Dark Stuides

She savored the feel of the hot water that beat on her back. Her body was covered in scars from her torso to her legs.

Once done washing up, she dried off and go dressed. She went out to the couch to find him sleeping. She smiles softly.
The demon opened his eyes as he felt an energy near him. Those red brown orbs locked on her as he sat up then rubbed his face slightly, "You're done?" He asked softly as he stretched slightly. Gods the couch no matter how others might have found it uncomfortable he found to be heaven. It was way better than sleeping on hard cold stone.

The lazy look he gave her was sultry without trying to be. Her hair was still damp and clung in such a way. A drop of water traced a path down her neck that he wanted to taste he found. Sighing he stretched out on the couch in an effort to keep himself at bay.
She smiles a bit to him and nods softly. "Get some rest " She hugs him gently. "I'm gonna try and lay down as well. When we wake up we can get you clothes and I can take you to the library." She smiles softly.
The demon nodded, "Call for me if you need me," He told her just as he had last night as he further made himself comfortable on the couch. Closing his eyes he was thankful for the bathroom light still being on. It reminded him he was free as he let that gentle sleep claim him again.
She nods softly at his words and knew he meant it. She heads to the bedroom and stretches out on her bed. It took her a moment but she slowly starts to fall asleep, curling up beneath her blankets.
The male happily slept for sometime but after two hours or more he found he just couldn't any more and laid there staring up at the ceiling. What was he to do with himself now? He asked himself. Getting up he decided to try and figure out what was in the various cabinnets.
She was able to sleep for a good chunk of time for once ,not the entire not but for a little while.

The cabinets were mostly empty except for what few food items where there. Boxes and bags of various things.
The demon hummed here and there as he found most of the cabinets empty. It was odd but he supposed it was just something she preferred and shrugged it off. After exploring a little he found the cat and settled on the couch for a petting-fest. Leaning back he relaxed till he heard Mary stirring. He was happy to hear she wasn't having a nightmare.
After a little while longer, she began to wake. She blinks a little as she wakes and stared up at her ceiling. Confused for a moment. No nightmare? Was that possible?

She moved to sit up but as she did so it was to find herself trapped. She had a moment of panic but then realized she had tangled herself up in her blankets. So she must have tossed and turned a lot.

With a groan she starts to try and get untangled only she fall out of bed still stuck.
At the thud the male jumped up and rushed into the room, "What are you doing down there?" he asked as he knelt near by to help her get out of the blankets. His eyes danced with amusement.
She looks to Hexel and smiles faintly. "Just got tangled when I tried to get up. "She shrugs a little. She could see that he found it amusing and it was funny.
The male chuckled slightly as he pulled the blankets away finally then pulled her up, "Be careful next time," He told her softly with a smile. It was funny but he also didn't like laughing at any possible pain she might have.
She smiles a bit to him. "Thought I didn't have a nightmare, I guess I still tossed and turned and that's how I got tangled. She shrugs a little and smiles again to him.
Hexel gave a nod as he lead the way into the other room, "I see," He murmured, "Perhaps out of habit," was his conclussion after a moment. He glanced at the cat he had tossed off him onto the couch. The demon was certain Smokey would be angry with him all day.
The cat seemed to grumble at him and leaped from the couch to saunter away from him with her tail in the air.

Mary arches a brow at the actions of her cat. Then looks to Hexel. "You two have a disagreement?" She teased.
The demon smirked, "She didn't like being tossed away for your safety," He commented to her softly, "Perhaps some fish will fix the soured feelings," Hexel winked at the female as he sat down at the kitchen table.
She smiles warmly and nods. "I have something she loves. " She heads to the kitchen. Smokey soon hot on her heels meowing at her. She opens a can of wet food and empties it contents out onto a plate.

Smokey very eagerly ate the treatment, licking her maw when she was done and purring happily.

Mary heads to the couch and sits down, still trying to wake up a little.
He watched rather interested at what was given to the cat. It wasn't like anything he had ever seen before but smelled some what tasty all the same, "Are cats the only ones to eat this?" He asked pointing at the wet food. Hexel was beyond curious about the various things he was learning about this world.
She nods softly to him, "Yeah, it's cat only food. She loves it." She shrugs a little then stretches on the couch before relaxing again. "Once I wake up more ,I'll get dressed and then I can take you to the store. It's small so hopefully won't be busy." She smiles a bit.
The demon nodded as he moved about the kitchen. Having watche her cook the night before he learned where things were and how they worked. Cooking wasn't something one simply forgot when they were of his age. He boiled some water then dropped a few eggs into the liquid. Then pulled a few slices of bread out of the bread box set them on a plates then waited for the eggs to finish boiling. As he did he glancing in the fridge sniffing this and that before finding the butter and adding some to the bread as well as some grape jelly.