was one in few who had, without knowing Serina, was already having her back. Moving around her place, she checked a few last minute things and then checked her weapons again. She pulled a bag from her closest that already had extra clothes in it and pretty much anything she would need if having to travel suddenly.

Just as she pulled the straps onto her shoulders, she froze and tilted her head. She looks to the male. "Get her out and down the fire escape." She moves towards the door that lead down the stairs, ignoring the strain to her wound. It wasn't healing as fast as it normally would, something must have been on the blade. She should have checked for that. She could hear the movement downstairs, they were being quiet but it was her store, she knew how the air moved downstairs and it had shifted.
Maelith plopped into a chair as she waited for Serina to gather her things all the while listening to Damien list the things he wanted to eat. Her eyes were closed as she relaxed with the pen and paper in her lap. She was trying to gather her thoughts. Damien's rambling halted suddenly which caused her to open her eyes and stare at him. His gaze was on the door just as Serina issued an order for him to take her down the fire escape. Her eyes widened as she glanced at the dragon. She hadn't mentioned this to any one but him. She was terrified by hights.

"No can do. Hights where Mael can see the open air and the ground leads to a hystarical Mael," He states firmly, "We will go out the front door. Don't try protecting us," Something was changing about his mouth and eyes. They were becoming more dragon in nature. His fangs extended his eyes taking on an eery glow, "Mael is good with her gun and what she can't shoot I will eat."

"Don't cause her any trouble," Came Maelith's voice after a moment, "Do as she says just blindfold me."

The dragon clearly didn't like this idea but huffed. If the insane was willing he would lead them to wonderland. Grabbing Maelith he pulled her to him ripped a strip of his shirt off then wrapped it over her eyes. She heard the window slide open then the rush of wind as the fell down to the ground without the use of the escape stairs. The rather gentle landing was only added by the fact that the dragon was a tough as nails creature. He pulled the blindfold off and stared down at Maelith to make sure she was alright. Seeing she was they both readied for a battle if there was going to be one.
Serina looked over at the dragon about the argue with him but the height thing wasn't something she planned on. Maelith's words though solved that problem. She wanted to smirk at the dragon but decided that would be foolish and once she saw them head for the window, she went down the stairs. She had drawn her glock and moved silently. So far she counted three but that wasn't the only ones. There were two outside as well. She could hear their breathing.

Movement to her left drew her attention but she fired shoots in the opposite direction. A thud was heard as the body hit the ground. Just as she moved to try and fire off at the second target, she felt a sharp sting to her left shoulder as a shot got fired. She grits her teeth and pivots sharply as she kneels on the ground. She squeezes the trigger again and hits the second target. The third darted out from behind the shelf and sent another rain of bullets at her. She ducks behind the bookcase before firing off another final shot. The third body falls.

She grimaces and moves to her feet. "Damn it. You bastards." She grumbles under her breath.
Maelith blinked as she heard sounds headed towards them. Before she could react the Darien's form shifted the rest of the way till he was in his dragon form. he was much larger than most of his kind. At the size of a large draft horse he was something to be feared. His large red scaled head was level with those that approuched his mouth slightly open as a deep rumbling growl escaped him. He wrapped himself half around Maelith. As he did something he hadn't in a truly long time. Fire a dark black color laced with red erupted out of his mouth at the would be attackers.

He was of the european variety of dragons. Standing on all fours with large wings that were folded neatly at his sides. His scales were blood red from his nose to the tip of his sharp spade shaped tip. Maelith and him waited outside for now for Serina.