Conley Brothers

Star considered this for a long moment "well..more reason to stay...Vlad not alone to help you now...I help and twins too..and... others here are kind. They will Camilla, Spectra..." he named the couple he knew "just Keith is bad and not like Felix but others seem kind too.. I think you can find a home here too"
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Kazimir smiled at Star, brightening a little. "Thank you, Starnacht. That is kind of you." He reached out as if to pat Star's shoulder then hesitated, remembering how Star had drawn back earlier.

Just then, Vlad came to the door. "I thought you were making dinner?"

Kazimir turned and smiled brightly. "Yes! But first, I am making talk with little Sternfanger!"

"Conversation. You are making conversation with Star," Vlad sighed.
Star looked up at Vlad "why is making talk wrong to say?" He asked Vlad tilting his head, he still struggled with english sometimes himself
Vlad hesitated then said more gently then he had to Kazimir, "It is not quite proper, that it all. It is better to say, 'making conversation,' or perhaps, 'talking to,' or 'speaking to.' It just takes a bit of time to learn these things."
Vlad glanced at Kaz then shrugged. "If you would like that, I do not see why not. Now, time for food!" He started to reach for the items Kazimir had gathered, but Kaz picked them up first.

"Nu, nu, it is my job! I said I would, and I shall," Kazimir promised. He hopped out of the wagon and whistled as he almost trotted to where the twins were building the fire.

Vlad sighed. "I had better go keep an eye on him." He glanced at Starnacht. "Your wagon will be ready soon so you do not have to sleep in a cupboard any longer. I think I can finish it tonight."
Star hesitated "why do you speak more strong to him?" He meant harsh but didn't know the word for it
Vlad had to think a moment before he understood what Star meant. "It is different with Kazimir," he said. "He is an adult, and my brother, not a child. Our relationship is different." He didn't want to say he found Kazimir annoying. He didn't even mean to be sharp with his brother. Kazimir had only just shown up after years of separation, and he had likely been by himself and suffering, yet as soon as Vlad found himself in the vicinity of Kazimir he felt himself bristling.
Again he hesitated "he knows he makes you annoyed but he try...he tell me he try and love you very much..." he explained
Vlad sighed and reached out, stroking Star's head. "I know he does. It's just... feelings are complicated, and when you've been feeling a certain way for a long time, it is hard to change how you feel. But it is alright. You don't have to worry about it."
Vlad nodded. He didn't want to, but how could he deny Star? Besides, Kazimir was his brother, and he really didn't have the heart to throw him out. Kaz - as the others were calling him - did not do well alone.

"Yes, if he wants to stay, he can stay, although I am not sure where," Vlad mused. "I guess he can sleep on the bench."
M.nn he considered this a moment "maybe find his own wagon too and that way there is space so he won't annoy you so much" he suggested "would that be good thing?"
Vlad smiled and nodded. "Yes. That would be a very good thing." He stood and offered Star his hand. "Shall we go see what Kazimir is cooking?"
Star nodded and took his hand with a smile, rubbing his tired eyes with his other hand "will tomorrow be so loud too?"
"Probably. I am sorry, little Star," Vlad sighed. "Right after we eat, I will go look at the wagon I'm fixing for you and try to finish it. Maybe I can finish it by tomorrow night." He didn't know how much work Kazimir had already put into it.
"Maybe I help and we can make done faster" he suggested though wasn't entirely sure how much help he would actually be.
"That sounds great!" Vlad praised. "Thank you, I could really use your help."

At the campfire, Kazimir was chatting away with the twins while he cooked sausages and some sort of soup or gruel. It was hard to tell what it was, but it smelled good!
Star grinned and his tail wagged excitedly "great!" He said as they walled out to join the others